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Organization Concept

Trying to define a concept as complex and with so many

dimensions and edges as organization poses certain
problems, because when we talk about organization we
may be referring to social organization in its most generic
sense, or on the contrary to family, economic, business
organization. , political, religious, etc.
Furthermore, another aspect that adds complexity when
defining “organization” is the incorporation of various
disciplines into this task.
It is difficult, therefore, to find common characteristics in
the existing definitions of the concept of organization.
• However, Porter, Lawler and Hackmann (1975), after a review of the
definitions of organization, found that most of the authors outlined
the same characteristics:
1. Composition of the organization: Interrelated individuals and
2. Organization Orientation: Towards specific objectives and goals.
3. Differentiation of functions: Division of work.
4. Intentional rational coordination: That has reached a high degree
of complexity and hierarchy.
5. Continuity over time.
• The concept has changed with the evolution of history due to the
need to adapt its conception to the requirements of each era.
Psychology of organizations / Psychology of Organizations, Volume
Study of Organizations

• The study of organizations is relatively recent, however,

they, in their most primitive forms, have existed for
thousands of years. With the above we are not only talking
about lucrative corporations but any group of more than
two people that functions as a unit with its own
personality and culture, pursuing a specific goal.
• When studying the behavior of organizations, it must be
approached from three levels that, despite being different,
are closely linked to the good development of the
organization: personal, group and organizational.
• The personal aspect is of vital importance
because “the functioning of an organization
depends largely on human behavior”
• It is also true that it is not enough for the
members of the organization to stand out
individually, they must do so as part of one or
several groups within the same institution,
whether formal or informal.
• Finally, the study of the organization as an
individual is necessary, just like a human
being, the organization develops its own
culture and is determined by external and
internal factors, which means that not all of
them function in the same way.
What are the
• Organizations are coalitions that thrive when
groups of individuals cooperate together
regarding common issues, events, or
decisions or to develop specific values or
• Develop a program that calculates the salary of an
employee under the following conditions, the company
has two types of employees, full-time and hourly, full-time
employees have a biweekly base salary of 4,500 less 10%
insurance. social and 7% of ISPT; Hourly employees
receive a payment of 85 pesos per hour, less 8% of social
security and less 8% less ISPT.
• Employees cannot work more than 20 hours a week.
• Establish three classes, one parent and two derived. And
an interface that allows giving the employee a bonus for
punctuality, $500.
• Employee is abstract class.

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