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What is Scripture?

importance of writing is not only ontological:

we owe our being to it, innumerable
 Generate and select ideas in accordance with
the objective.
advantages of an individual and practical  Use techniques to organize ideas (schemes,
Writing is a system of graphic representation nature also depend on it. Whoever writes not
of a language, through signs recorded or drawn concept maps).
only shapes his words, organizes them and
on a support. It is a method of human clarifies them, but also shapes himself: one  Do research work on the topic to be
communication that is carried out through visual sees oneself in what one writes, one discovers developed, read the material.
signs that constitute a system. A writing system oneself in the text; When writing you not only Textualize:
can be complete or incomplete; He is complete organize the words, you organize your head:
who can express without ambiguity everything  Ability to give linguistic form to planned
the clarification is one. aspects.
that a given language can manifest and say. The When writing one discovers that they knew
first writing techniques date back to 4000 BC  Narrative, Descriptive, Epistolary, etc.
more than they thought they knew, because
writing makes us introspective and when  Pay attention to the content, the text
Importance of Scripture exploring ourselves it turns out that we have (cohesion and coherence), grammar and spelling.
more than we supposed, because writing not Review:
There is something very important in only allows us to focus our attention or  Examine the product obtained. Compare the
writing that the most ancient people must have activate our memory by bringing our writing with the planning.
understood before inventing it: the need to memories to paper, but it allows us to invent,
imagine, discover aspects that we had never  Pay attention to the content and form.
give memory a backing that would make it
considered: writing allows us to know  Adjust, rewrite, remake the prepared version.
stronger; but also, the conviction that what
they wanted to preserve was so valuable that it ourselves. In short, for many reasons writing is
should not be lost. important, but for me, a writer after all, it is
above all because by writing I make the best
Formal Aspects of Writing
Before writing – and precisely as a
requirement to feel the need to invent it – things in life more possible and if not, writing
them is enough, because it is as if there were. For the best presentation of the paragraphs,
human beings had to have understood that and the good relationship between them within
time and death put an end to what they vivid.
the written language, it is necessary that the
considered valuable. In the origin of writing, a formal aspects of the writing be observed, so that
very deep knowledge and a very high desire Purposes it produces a good impression on the reader and
are involved: knowledge is knowing that we
are mortal and the desire is to conquer death. of the writing is able to win it for their cause. In this sense, for a
piece of writing to be pleasant to look at and to
Consciousness of importance, want to read it, you need a series of rules, called
consciousness of death and desire for Writing always responds to a purpose, it is Formal Aspects of Writing. These are:
immortality are united in the origin of written to remember, to retain content of  That it has legible or understandable
language. Devise symbols similar to what you interest, to present conclusions, to prepare a handwriting.
wanted to mean with them (ideograms) or conference, to raise problems, to ask questions,  Neatness or cleanliness when writing.
devise some notches with the tip of a stick on a to express or refute opinions. When students are
 Have a good and beautiful presentation.
fresh clay tablet (cuneiform writing), or an asked to create a text, they must be clear about
 That indentation is used, that is, the blank
alphabet or a alphabet or a binary system the purpose of this writing, the objectives of its
space that we leave before starting to write.
based on zeros and some is already a production, and the process it involves: planning,
 That has a right, left, top and bottom margin.
secondary issue. textualization and revision.
To plan:  Avoid spelling errors.
The brilliant step, perhaps the most
brilliant step of all that humanity has taken,  That the correct use of capital letters and
 Determine the communication situation:
because through it we went from prehistory to lowercase letters be made.
objective, recipient.
history, was the invention of writing. But the
 That the correct use of punctuation marks is written composition process is approached. On
made (period, full stop, colon, comma, semi- certain occasions you write immediately, but on
colon, exclamation and question mark). other occasions it is very difficult to start
carrying the blank page.
Writer Profile
Recommendations for good
There is no recipe that tells us how to write
well. However, it is possible to work on some
strategies that can help us make this process
The following recommendations, regardless
more efficient. In addition to knowing these
of their order, can provide elements for good
strategies, it is useful for you to know your way
of conceiving writing and carrying out tasks in
which it is present, so that you can adapt the  With a thesaurus or with the help of the
planning, textualization and revision processes Internet, look for other words so that they are not
according to your needs. repetitive, because sometimes reiterating words
Below, we present four writing profiles that is boring.
correspond to different ways of proceeding  Don't be too specific in what you write, as it
can help you engage the reader more in your
when writing: Produced by:
 The diver profile : The writer with this profile stories, that is, it makes them more interesting.
 Carrero, Alfredo
experiences the need to write immediately and  Base your own ideas, if something is similar to
 Da Silva, Jesus
therefore quickly dives into the writing or another book or a movie it will make people
 Gil, Antonio
textualization process. It is not difficult for him to think that you copied it so be very creative about
that.  Jimenez, Carlos
fill pages and pages and he often writes a lot  Macedo, Diego
without thinking about sections or structures.  Be subjective in your writing (if you want,
because I love subjective writing).  Trocel, Victor
 The Helicopter Profile : This is extensive
writing that seeks to master the big picture first.  Describe very well in the parts that are
The helicopter metaphor indicates that the writer significant.
must have information about the general image
2nd Year – Section “D”
of the text, its limits and its structure, even if he
does not yet have the details of each of its March 2012
 The puzzle profile : In this case, it is a writer
who acts as if he were completing a puzzle or
playing a game in which various pieces must be DUNGEON - GUÁRICO
fitted together until a final figure with meaning is
achieved. The writer who writes according to this
profile has different files in which he has saved
portions or pieces of information that, when the
time comes, are used to complete a new text
using the well-known resource offered by word
processors of “cutting” and "paste".
 The chaos profile: This profile is characterized
by the absence of regularities in the way the

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