ISIELT Lecture 4.1

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ISIELT Lecture 4.


English, Latin and other Terms

⚫Black’s LawDictionary
⚫Md Abdul Halim and Farhana Helal
Mehtab, Law and Legal Language, CCB
Foundation. 65-126.
⚫ Confession: Admission of guilt by the accused.
⚫ Consent: Agreement to do something like making a
⚫ Conviction: Holding the accused liable.
⚫ Custody: Protective care or guardianship.
⚫ Damage: Injury/harm
⚫ Damages: compensation/ the amount of money which
a plaintiff (the person suing) may be awarded in a
⚫ De facto (as a matter of fact). Example: X is the de facto
owner of the car.
⚫ De jure (as a matter of legal right). Example: Y is the de
jure owner of the car.
⚫ Duress: the use of force, or threats to compel someone
to act contrary to his/her wishes or interests, e.g.,
forcing someone to sign an agreement or execute a will.
⚫ Dying Declaration: the statement of a mortally injured
person who is aware he/she is about to die, telling who
caused the injury. Though hearsay, it is admissible as
evidence as such a person has no reason to lie.
⚫ Estoppel: a bar/obstruction which prevents a person
from saying two contradictory things. Example, the
landlord promises not to terminate the tenancy contract
in five years and tenant decorates his premises relying
on that promise.
⚫ Extradition: the surrender by one state or country of a
person charged with a crime in another state or
⚫ Exempli gratia, (e.g.,) for the purpose of example. Example: There
are a number of sources of Bangladesh law, e.g., statutes, case laws,
⚫ Ex officio (by virtue of the office). Example: The of Dean of
Law is an ex officio member of the Academic Council.
⚫ Fiduciary: a person or a business like a bank who has the
power and obligation to act for another (often called the
beneficiary) under circumstances which require total trust,
good faith and honesty. The most common is a trustee of a
trust, but fiduciaries can include business advisers, attorneys,
guardians, administrators of estates, real estate agents,
⚫ Forgery: crime of creating a false document, altering a
document, or writing a false signature for the illegal benefit of
the person making the forgery. Example, improperly filling in
a blank document, like an automobile purchase contract.
⚫ Forensic: practical things related to the court, such as medical
forensic which means research, reports and testimony in court
⚫Thank you

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