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Historical background of child and adolescent psychopathology

■ 1545 1602 1882 1896 1905 1907 1908 / 1909

Thomas Wilhelm Preyer Lightner Witmer Vidal Pereira Clifford Beers
Pick up the The University of -Sigmund Freud Mental Hygiene
Phaer"Phayré" Platters makes the first Creation of Compendium
knowledge of his time Pennsylvania founded the -Alfred Binet, Théodore of Child Psychiatry. movement and advice
“The regime of life”, classification of mental
about him first children's clinic in the Simon and guidance for children
referring to afirst illnesses in his book
cognitive development in United States. USA -Book three essays on begins.
“Praxis medical.”
Classification of Difference the
“The mind of the child”; sexual theory (Stages).
mental illnesses in explains what child William Healy and Grace
mental illnesses of adults
development is, what -First Intelligence testfor Fernald
childhood. It also from those of children. All
developmental detect children with They found Juvenile
raises of these works are
psychology is; and for this mental deficiency Psychopathic Institute in
pediatric and contributed
reason he is credited with Chicago/ Will become a
the grasp the
the creation of model for Child Guidance
importance of Evolutionary Psychology. centers.
specific characteristics
pedagogical associated with
treatments in childhood.
childhood disorders.

1911 / 1912 1917 / 1922 1924 / 1926 1935 1938 198

Arnold Gessel William Haely and The National Mental Leo Kanner Lauretta Bender Frame and7
Augusta Bronner Hygiene Committee Writes first textbook on She was one of the They perform revision
The Yale Clinic is Child Psychiatry pioneers in the
Creation of the Boston Launches a pilot bibliographic
created child Center Child . program of child published in the US. treatment of serious
Development. guidance centers. personality disorders and
why the evolution of
The national committee (childhood they
Childreflect on the
of schizophrenia) and and why its
Karen Horney Mental Hygiene
Pilot program on Anna Freud contributed to the development was so
adapts h description of his
launched e Publication of the book late.
Dynamic e The Psychoanalysis of clinical picture.
child guidance centersof.
treatment t the Child.
practice h
Explains e.
childhood the
neurotic in t
disorders h
adolescence.. e

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