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Materials Science for Energy Technologies 1 (2018) 11–21

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Materials Science for Energy Technologies

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Engineered nanoporous materials mediated heterogeneous catalysts and

their implications in biodiesel production
Swati Sharma a, Varun Saxena a, Anupriya Baranwal b, Pranjal Chandra b,⇑, Lalit Mohan Pandey a,⇑
Bio-Interface & Environmental Engineering Lab, Department of Bioscience and Bioengineering, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Guwahati 781039, Assam, India
Laboratory of Bio-Physiosensor and Nanobioengineering, Department of Bioscience and Bioengineering, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Guwahati 781039, Assam, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: World’s energy needs are majorly dependent on the fossil fuels, including petrochemical sources and
Received 18 April 2018 coal. The alternate of these fuels include hydro and nuclear powers. However, all these resources are
Revised 11 May 2018 finite and current rate of consumption indicates the shortening of the fuels and energy in the near future.
Accepted 11 May 2018
Diesel plays a remarkable role in the economy of the developing and developed countries in industry and
Available online 25 May 2018
other sectors being a basic fuel used in transportation. The increasing demand of alternate energy based
on renewable resources and pollution-free production is a major concern these days for environmental-
ists. Biodiesel, in this regard is set to be the best entrant to acquire the desired alternative of conventional
Nanoporous materials
fuels. The production of biodiesel is carried out through transesterification reaction using edible oil feed-
Transesterification stocks, which is not feasible for developing countries. Hence, utilization of low-grade feedstocks for bio-
Heterogeneous catalyst diesel production is the new clinch for the developing countries. In general, the transesterification
Feedstocks reaction is mediated by catalysts and hence, design of an effective catalyst is the key to produce efficient
Yield and commercially viable biodiesel. In this direction, it is necessary to understand the material chemistry
of catalysts and mechanism of the catalytic transesterification reaction. This review enlightens the basics
of transesterification, role of various process parameters and factors affecting biodiesel production from
different feedstocks. In this review we have discussed various nanoporous heterogeneous catalysts inves-
tigated for biodiesel production and mainly focused on the mechanism involved in transesterification
using heterogeneous catalysts.
Ó 2018 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co., Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2. Factors affecting transesterification reaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3. Homogeneous catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4. Heterogeneous catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4.1. Heterogeneous acid catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4.2. Heterogeneous base catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
5. Mechanism of heterogeneous catalysis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
6. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
7. Challenges and future prospective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Acknowledgement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Conflict of interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Appendix A. Supplementary data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

⇑ Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: (P. Chandra), (L.M. Pandey).
2589-2991/Ó 2018 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co., Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
12 S. Sharma et al. / Materials Science for Energy Technologies 1 (2018) 11–21

1. Introduction its inability to meet the world’s present energy demand. Although
various researchers are working to maximize the yield of biodiesel
Growing concerns about environmental safety and depletion of production, the process is successful only under experimentally
fossil fuel reserves have incited extensive research towards finding optimized conditions (at pilot scale), which varies solely from geo-
substitute fuel sources for conventional fossil fuels. In recent years, graphic source to source. An accurate cradle to grave valuation is
biodiesel, a clean renewable fuel, has garnered commendation required to make this process rapid and energy efficient at indus-
worldwide owing to its biodegradability, similar ignition charac- trial scale. Design of an effective and efficient heterogeneous cata-
teristics to fossil diesel, and less detrimental effects on the environ- lysts offers a solution for such important problem and hence
ment [1,2], as its emissions are non-toxic; including lower CO, S, researchers have explored various nanoporous catalysts for the
and other hydrocarbons making it a carbon-neutral fuel. Studies production of biodiesel. In the view of such important develop-
revealed that biodiesel can lessen total CO2 releases by 78% as com- ments, we have discussed the most imperative factors affecting
pare to the fossil fuels [3–5], which aids towards additional neces- the transesterification reaction, which eventually leads to the pro-
sity to save the nature from the harmful side effects of the emerged duction of biodiesel. Majorly, we have focused on the engineered
technologies. The overall biodiesel production across the globe was nanoporous heterogeneous catalysts, their types and applications.
8.5 billion gallons in 2016 which is expected to expand 10.3 billion In addition, we have included two comprehensive tables summa-
gallons in the upcoming decade [6]. The Royal Academy of Engi- rizing various heterogeneous catalysts (acidic and basic) used in
neering presented a report on the sustainability of liquid biofuels the transesterification of edible/non-edible feedstocks, along with
explaining the biofuel industry market valued at £262 billion in the optimized process parameters and the respective biodiesel pro-
2014, with an expected annual growth of 14% per annum by duction yield, which will give the readers an insight into the cur-
2020 [7]. The aforementioned factors are helping in the emergence rent scenario of biodiesel production. We have also abridged the
of the biofuel industry. According to a report of E4tech (UK) for properties, drawbacks, and the possible solutions to these draw-
LBNet, by 2020 the wholesale price of biodiesel may reach up to backs for the commercialized production of the biodiesel, citing
€11.7/GJ, higher than that of petrol in Europe. Hence, the current various researches with varying degree of successes.
era demands the practice of sustainable and economical feedstocks
such as nonedible (Jatropha) and used cooking oils, for the eco-
2. Factors affecting transesterification reaction
nomic and effective large-scale production of biodiesel [8]. In this
direction, India is producing about 10-250 thousand tons of biodie-
Fig. 2 shows various factors which govern the transesterifica-
sel per year using non-edible feedstocks and its overall biodiesel
tion reaction which eventually are important for biodiesel produc-
consumption was about 1000 barrels per day in 2014 [9,10]. Fur-
tion. For the effective and commercial production of biodiesel, it is
thermore, Government of India has taken the initiative of up to
necessary, to understand the individual role of these factors. In this
20% blending of biodiesel in 2017 [11]. According to a report of
section, we have majorly discussed various reaction parameters,
Business standard, the Biodiesel Association of India (BDAI), the
their role in transesterification reaction and their applicability.
total installed capacity of biodiesel production is 12 lakh tons per
There are various grounds, which effects the commercialization
annum, with an actual production of 3.5 lac ton per annum in
of the biodiesel and its industrial production. These reasons are
India, however estimated or potential production is about 27.5
also discussed in the following section.
lakh tons per annum. Replacement of conventional diesel by bio-
At present, different global regions consume different feedstock
diesel can save approximately S$1.47 billion foreign currency of
for biodiesel production. For example, US uses Soybean oil, Canada
India [12].
employs Rapeseed and Canola, Europe uses Sunflower, and Palm oil
Biodiesel chemically is a fatty acid methyl ester, which is
dominates in Asia, as feedstock for biodiesel production. The bio-
formed by transesterification reaction among the triglycerides (a
diesel produced using these edible feedstocks are classified as first
major constituent of oils) and alcohols (usually methanol and etha-
generation biodiesel. However, these expensive feedstocks make
nol). The transesterification reaction is reversible in nature and can
the process less economic for the commercialization of biodiesel
be either catalytic or non-catalytic. It involves swapping of R
in the developing countries. Hence, recent studies put forward
(alkyl) group of triglyceride’s ester with the Ŕ(alkyl) group of alco-
non-edible oil as an alternative to the edible feedstocks. Many
hol, hence is also termed as alcoholysis (Fig. 1). However, the non-
non-edible plants for example Jatropha, Castor, Neem, Tobacco, Sea
catalytic reactions are very slow and low yielding processes. Hence,
mango, and Mahua, have been explored for the production of bio-
the transesterification reaction is typically manifested by the cata-
diesel [14–17]. The biodiesel produced using these non-edible
lysts. Briefly, the entire process of transesterification takes place in
feedstocks are classified as second generation biodiesel. The disad-
three steps: (i) conversion of triglycerides to diglycerides, (ii) con-
vantage with employing non-edible feedstock at commercial scale
version of diglycerides to mono-glycerides and ultimately, (iii)
involves hectic initial pretreatment and procurement, such as har-
conversion of mono-glycerides to glycerol along with the forma-
vesting toxic seeds from Jatropha is a cumbersome process [18].
tion of biodiesel [13].
The third generation biodiesel is obtained directly from the bio-
Despite the scientific success in the biodiesel production, it is
mass (e.g. algae). Depending upon the seasonal and geographic
still at its infant step in terms of commercial feasibility, due to
availability, the feedstock may vary, but it is necessary to

Fig. 1. Generalized mechanism of transesterification reaction for biodiesel production.

S. Sharma et al. / Materials Science for Energy Technologies 1 (2018) 11–21 13

Fig. 2. Schematic representation of factors involved in the transesterification of oils for biodiesel production.

unanimously standardize the characteristics of feedstock to maxi- increasing its miscibility with methanol [24,25]. Temperature
mize the biodiesel yield. These characteristics may include acid may enhance the rate as well as the yield of the transesterification
value, saponification value, moisture content, specific density, reaction. For example, Baskar et al., obtained the increase in the
pH, and viscosity of feedstocks. yield of biodiesel production from 85% to 95%, with rise in temper-
The second ingredient involved in transesterification process is ature from 40 °C to 55 °C, respectively by using mixture of castor
alcohol. Types of alcohol used in biodiesel production include oil: methanol (1:8), signifying the endothermic nature of transes-
methanol, ethanol, propanol, butanol etc. However, it is witnessed terification process. However, high temperature for transesterifica-
that long-chained alcohol leads to decrease in biodiesel yield. Nye tion reaction, risks the vaporization of methanol, saponification of
et al. performed an experiment on the transesterification of used fry- triglycerides, as well as decreases the polarity of methanol, hence
ing oil using 0.4% KOH at 50 °C employing oil: methanol molar ratio causes decrease in the overall biodiesel yield [26]. Hence, opti-
of 1.3:5 with different solvents i.e. methanol, ethanol and propanol mization of the reaction temperature is the most crucial step of
and the biodiesel yield was obtained as 73.8%, 46.1%, and 31.9%, the transesterification reaction. Likewise, overall reaction time also
respectively [19]. This suggests that the rise in chain length of alco- regulates the overall conversion of the reactants to products. With
hol decreases the yield of biodiesel. Hence, smallest chained metha- increase in the reaction time, the biodiesel yield enhances until all
nol being low cost, and highly miscible solvent, ensures its the substrate (oil) is consumed. Studies indicated that at room
applicability in transesterification process. Oil to methanol ratio also temperature (25 °C), the reaction time can vary from few mins to
plays a critical role in the transesterification reaction. Even though hours [21,27–29]. Moreover, the optimum time of transesterifica-
the stoichiometric ratio of oil: methanol ideally should be 1:3 for tion varies with type of feedstock, catalyst type and concentration,
complete transesterification process, it is reported that addition of and various other parameters described in above section. Agitation
methanol in excess amount shifts the reaction towards product (bio- speed is also, one of the major factors in transesterification reac-
diesel) formation [20]. However, the problem lies in the optimiza- tion which plays a crucial role, when the reactants are immiscible
tion of the solvent quantity for a spontaneous transesterification in nature (e.g. oil and methanol). It should be high enough to break
reaction at higher reaction rate. Studies suggested that, the lower the barrier of mass transfer between two immiscible liquids. Den-
molar ratio of methanol causes an incomplete reaction, whereas its ser feedstock requires comparatively high agitation rate for signif-
higher molar ratio decreases the efficiency of separation of the glyc- icant biodiesel yield. Studies stated that transesterification using
erol from the excess methanol and also incurs additional production immiscible catalyst requires higher agitation rate as compared to
cost [21–23]. This happens due to decrease in the overall density of the miscible catalyst [30–32]. Apart from high density of feedstock,
glycerol, inhibiting its separation from methanol. Hence, it is neces- as mentioned above, the inability of catalyst to mix properly with
sary to optimize the molar ratio of oil: methanol beforehand. methanol and to form methoxide (transition state product),
Various reaction conditions such as temperature, time, and mix- required for the biodiesel formation, is also an important reason
ing/agitation speed also has a decisive effect in the effectiveness of for applying high agitation speed. However, studies supported
transesterification reaction. In general, reaction temperature plays the contribution of co-solvent in overcoming the oil and water
crucial role in decreasing the overall viscosity of oil, thereby immiscibility. Principally, in a homogeneous system (where
14 S. Sharma et al. / Materials Science for Energy Technologies 1 (2018) 11–21

catalyst is miscible in methanol), stirring speed increases the reac- ification and tissue engineering [47–52], environmental cleanup
tion rate, but in case of heterogeneous system (when catalyst is [53,54] biomedical applications e.g. drug delivery [55,56], antibacte-
immiscible in methanol) presence of co-solvent overcomes the rial activity [57–61], diagnostics [62–66] and energy resources
barrier of immiscibility and allows the oil and methanol to come [67–70]. The heterogeneous catalyst concentration can be tuned
in contact at standard agitation speed, hence decreases the need via designing an effective nanocomposite with enhanced surface
of vigorous mixing, otherwise required. Few co-solvent used in properties which includes high surface to volume ratio and uniform
the transesterification of high-density oil are hexane, ethanol, dispersal of nano-pores. Heterogeneous catalyst reduces the cost of
tetrahydrofuran, acetone, toluene, diethyl ether, ethyl acetate as biodiesel production via several ways, in terms of, ease of synthesis,
well as chloroform [33–36]. For instance, in a recent study on mild reaction conditions, reusability, regeneration capability and
transesterification of used cooking oil, acetone (wt.10%) was used ease of separation [71]. Based on the presence of acidic or basic sites
as a co-solvent with methanol utilizing cement as catalyst, yielded on the surface, heterogeneous catalysts are majorly categorized into
95.5% biodiesel at agitation speed of 300 rpm [37]. In spite of all two types, as discussed in the following sections.
the aforementioned factors, catalyst, their concentration and type,
play the key role in transesterification process. In general, catalyst 4.1. Heterogeneous acid catalysts
can be broadly classified as homogeneous catalysts and heteroge-
neous catalyst, based on their ability to mix with solvent and their Acid catalyst is significant in the esterification of low-grade
physical phase with respect to the reactants. These catalysts are feedstock which has high free fatty acid contents. In general,
further classified as acid and base catalysts which are discussed solid-acid catalyst provides positively charged acid site for the
in details in the next sections. fatty acid content of oil to get adsorbed, initiating transesterifica-
tion reaction between methanol and adsorbed triglyceride, as
shown in Fig. 3. Table 1 lists various heterogeneous acid catalysts
3. Homogeneous catalysts
utilized in transesterification of edible/nonedible feedstocks high-
lighting their reaction parameters and obtained biodiesel yield. It
Homogeneous catalyst possesses similar physical phase with
is perceived that acid catalysts are majorly prepared using sulfonic
that of reactants, i.e. are usually miscible with the reactants, and
acid precursor, which provides them high esterification activity for
are categorized into two forms: homogeneous base and homoge-
available free fatty acid content, whereas zirconia and SBA15 act as
neous acid catalysts. Homogeneous base catalysts possess catalysis
carrier support. In a recent study, use of sulfuric carbonization of
rate 4000 times higher than that of an acid catalyst, at mild reac-
biomass waste is employed for solid-acid catalyst preparation.
tion conditions [38]. However, they can cause soap formation, if the
Presence of various oxygen rich functional groups in the biomass,
free fatty acid content of the feedstock is >2%. In a typical base cat-
acts as major sites for sulfonation to occur thereby increasing the
alyzed transesterification, NaOH and KOH are widely used. Unlike
acidic active sites on the catalyst. Thushari et al. studied sulfonated
base catalyst, the homogeneous acid catalyst is insensitive to the
coconut meal residue as a catalyst (5% w/w), with overall surface
presence of free fatty acids in feedstock oil, hence are mostly appli-
area of 1.33 m2 g 1, pore volume of 0.31 cm3 g 1, diameter of
cable for low-grade feedstock. However, their catalysis rate is com-
13.2 nm, and pore size in the range 2.4–200 nm, respectively.
paratively slower than that of a base catalyst. H2SO4 and HCl have
Transesterification of waste palm oil having acid value:  0.4 mg
widely used acid catalyst in the transesterification reaction
KOH g 1, was undertaken using 12:1 M ratio of oil: methanol,
[39,40]. Even though, homogeneous catalysts are cheap, easily
yielding > 92% of biodiesel after 8 h at 65–70 °C reaction conditions
available and give better yield at mild reaction conditions, yet the
with recyclability up to 4 batches [72]. Recently, sulfonated zirco-
drawback includes separation of catalyst after reaction from the
nium phosphate nanosheets (SO3H@ZrP), was also studied with
product, corrosion of reactor and saponification as side reaction.
methanol and oleic acid (9:1) at 65 °C, as a nanoporous catalyst
These issues are well addressed by the introduction of heteroge-
for transesterification. A comparative study between the catalytic
neous catalyst in the transesterification reaction. We have enlight-
activity of SO3H@ZrP, H2SO4, and a commercial solid-acid catalyst
ened an expounded elucidation on heterogeneous catalyst involved
AmberlystÒ 15 (all loaded at 5% w/w), has been done, where the
in transesterification process and the entire potential characteristic
nanoporous catalyst showed 89% conversion of oleic acid, which
that nominates them as lead candidate in this process.
was higher than commercial catalyst along with higher recyclabil-
ity up to 5 cycles [73].
4. Heterogeneous catalysts Acid catalysts have also been examined for third generation bio-
diesel production. In this regard, Guldhe et al. developed tung-
A heterogeneous catalyst remains in a separate phase than that of stated zirconia based heterogenous acid catalyst for biodiesel
the reactants. They are also termed as contact catalysts as they func- production by utilizing S. obliquus lipids as feedstock having
tions via adsorbing the reactant entities over their surfaces. In bio- 19.72 mg KOH g 1 acid value, and saponification value of 180.35
diesel production (transesterification reaction), heterogeneous mg KOH g 1, respectively. They performed a comparative study
catalyst majorly lies in solid phase, whereas oil and methanol are between the heterogeneous and homogeneous acid catalyst using
in liquid phase. Various heterogeneous catalyst have been investi- 1:12 M ratio of oil: methanol, at temperature of 100 °C resulting
gated for the biodiesel production. It is observed that overall the biodiesel yield of 94.58%. Whereas, the biodiesel yield was
catalytic activity of these heterogeneous catalysts can be improved 96.68% and 91.7% when homogeneous catalyst (Sulfuric acid) and
via altering their lattice parameters through elemental doping step. enzyme catalysts (Immobilized Pseudomonas fluorescence lipase)
As discussed above, they catalyze the reaction through adsorption, were used, respectively. The solid-acid catalyst exhibited acid
and hence, large surface area is required to proceed the transesteri- strength (Ho) of 14.6, indicating the high super-acid property.
fication reaction. Nanocomposites materials, in this contrast have Lower reaction time and reusability up to 3 batches, reduced
been proven as the best candidate [41]. Nanoporous materials own methanol consumption and higher yield ensures the commercial
good surface properties for instance, large surface area, nano- applicability of the solid-acid catalysts [74].
scaled pore size with uniform distribution of pores, required for Heterogenous acid catalysts have been proven as potential can-
transesterification reaction [26,42,43]. These enhanced properties didate for producing biodiesel using waste cooking oil. Li et al.
not only makes them finest entrant for biodiesel production, but developed a magnetic solid-acid core shell catalyst by immobiliz-
for other applications such as semiconductors [44–46], surface mod- ing (3-aminopropyl) trimethoxysilane over magnetic (Fe3O4) core.
S. Sharma et al. / Materials Science for Energy Technologies 1 (2018) 11–21 15

Fig. 3. Schematic representation of transesterification using solid-acid catalyst; AS indicates acid site on catalyst, R1 indicates for alkyl group of fatty acid, and R2 indicates
alkyl group of triglyceride.

Table 1
Performance of heterogeneous acid catalysts in transesterification of edible/nonedible feedstocks for biodiesel production (* stands for Ethanol: Oil ratio).

Feedstocks Nonoporous Catalysts Reaction conditions Biodiesel References

Yield (%)
T (°C) Molar ratio Catalyst loading Time
(M:O)* (W%) (hours)
Palm oil [HSO3-BMIM]HSO4 108 11:1 9.17 6.43 98.93 [76]
Palm oil Sulfonated graphene 100 20:1 10 10 98 [77]
Soybean oil Carbonaceous catalysts 220 12:1* 5 5 93.2 [78]
Macaw palm oil Sulfated niobium oxide 250 120:1* 30 4 >98 [79]
Oleic acid + canola oil Amberlyst-15 120 5:1 2.5 1 >90 [80]
Castor oil Montmorillonite clay 60 12:1 5 5 89.8 [81]
Jatropha oil Montmorillonite clay 110 6:1 5 2.5 98 [81]
Jatropha oil Carbonaceous catalysts 220 12:1 5 5 90.9 [78]
Waste palm oil Sulphonated carbon 65–70 12:1 5 12 92.7 [72]
Waste cottonseed oil CeO2/Li/SBA-15 65 40:1 10 4 >98 [82]
Waste cooking oil Tungsten loaded bovine bone 100 6:1 8 5 98.9 [83]
Used cooking oil Mesoporous silica catalysts containing phosphotungstic acid 70 2:1 26.5 4 93 [84]
Waste cooking oil FeCl3-modified resin 90 10:1 8 2 92 [85]
Waste cooking oil Sulfonated carbon microsphere 110 9.35:1 10 4 89.6 [86]
Waste mustard oil Amberlyst-15 60 8:1 6 0.5 97.13 [87]
Microalgal lipid Chromium-aluminum mixed oxide 80 20:1 15 4 98.28 [88]
Microalgal lipids Tungstated zirconia 100 12:1 15 3 94.5 [74]

The size of the magnetic core was found to be 10 nm, with the stream processing (e.g. washing of biodiesel), and easy
surface area of 245 m2 g 1. The solid acid catalyst had 92 m2 g 1 regeneration and reusability makes them an effective candidate
available surface area. This magnetic solid acid catalyst showed for the transesterification process. Hence, there is a need to
advantages such as easy accessibility of acidic sites, and ease of enhance the positive aspects of the solid-acid catalyst, increasing
separation along with enhanced waste-oil utilization efficiency. its stability at high temperature, making its surface more oleophilic
Strong ionic interactions enhancing the activity and stability was in order to upgrade its insensitivity to moisture content of low
due to magnetic attraction between particles and the core shell grade feedstock. In addition, the surface area of these solid-
structure. Under mild reaction conditions at 70 °C, the total yield acid catalysts can be enhanced through elemental doping, which
from waste cooking oil was found to be 98.9% [75]. Such studies subsequently can provide more number of action sites for the
can lower down the hectic separation process, eventually enhanc- transesterification reaction. Moreover, the elemental doping may
ing the reusability and time of the overall reaction, which are con- alter the surface charge of the pristine catalysts, which can be
sidered to be must important factors for the commercialized easily tuned depending upon the acid content of the oil
production of the biodiesel. triglyceride.
From the various examples enlisted in Table 1, it is perceived
that acid catalysts are mostly employed in case of high acid value, 4.2. Heterogeneous base catalysts
in order to reduce the soap formation. The solid-acid-catalysts
carry few drawbacks such as; less activity and stability, slower The transesterification reaction can easily be manifested by
reaction rate and requirement of high reaction temperature. How- using homogeneous base catalysts such as NaOH and KOH at mild
ever, their ease of separation, non-corrosive nature, lesser down- reaction conditions, yet the separation and reusability are the main
16 S. Sharma et al. / Materials Science for Energy Technologies 1 (2018) 11–21

drawbacks. In general, solid-base catalysts provide negatively MgO and SrO also showed similar shortcomings i.e. MgO has poor
charged base sites for the methanol to be adsorbed, facilitating basicity whereas SrO has smaller molecular size, in comparison to
the transesterification reaction [89]. Fig. 4 describes the transester- CaO. Hence, recent studies are performed with the intention of
ification mechanism in base-catalyzed reaction involving (i) enhancing the stability along with surface basicity through the
physical adsorption of methanol to basic site on catalyst, (ii) reac- incorporation of various other metal oxides (ZnO, SiO2, Al2O3 etc.)
tion of fatty acid of triglyceride with methanol, (iii) formation of [90–92]. In accordance with such study, Yang et al., examined
methyl esters and glycerol, and (iv) re-availability of basic site on kinetic study of transesterification using metal oxides viz. ZnO,
the catalyst. Overall, the mild reaction conditions, lower time, and Hydrotalcite CH16Al2Mg6O94H2O (HT), CaO, Al2O3, MgO, Na2SiO3,
methanol amount required for transesterification reaction using and CaSiO3 using soybean oil as feedstock. The respective surface
solid-base catalysts, makes them adequate for their applicability properties of the catalysts were as follows: Na2SiO3 (Surface area
at commercialized scale. Hence, designing of nanostructured and pore diameter 1.40 m2 g 1 and 50.28 nm), CaSiO3 (Surface area
heterogeneous catalysts with high basic strength, along with effi- m2 g 1 and pore diameter 45.08 nm), CaO (Surface area m2 g 1 and
cient reusability is important and has great commercial impor- pore diameter 24.83 nm), and MgO (Surface area 6.61 m2 g 1, and
tance. In recent studies, alkali metals are pooled with suitable pore diameter 10.18 nm), ZnO (Surface area 4.16 m2 g 1, and pore
carrier materials such as alkaline and transition metal oxides, to diameter 35.08 nm), and HT (Surface area 225.20 m2 g 1, and pore
maintain the aforementioned properties of solid-base catalysts. diameter 5.03 nm). Their study revealed that mild conditions such
Table 2 includes various examples of the solid-base catalysts used as 28 °C temperature, 12:1 methanol: oil molar ratio, and time
for biodiesel production and their optimized reaction parameters. interval of 9–12 h was required to provide > 95% yield by using
Among the various alkaline base catalyst enlisted, CaO has been Na2SiO3. However, the yield was decreased from 98.4%, to 98.3%,
extensively studied due to its high catalytic rate, large abundance, 87.3% and 70.0% after repeated 4 cycles. Under similar conditions,
low production cost and easy availability, however, it undergoes the biodiesel yield was 14.2% for CaSiO3, 2% for CaO and <1.1% for
leaching upon repetitive uses. Other alkaline metal oxide such as; MgO, ZnO and HT. Whereas, CaSiO3 was studied at 28 °C, for 24 h,

Fig. 4. Schematic representation of solid-base catalyzed transesterification process. Image adapted from ‘‘Environment-friendly heterogeneous alkaline-based mixed metal
oxide catalysts for biodiesel production” by Lee et al., 2016, Energies, 9(8): p. 611[89]
S. Sharma et al. / Materials Science for Energy Technologies 1 (2018) 11–21 17

Table 2
Performance of heterogeneous base catalysts in transesterification of edible/nonedible feedstocks for biodiesel production.

Feedstocks Nonoporous Catalysts Reaction conditions Biodiesel Yield (%) References

T (°C) Molar ratio Catalyst loading Time (hours)
(M:O) (W%)
Rice bran oil CaO nanocatalyst 65 35:1 0.5 2 93.5 [97]
Soybean oil CaO/activated carbon 69 10:1 2 6 93.01 [98]
Castor oil Nickel doped ZnO 55 8:1 11.07 1 95.2 [26]
White mustard seed oil Powdered quicklime 60 6.1:1 9.8 0.8 95.0 [99]
Soybean oil Cesium impregnated sodium zirconate 65 30:1 1 0.25 98.8 [100]
Linseed oil Calcium oxide 30 9.48:1 15 3 98.08 [36]
Soybean oil Li2TiO3 catalyst 65 24:1 6 2 98.5 [101]
Sunflower oil MgO/MgAl2O4 110 12:1 3 3 95.0 [102]
Soybean oil Cement kiln dust 65 12:1 3.5 6 NR [103]
Silybum marianum L. seed oil Carbon acid catalyst 60 15:1 6 1.25 96.98 [104]
Palm oil Lime derived CaO 65 15:1 6 2 97.0 [105]
Palm oil Rice husk derived sodium silicate 65 12:1 2.5 0.5 97.0 [106]
Palm oil CaO/c-Al2O3 60 15:1 9 3 97.66 [107]
Palm oil Fly ash from wood pellet 60 12:1 9 3 99.92 [107]
Soybean oil MgFe2O4@CaO 70 12:1 1 3 98.3 [108]
Soybean oil Calcined duck eggshell 60 10:1 10 1.3 94.6 [109]
Non-edible Karanja oil Cement waste 60 30:1 2.5 3 76.0 [110]
Jatropha oil Cesium impregnated sodium zirconate 65 15:1 3 1 90.8 [100]
Jatropha oil KOH/calcined waste animal bones 70 9:1 6 3 96.10 [111]
Waste cooking oil Calcium diglyceroxide 62 7.46:1 1.03 0.25 94.86 [27]
Waste olive oil Tio2 nanoparticles 120 30:1 0.2 4 91.2 [112]
Waste cooking oil Cao- ZrO2 65 30:1 10 2 92.1 [113]

using 27:1 M ratio of methanol: oil and catalyst amount of 23% (w/ was obtained after 4 h [96]. From these examples, it can be con-
w) obtaining > 99% of the biodiesel yield [93]. Hence, these cata- cluded that low reaction time, methanol: oil ratio and catalyst con-
lysts can replace the traditional homogeneous catalysts with the centrations as well as mild reaction parameters are required for
additional reusability. Similarly, Wang et al., investigated efficiency transesterification reaction using solid-base catalyst. Yet the
of solid-base catalyst prepared using slag of gasified straw decrease in the reusability and the reactive conditions during bulk
which had surface area of 1.266 m2g 1, and pore volume of production are the major concerns. Hence, an optimized doping of
0.01971 cm3g 1, for the transesterification of rapeseed oil. The gasi- transition metals into basic oxides can complement each other, by
fier included metal oxides such as MgO, SiO2, Al2O3, K2O, CaO, and providing stability along with the high catalytic activity at mild
FeO. The optimized conditions were found to be 200 °C in the pres- reaction conditions using low grade feedstock, making this process
ence of 20% (w/w) catalyst, 12:1 M ratio of methanol: oil for the economically feasible for scale up production.
time interval of 8 h, to obtain 95% yield of biodiesel. The catalyst
showed reusability for up to 33 repeats and the biodiesel yield
was found to be >85%. Hence, the gasifier can be concluded as one 5. Mechanism of heterogeneous catalysis
of the best fit reusable solid-base catalyst for transesterification
reaction [94]. The essential step in transesterification reaction is adsorption.
Sano et al., designed a calcium ferrite dispersed carbon nano- Heterogeneous catalysts provide reaction site for the reactants
horn (CNH) as solid-base catalyst (Surface area; 274.4 m2 g 1 (adsorbents) to be adsorbed, and thus catalyzes the reaction. Diffu-
CNH) for the transesterification of tricaprylin into methyl capry- sion is one of the major problem in heterogeneous catalysis of oil
late. Using such CNH, the yield was found to be 95% in 120 min [114]. Hence, to reduce the diffusion and for a proper adsorption
at 64 °C, which subsequently enhanced the biodiesel yield to reaction, a heterogeneous catalyst must possess certain character-
100% within 180 min. The benefit of utilizing the calcium ferrite istics such as; hefty surface area, uniform distribution of numerous
lies in its easy separation process. The authors stated that the pores of optimum pore sizes. Solid-acid catalyst provides positively
reusability of the catalyst was 100% up to 3 times with a simple charged active site for the adsorption of fatty acid and solid-base
magnetic separation, which was decreased down to 86.6% at fifth catalysts provide negatively charged active site for the adsorption
cycle [95]. However, high basicity of catalyst can cause saponifica- of methanol. In solid-base catalysis, a tetrahedral intermediate is
tion in the presence of free fatty acid. Hence, for the low grade formed due to the reaction between alkoxide ion to the alkyl group
feedstock, use of amphoteric transition metal oxides which are less of triglyceride, followed by its reaction with the alcohol. The rear-
susceptible to free fatty acid are essential. However, they are effec- rangement of this intermediate produces the ester and diglycerides
tive at high temperature and requires more reaction time in com- (See Fig. 4). In solid-acid catalysis, a carbocation is formed, which
parison to the alkaline metal oxide. Nevertheless, they does not due to the attack of nucleophile (alcohol) gives rise to tetrahedral
cause leaching, even after repeated usage, and can perform esteri- intermediate, which excludes glycerol and forms a new ester
fication and transesterification simultaneously (due to Lewis base regenerating the catalyst (See Fig. 3). In summary, physical adsorp-
character). In addition, their non-corrosive nature and ease of tion of oil or alcohol under optimized conditions takes place at the
separation and regeneration, affix their practical applicability in active sites of the heterogeneous catalysts depending on the type
the biofuel industry. For instance, Jamil et al. investigated the role of catalysts. Intermediates are formed, which lower the activation
of Mn@MgO-ZrO2 having 45.78 m2 g 1 surface area and pore diam- energy barrier and facilitates biodiesel production. There are vari-
eter of 17.06 nm, as a solid-basic catalyst for biodiesel production ous other factors, which governs the adsorption of the adsorbents
using low-grade feedstock of the waste kernel oil. Under the opti- at the active site of the adsorbate such as; concentration of active
mized experimental conditions of 90 °C, 15:1 methanol: oil molar sites, stability of catalyst on the basis of its leaching activity and
ratio and catalyst loading of 3% (w/w), a 96.4% biodiesel yield surface poisoning effects, overall catalyst surface hydrophobicity,
18 S. Sharma et al. / Materials Science for Energy Technologies 1 (2018) 11–21

and repulsion to polar compounds. Hence, an ideal heterogeneous 7. Challenges and future prospective
catalyst must possess all these given characteristics to facilitate the
effective and efficient biodiesel production. Alteration in any of Although researchers have explored various feedstocks as well
these properties may lead to the failure or delaying of the transes- as catalysts for obtaining more than 95% yield of biodiesel, yet
terification reaction. the commercialization of the biodiesel has not been accomplished.
The major reason behind this lag is the type of feedstocks, cata-
6. Conclusion lysts, their availability and production cost. Conventional homoge-
neous catalysts are efficiently being used in transesterification of
Biodiesel is proven to be an efficient, eco-friendly and sustain- edible/ nonedible feedstock yet their reusability is the major con-
able substitute to conventional fuels. However, the economics of cern. Heterogeneous catalysts overcome various side effects of
its production is a major bottleneck to be addressed by the homogeneous and enzyme catalysts such as their hygroscopic nat-
research communities. In this direction, non-edible feedstocks i.e. ure, water production with alcohol, reusability, and hectic separa-
Jatropha oils and waste cooking oils etc. are explored as a cheaper tion processes. However, the major disadvantage of heterogeneous
raw materials as compare to the edible oils. Mild reaction condi- catalyst includes the formation immiscible phases with reactants
tions and optimum molar ratio of alcohol are essential for eco- during transesterification reaction i.e. oil, alcohol (water), and cat-
nomic production of biodiesel. Yield of produced biodiesel is still alysts (solid) [114]. This subsequently leads to diffusion limita-
a major challenge for its economic viability. In this context, nano- tions, thus decreases the rate of the reaction. This limitation can
porous materials based heterogeneous catalysts play a crucial role be diminished by the incorporation of co-solvents as discussed in
for the effective and efficient conversion of feedstocks to biodiesel Section 2. The catalyst support can also be introduced with more
with an added feature of reusability. These nanoporous materials surface area and pore volume of active sites for the reaction of
enhance the specific surface area of the catalyst for the maximized large triglyceride molecules.
adsorption of oil and methanol and hence manifest the biodiesel Nanocomposites can play a master role in this direction, as
production. Various heterogeneous acid and base catalysts have composites carry the properties of both filler as well as the matrix.
been explored using various feedstocks and different optimum bio- In addition, they form more stable structure than that of bulk solid-
diesel yields are reported based on reaction temperature, time, and acid or solid-base catalysts, which in turn can enhance the
catalyst concentrations. Generally, mild reaction conditions and reusability of the catalyst. Nanoporous composite of solid acid-
lower time intervals are required using solid-base catalysts than base catalyst may provide all the necessary requirements for the
that of solid-acid catalyst. Even though solid-base catalysts are transesterification reaction such as high surface to volume ratio,
more efficient for spontaneous transesterification reaction, yet elevated number of pores, and reactive acid and base sites for
one of the major concerns while using solid-base catalyst is transesterification reaction. Hence, it is recommended that
reusability, which gets down to many folds after consecutive reac- nanocomposites of transition metal ions and basic metal oxides
tions. In order to remove these lags, heterogeneous catalysts must (e.g. Zn, Fe doped CaO) for the transesterification reaction, in order
possess both base site as well as the acid site. This can possibly be to affix the practical applicability and commercial availability of
achieved by doping of transition metal ions into the solid-base the biodiesel production. The major drawbacks of solid-acid
catalysts. catalyst and solid-base catalyst can be removed by designing a

Fig. 5. The proposed transesterification mechanism of biodiesel production using engineered nanoporous heterogeneous acid-base bifunctional catalyst.
S. Sharma et al. / Materials Science for Energy Technologies 1 (2018) 11–21 19

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