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Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Monthly Discussion and Voting Meeting

IHS York Hall
400 Lake Street, Ithaca, NY 14850
Tuesday- 5:30 p.m. (Anticipated motion to immediately enter into executive session. Board expects to
resume public session at 7:00 p.m.)

Our VISION: 6,000+ Thinkers.

Our MISSION is to engage, educate, and empower. We will strive to engage all students in the
importance and relevance of thinking; to educate every learner to communicate, comprehend, and
collaborate for understanding; and to empower all in the ICSD to achieve academic excellence.

Ithaca City School District GOALS:

* Culture of Excellence: To foster an affirming and respectful culture of excellence where all students
maximize their potential and where we as a community of educators take responsibility for the success of
each student.
* Equity: Produce Academic Achievement for ALL students by removing race, class, gender and disability
as predictors of academic success.
* Communication: To enhance district, family and community communication and dialogue.

Attachments and details of resolutions are included in the Agenda on the website; motions and voting
results and notes will be in the Minutes. Video segments are attached to most agenda items after the
minutes are released.
1. Call to Order
Subject : 1.1 Call Public Meeting to Order
Meeting : Jan 30, 2024 - Monthly Discussion and Voting
Category : 1. Call to Order
Type : Procedural

Public Content
Board President calls public meeting to order.

2. Executive Session (Anticipated)

Subject : 2.1 Enter Executive Session
Meeting : Jan 30, 2024 - Monthly Discussion and Voting
Category : 2. Executive Session (Anticipated)
Type : Action
Recommended Action : "Motion to enter into executive session for the purpose of
discussing the promotion or tenure of particular
employees and the evaluation of the Superintendent."
Public Content
1. Upon a majority vote of its total membership, taken in an open meeting pursuant to a motion
identifying the general area or areas of the subject or subjects to be considered, a public body may
conduct an executive session for the below enumerated purposes only, provided, however, that no
action by formal vote shall be taken to appropriate public moneys:

a. matters which will imperil the public safety if disclosed;

b. any matter which may disclose the identity of a law enforcement agent or informer;
c. information relating to current or future investigation or prosecution of a criminal offense
which would imperil effective law enforcement if disclosed;
d. discussions regarding proposed, pending or current litigation;
e. collective negotiations pursuant to article fourteen of the civil service law;
f. the medical, financial, credit or employment history of a particular person or corporation, or
matters leading to the appointment, employment, promotion, demotion, discipline,
suspension, dismissal or removal of a particular person or corporation;
g. the preparation, grading or administration of examinations; and
h. the proposed acquisition, sale or lease of real property or the proposed acquisition of
securities, or sale or exchange of securities held by such public body, but only when publicity
would substantially affect the value thereof.

2. Attendance at an executive session shall be permitted to any member of the public body and any
other persons authorized by the public body.

Motion & Voting

"Motion to enter into executive session for the purpose of discussing the promotion or tenure of
particular employees and the evaluation of the Superintendent."

Motion by Karen Yearwood, second by Moira Lang.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Garrick Blalock, Sean Eversley Bradwell, Eldred V Harris, Adam Krantweiss, Moira Lang, Jill Tripp,
Karen Yearwood
Not Present at Vote: Katie Apker
Subject : 2.2 Exit Executive Session
Meeting : Jan 30, 2024 - Monthly Discussion and Voting
Category : 2. Executive Session (Anticipated)
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to return to Public Session.

3. Return to Public Session

Subject : 3.1 Pledge of Allegiance
Meeting : Jan 30, 2024 - Monthly Discussion and Voting
Category : 3. Return to Public Session
Type : Procedural
4. Receiving and Hearing of Delegations
Subject : 4.1 Approval or Modification of Tentative
Meeting : Jan 30, 2024 - Monthly Discussion and Voting
Category : 4. Receiving and Hearing of Delegations
Type : Procedural
Subject : 4.2 Public Comment Period
Meeting : Jan 30, 2024 - Monthly Discussion and Voting
Category : 4. Receiving and Hearing of Delegations
Type : Information

Public Content
Max 30 minutes. Comments limited to three minutes per person. Sign in at front desk.

Subject : 4.3 Board Response

Meeting : Jan 30, 2024 - Monthly Discussion and Voting
Category : 4. Receiving and Hearing of Delegations
Type :
Subject : 4.4 Student Reps
Meeting : Jan 30, 2024 - Monthly Discussion and Voting
Category : 4. Receiving and Hearing of Delegations
Type : Report

Public Content
Ithaca High School: Mukund Gaur, Claire Park, Lucine Barseghyan, Caedmon Sethupathy

LACS: Stella Sapp-Dietrich, Leo Scott, Oden Entwood

Subject : 4.5 Board Response

Meeting : Jan 30, 2024 - Monthly Discussion and Voting
Category : 4. Receiving and Hearing of Delegations
Type : Discussion
5. Consent Agenda
Subject : 5.1 Approval of Consent Agenda
Meeting : Jan 30, 2024 - Monthly Discussion and Voting
Category : 5. Consent Agenda
Type : Action (Consent)
Recommended Action : Motion to move for approval all consent agenda items
listed in Consent Agenda, Consideration of Accounts,
Personnel Report, Students, and Minutes of Previous
Meeting as presented

Public Content
Our adopted rules of Parliamentary Procedure, Robert's Rules, provide for a consent agenda listing
several items for approval of the Board by a single motion. Most of the items listed under the
consent agenda have gone through Board subcommittee review and recommendation.
Documentation concerning these items has been provided to all Board members and the public in
advance to assure an extensive and thorough review. Items may be removed from the consent
agenda at the request of any board member.

Motion & Voting

Motion to move for approval all consent agenda items listed in Consent Agenda, Consideration of
Accounts, Personnel Report, Students, and Minutes of Previous Meeting as presented

Motion by Moira Lang, second by Jill Tripp.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Garrick Blalock, Sean Eversley Bradwell, Eldred V Harris, Moira Lang, Jill Tripp, Karen Yearwood
Not Present at Vote: Katie Apker, Adam Krantweiss

6. Consent Agenda - Consideration of Accounts

Subject : 6.1 Resolution to Approve ICSD Ph 3B.1 - Contract 808
Letter of Recommendation Combined
Meeting : Jan 30, 2024 - Monthly Discussion and Voting Meeting
Category : 6. Consent Agenda - Consideration of Accounts
Type : Action (Consent)
Recommended Action : Motion to Approve Ph 3b.1- Contract 808 Letter of
Recommendation as part of the Consent Agenda

File Attachments
1-25-24 Contract 808 Ltr of Recommendation Combined.pdf (603 KB)

Motion & Voting

Motion to move for approval all consent agenda items listed in Consent Agenda, Consideration of
Accounts, Personnel Report, Students, and Minutes of Previous Meeting as presented

Motion by Moira Lang, second by Jill Tripp.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Garrick Blalock, Sean Eversley Bradwell, Eldred V Harris, Moira Lang, Jill Tripp, Karen Yearwood
Not Present at Vote: Katie Apker, Adam Krantweiss
Subject : 6.2 Official Statement/ Treasurer's Report -
November 2023
Meeting : Jan 30, 2024 - Monthly Discussion and Voting
Category : 6. Consent Agenda - Consideration of Accounts
Type : Action (Consent)
Recommended Action : Motion to approve the Official Statement/Treasurer's
Report as part of the Consent Agenda

File Attachments
Treasurers Report 23-24 - Nov 23.pdf (193 KB)

Motion & Voting

Motion to move for approval all consent agenda items listed in Consent Agenda, Consideration of
Accounts, Personnel Report, Students, and Minutes of Previous Meeting as presented

Motion by Moira Lang, second by Jill Tripp.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Garrick Blalock, Sean Eversley Bradwell, Eldred V Harris, Moira Lang, Jill Tripp, Karen Yearwood
Not Present at Vote: Katie Apker, Adam Krantweiss
Subject : 6.3 Food Service Program Statement of Income and
Expense Report October & November 2023
Meeting : Jan 30, 2024 - Monthly Discussion and Voting Meeting
Category : 6. Consent Agenda - Consideration of Accounts
Type : Action (Consent)
Recommended Action : Motion to approve the Food Service Program Statement
of Income and Expense Report for October & November
2023 as part of the Consent Agenda

Public Content
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of the Ithaca City School District hereby accepts the attached
Food Service Program Statement of Income and Expense Report, for the months of October and November
2023, based on information provided to the Board of Education and placed on file.

File Attachments
C-OCT 2023 P & L Report (1).xlsx - Sheet1.pdf (78 KB)
D- OCTOBER 2023 - Sheet1.pdf (37 KB)
D-NOV 2023 P & L Report.pdf (78 KB)

Motion & Voting

Motion to move for approval all consent agenda items listed in Consent Agenda, Consideration of
Accounts, Personnel Report, Students, and Minutes of Previous Meeting as presented

Motion by Moira Lang, second by Jill Tripp.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Garrick Blalock, Sean Eversley Bradwell, Eldred V Harris, Moira Lang, Jill Tripp, Karen Yearwood
Not Present at Vote: Katie Apker, Adam Krantweiss
Subject : 6.4 Resolution to approve Transfers Which Exceed
$10,000 of the amount appropriated by the Board for the
line item from which the transfer is made
Meeting : Jan 30, 2024 - Monthly Discussion and Voting Meeting
Category : 6. Consent Agenda - Consideration of Accounts
Type : Action (Consent)
Recommended Action : Motion to approve Transfers Which Exceed $10,000 of the
amount appropriated by the Board for the line item from
which the transfer is made as part of the Consent Agenda

Public Content
WHEREAS, the Business Office has received the following requests for transfer of funds, and
WHEREAS, these requests represent the building/program administrators projected needs for the December
warrant cycle,
BE IT RESOLVED, that the attached transfers are approved as indicated:
Total Number of Transfers 6 Total Amount: $ 2,093,009.69

Motion & Voting

Motion to move for approval all consent agenda items listed in Consent Agenda, Consideration of
Accounts, Personnel Report, Students, and Minutes of Previous Meeting as presented

Motion by Moira Lang, second by Jill Tripp.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Garrick Blalock, Sean Eversley Bradwell, Eldred V Harris, Moira Lang, Jill Tripp, Karen Yearwood
Not Present at Vote: Katie Apker, Adam Krantweiss
Subject : 6.5 Appropriation of Non-Budgeted Revenue #7 - Ithaca
Public Education Initiative (IPEI) - $6,200
Meeting : Jan 30, 2024 - Monthly Discussion and Voting Meeting
Category : 6. Consent Agenda - Consideration of Accounts
Type : Action (Consent)
Recommended Action : Motion to approve the Appropriation of Non-Budgeted
Revenue #7 from Ithaca Public Education Initiative (IPEI)
in the amount of $6,200 as part of the Consent Agenda
Public Content
WHEREAS,the Board of Education has received funds from IPEI for Enfield Elementary School,
BE IT RESOLVED,that the funds be appropriated as follows:
A 2110-400-07-IPEI1 Instructional Contractual $6,200.00
Note: These funds were collected by IPEI to be used toward the Enfield pavilion/ outdoor classroom.
Rev. Code: A 2705-000 Donations

Motion & Voting

Motion to move for approval all consent agenda items listed in Consent Agenda, Consideration of
Accounts, Personnel Report, Students, and Minutes of Previous Meeting as presented

Motion by Moira Lang, second by Jill Tripp.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Garrick Blalock, Sean Eversley Bradwell, Eldred V Harris, Moira Lang, Jill Tripp, Karen Yearwood
Not Present at Vote: Katie Apker, Adam Krantweiss
Subject : 6.6 Appropriation of Non-Budgeted Revenue #8 - Ithaca
Public Education Initiative (IPEI) - $500
Meeting : Jan 30, 2024 - Monthly Discussion and Voting Meeting
Category : 6. Consent Agenda - Consideration of Accounts
Type : Action (Consent)
Recommended Action : Motion to approve the Appropriation of Non-Budgeted
Revenue #8 from Ithaca Public Education Initiative (IPEI)
in the amount of $500 as part of the Consent Agenda

Public Content
WHEREAS,the Board of Education has received funds from IPEI for the Cayuga Heights Elementary
BE IT RESOLVED,that the funds be appropriated as follows:
A 2110-490-40-00000 BOCES $ 500.00
Note: These funds will be used to pay for a CHES classroom to do the Air Heart Project; this expense
will run through CiTi BOCES Enrichment.
Rev. Code: A 2705-000 Donations

Motion & Voting

Motion to move for approval all consent agenda items listed in Consent Agenda, Consideration of
Accounts, Personnel Report, Students, and Minutes of Previous Meeting as presented

Motion by Moira Lang, second by Jill Tripp.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Garrick Blalock, Sean Eversley Bradwell, Eldred V Harris, Moira Lang, Jill Tripp, Karen Yearwood
Not Present at Vote: Katie Apker, Adam Krantweiss
Subject : 6.7 Appropriation of Non-Budgeted Revenue #9 - Ithaca
Public Education Initiative (IPEI) - $19,464
Meeting : Jan 30, 2024 - Monthly Discussion and Voting Meeting
Category : 6. Consent Agenda - Consideration of Accounts
Type : Action (Consent)
Recommended Action : Motion to approve the Appropriation of Non-Budgeted
Revenue #9 from Ithaca Public Education Initiative (IPEI)
in the amount of $19,464 as part of the Consent Agenda

Public Content
WHEREAS,the Board of Education has received funds from IPEI for the Kids Discover the Trail!
BE IT RESOLVED,that the funds be appropriated as follows:
A 2110-490-40-00000 BOCES $19,464
Note: These funds will be used to towards the cost for the Kids Discover the Trail! Program.
Rev. Code: A 2705-000 Donations

Motion & Voting

Motion to move for approval all consent agenda items listed in Consent Agenda, Consideration of
Accounts, Personnel Report, Students, and Minutes of Previous Meeting as presented

Motion by Moira Lang, second by Jill Tripp.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Garrick Blalock, Sean Eversley Bradwell, Eldred V Harris, Moira Lang, Jill Tripp, Karen Yearwood
Not Present at Vote: Katie Apker, Adam Krantweiss
Subject : 6.8 Appropriation of Non-Budgeted Revenue #10 -
Discovery Trail - $39,521
Meeting : Jan 30, 2024 - Monthly Discussion and Voting Meeting
Category : 6. Consent Agenda - Consideration of Accounts
Type : Action (Consent)
Recommended Action : Motion to approve the Appropriation of Non-Budgeted
Revenue #10 from Discovery Trail in the amount of
$39,521 as part of the Consent Agenda

Public Content
WHEREAS,the Board of Education has received funds from Discovery Trail for the Kids Discover the
Trail! Program,
BE IT RESOLVED,that the funds be appropriated as follows:
A 2110-490-40-00000 BOCES $39,521
Note: These funds will be used to towards the cost for the Kids Discover the Trail! Program.
Rev. Code: A 2705-000 Donations
Motion & Voting
Motion to move for approval all consent agenda items listed in Consent Agenda, Consideration of
Accounts, Personnel Report, Students, and Minutes of Previous Meeting as presented

Motion by Moira Lang, second by Jill Tripp.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Garrick Blalock, Sean Eversley Bradwell, Eldred V Harris, Moira Lang, Jill Tripp, Karen Yearwood
Not Present at Vote: Katie Apker, Adam Krantweiss

7. Consent Agenda - Personnel Report

Subject : 7.1 Instructional, Service, Educational Support, Substitute
and Alternative Instructor Lists as Recommended by
Meeting : Jan 30, 2024 - Monthly Discussion and Voting Meeting
Category : 7. Consent Agenda - Personnel Report
Type : Action (Consent)
Recommended Action : Motion to Approve as Part of Consent

Public Content
RESOLVED, that the reading of the instructional, service, educational support, substitute, and
alternative instructor lists be waived and appointments, changes and revisions in assignments, listed in
the corresponding staff sections of the Personnel Report, dated January, 30, 2024,be approved as
recommended by the Superintendent of Schools.

File Attachments
01 30 2024 FINAL Personnel Report (1).pdf (156 KB)

Motion & Voting

Motion to move for approval all consent agenda items listed in Consent Agenda, Consideration of
Accounts, Personnel Report, Students, and Minutes of Previous Meeting as presented

Motion by Moira Lang, second by Jill Tripp.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Garrick Blalock, Sean Eversley Bradwell, Eldred V Harris, Moira Lang, Jill Tripp, Karen Yearwood
Not Present at Vote: Katie Apker, Adam Krantweiss

8. Consent Agenda - Students

Subject : 8.1 Recommendation for Student Placements from
Committee/Subcommittee on Special Education
Meeting : Jan 30, 2024 - Monthly Discussion and Voting Meeting
Category : 8. Consent Agenda - Students
Type : Action (Consent)
Recommended Action : Motion to approve as part of consent

Public Content

Public Content: Resolved, that the reading of the lists of students placements be waived and the
recommendations of Committee/Subcommittees on Special Education listed in the Special Education
Student Placement and Review Reports be implemented.

Motion & Voting

Motion to move for approval all consent agenda items listed in Consent Agenda, Consideration of
Accounts, Personnel Report, Students, and Minutes of Previous Meeting as presented

Motion by Moira Lang, second by Jill Tripp.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Garrick Blalock, Sean Eversley Bradwell, Eldred V Harris, Moira Lang, Jill Tripp, Karen Yearwood
Not Present at Vote: Katie Apker, Adam Krantweiss

9. Consent Agenda - Minutes from Previous Meeting

Subject : 9.1 Approval of Minutes of December 19, 2023 Monthly
Discussion and Voting Meeting
Meeting : Jan 30, 2024 - Monthly Discussion and Voting Meeting
Category : 9. Consent Agenda - Minutes from Previous Meeting
Type : Action (Consent), Minutes
Recommended Action : Motion to approve the minutes from the December 19,
2023 Monthly Discussion and Voting Meeting as part of
the Consent Agenda
Minutes : View Minutes for Dec 19, 2023 - Monthly Discussion and
Voting Meeting

Motion & Voting

Motion to move for approval all consent agenda items listed in Consent Agenda, Consideration of
Accounts, Personnel Report, Students, and Minutes of Previous Meeting as presented

Motion by Moira Lang, second by Jill Tripp.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Garrick Blalock, Sean Eversley Bradwell, Eldred V Harris, Moira Lang, Jill Tripp, Karen Yearwood
Not Present at Vote: Katie Apker, Adam Krantweiss
Subject : 9.2 Approval of Minutes of January 23, 2023 Special
Voting Meeting
Meeting : Jan 30, 2024 - Monthly Discussion and Voting Meeting
Category : 9. Consent Agenda - Minutes from Previous Meeting
Type : Action (Consent), Minutes
Recommended Action : Motion to approve the minutes from the January 23, 2023
Monthly Discussion and Voting Meeting as part of the
Consent Agenda
Minutes : View Minutes for Jan 23, 2024 - Special Voting Meeting

Motion & Voting

Motion to move for approval all consent agenda items listed in Consent Agenda, Consideration of
Accounts, Personnel Report, Students, and Minutes of Previous Meeting as presented

Motion by Moira Lang, second by Jill Tripp.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Garrick Blalock, Sean Eversley Bradwell, Eldred V Harris, Moira Lang, Jill Tripp, Karen Yearwood
Not Present at Vote: Katie Apker, Adam Krantweiss

10. Superintendent Report/Announcements

Subject : 10.1 Dr. Brown
Meeting : Jan 30, 2024 - Monthly Discussion and Voting
Category : 10. Superintendent Report/Announcements
Type : Report

11. School District Business

Subject : 11.1 Budget Development Processes
Meeting : Jan 30, 2024 - Monthly Discussion and Voting
Category : 11. School District Business
Type : Discussion, Presentation

File Attachments
Budget 8.5 x 11 Version (2).pdf (395 KB)
Subject : 11.2 Budget Development Calendar
Meeting : Jan 30, 2024 - Monthly Discussion and Voting
Category : 11. School District Business
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to Accept the Budget Development

File Attachments
Budget Timeline 2024.pdf (86 KB)
Subject : 11.3 Budget Development - April 30
Meeting : Jan 30, 2024 - Monthly Discussion and Voting
Category : 11. School District Business
Type : Discussion

Public Content
Budget Development Presentation

Subject : 11.4 Social Media Lawsuit

Meeting : Jan 30, 2024 - Monthly Discussion and Voting
Category : 11. School District Business
Type : Discussion
Subject : 11.5 Resolution to Approve Agreement for Classroom
Technology, Library Automation, and Other Instructional
Meeting : Jan 30, 2024 - Monthly Discussion and Voting Meeting
Category : 11. School District Business
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to approve Resolution to Approve Agreement for
Classroom Technology, Library Automation, and Other
Instructional Technologies with the consent agenda.

Public Content
WHEREAS, the Board of Education of the Ithaca School District desires to enter into up to a 5 year service
contract with the Onondaga-Cortland-Madison Board of Cooperative Educational Services (hereafter referred
to as OCM BOCES) in order for the Regional Information Center (RIC) to furnish certain services to the
District pursuant to Education Law 1950(4)(jj), those services being but not limited to classroom technology
and library automation and other instructional technologies in CoSer 562 and/or CoSer 620.

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of the above School District agrees to enter into a
contract with the OCM BOCES for the provision of said services to the District in total over the life
of this agreement not to exceed the principal amount of $500,000.000 plus related borrowing
fees incurred by the OCM BOCES on behalf of the school district, plus yearly Regional Information
Center support during the term of this contract. This amount may be amended with the approval
of both parties. Payments will be made as part of a regular annual BOCES contract for services.
Further, this contract will be finalized by the Superintendent of the school district and is subject
to the approval of the Commissioner of Education for both this multi-year service agreement and
the OCM BOCES Installment Purchase contract which will be entered into on behalf of the school
district at its request. This contract will be for a maximum period of 5 years commencing on or
about 03/01/2024

File Attachments
Ithaca 23-24 Lease Resolution (2).pdf (46 KB)
Motion & Voting
Motion to approve Resolution to Approve Agreement for Classroom Technology, Library Automation,
and Other Instructional Technologies with the consent agenda.

Motion by Moira Lang, second by Garrick Blalock.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Garrick Blalock, Sean Eversley Bradwell, Eldred V Harris, Moira Lang, Jill Tripp, Karen Yearwood
Not Present at Vote: Katie Apker, Adam Krantweiss
Subject : 11.6 Policy 5150.1 - Pre-K Enrollment for Second
Reading and Adoption
Meeting : Jan 30, 2024 - Monthly Discussion and Voting Meeting
Category : 11. School District Business
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to approve Policy 5150.1 for second reading
and adoption.

Public Content
Pre- K Enrollment

Motion & Voting

Motion to approve Policy 5150.1 for second reading and adoption.

Motion by Moira Lang, second by Karen Yearwood.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Garrick Blalock, Sean Eversley Bradwell, Eldred V Harris, Moira Lang, Jill Tripp, Karen Yearwood
Not Present at Vote: Katie Apker, Adam Krantweiss
Subject : 11.7 Policy 6910 - Disposal of Unneeded Property for
First Reading
Meeting : Jan 30, 2024 - Monthly Discussion and Voting Meeting
Category : 11. School District Business
Type : Discussion

Public Content
Disposal of Unneeded Property for First Reading

File Attachments
Disposal of Un-Needed Property - DRAFT - Updated - 1 - 12 - 24 .pdf (36 KB)
Subject : 11.8 Policies 9820.2 & 9820.3 - Terms and Conditions of
Employment for Managerial Employees & Confidential
Meeting : Jan 30, 2024 - Monthly Discussion and Voting Meeting
Category : 11. School District Business
Type : Action, Discussion
Recommended Action : Motion to approve combined policies 9820.2 & 9820.3
for a first reading.

Public Content
9820.2 Terms and Conditions of Employment for Managerial Employees
9820.3 Terms and Conditions of Employment for Confidential Employees

File Attachments
combined 9820.3 and 9820.2 .pdf (66 KB)

Motion & Voting

Motion to approve combined policies 9820.2 & 9820.3 for a first reading.

Motion by Jill Tripp, second by Karen Yearwood.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Garrick Blalock, Sean Eversley Bradwell, Moira Lang, Jill Tripp, Karen Yearwood
Not Present at Vote: Katie Apker, Eldred V Harris, Adam Krantweiss
Subject : 11.9 2023-2024 Academic Calendar Update - Middle
School Caregiver Conferences
Meeting : Jan 30, 2024 - Monthly Discussion and Voting Meeting
Category : 11. School District Business
Type : Action, Discussion
Recommended Action : Motion to approve changes to the 2023-2024
Academic Calendar as presented

File Attachments
2023-2024 Draft Academic Calendar (PROPOSED CHANGES) - Sheet1 (1).pdf (46 KB)

Motion & Voting

Motion to approve changes to the 2023-2024 Academic Calendar as presented

Motion by Moira Lang, second by Karen Yearwood.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Garrick Blalock, Sean Eversley Bradwell, Eldred V Harris, Moira Lang, Jill Tripp, Karen Yearwood
Not Present at Vote: Katie Apker, Adam Krantweiss
Subject : 11.10 2023-2024 Academic Calendar Proposed
Change - IHS Caregiver Conference
Meeting : Jan 30, 2024 - Monthly Discussion and Voting Meeting
Category : 11. School District Business
Type : Discussion

File Attachments
2023-2024 Draft Academic Calendar (PROPOSED CHANGES) - Sheet1 (2).pdf (46 KB)
Subject : 11.11 Committee Updates
Meeting : Jan 30, 2024 - Monthly Discussion and Voting
Category : 11. School District Business
Type : Discussion

Public Content
Audit Committee - -Adam Krantweiss, Karen Yearwood

Curriculum Committee - Adam Krantweiss, Chair

Facilities Committee - Jill Tripp, Chair

Finance Committee - Eldred Harris, Chair

Human Resources Committee - Moira Lang, Chair

Policy Committee - Moira Lang, Chair

12. Other Business

Subject : 12.1 Other Discussion Items
Meeting : Jan 30, 2024 - Monthly Discussion and Voting
Category : 12. Other Business
Type : Discussion

Public Content
Other items to be discussed or shared with the Board.

Subject : 12.2 Upcoming Dates of Importance

Meeting : Jan 30, 2024 - Monthly Discussion and Voting
Category : 12. Other Business
Type : Information
Public Content
<!--br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->

Tuesday 2/6 5:00 PM Policy Work Session York Hall

Tuesday 2/6 6:30 PM Human Resources Work Session York Hall
Tuesday 2/13 6:00 PM Monthly Voting Meeting York Hall

13. Adjournment
Subject : 13.1 Close Public Meeting
Meeting : Jan 30, 2024 - Monthly Discussion and Voting
Category : 13. Adjournment
Type : Procedural

Public Content
Board of Education President closes public meeting.

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