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What is graphotherapy?

It is a natural and comprehensive therapeutic technique that basically consists of a scriptural re-education, of only
those letters or strokes that must be corrected to improve our behavior and personality. Handwritten writing reflects
our psychological, emotional and also physiological reality. This is like an x-ray of the person's psycho-physical

It is a method that has no contraindications of any nature, and its results are fully demonstrable.

This technique can be performed remotely and in person.

(Each of these 12 strokes is associated with areas of our behavior )

In summary, graphotherapy is based on carrying out movements (12) that, when internalized, through the various
graphic exercises proposed and directed by a graphotherapist, produce a conditioned reflex, which gives a new
response to our behavior.

New: visit our blog and watch our video dedicated to graphotherapy.

C/ Hiedra, 6 [Junto Plaza de Castilla] - 28036 Madrid (Spain) +(34) 91 383 80 18

Does this graphic therapy have any side effects?

Being a natural therapy, it does not cause any side effects. And, furthermore, it does not involve the intake
of any type of drug.

Does therapy take a long time?

The daily time it takes to perform the therapy is only 15 to 25 minutes.

How are psychological or behavioral dysfunctions detected?

Through a deep study of writing, which is sometimes complemented with drawings.

Will this therapy completely change my handwriting?

It is important to clarify that this therapy does not only consist of changing the entirety of a person's
handwriting, but also of carrying out a writing re-education of only those strokes that must be corrected.
Once the corresponding strokes have been modified and internalized, the person naturally and spontaneously
incorporates the new strokes into their writing. And, parallel to these scriptural changes, the person
perceives their improvement.

Is it easy to do?
This therapy is very simple to perform, since, in fact, it can be applied to children from 8/9 years old to
adults of any age. It is a novel method, which has no contraindications, and whose results are quick and

How long does the treatment last?

The duration of treatment depends on the case, since each person has their own rate of evolution. In general
terms, it can be said that improvement is observed after a few weeks.

When is it recommended to do the graphic exercises?

It is recommended to do the exercises in the morning. In practice, however, everyone does them when they
can, or when they feel like it. For example, young people usually do them in the afternoon, after school or
sports practices.

Can everyone do graphotherapy?

In principle yes, since it is a comprehensive therapy, which has no contraindications and in which no drugs
are prescribed. However, it will always be the graphotherapist who decides in which cases it should be
applied and in which it should not. As already mentioned, it is suitable for children, adolescents and adults;
although young people form the group where it is currently having a lot of acceptance, due to its rapid results
and proven effectiveness.

Does this therapy always have positive effects?

Yes, always, in all cases the person notices its positive effects and has no side effects.

Is it convenient to have a personal interview?

It is not essential, although, if possible and geographical distance allows, it would be advisable to have a
personal interview at some point during the treatment.

Can left-handed people do this therapy?

Of course they do, as do right-handed ones.

Is it advisable to have a personality report done before starting treatment?

It is not an essential requirement to start treatment, but it is advisable, because in this way, the person
knows how they are before starting treatment.

How are the progress achieved observed?

The graphic lines change as they are internalized, therefore, it is an observable and objective technique.
Regarding behavior, the person perceives, in parallel to these graphic changes, an improvement in the
symptomatology that is.

Does graphotherapy also serve to cure some diseases?

Graphotherapy is a recommended technique to change or improve certain behaviors of our behavior and
psychosomatic diseases.

Does it work the same for adults as it does for children?

Exactly the same. It is proven that it does not depend on the age of the person for this therapy to be
effective: of course, as long as it is done well and the instructions given by the graphotherapist are followed.

Can it be compatible with any other therapy?

Of course yes, in fact, sometimes and depending on the symptoms we are working on, it will be
recommended that it be complemented with another therapy. With this therapy it happens exactly like any
other, there is no therapy that excludes another if both are beneficial for the person.

Can graphotherapy be followed remotely?

Of course yes, you just have to follow the graphotherapist's instructions, the golden rules and the
VIDEO/DVD guide and the results will be safely obtained.

What disorders does GRAPHOTHERAPY treat?

Among others:
· Improves Dysgraphia (bad handwriting). · Channel daydreaming/distraction.
· Increases self-esteem. · Overcome exam phobias and other phobias.
· Improves social relationships. · Control bad eating habits, addictions.
· Increases the assimilation of knowledge. · Eliminates aggressiveness/irritability.
· Improves memory and decluttering. · Overcome insecurity.
· Reduces dyslexia. · Overcome depression.
· Reduces hyperactivity. · Eliminates irritability.
· Overcome shyness. · And, also, psycho-somatic disorders.
· Strengthens study habits.

Apathy and disinterest in studies

☆ Source: Andalusia en route
A technique that helps overcome school failure
In this article we are going to talk about both apathy and disinterest in things in general, but focusing, in
particular, on everything related to the world of learning, studies, and training. That is, for everything that
can affect, in a very direct way, the performance of young people in their educational stages. Therefore, we
are talking about nothing more and nothing less than your professional and personal future.
One of the reasons for apathy and disinterest can be found in the lack of motivation, reluctance, and
boredom that some young people suffer from. This is, in part, motivated by not achieving the expected
expectations, the desired goals (not passing exams, not achieving the grades they expected or believed they
deserved, etc.) or repeating courses. All these circumstances have a very negative influence on the mood
and the interest in overcoming those obstacles that seem insurmountable... (continue reading...)
That is why we believe that it is very convenient that parents, teachers and anyone involved in the world of
learning, try to know what the causes are - to the extent possible - what are the true causes of student
Graphic features that show apathy and disinterest:
Below we indicate some of the most characteristic and revealing graphic and writing features of these
circumstances. They can tell us that our students and children are immersed in apathy and disinterest, if they
manifest these symptoms:
• Font widely spaced on the page. • Very large font size
• Very little busy page. • Very sloppy writing.
• Messy or very messy page. • Letters very far apart.
• Unstructured writing (difficult to read) • Signature too small or crossed out.
• Very open ovals. • Very large margins.
• Fine or very fine pressure. • Letters of different sizes from each other in
• Very noticeable inclination to the right. writing.
• Very regressive writing. • Etc.
***From the appearance of more than three of these traits, it is considered that the person begins to feel
this problem more or less accentuated, and that their attitude will almost certainly be lazy.
It is worth reminding the student, once again, that to achieve success or what they want in life they must
persist in their goals, they must work and study hard, especially in all those subjects that are heavier and
more difficult and not... throw in the towel at first.
We understand that this is one of the many approaches with which this problem can be addressed, especially
among young people. There are many more approaches, many more possible solutions, all of them
interesting and complementary to each other.
But now we want to contribute our particular grain of sand, and address the issue from a graphological
perspective. That is, a comprehensive approach, both of the personality – looking for the causative reasons –
and of the type of intelligence that the student has.
As already mentioned in some other article, graphotherapy is an empirical graphic technique that
unequivocally detects these symptoms. Furthermore, it analyzes the causes that produce such anomalies,
and corrects them naturally and, what is very important, without using any type of drug.
We could continue talking about the benefits of graphotherapy, but... wouldn't it be better to check it out in

Sociability in the letter

☆ Source: Andalusia en route
In this article we are going to address how sociability is reflected through our writing. In it we can see if a
person is sociable, open, extroverted, bold, impetuous, indiscreet... As we see, of the factors that we have
mentioned there are some that are positive and others that are not so positive, and in addition, they can give
us some another disappointment. Next, let's look at some of the most characteristic features of sociability
that are reflected in the lyrics.

Now we will show some examples of, let's say, negative traits that can also appear in very sociable people,
but who are far from possessing social skills. (Keep reading…)

All these traits would show us indiscreet personalities, who do not know how to keep a secret and who go
where no one calls them. They are also people who know how to be alone, who need to always be with
someone and tell someone things. That is, dependents. In addition, they could be impatient and impetuous
people, who do not know how to wait, all of which creates relationship conflicts. And, of course, we would be
talking about people who talk out loud. They can also be people who talk and don't listen. As a consequence,
they usually lack judgment, since they do not reflect on the information they hear. They also usually present
symptoms of impatience, impertinence and anxiety.
Of course, not all the traits are usually found together, since it is normal for some of them to occur, although
there are letters in which all of these traits are present, and even more.
At the present time, current affairs, sociability and social skills are factors on the rise in our society... and
let's not talk about the professional field. Currently, this competence is one of the most valued by entities
and businessmen.
Precisely for this reason, GRAPHOTHERAPY is a technique that can help a lot to improve this factor in those
people whose personality this competence does not appear sufficiently developed. By working on certain
scriptural traits, such people can improve this ability, both to optimize their relationships with their
environment, friends, colleagues, friendships... and in the business world.
We know that by changing or modifying those traits in our writing that block us or hinder social relationships,
our environment can change.
Example of a letter with social skills.

How to address shyness through lyrics

☆ Source: CA Cabinet Graphológico
Many young people are those who do not show their intellectual potential, because their handwriting or
writing is of poor quality. Writing together with words make up our way of expressing ourselves. Both one
and the other are essential to make ourselves understood and understood by others.
There are many young people whose writing does not have the clarity it should, even though their character
is serious and shy. These characteristics, in principle, are neither good nor bad, they simply are. There are
people who are very proud of being like this, and there are even others who highly value the attitude of
physical seriousness in people, since they believe that seriousness provides “reliability”, and almost everyone
likes this. (Keep reading…)
These are general considerations and valid for almost all of us. However, in this article we are going to refer
to the different situations in which these characteristics, because they appear too accentuated, directly affect
the development of personality, whether we are children, young people or adults.
At each stage of our lives, logically, these circumstances and peculiarities have a different impact, but they
almost always do so in a negative light.
Let's take a simple example: a child or adolescent who does not maintain good relationships with friends or
colleagues is depriving themselves of fostering the foundations to be a sociable, supportive, friendly, pleasant
person, in short. The most likely thing is that he will become a solitary, individualistic, and even selfish being,
since, by not having friends, he will most likely not play, which will not encourage participation or leisure,
and, eventually, when If you finally decide to do it, you will surely feel displaced. Obviously, this will have an
impact on future stages of development, which may manifest itself in the following reactions, which in turn
can lead to behavioral disorders:
• Difficulty integrating into the group.
• Reluctance to improve or learn, as it will feel different.
• Difficulty participating in any event (theater, games, etc.)
• Enhancement of individualism and loneliness.
• Inconstancy caused by lack of results.
• Lack of communication with those close to you (friends, family...)
• Etc.
These are just some of the situations that can arise in the lives of young people, or of any person when their
personality gradually closes down due to shyness, seriousness or lack of communication.
If we add to this, on the other hand, that at an early age it is very difficult to get children to take
responsibility for all their actions, or to identify with these small personality disorders, we have, in principle, a
breeding ground for these people. They have certain problems with their studies, work, and personal
To overcome these disorders, Graphotherapy appears as an invaluable tool, as it allows us to overcome each
and every one of the potholes that our children can fall into, when facing the solution of the problems
How are these writing disorders detected?
Below we are going to indicate the most frequent graphic features that appear in writing that show these

• The top parts of letters are usually short. Poor communication:

• The print is small or very small • The final strokes are short or very short.
• The pressure is fine or very fine • Ovals are closed or very closed.
• The letters are usually very close to each other. • The letters are spaced or very far apart.
• The ovals are closed and have a turn. • The letter is usually slanted to the left.
• The letter is inverted • Etc.
• The letter is usually separate.
• Etc.
These are some of the most important graphic features, although there are many more, although not all of
them must always be present to consider that a person is very shy, serious or very uncommunicative. This
will be assessed, of course, after a deep and intensive graphological analysis.
How are these disorders corrected with Graphotherapy?
Graphotherapy is a graphic re-education that corrects those aspects of writing that manifest the disorder we
want to correct. In the case at hand, they will be all those that we detect after the mandatory graphological
The treatment consists of carrying out personalized writing exercises. It is important to say that each person
manifests the symptoms in a personal way, and, therefore, therapy must be personalized.
From what age can these disorders be seen?
Well, naturally, from the moment the person begins to write or draw.

How to detect hyperactivity and nervousness in your handwriting
☆ Source: CA Cabinet Graphological
Nervousness/hyperactivity (attention deficit disorder)
Hyperactivity is considered a behavioral disorder that entails, among other things:
• Lack of child attention
• Easy distractibility due to stimuli outside the situation
• Difficulty staying seated when the situation requires it
• Difficulty following instructions given by others (parents, teachers, etc.).
• Difficulty sitting when the situation requires it
• Often talks excessively, verbiage
• Often does not listen to what is said to him
• Etc
How is hyperactivity in writing detected?
The writing of a child or adult usually shows the following graphic features: (continue reading...)
See small example

• The font size is usually quite large (although not necessarily).

• The letters are usually quite irregular, that is, some are larger than others)
• Neither letters, margins nor pages maintain any type of order.
• The lines descend or ascend.
• Ovals are usually very large, compared to other vowels.
• The writing is very irregular.
• Etc etc
In any case, not all the traits have to be met to consider a person active or hyperactive. The level of concern
that a person presents will be assessed after a thorough graphological analysis.
How are these symptoms corrected with Graphotherapy?
Graphotherapy, in summary, is a graphic re-education that modifies or corrects those strokes of writing that
manifest the disorder we want to correct. In the case that does not occupy, they will be all those that we
detect in the child's or adult's handwriting and that manifest hyperactivity.
Is it difficult to detect them?
No, really, hyperactivity is easier to detect than other personality disorders, although its treatment is a little
What does the treatment consist of?
The treatment consists of carrying out personalized scriptural exercises. It is important to say that each
person manifests the symptoms in a personal way, that is why the therapy is personalized.
The exercises are done daily and only take about 15 minutes.
From what age can you start?
From 7/8 years old to any age.
How long does the treatment last?
This will depend on the child/adult. Each of us has a pace of change. But after 2/3 months, improvement is
already observed and the results are demonstrable.

A writing re-education technique that helps improve learning

☆ Source: CA Cabinet Graphológico
When human beings devised a way to write down their knowledge, their feelings, their desires, their
ambitions, they were also creating - perhaps without knowing it - a source of information about their own
inner world.
That is to say, when handwritten writing was created, not only had a way of transmitting information about
the world in general been initiated, leaving a record of it on a parchment or - more modernly - on a piece of
paper, but the subject who carried out the act of writing He left an x-ray of himself, of the deepest part of his
Currently, the graphology professional tries to make sense of all this accumulation of information, which is
transmitted to us by attitudes, feelings, reactions, passions, even psychological anomalies and diseases of
the body.
On this occasion, we are going to show how we can detect, easily and without major setbacks, some of the
characterological and intellectual anomalies that numerous children and adolescents show, and that are
manifested in their writing. As we believe that this is an interesting topic for everyone, we will break it down
over several articles, in which we will show some examples of writings, and we will indicate the most
prevalent symptoms in each of them.
We will begin by indicating the different stages that must be overcome before reaching personal and
autonomous writing, far from the learned model. These stages are:
1st precalligraphic stage
This stage goes from 5-6 to 7-8 years, and corresponds to the first years of schooling.

(Keep reading…)
2nd calligraphic stage
It goes from 8-9 to 11-12 years old. At this stage, mastery of the graphic technique is already manifested
and the learned calligraphic model is reproduced, although this does not mean that said learned technique is
reproduced with complete fidelity.

3rd post-calligraphic call

This last stage goes from 11-12 to 16 years old. This stage coincides with the
adolescence, so the spelling can project the disorganization that this age entails. At the end of this stage,
the traits of
autonomy that distinguishes adult and personal writing.

Next, we are going to show some examples of spellings that reveal certain
symptoms that are projected in writing, and that are easily
observable by teachers, counselors, parents.
A) Writing with touch-ups, amendments and deletions in the graphic set

Characterological meaning:

• Lack of attention or concentration • Demand

• Fatigue • Unsafety
• Impulsivity • Doubts
• Striving for perfectionism • Desires for clarity

B) Writing with the upper part of the letters very high. For graphology, the upper area of writing is the one
that tells us about the intellectual and spiritual area of the person. Therefore, imagination, creativity, ideas as
such, the superior in general, are valued here.

Characterological meaning:
• A lot of dispersion
• If the pressure of writing is weak, it will project little possibility of carrying out what is imagined.
• Impractical person
• Little will, you think you are going to do something, but it remains a mere idea.
• Manifests intellectual ambition
• Very idealistic
The symptoms mentioned above can prevent many young people, in the best of cases, from making the
desired progress in their educational development.
Both these and other symptoms have a solution, and precisely for this reason we want to highlight it, since
timely help from a professional can contribute, to a large extent, to correcting all kinds of writing anomalies,
and to overcoming the internal causes that produce them. .
Important: we want to emphasize, once again, that to issue an accurate diagnosis about a certain type of
letter, it is necessary that it present a certain number of significant features, and not just a few.
Consuelo Anguix

Irritability and aggressiveness in the lyrics
☆ Source: CA Cabinet Graphológico
In this article we are going to talk a little about how, through lyrics, we can detect and correct a certain
degree of aggressiveness, impatience and irritability in people and, more specifically, in young people.
Sometimes, we observe that in many writings the angle predominates, that is, there are words whose natural
morphology is curved and, however, curved features are transformed into angles. Let's see some example.

When this change is not too abundant - we mean that it is not made in all the letters that should be curved -
we find that irritability appears only from time to time. However, when this percentage is higher, we can
deduce that the person is not only irritated from time to time, but much more frequently. That is to say, bad
temper and outbursts are common and everyday.
We must also take into account where in the letter this change occurs, since it is not the same whether it
appears in the middle, upper or lower part of the letters. (Keep reading…)
Let's look at some examples of these areas:
Upper area of the letters

In this area, bouts of irritability are reflected. That is to say, the person is not permanently angry, but it can
happen that he suddenly loses his temper, and even for no apparent reason.
Middle area of the letters

In this case, the person shows a more constant irritability, here it is more internal and usually manifests itself
in anger, resentment... That is, you see more of him than in the case above, since he usually has an angry
face from the harsh gesture.
Lower area of the letters

In this case, the person has a lot of character and shows it most obviously through anger, that is, by
punching, kicking, etc.
Of course, all these cases can manifest in all three areas, or in two, or in one, so, logically, the character of
the person will vary substantially. In addition, other graphic expressions must be taken into account such as
pressure, speed or the size of the letters, among other graphic variables.
How can you improve these traits?
As we have been saying in many of our articles, graphotherapy, being an empirical graphic therapy, which
unequivocally corrects the causes that cause these symptoms, causes these traits to change deeply and
definitively. Therefore, it will have a profound impact on personality change.
Below we show an example of a person's handwriting (1), who after a time of doing graphotherapy went on
to do the handwriting (2) with the consequent changes and improvements in his personality.
Before doing graphotherapy (1)

Some time later… (2)

For this reason, we believe it is very convenient that parents, teachers, as well as anyone involved in the
world of learning, try to know - to the extent that this is possible - if the handwriting of their children,
students, friends, family... presents some of these signs. It must be taken into account that the sooner the
defective traits are corrected, the sooner such symptoms will be eradicated; symptoms that hinder the
development and evolution of young people.

Bad handwriting (digraphy)

☆ Source: CA Cabinet Graphológico
Throughout daily life, we often find that there are many children and young people who do not show their
true intellectual potential, because their handwriting, their writing, is of poor quality. It is known that writing,
along with words, makes up our way of expressing ourselves. Both one and the other are essential to make
ourselves understood and understood by others.
It is evident, as we have pointed out, that there are many young people whose writing is not as clear as it
should be, although it is also evident that this also happens to adults. But, in the case of young people, this
circumstance has a greater impact on their school activities, since, on the one hand, they are using it
continuously and, on the other, in many cases it is the reason for bad grades, and even repeated failures.
(Keep reading…)
Now, the reason we have bad handwriting is not due to a single reason, but depends on several reasons:
1st Because fine psychomotor skills are not well developed, and this prevents us from accurately carrying out
the writing movements that we make with the wrist and fingers.
2nd Because we do not put enough interest in imitating the model that
They teach us in school.
3º Because our lyrics, in addition to being a means of communication, as we stated before, also reveal to us
what our character or personality is like. Therefore, when our handwriting looks strange, or is difficult to
understand, or is poorly structured, or when we “eat” words, syllables, etc., we are actually communicating
that we have some personal or intellectual dysfunction, such as dyslexia, haste, nervousness, irritability,
dispersion, absent-mindedness, and many other symptoms that indicate our real inner state.
For this reason, when a graphotherapist sees writing, the first thing the
attention is the reason for the poor construction of those letters. And from
From there, try to correct that reason, whether it is of psychomotor origin, or
either of psychological origin. If it is the first circumstance,
They prescribe some psychomotor exercises, along with graphotherapy exercises. If, on the other hand,
there are no motor problems, correction of writing is sought with only graphotherapy exercises.
To better illustrate what we have pointed out, below we show an example of handwriting using the
convenient and appropriate graphotherapy exercises.
child: 9 years
symptoms: dysgraphia, introversion, shyness, certain aggressiveness
Before treatment

Three months later and treatment continues

To solve these problems of poor handwriting, and their academic and vital consequences, graphotherapy
appears as an important tool, as it allows us to overcome, in an easy and non-traumatic way, each and every
one of the potholes that our children can fall into. Graphotherapy, in short, the improvements and advances
achieved with this technique are not lost; in addition, it allows us to successfully solve many learning
problems in the school environment.
The Graphotherapy treatment can be followed in person and at a distance and consists of carrying out
personalized writing exercises. It is important to note that each person manifests the symptoms in an
eminently personal way and, therefore, the treatment must be - and is - personalized.
Let's get to know our young people through writing
☆ Source: CA Cabinet Graphológico
When human beings devised a way to write down their knowledge, their feelings, their desires, their
ambitions, they were also creating - perhaps without knowing it - a source of information about their own
inner world.
That is to say, when handwritten writing was created, not only had a way of transmitting information about
the world in general been initiated, leaving a record of it on a parchment or - more modernly - on a piece of
paper, but the subject who carried out the act of writing He left an x-ray of himself, of the deepest part of his
person. (Keep reading…)
Currently, the graphology professional tries to make sense of all this accumulation of information, which is
transmitted to us by attitudes, feelings, reactions, passions, even psychological anomalies and diseases of
the body.
On this occasion, we are going to show how we can detect, easily and without major setbacks, some of the
characterological and intellectual anomalies that numerous children and adolescents show, and that are
manifested in their writing. As we believe that this is an interesting topic for everyone, we will break it down
over several articles, in which we will show some examples of writings, and we will indicate the most
prevalent symptoms in each of them.
We will begin by indicating the different stages that must be overcome before reaching personal and
autonomous writing, far from the learned model. These stages are:
1st precalligraphic stage
This stage goes from 5-6 to 7-8 years, and corresponds to the first years of schooling.

2nd calligraphic stage

It goes from 8-9 to 11-12 years old. At this stage, mastery of the graphic technique is already manifested
and the learned calligraphic model is reproduced, although this does not mean that said learned technique is
reproduced with complete fidelity.

3rd post-calligraphic call

This last stage goes from 11-12 to 16 years old. This stage coincides with the
adolescence, so the spelling can project the disorganization that this age entails. At the end of this stage,
the traits of
autonomy that distinguishes adult and personal writing.

Next, we are going to show some examples of spellings that reveal certain
symptoms that are projected in writing, and that are easily
observable by teachers, counselors, parents.
A) Writing with touch-ups, amendments and deletions in the graphic set

Characterological meaning:

• Lack of attention or concentration • Demand

• Fatigue • Unsafety
• Impulsivity • Doubts
• Striving for perfectionism • Desires for clarity

B) Writing with the upper part of the letters very high. For graphology, the upper area of writing is the one
that tells us about the intellectual and spiritual area of the person. Therefore, imagination, creativity, ideas as
such, the superior in general, are valued here.

Characterological meaning:
• A lot of dispersion
• If the pressure of writing is weak, it will project little possibility of carrying out what is imagined.
• Impractical person
• Little will, you think you are going to do something, but it remains a mere idea.
• Manifests intellectual ambition
• Very idealistic
The symptoms mentioned above can prevent many young people, in the best of cases, from making the
desired progress in their educational development.
Both these and other symptoms have a solution, and precisely for this reason we want to highlight it, since
timely help from a professional can contribute, to a large extent, to correcting all kinds of writing anomalies,
and to overcoming the internal causes that produce them. .
Important: we want to emphasize, once again, that to issue a precise diagnosis about a certain type of letter,
it is necessary that it present a certain number of significant features, and not just some

Let's get to know our young people through writing

☆ Source: CA Cabinet Graphológico
When human beings devised a way to write down their knowledge, their feelings, their desires, their
ambitions, they were also creating - perhaps without knowing it - a source of information about their own
inner world.
That is to say, when handwritten writing was created, not only had a way of transmitting information about
the world in general been initiated, leaving a record of it on a parchment or - more modernly - on a piece of
paper, but the subject who carried out the act of writing He left an x-ray of himself, of the deepest part of his
Currently, the graphology professional tries to make sense of all this accumulation of information, which is
transmitted to us by attitudes, feelings, reactions, passions, even psychological anomalies and diseases of
the body.
On this occasion, we are going to show how we can detect, easily and without major setbacks, some of the
characterological and intellectual anomalies that numerous children and adolescents show, and that are
manifested in their writing. As we believe that this is an interesting topic for everyone, we will break it down
over several articles, in which we will show some examples of writings, and we will indicate the most
prevalent symptoms in each of them.
We will begin by indicating the different stages that must be overcome before reaching personal and
autonomous writing, far from the learned model. These stages are:
1st precalligraphic stage
This stage goes from 5-6 to 7-8 years, and corresponds to the first years of schooling.

2nd calligraphic stage

It goes from 8-9 to 11-12 years old. At this stage, mastery of the graphic technique is already manifested
and the learned calligraphic model is reproduced, although this does not mean that said learned technique is
reproduced with complete fidelity.

3rd post-calligraphic call

This last stage goes from 11-12 to 16 years old. This stage coincides with the
adolescence, so the spelling can project the disorganization that this age entails. At the end of this stage,
the traits of
autonomy that distinguishes adult and personal writing.

Next, we are going to show some examples of spellings that reveal certain
symptoms that are projected in writing, and that are easily
observable by teachers, counselors, parents.
A) Writing with touch-ups, amendments and deletions in the graphic set

Characterological meaning:

• Lack of attention or concentration • Demand

• Fatigue • Unsafety
• Impulsivity • Doubts
• Striving for perfectionism • Desires for clarity
B) Writing with the upper part of the letters very high. For graphology, the upper area of writing is the one
that tells us about the intellectual and spiritual area of the person. Therefore, imagination, creativity, ideas as
such, the superior in general, are valued here.

Characterological meaning:
• Much dispersion
• If the pressure of writing is weak, it will project little possibility of carrying out what is imagined.
• Impractical person
• Little will, you think you are going to do something, but it remains a mere idea.
• Manifests intellectual ambition
• Very idealistic
The symptoms mentioned above can prevent many young people, in the best of cases, from making the
desired progress in their educational development.
Both these and other symptoms have a solution, and precisely for this reason we want to highlight it, since
timely help from a professional can contribute, to a large extent, to correcting all kinds of writing anomalies,
and to overcoming the internal causes that produce them. .
Important: we want to emphasize, once again, that to issue an accurate diagnosis about a certain type of
letter, it is necessary that it present a certain number of significant features, and not just a few.

The handwriting of our children

In our children's handwriting we can discover many things regarding their character, way of
organizing themselves, self-esteem, independence, emotionality, etc. Writing is an automatic act
that unintentionally shows others who we truly are.

Writing is a true expressive gesture and children's graphology investigates how emotionality affects
the handwriting of children and adolescents.
When the child begins to write, he tries to copy the model as faithfully as possible but with the
individual impulse that exists in every human being. The important thing is not to restrict your
Living conditions, education and family environment play an important role.
Emotionality inevitably has an impact on the formation of letters and on the child, these changes
are particularly noticeable. In graphology, any excess marks an imbalance.
Most important signs of disturbance in a child's writing
 Excessive distance between words and lines.
 Inequalities in the middle zone.
 Notable variations.
 Inclination inequalities.
 Very small "fly leg" dimension.
 Letter changes "o" instead of "a", "m" with four modules.
 Changes from lowercase to uppercase letters.
 Underlines, exaggerated question marks or exclamation marks.
 Corrections, amendments, deletions, touch-ups, errors (as long as they are not in a note).
The reduction of the dimension indicates depression, dejection, fear, fear, inhibition. (It can also be
caused by exogenous causes such as excessive cold and heat).
The excessive increase in the dimension indicates an exaggerated feeling of one's own worth
(pride, vanity, egocentrism, among others) or an uncompensated inferiority complex (in this
particular case, this sign is a high-pitched cry for help).
Pathological signs in the child's writing
 Weak pressure.
 Broken lines or deviations, tremors, shakes.
 Pressure with alterations (pastness, sprains, congestion).
 Brisados (interruption of the stroke in the crests or upper part of the letters or in the axes or
lower stroke of the letters).
 Welds (difficulty joining one letter to another).
 Truncated lines (not completed).
 Notable alterations in the order.
 Confusion of one letter for another.
 Flattened or very narrow ovals.
 Narrowness in "m", "n" and "u" in wide writing.
 Unnecessary points placed everywhere.
Graphologists can suggest possible anomalies that should be corroborated or not by doctors.
Graphologists do not diagnose diseases.
Signs of exhaustion in a child's writing
Very common in this era of over-demanding, when the child is asked to perform tasks that exceed
the limit of his or her capacity:
 Notable hesitations.
 Weak or uneven pressure.
 Very small dimension or with sudden changes.
 Dancing lines (direction of the lines).
 Forgotten score.
 Signs of confusion.
 Welds (cannot correctly join one letter to another).
 Truncated features (does not finish the letter).
Signs of aggression or anger in children's writing
 Increase in angles in the shape of the graphics.
 Signs of agitation.
 Ends of the letters steely and extended to the right.

Author: Susana Tesouro

Scientific Graphologist Author of the book "SCIENTIFIC GRAPHOLOGY. Interpretation of the
alphabet and writing"

Perhaps the idea you have of Graphology is the classic one and you do not yet know that the act
of writing not only reflects the psychology of the individual but also their physiology and that, by forcing
certain changes in writing, you can both get sick and heal very badly. various ailments and the act of
writing is not a banal act.

In personal writing we reflect our physiological and, as a consequence, also psychological reality.
Writing reveals - as in a kind of x-ray - the psychosomatic functioning of the individual. But the scriptural
act is reversible. This affects the areas of the brain: the brain, whose outer part, the cortex, enables the
most properly human and rational functions; the brainstem, seat of the automatic centers of organic life
related to fundamental biological stability; the limbic system, with the hypothalamus, which maintains
homeostasis or stabilized environment within the body; and the cerebellum, a nervous center that is
involved in controlling balance and muscular reactions.
The functional balance of all the processes carried out by the human being is clearly reflected in the
scriptural paradigm or therapeutic calligraphic model, developed by Lledó and Anduix, and anyone who
separates themselves from this model is in danger of becoming ill.

Graphotherapy of the Rational Graphology System is one of dozens of natural medicines and therapeutic
techniques. Perhaps the idea you have of Graphology is the classic one and you do not yet know that the
act of writing not only reflects the psychology of the individual but also their physiology and that, by forcing
certain changes in writing, you can both get sick and heal very badly. various ailments and the act of
writing is not a banal act.

In personal writing we reflect our physiological and, as a consequence, also psychological reality.
Writing reveals - as in a kind of x-ray - the psychosomatic functioning of the individual. But the scriptural
act is reversible. This affects the areas of the brain: the brain, whose outer part, the cortex, enables the
most properly human and rational functions; the brain stem, seat of the automatic centers of organic life
related to fundamental biological stability; the limbic system, with the hypothalamus, which maintains
homeostasis or stabilized environment within the body; and the cerebellum, a nervous center that is
involved in controlling balance and muscular reactions.

The functional balance of all the processes carried out by the human being is clearly reflected in the
scriptural paradigm or therapeutic calligraphic model, developed by Lledó and Anduix, and anyone who
separates themselves from this model is in danger of becoming ill.

Graphotherapy of the Rational Graphology System is one of dozens of natural medicines and therapeutic
techniques (ancient and modern), such as Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Chromotherapy, etc. co-founder of
the CIA-MAN, which has just celebrated its 7th World Congress and achieved the officialization of Natural
medicines for Spain and Portugal.

If, unfortunately, you suffer from depression or psoriasis, we have designed separate pages on this website,
as an example of two diseases that are difficult to solve with the usual remedies, official or not, and that
are easily solved with graphotherapy.

Provide yourself with a pen, preferably with a thick tip and hold it correctly with your thumb, index and ring
fingers. The pen should not fall if the ring finger is separated.
Provide yourself with lined white paper, if possible. The position of the paper on the table must be inclined
between 90 and 120 degrees (to the left).
Provide yourself with a sheet of white paper without guidelines and write a spontaneous writing on it, with a
date and signature that you will save for future references.
The time to exercise can vary between a quarter of an hour and an hour daily. The ideal is ¾ of an hour
straight or two half hours separated between morning and afternoon.
Do only one type of exercise daily for at least two months or until you master it.
Pay attention to the pressure: thicker strokes are more pressured. The thinnest, least pressured. Very thin
ends mean minimum pressure, thick ones maximum pressure.
The strokes that go down and back are always thicker, in this order. Those who advance and climb finer,
also in this order.
Pay attention to curves and straight lines.
Pay attention to curved endings and straight endings.
Pay attention to the speed: the strokes that go down are the slowest, those that advance are the fastest.
And those who go up a little faster than those who return.

As you will understand, this Graphotherapy System is much more complex than what we can explain here,
so you should think that there are many other elements to take into account in an authentic graphotherapy
that aims to cure diseases of some importance. Therefore, we cannot guarantee that you will be cured of
anything important with the exercises you learn here, but it is certain that you will improve some aspects of
yourself and, if you are lucky and manage to master the various elements of this therapy presented here,
You could even be cured of some more or less important ailment, you wouldn't be the first case.
To the eyes of a layman, this therapy could seem innocuous and even naive and, therefore, could not have
contraindications. Well, it has them, and without adequate professional direction it is preferable to refrain
from doing graphotherapeutic exercises. Failure to follow these recommendations exempts the authors from
any responsibility. They are the following:

In case of pregnancy.
In the case of recent surgical operations, graphotherapeutic exercises should never be done before two
years following them.
If you are a carrier of a transplanted organ.
If you have recently had blood transfused.
Wearers of risky prostheses (pacemakers, heart valves, metal prostheses, etc.)
In cases of complex treatments such as hemodialysis, artificial lung, etc.
Left-handed people do not want to or cannot do the exercises with their right hand.
Otherwise, specific exercises would have to be specified for each individual.
Do not exercise after important meals.
If you feel unwell while doing any exercise, stop immediately. You are not going to catch anything bad but
it is preferable to avoid it. You can go back to it later and see if it makes you sick again, in which case quit
for good.

The ailments that can be caused by performing spurious graphotherapy, that is, one that is not based on
this system of strokes or neurophysiological movements through the hand, can range from mild
tachycardia, general restlessness, insomnia, nervousness, various itching, redness and Various more or less
light dermatoses, and in some verified cases, important dermatoses and even spots of vitiligo (a disease
incurable by other medicines) and others have been observed. However, with this system the worst that
can happen to you is that nothing happens to you, that is, that almost nothing improves.

Source: Future City - Graphotherapy

Is used for:

Knowledge and personal growth, also as therapy to correct or improve certain psychological and organic

Its application consists essentially of modifying the way of executing certain letters or

performed incorrectly and that reflect a different problem in each


Incorrect : crooked, with an eyelet, one and the other with a very developed accent.

This correction is based on a scriptural model governed by logical universal laws that guide human beings
and their functioning.

Graphotherapy in adults is indicated to correct conditions such as depression, anxiety, stress, allergies,
psoriasis, etc.
Well drawn "it" letters

The correction is carried out through a re-education of the orders recorded in the brain, which manifests

itself in the form of conditioned reflexes in writing and, this makes new
psychic characteristics are acquired that are directly correlated with other physical ones, thus achieving a
harmonious balance of our body and spirit.

In the field of pedagogy it is used for students who have difficulties in studying.

Letters "g" made incorrectly: one with a double oval and incomplete and another with an angular foot

Letters "eles" made incorrectly

The inclination is reversed

Traced by raising the tool
and the loop is very Very curved The ascent line is missing.
on the ridge

Letters "t" drawn incorrectly

Once the person has incorporated new ways of making the incorrect strokes of their writing, the problem that each
person suffers will gradually be corrected until it disappears in some cases completely, and this will be reflected in
their life in general.
Letters "g" and "l" well drawn

The printing letter or block letter: graphological interpretation

How much do we "conform" to the environment, at the expense of expressing

our true self? Graphology can give you the answer...

What happens to our development in this case? Well, our true being is crossed out from the beginning at the
expense of showing a false image that pleases the environment.
Overadaptation in the lyrics
How many times do we find people who decide to write in print from adolescence, out of a desire for clarity
that they did not achieve when writing in cursive?

They are people who say they have had very confusing cursive handwriting, who needed to resort to printing
in order to be understood and, therefore, accepted when writing, without encountering unfavorable
comments regarding their cursive, chaotic and illegible writing.
And what does the printing imply in those cases? A frustrated attempt to be able to show himself
spontaneously with his cursive writing.

Behind the usual writing in print there are always people commenting that their handwriting was illegible,
that at school they were asked to write more clearly.

And this demand to adapt to the environment and be clear silenced the spontaneity of their usual writing
which, far from developing in a way that tended to clarify the chaos that adolescence itself provokes, was
hidden behind the façade of the printing press.
Printing then emerges as a defense that allows the adaptation, although forced, of the individual to an
environment that does not expect it, and that immediately demands a clarity that the individual has not yet
been able to have spontaneously as a result of a process that was seen alibied

I always saw behind the writing in print a man in a suit or a lady dressed to work in a company, also in a
suit and with a briefcase inside which they carry the social mandates of being adapted and clear at the
service of social interests, pruning the personal. .

A being that develops more in the service of the exterior without listening to one's own internal demands,
generating a vacuum in personal development, a source of anguish of annihilation of one's own being.
We see in these printed writings smaller signatures, or if they are large, totally illegible, compressed, tight,
without space to develop harmoniously and with an element always present: the erasure.

A clear sign of self-punishment, of denial of the most intimate being that has not been allowed to grow or
develop harmoniously, possibly due to not having adequate support from the environment that did not
adequately facilitate this process of being with spontaneity.
While in the rest of the writing, the social being developed with the freedom that the environment allowed,
that is, at the pure and exclusive service of social interests and demands.

Pure head without body. A body-ego mutilated in its demands, which defended itself by showing itself only
from its mental developments, in the service of meeting the superego demands of the environment already
made flesh.
As a result of this forced adaptation, we see inhibited, non-spontaneous printing writing, with cuts
everywhere, which amputate the free and fluid creative expression of the being that should be seen in the
rounded features that do not exist in a printed writing.

If even the printing press is capitalized, there are only rigid, straight, large movements of an inflated ego to
compensate for the perceived inferiority of its mutilated, amputated self, which only manages to emerge
under this impersonal mask, adapted to work and professional demands but losing the richness of the
expression of their true impulses, which are experienced as aggressive, and which can only be controlled by
inhibiting them; The individual is far from letting them emerge to mutate them.

And this control can not only be seen in the rigid handwriting, but physically we also see these people with a
rigid muscular armor that prevents fluid and relaxed muscular movement.

They are people who usually show stiffness in the neck area, in the arms, with tense shoulders and with
permanent contractures that settle in the neck, marking a clear boundary between the head (which is the
environment that governs the expression in these cases) and the body, whose chaotic sensations cannot be
accepted or taken into account. A head without a body. A non-integrated, split being.
The curve and the straight line: two graphic archetypes
The curve in graphology implies the soft, the receptive, the feminine, the creative and generating, the pause
to assimilate.

The straight line, on the other hand, implies the opposite, rigid self-affirmation, hardness, masculine, non-
receptive, energy that imposes itself, tenacity, the will to act.

The mixture of both archetypes gives the individual a healthy plasticity, but what happens when masculine
traits, activity, and tenacity predominate in an individual?

Well, the values represented by the curve remain in the shadows, inhibited and the person loses that
creative plasticity and becomes overadapted to a stressful pace of demand, without the possibility of giving
themselves space or time for the playful, the expressive, the emotional.

She begins to lose sensitivity, becomes authoritarian, excessively productive.

All of this is not bad as long as there is a time for both: a time for production and a time for recreation. A
time for leisure , and one for business .
To reflect
Let's stop to think, to think about ourselves, to self-observe our lyrics. Is there a mix between curve and
straight? Neither of the two extremes speaks of health, which is balance. How is my handwriting?

What space do I give to my personal development? Do I give my cursive space, even in personal writings,
so that it develops comfortably, without demanding the printing press even to take notes for myself alone?

Am I tolerant of myself in the face of the confusing cursive letters that tend to emerge from me, allowing
myself an introversive space to let myself be, until my internal world clears up and my clear and
spontaneous cursive emerges, or do I radically prune it by mutating it in print on every occasion?
Free Children's Graphology Course

Teacher: Silvina M. Maple

Graphological analyst technique
Enter now in this free children's graphology course
To find out how this course works, click here
Course description and objectives
Graphology offers an important collaboration with pedagogy, to understand the child's character. With this
objective, this course will provide an introduction to the graphopsychological analysis of children's writing and
Requirements to register:
 None
Program of the free children's graphology course:
 Class 1: Introduction to child and adolescent graphology
 Class 2: The doodle: its evolution
 Class 3: Children's writing: stages and personality
 Class 4: Elements and aspects of writing
 Class 5: The graphological plane
 Class 6: Children's vitality in writing
 Class 7: Arrangement: layout, distribution and dimension
 Class 8: Width of the letter
 Class 9: Will: type, scope and usefulness
 Class 10: Pressure in children's and adolescent writing
 Class 11: Form, continuity, colligation and inflations
 Class 12: Rhythm, speed and regularity in writing
 Class 13: Direction of writing lines
 Class 14: Inclination of writings

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