General Awareness

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Which is the Highest peak of Pakistan ?

Broad Peak G KiHkPak

C K-2 SadegriPoalk
K-2 peak is the Highest peak ofthe World?
Tirst B Second

Third D Pourth
K-2 is Also Known As
Godwin Austin B Broad Ponk

Roshan a k D
Which is the youngest mountaîn range on the earth ?
Tinda ash B Kornkoram

C Himalayas D Nps
K-2 is present in which mountains range ?
Pamir B inda kamsh

C Karakoram D Mimalayas
Nanga Parbat is the part of ?
Tnda Kash Karnkoram

C Pami D Himalayas
Which Range is called Roof of the World?
Karakoram B nda ksh Ranoe

C Pamir Plataau D Mimalaas Range

Name of range which separates China from Pakistan ?
Hed Kash B Pamir

Kimalayas D Karakoram
Name the range which separates Pakistan from Afghanistan?

Hindu Kush B imlas

C Pnir D Karalkoram
Nanga Parbat is ranked as the highest mountain peak of the world ?

B st

c D
The height of Nanga Parbat is
8,126mn B 7,52m

6,12Sm D 9,500m
How many peaks above 8,000 neters are found in Pakistan ?

The length of Siachen Glacier is
B 76lm

50lca D 8Okn
The length of Baltur Glacier is ?

58lcm 62lcm

C sk D 70km
Baltura Glacier is located in

Punjab B Gilgit Baltistan

What is the height of Siachin Glacier ?
20,000 feet B 3,000 foet

C n,000 foet D 13.000feet

Identify the second highest Glacier of the world ?
Baltorn acler B Batars Gaier

C Siachin Glacier D None ofThose

The Salt range is situated between rivers soan and ?

Chemab B Jhelum

C Kebul D Huro
What is the Height of Tirichmir peak ?
7708 meters B T350 moters

7870 meters D TH0 metars

The height of Himalaya range increases as it moves from ?

South to North Last to West

C North te South D West to East

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