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1) Old name of Islamabad is Raj Shahi.

2) Old name of Karachi is Kalachi
3) Old name of Lahore is Lavapuri
4) Old name of Faislabad is Lyallpur
5) Old name of Hyderabad is Neroon Kot
6) Old name of Gujranwala is Khanpur
7) Old name of Sialkot is Salwan Kot
8) Old name of Peshawar is Purusapura
9) Old name of Quatta is Shalkot
10) Old name of Zhob is Fort Sandeman

1) Land of Rising Sun : Japan
2) Land of Midnight Sun : Norway
3) Land of White Elephants : Thailand
4) Land of Thousand Lakes : Finland
5) Land of Golden fiber : Bangladesh
6) Land of Five rivers : Punjab (Pakistan)
7) City of Dead : Moenjodaro (Pakistan)
8) City of palaces : Calcutta (India)
9) City of Bazars : Cairo (Egypt)
10) City of Roses and Nightingales : Shiraz (Iran)
11) City of Popes : Rome (Italy)
12) City of Lights : Paris (France)
13) City of Eagles : Sargodha (Pakistan)
14) City of Mosques : Dhaka (Bangladesh)
15) City of Saints : Multan (Pakistan)
16) City of Lilies: Florence (Italy)
17) City of Water : Venice (Italy)
18) City of Angels : Bangkok (Thailand)
19) Dark Continent : Africa
20) Father of waters : The Mississippi River (USA)
21) Holy Land : Palestine
22) Isle of Pearls : Bahrain
23) Isle of Death : Kahoolawe ( Hawai,USA)
24) Island Continent : Australia
25) Key to Mediterranean sea : Gibraltar (Europe)
26) Manchester of the Orient : Osaka (Japan)
27) Manchester of Pakistan : Faisalabad (Pakistan)
28) Paradise on earth : Kashmir Valley
29) Gift of the Nile : Egypt
30) Land of morning calm : Korea
31) Land of kangroos : Australia
32) Land of maple leaf : Canada
33) Land of silver fiber : Pakistan
34) Land of milk and honey : Lebanon
35) Land of deserts : Africa
36) Queen of Arabian Sea : Distinctive name of Kochi (India)
37) Queen of the Adriatic : Venice
38) Quaker city : Distinctive name of Philadelphia
39) Pyramid city : Cairo (Egypt)
40) Little Pakistan : Bradford (England)
41) Brasilia of Pakistan : Islamabad
42) Lion city : Singapore
43) Land of cakes : scotland
44) Switzerland of Africa : Swaziland
45) Land of Fertile fields : Algeria
46) City of Conferences : Geneva
47) City of Arabian Night : Baghdad
48) The Modern Babylon : London
49) The saw Mill o Europe : sweden
50) Sorrow of China : River Hwang Ho ( chinese river)
51) Roof of the world : Pamir mountain range (Tibet)
52) Crossroads of western Europe : Belgium
53) Mother- in- Law of Europe : Denmark
54) Buffer state of Asia : Afghanistan
55) Land of mountains : Nepal
56) Land of Golden Fiber : Bangladesh
57) Empire city : Famous name of New York
58) Great Britain of pacific : Japan
59) City of Golden Gate : san Francisco
60) Eternal city : Rome
61) The battle field of Europe : Belgium
62) Cockpit of Europe : Belgium
63) Fortunate island : Canary island
64) Pillars of Hercules : straits of Gibraltar
65) Herring Pond : Atlantic Ocean
66) City of dreaming spires : Oxford city (UK)
67) City of seven hills : Rome
68) Windy city : Chicago
69) Horn of Africa : Somalia


1) Mangla Dam was the first dam built in Pakistan.
2) Mangla dam constructed in 1967.
3) Tarbela Dam Constructed in 1976.
4) Largest Dam of Pakistan is Tarbela Dam.
5) Highest Dam of Pakistan is Mangla Dam
6) Smallest Dam of Pakistan is Warsak Dam
7) Tarbela Dam is situated on Indus River
8) Mangla Dam is situated on Jhelum River
9) Warsak Dam is situated on which river Kabul River
10) Mirani Dam is situated on Dasht River
11) Hub Dam is situated on Hub River
12) Tarbela Dam is located in Haripur district, KPK.
13) Mangla Dam is located in Mirpur, Azad Kashmir
14) Warsak Dam is located in Peshawar, KPK
15) Mirani Dam is located in Kech district, Balochistan
16) Hub Dam is located in Lasbela district, Balochistan

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