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1 Methods of Concrete Compaction

Concrete Compaction is the process adopted for expelling the entrapped air from the concrete. In the process of mixing, transporting and placing of concrete air is likely to get entrapped in the concrete. The lower the workability, higher is the amount of air entrapped. In other words, stiff concrete mix has high percentage of entrapped air and, therefore, would need higher compacting efforts than high workable mixes. In order to achieve full compaction and maximum density, with reasonable compacting efforts available at site, it is necessary to use a mix with adequate workability. It is also of common knowledge that the mix should no t be to o wet for easy compaction which also reduces the strength of concrete. For maximum strength, driest possible concrete should be compacted 100 per cent. The overall economy demands 100 percent compaction with reasonable compacting efforts available in the field. The following methods are adopted for compacting concrete: 1. Hand Compaction o Rodding o Ramming o Tamping 2. Compaction by Vibration o Internal vibrator (Needle vibrator) o Formwork vibrator (External vibrator) o Table vibrator o Platform vibrator o Surface vibrator (Screed vibrator) o Vibratory Roller 3. Compaction by Pressure and Jolting 4. Compaction by Spinning

2.2 Possible Properties of Concrete Affected By Low Compaction

Low compaction of concrete may increase the air voids in the concrete itself. As a result, the strength of the concrete will be weaker. This is because the air void reduce the strength and become the weak point of the concrete. When the amount of air void increase, the concrete permeability increase and will reduce concrete durability. If the concrete is not dense and impermeable, it will not be watertight. It will les able to withstand aggressive liquid and its expose surface will weather easily. There also might cause honeycomb at the concrete.

2.3 Methods Used For Hand Compaction

Hand compaction is used for ordinary and unimportant structures. Workability should be decided in such a way that the chances of honeycombing should be minimum. The various methods of hand compaction are as given below: 1. Rodding: a method of poking with 2 m long, 16 mm diameter rod at sharp corners and edges. The thickness of layers for rodding should be 15-20 cm 2. Ramming: generally used for compaction on ground in plain concrete. It is not used either in RCC or on upper floors 3. Tamping: It is a method in which the top surface is beaten by wooden cross beam of cross section 10 cm x 10cm. Both compaction and levelling are achieved simultaneously. It is mainly used for roof slabs and road pavements

2.4 Methods Used For Compaction By Vibration

Vibration is imparted to the concrete by mechanical means. It causes temporary liquefaction so that air bubbles come on to the top and expelled ultimately 1. Internal vibration: most commonly used technique of concrete vibration. Vibration is achieved due to eccentric weights attached to the shaft. The needle diameter varies from 20mm to 75 mm and its length varies from 25 cm to 90 cm. The frequency range adopted is normally 3500 to 5000rpm 2. External vibration: adopted where internal vibration cant be used due to either thin sections or heavy reinforcement. External vibration is less effective and it consumes more power as compared to the internal vibration. The formwork also has to be made extra strong when external vibration is used 3. Table vibration: mainly used for laboratories where concrete is put on the table 4. Platform vibration: similar to table vibrators but these are generally used on a very large scale 5. Surface vibration: also called as screed board vibrators. The action is similar to that of tamping. The vibrator is placed on screed board and vibration is given on the surface. It is mainly used for roof slabs, road pavements etc. but it is not effective beyond 15 cm depth

2.5 Concrete Compaction in Congested Reinforcements & Impossible Internal Vibration

The reinforcements lie very close to each other, greater care is taken in vibrating so that no pockets or collections of grout are formed. Except where some of the concrete has already set and provided that the reinforcement is adequately supported and secured, the vibrator be pressed against the reinforcement.

2.6 Examples of Compaction by Spinning

Spinning is one of the recent methods of compaction of concrete. This method of compaction is adopted for the fabrication of concrete pipes. The plastic concrete when spun at a very high speed, gets well compacted by centrifugal force. This method is generally used for compacting concrete pipes

2.7 Techniques of Water Curing

Various techniques of curing are adopted in the field as given below: 1. Replenishing the lost water a. by immersion of water b. by ponding c. by sprinkling d. u s i n g s a t u r a t e d c o ve r i n g s , e . g . j u t e b a g s e t c . 2. Preventing loss of moisture a. using curing compounds b. using impermeable membrane coverings *Important observations regarding curing 1. Curing should be started earliest as possible 2. F o r t h e p o r t i o n o f c o n c r e t e wh i c h i s c o ve r e d with formwork, the curing should be started as soon as the formwork is removed. 3. O n e xp o s e d s u r f a c e , i t s h o u l d b e s t a r t e d wh e n concrete has sufficiently hardened such that it doesnt get disturbed by curing. 4. E n s u r e u n i n t e r r u p t e d c u r i n g . I f i t wa s discontinued for any reason, the reaction of hydration will be stopped permanently. The partial hydration makes the capillary pores discontinuous and water cant enter the concrete even if the curing is started again. 5. H i g h s t r e n g t h c o n c r e t e s h o u l d b e c u r e d a t a n early age. 6. T h e r e i s a wi d e s p r e a d b e l i e f t h a t h u mi d c l i ma t e is sufficient and curing is not required in rainy season. 7. T h e p e r s o n g e n e r a l l y e n t r u s t e d f o r c u r i n g i s t h e most unskilled person. He doesnt appreciate the importance of curing. In fact he believes that curing is a process of wastage of water, time and money. 8. I t c a n t b e ma d e a m e a s u r a b l e i t e m i n t h e contract. Therefore the best and practical method to ensure proper curing is the education of the person who is responsible for curing. Once he understands the importance of curing, he would certainly ensure it.

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