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Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Human Resources Work Session Meeting

Committee Members: Moira Lang (Chair), Katie Apker, Jill Tripp
IHS York Hall
400 Lake Street, Ithaca, NY 14850
Attachments and details are included in the Agenda; recommendations and notes are in the Minutes.
Work Sessions are held for the purpose of informal discussions with no formal votes or actions taken.
1. Call to Order
Subject : 1.1 Open Public Meeting
Meeting : Jan 9, 2024 - Human Resources Work Session
Category : 1. Call to Order
Type : Procedural

Public Content
Committee Chair opens public meeting.

2. Public Comment
Subject : 2.1 Public Comment Period
Meeting : Jan 9, 2024 - Human Resources Work Session
Category : 2. Public Comment
Type : Information

Public Content
Comments limited to three minutes per person.

Subject : 2.2 Committee Response

Meeting : Jan 9, 2024 - Human Resources Work Session
Category : 2. Public Comment
Type : Information

3. Approval of Minutes
Subject : 3.1 Approval of Minutes from 12/5/2023 Meeting
Meeting : Jan 9, 2024 - Human Resources Work Session
Category : 3. Approval of Minutes
Type : Committee Approval, Minutes
Public Content
Minutes from 12/5/2023 are attached.

4. Discussion Items
Subject : 4.1 Hiring Updates
Meeting : Jan 9, 2024 - Human Resources Work Session
Category : 4. Discussion Items
Type : Discussion, Information

File Attachments
1.9.24 HR Committee .pdf (315 KB)
Subject : 4.2 2024-25 Recruitment Processes
Meeting : Jan 9, 2024 - Human Resources Work Session
Category : 4. Discussion Items
Type : Discussion, Procedural

File Attachments
1.9.24 HR Committee .pdf (315 KB)
Subject : 4.3 Review of Retirement System
Meeting : Jan 9, 2024 - Human Resources Work Session
Category : 4. Discussion Items
Type : Discussion, Information

File Attachments
1.9.24 HR Committee .pdf (315 KB)
5. Executive Session
Subject : 5.2 Exit Executive Session
Meeting : Jan 9, 2024 - Human Resources Work Session
Category : 5. Executive Session
Type :

6. Action Items
Subject : 6.1 Action Items Assigned
Meeting : Jan 9, 2024 - Human Resources Work Session
Category : 6. Action Items
Type : Procedural

7. Agenda Setting
Subject : 7.1 Agenda Setting for Next Meeting
Meeting : Jan 9, 2024 - Human Resources Work Session
Category : 7. Agenda Setting
Type : Procedural

Public Content
Tuesday, 2/6/2023 6:30 p.m. BoE Human ResourcesWork Session - Board Room

8. Adjournment
Subject : 8.1 Close Public Meeting
Meeting : Jan 9, 2024 - Human Resources Work Session
Category : 8. Adjournment
Type : Procedural

Public Content
Committee Chair closes public meeting.

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