The Wooden Bowl - Reading Control

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Names and surnames: ________________________________________________

Grade and section: ______________ Date: _________________


Poor grandfather! He had spent his life working from dawn to dusk with his
hands; Fatigue had never defeated the will to bring home the salary so that there was
food on the table and well-being in the family. But so much and prolonged work had
taken a painful toll: the old man's hands trembled like leaves under the autumn wind.
Despite his efforts, objects often fell from his hands and sometimes shattered when
they hit the ground.
The old man went to live with his son, his daughter-in-law and his four-year-old
grandson. His hands were already shaking, his vision was blurring and his steps
were faltering. The entire family ate together at the table, but the old man's trembling
hands and poor eyesight made feeding a difficult matter.
The peas fell from his spoon to the floor and when he tried to pick up the
glass, he spilled the milk on the tablecloth. The son and his wife got tired of the
situation. “We have to do something with Grandpa,” said the son. “I've had
enough”, “He spills the milk, makes noise while eating and throws the food on
the floor.”
This is how the couple decided to put a small table in a corner of the dining
room. There, grandfather ate alone while the rest of the family enjoyed mealtime.
Since Grandpa had broken one or two plates, his food was served in a wooden bowl.
Every once in a while they would look over to where Grandpa was and could
see a tear in his eyes as he sat there alone. However, the only words the couple
addressed to him were cold calls for attention every time he dropped his fork or food.
The four year old child watched everything in silence. One afternoon
before dinner, the father noticed that his son was playing with pieces of wood on the
floor. I ask him sweetly: “Can you tell me what you are doing?” With the same
sweetness the child answered: “Of course, dad. "I'm making two wooden plates
for when you and my Mom are old and their hands shake, so they won't break
the plates just like Grandpa." He smiled and continued with his task. The little boy's
words hit his parents in such a way that they were speechless. Tears rolled down her
cheeks. And, although no words were said about it, they both knew what they had to
That afternoon the husband gently took the grandfather's hand and guided him
back to the family table. For the rest of their days I occupy a place at the table with
them. And for some reason, neither the husband nor the wife seemed to bother
anymore, every time the fork fell, the milk spilled or the tablecloth got dirty.

1. Grandfather spent his life:

a) Playing with his hands while sunbathing.

b) working from dawn to dusk with his hands
c) Working few hours a day.
d) NA

2. What effects did work have on grandfather's hands?

a) They were very dirty.

b) They were shaking a lot.
c) Her hands were soft and delicate.
d) NA

3. Where did grandpa go to live?

a) To the house of his son, daughter-in-law and grandson

b) To his cousin's house
c) To his daughter and niece's house
d) NA

4. Why were the son and daughter-in-law upset with him?

a) Because he drank milk to go to sleep.

b) Because he helped clear the plates from the table.
c) Because his spoon fell to the floor and spilled the milk on the tablecloth.
d) NA

5. What decision did the son and daughter-in-law make?

a) They would all eat on wooden plates.

b) Grandpa would eat alone at a small table in the corner of the dining room .
c) Grandpa would use a glass to drink the soup.
d) NA

6. What material was grandfather's plate made of?

a) Metal
b) Crockery
c) Wood
d) NA
7. Why was grandfather crying?

a) Because I couldn't watch TV while eating.

b) Because he didn't want to eat his food.
c) Because he felt rejected because he was old and his hands were shaking.
d) NA

8. Why did the boy start carving a wooden plate?

a) Because he liked wooden dishes.

b) Because their parents would need a wooden plate when they were old.
c) Because grandpa's plate was ugly and I wanted to give him another one.
d) NA

9. What did the father understand when he saw his son carving a wooden

a) That his son worked very well with wood.

b) That his son wanted to be a carpenter.
c) That we must respect the elderly.

10. What did the husband do after talking to his son?

a) He took Grandpa's hand and guided him back to the family table.
b) Punish your son for being disrespectful.
c) I help make more wooden dishes
d) NA

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