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Recognizing and Utilizing Vertebrate Tracks in Cross Section: Cenozoic Hoofprints from

Author(s): David B. Loope
Source: PALAIOS, Vol. 1, No. 2 (Apr., 1986), pp. 141-151
Published by: SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology
Stable URL:
Accessed: 19/10/2008 15:14

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Recognizing and Utilizing Vertebrate Tracks in

Cross Section:
Cenozoic Hoofprints from Nebraska


Departmentof Geology,Universityof Nebraska,Lincoln,NE 68588-0340

PALAIOS,1986, V. 1, p. 141-151 deformationthat takes place when large animalsmove across

soft, laminatedsediment. On the basis of their observationsof
Because vertebratetracksexposedin verticaloutcropsare fre- Quaternarydepositsin East Africa,LaporteandBehrensmeyer
quentlyoverlookedor misinterpreted as physicallyinduceddefor- (1980) have recently argued that large vertebrates have the
mation structures,importantpaleoecologicand sedimentologic potentialto rework terrestrialsediments to the same extent
informationremainsuntapped.Laminationswithineoliandune that benthicinvertebratesreworkmarinestrata. Preservation
sands of the NebraskaSand Hills (Holocene)and ephemeral- of tracksrequirescompactiblesubstratesthat are accessibleto
streamdepositsof the lowerArikareeGroup(late Oligocene)are vertebrates; rates of tramplingand burial control whether
commonlybrokenor sharplydownwarpedto form isolated or sediments record individualtracks or are totally bioturbated
paired, concave-upstructuresthat varyfrom 4 to 22 cm in (Laporteand Behrensmeyer, 1980, fig. 4a).
diameter.A central ridge divides the lower portion of some The Holocenetracks describedhere are from exposures of
structuresinto two distinctlobes.Althoughbedding-plane expo- duneandinterdunedepositswithinthe NebraskaSandHillsand
sures are rare in bothdeposits,extensivesearch revealedsome were probablyproducedby bison. Oligocene hoofprintsare
structuresin linear alignment,confirminga biogenicoriginfor well exposed in outcropsof fluvialsheet-flooddeposits within
the deformation.TheHolocenetracks,probablymade by bison, the GeringFormation(ArikareeGroup)at Scotts BluffNational
wererepeatedly producedduringthemigrationof thelargeeolian Monumentin westernmostNebraska;these trackswere made
bedforms,suggesting that food and water were available in by several differentspecies of cloven-hoofedmammals.The
interduneareas. Smectitegrain coatings made surface sands morphologyof both Holocene and Oligocene hoofprintsindi-
cohesive,therebystronglyinfluencingtrackmorphology and en- cates that they were produced in cohesive sand. Much of
hancingpreservationpotential.Oligocenetrackswereproduced surfacesand in the SandHillsis cohesive even when dry, due
in veryfine sand by severalspeciesof hoofedvertebrates.Close to clay coatingson grains;such coatingsgreatlyenhancedthe
verticalspacingof track-bearingbedsrevealsthatmostsediment preservationpotentialof the buriedtracks. Individualtracksor
accumulatedin relativelythinpackages.Thegeneralabsenceof pairs of tracks in the Holocene and Oligocenesediments are
heavilytrampledhorizons(as wouldbe expectedalong diastems) typicallywidely spaced laterally,but closely spaced vertically.
may be the result of rapid consolidationof sands by evaporite The verticalspacingof track-bearinglaminaeallowsdivisionof
cementation.Tracksmayhavebeenproducedduringbriefinter- stratainto discrete depositionalpackages. Close verticalspac-
vals of time immediatelyfollowing depositionand preceding ing suggests that sand-drivingwinds deposited relativelythin
cementation. sedimentpackagesin the NebraskaSandHillsand that tracks
were producedby resident, ratherthanmigratorypopulations.
Much of the Gering Formationis composed of similarlythin
INTRODUCTION packagesthataccumulatedwithinan ephemeralstreamsystem
dominatedby sheet-floodevents. The lackof heavilytrampled
Vertebratetrackwaysare a well-knownsource of paleonto- zones (whichmight be expected to mark diastems) suggests
logic andsedimentologicinformation(Sarjeant,1975). Perhaps that the Holocenesedimentaccumulatedsteadily;in contrast,
becausevertebratetracksare so easy to recognizeon bedding- the same patternin the Oligocenerocks couldbe the result of
planeexposures, untilrecentlylittleattentionhas been givento rapidcementationof newly depositedsandby evaporites.The
theirappearancein verticalsection. Photographsanddrawings abundanceof vertebrate tracks in these strata shows that,
publishedby Vander LingenandAndrews(1969), McKee and under certain conditions, eolian dune fields and ephemeral-
Bigarella(1972), Lewis and Titheridge(1978), Laury(1980), streamfloodplainscan be very favorablesites for preservation
and Hunter et al. (1984) have, however, documented the of vertebratetracks.
Copyright? 1986, The Society of EconomicPaleontologistsand Mineralogists 0883-1351/86/0001-0141/$03.00


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FIGURE1-Map showing outline of the Nebraska Sand Hills and L

I .
location of Burwell (B), Thedford (T), Valentine (V), and Scotts,Bluff
National Monument (SB).

The mainpurposes of this paper are: 1) to documentsedi- FIGURE

2-Concave-up deformation structures in large-scale cross-
mentarystructuresproducedby the hooves of large mammals stratified Holocene dune deposits at Calamus River dam site near
in nonmarinesands and sandstones of central and western Burwell, Nebraska. Note that deformation occurs throughout vertical
Nebraska;2) to providecriteriaby whichthese featurescan be extent of exposure.
to further demonstrate the utility of vertebrate tracks for
sedimentologicaland paleoecologicalinterpretations. winds swept ripples across surfaces with dips well below the
angle of repose.
Descriptionof Tracks
Locationand GeologicSetting The features interpretedhere as vertebrate tracks are con-
cave-up deformationstructuresthat are circularto oval in plan
Occupyingan area of 57,000 square kilometers, the Ne- and
braska Sand Hills (Fig. 1) are the in range from7 to 16 cm in diameter(Figs. 3, 4, 5). Near the
largest dune field the
Western Hemisphere (Smith, 1965). This dune field, now tops of structures, laminaeare abruptlytruncatedor sharply
stabilizedby prairievegetation, is composed of simple and folded(Figs. 3, 4a). As in the structuresreportedby Van der
compound,transverse to obliquebedformsthat reach heights ward.LingenandAndrews(1969), concavitydies out graduallydown-
up to 100 m (Ahlbrandt andFryberger,1980). Carbon-14dates Althoughdeformationextends verticallyas much as 25
cm, individuallaminaeare displacedno more than15 cm. Within
reported by Ahlbrandtet al. (1983) from sediments directly some
beneath the dunes suggest that the dune field is primarily individualstructures, a central ridge divides the lower
Holocenein age. The sedimentarystructureswithinthe dunes portioninto two distinctlobes, whichare visible in both cross-
are visiblein a largenumberof exposures throughoutthe Sand sectionaland planviews (Fig. 4). The interiorsof many struc-
Hills (Ahlbrandtand Fryberger, 1980). Most of the observa-
tions for this paperwere made near the eastern marginof the
Sand Hills at excavations for the CalamusRiver dam near
Burwell, Nebraska, and at blowouts and stream cuts near
Thedfordin the central Sand Hills (Fig. 1). Structuresinter-
preted here as vertebrate tracks are present throughoutthe
Sand Hills; many are recognizablein publishedphotographs
from the northern and central Sand Hills (Ahlbrandtand
Fryberger, 1980, figs. 9, 10, 11, and 13). At all vertically
extensive exposures, it is clear that the tracks are not re-
strictedto the upperportionsof the dunes, but are distributed
throughoutthe thicknessof the eoliandeposit (Fig. 2).
All deformationstructuresinterpretedas hoofprintsare de-
velopedin thin,inverselygradedlaminaedippingbetween 0 and
24 degrees. These laminaewere clearlydepositedby migrating
windripplesand, in the terminologyof Hunter(1977), can be
classifiedas subcriticallyclimbingtranslatentstrata. Laminae
with very low dips accumulatedin interduneareas or as sand
sheets (Frybergeret al., 1979); more steeply dippingstrata FIGURE3-Tracks in horizontal wind-ripple laminae. Interdune or
were deposited on leeward slopes of bedforms, where side sand-sheet deposit near Burwell. Pen is 13 cm in length.




2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16


,,Hs*'" FIGURE Size-frequency data for Holocene tracks measured from
AFIGURE......~~~~verti cal exposures, NebraskaSand Hills. Some variationin diameter
....-:e?o: ~ .. .. is result of oval plan of structures(Fig. 4b).

~ '
l'-i:;:':"!",.- -~,! b,,."/.the Sand Hills, fortuitous exposures and small excavations
providedglimpses of short trackways(Fig. 6) that along with
the blgobedmorphologyof some structures, confirmedthe
.." . ' biogenic hypothesis. After the structures are recognized as
tracks, the distributionof individualdeformationstructuresand
other aspects of their morphologyprovideimportantsedimen-
tologicaland paleoecologicalinsights.
The size-frequencydistributionof the deformationstructures
(Fig. 5) stronglysupportsthe biogenicinterpretation:none of
appearing32the structuresare too large or too small to be tracks. When
closely spaced, however, the SandHillsstructuressuperficially
resemble convolute bedding, a structure that Allen (1982)
defines as a "lateray extensive series of more or less regular
folds developedthroughoutor confinedto the upperpart of a
single sedimentationunit." Convolute bedding, however,i is
4 (d-A)17FIGo~~~~uRE
sFIGURE ~leTrack
dee wly
wthvetiypical vertical
Ir due c B dati ENo
th sedimntatonuit.etres to root
Surfaceconcavitywas infilledby coarse-grained lag deposit.Note typicaly developed in strata that, due to rapidsedientation
raised "rim"at upper margins. Subhorizontallines crossing struc- were originally very loosely packed (Allen, 1982, p. 343).
tures are post-depositionalaccumulationsof silt and clay (soil lame- Accordingly, this structure has been used as evidence for rapid
Ilae or "dissipationstructures"of Ahlbrandtand Fryberger,1980). B) deposition (Collinson and Thompson, 1982, p. 145). Studies of
Plan view of bilobed track near the middle of a three-meter-thick
crossbed set. ?'*' : . '
' , R,
_ '.i:

tures are composedof materialthat is texturallydistinctfrom t ._ .

the underlyingand surroundingdeformed sediment. Com-
monly, this central portion contains very coarse sand and- ' -

granules(Fig. 4a); in rare cases, a thin (about5 mm) layer of .:! -* ... S
silt is preserved on the floor of the concave-upstructure.
Along individualstratigraphiclevels, concave-upstructures _, -
are laterallyisolatedor in pairs. The structuresare commonly
closely spacedvertically(Fig. 3) andmay dominatethe aspect -"
of outcrops exposing several meters of strata (Fig. 2); laterally ;' -
adjacentbeds may lack such deformation. F

In contrast to the easily recognized vertebrate trackways
appearingon bedding planes (Sarjeant, 1975), most tracks
appearingin cross sectionhave probablybeen eitherignoredor FIGURE
6-Part of shorttrackway
in large-scalecross-stratified
misinterpreted (Lewis and Titheridge, 1978). Tracks in vertical Calamusdam site, Burwell,NE. Note lack of root traces in laminae
outcropscan closely resemble other types of deformation.In belowtracks.Machetehandleis 15 cm long.


moder wind-rippledeposits indicatethat the stratacontaining

the SandHillsdeformationstructureshad low initialporosities
and were deposited relatively slowly. Because of strong
differencesin grainpackingand porosity, the differenteolian
stratificationtypes vary in their susceptibilityto deformation
(Bagnold,1941; Hunter, 1981). Avalancheor grainflowstrata
arelooselypacked;the large-scaledeformationcommonlyfound
in ancient eolian sandstones is commonly concentrated in
deposits of this type, because their high porosity allows
liquefaction.In contrast, strata dominatedby climbing-ripple
deposits-apparently due to their low initialporosities-are
rarelyinvolvedinthiskindof deformation(Doe andDott, 1980).
In lightof the evidence frommodem andancienteoliansands,
the abundanceof relativelylarge-scaledeformationstructures
in the wind-rippledeposits of the Sand Hills initiallyseemed
incongruous.It was this paradoxthatled to the hypothesisthat
the deformationstructureswithinthe typicallystablestrataare
AhlbrandtandFryberger(1980) explainedsome deformation
structures within eolian strata of the Sand Hills (which are
identicalto the ones interpretedhere as tracks)as the result of
compressionat the base of slipfacedeposits. Several workers
have reportedobservationsof this type of deformation.From
the Coorongregion of southernAustralia,Brown (1969) de-
scribedarcuatefolds up to 200 m long and 0.5 m in amplitude
that developedwithinlagoonalmuds that were overriddenby
dunes 15-30 m high. McKee et al. (1971) experimentally
producedsmall-scalewarps, folds, andoverthrustsin avalanch-
ing sand, but noted that "no contorted structures caused by
tensionalor compressionalstresses normallyoccur in saltated
deposits.... " There are, furthermore,fundamentaldiffer-
ences in formbetween the productsof lateralcompressionand FIGURE 7-SEM image of sand grains with detritalclay coatings and
the SandHillsdeformationstructures.The circularto ovalplan, bridges. Sample is a "crumb"of recently deposited, but cohesive
lack of directionalasymmetry,and steep marginsof the Sand surface sand collected fromthe side of a vertical-sidedcow track in
Hills structuresgive them a "punched-in" appearance,clearly the central Sand Hills.
indicatingthat they were formed by vertically, rather than

The Substrate with a moisturecontent less than 1%. "Crumbs"of this cohe-
Trackmorphologyindicatesthat trackswere made in cohe- sive sand collected in the field were found to retain their
sive sand. Coarse-grainedsedimentsoverlyingtruncatedlam- structureeven after 24 hours of oven dryingat 40?C. Using
inae (Fig. 4a) are lag deposits that filled vertically walled samples of loose sand from the Sand Hills and distilledwater,
depressions.Silts preservedin similarpositionsrepresentdust cohesive sand "crumbs"identicalto those collected in the field
thatwas trappedandprotectedby concavities.Tracksmadein can be producedin the laboratorywith a single wetting/drying
moist, well-sortedsand (wetted sand of McKee et al., 1971) cycle (Fig. 8).
have steep walls, whichcan be maintainedas long as the sand In the field, cohesive surfacesands are relativelyresistantto
remainsmoist (Lewis andTitheridge,1978, fig. ld). Were the wind erosion. Tracks made within such sands have a much
Sand Hills tracks formed in moist sand and buried before higherpreservationpotentialthan tracks producedin mobile,
drying?Observationsof moder cattle tracksin the SandHills cohesionlesssands that have not been moistened(Figs. 9, 10).
suggest an alternativehypothesis. Unlike beach sand, dune This observationmay explain the prevalence of tracks with
sand fromthe SandHillscontainsas muchas 4% silt and clay verticalsides in Holocenestrataof the SandHillsand suggests
(Ahlbrandtand Fryberger, 1980, p. 21). The clay fractionis that clay-coateddune sandis an especiallysuitablemediumfor
smectite, occurringas thin, detrital coatings on sand grains the preservationof tracks. In their study of the PermianLyons
(Fig. 7; Ahlbrandtand Fryberger, 1982, fig. 21d). Such grain Sandstone, Walkerand Harms (1972) hypothesizedthat thin
coatings are deposited by water moving throughthe vadose layers of clay deposited duringcalm periods between sand-
zone; they cansurviveconsiderableeoliantransport(Walkeret drivingwindsmayhave allowedthe preservationof smalltracks
al., 1978; Walker,1979). and raindropimprintsmade in dry sand. Walker(1979) later
In the Sand Hills duringAugust, 1985, vertical-sidedcattle showed the importanceof graincoatings composed of detrital
trackswere abundantin wind-rippled,cohesive surface sands clays to the reddening of eolian dune sands. With further

FIGURE 8-Crumbs of cohesive sand (left) producedin the laboratory FIGURE 9-Bison tracks in clay-coated eolian sand containing less
when loose surficialsand fromthe Sand Hillswas placed in a paper than 1% water (by weight), FortNiobraraNationalWildlifeRefuge,
cup, saturated with distilled water, and dried in an oven at 40?C. near Valentine.Knifeis 15 cm long.
Cohesionless sample on right was ultrasonicallycleaned and wet
sieved to removeclays priorto identicaltreatment.Originalsample is
a moderatelysorted, nearly symmetricalfine sand (Mz = 2.21; Holoceneage for the deposits; the largest cloven-hoofedmam-
ua=0.662; Skl=.088) containing 1.3% clay, 10 YR7/3 (Munsell mals of the Holocene-bison-are capableof producingall the
ColorChart). tracks so far observed.
Paleoecologicalconsiderationsalso suggest that these tracks
were made by bison. Archaeologicas well as paleontologic
petrographicwork andlaboratoryexperiments,it may be pos- evidencefromseveral GreatPlainsandMiddle
sible to assess the role (if any) of detritalclay coatingsin the sites links bison to semiarid RockyMountain
grassland environments in which
preservationof the delicate surface traces foundin Paleozoic sandy sediments have been subjected to of eolian
eoliansandstones. episodes
transport.Not only have bisonbones been recovered fromthe
Track-Makersand Paleoenvironments Sand Hills (Ahlbrandtand Fryberger, 1980) and from dune
The size and morphologyof the tracks, the probableage of sands at many other localities, but at the 10,000-year-old
the Sand Hills, the known mammalianfossil record, and pa- Caspersite east-centralWyoming,paleo-Indiansused para-
leoecologicalarguments strongly suggest that bison are re-
sponsiblefor the tracks. The tracksof modem bison (Fig. 10)
are nearlyidenticalin size andformto those preservedwithin
the SandHills.
+ , E4a g S F F; r .. V.
Untilrecently, students of the Sand Hills had placedmajor
dune formationin either the early or late Wisconsin(Pleisto- b . r. '<*.. , t v f ,.- y
cene). Fluvialdeposits fromthe east-centralSandHills, which l AK~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--
AW w
are now knownto underlieas muchas 40 m of dunesand,have,
10 radiocarbon dates from 8410 to
_ - r A
~ v
however, yielded ranging
3000 yrs. B.P., indicatingthat the dune field is primarilyof
Holocene age (Ahlbrandtet al., 1983). This view has been
challengedby Wright et al. (1985), on the basis of radiocarbon ii ' ;' (
t h
dates and pollen from five interdune lake deposits in the t P d
S? r.
northernandwestern SandHills. At the Calamusdam site, all / 44.'
ijP*pr? S1. $
f P O i
trackslie above a peat depositthathas been radiocarbon-dated 4 e r x / /

at 7260 ? 90 yrs. B.P. (J. Swinehart,unpublisheddata;Beta- .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.

11621); most tracks are above an organic-richinterdunede-
' ^>
r a'
posit dated at 3450 + 110 yrs. B.P. (ibid, Beta-11622). A ' Pi. .ti" '*
X rsr.

diverse assemblage of large herbivores, includingcamels, L,

mammoths,horses, and sloths roamed the Great Plains

the Pleistocene;of these, only camels producetracksthat are
during 3'??2,
C 's

at all similarin size and shape to those describedhere. The

youngest radiocarbondate for a North Americanfossil site FIGURE 10-Loose sand coveringa deposit of cohesive sand, which
containingcamel bones is 8240 + 960 yrs. B.P. (Mead and contains numerousvertical-sided cattle tracks. CentralSand Hills
Meltzer, 1984). All track observationsare consistent with a near Thedford.Shovel in backgroundfor scale.

50 ft-15m -U boliceoliandunes as naturaltraps for bison procurement(Fri-

son, 1974).
The abundanceof tracks in these sediments seems difficult
to reconcile with the lack of root traces below track-bearing
laminae. Were the tracks produced during transient move-
ments of nonresidentherds?The wide spacingof tracks along
beddingplanes and the close vertical spacingof track-bearing
0-0 laminae argue against infrequent mass-migration events.
McKee and Bigarella(1972) observed that small roots pene-
tratingdunesandfollowlamination,therebyleavingfew traces.
Trackabundanceand distributionsuggest that semipermanent
water-perhaps located in interdune areas-and vegetation
C were availableto resident individualsor herds while the dunes
were activelymigrating.
0 Stratigraphicand SedimentologicSetting
0O Nonmarinerocks of mid-Tertiaryage are well exposed and
V 0 easily accessible at Scotts BluffNationalMonumentin west-
LU ernmost Nebraska (Fig. 1). These rocks contain abundant
volcaniclasticmaterial,which, together with epiclasticdebris
shed eastwardfrom the Rocky Mountains,blanketedthe sur-
face of the GreatPlains(Stanley,1976; Swinehartet al., 1985).
At Scotts Bluff,siltstones of the BruleFormation(WhiteRiver
Group) are unconformablyoverlain by 27 m of very-fine-
grained,horizontallystratifiedsandstones of the Gering For-
mation(ArikareeGroup)(Fig. 11). Structuresinterpretedhere
vv9 as vertebratetracks are restricted to the lower two-thirdsof
the GeringFormation.The Geringis overlainby about65 m of
9 E large-scalecrossbeddedto massive sandstones of similartex-
ture (MonroeCreek-Harrisonunit,Fig. 11). A volcanicash bed
9 T I-
near the base of the Gering at Scotts Bluff has yielded a
/ (/ ) COt
radiometricdate of 25.6 m.y. (Everndenet al., 1964), placing
- o these basal Arikaree rocks within the Oligocene Series
cn: (Harlandet al., 1982). Figure 12 shows the locationof features
0. describedand illustratedin this paper.
a At Scotts Bluff, the Geringis horizontallybedded; the only
channelsobserved duringthis study are a few tens of centi-
vv T meters deep. Small-scale, steeply dipping cross-lamination
:--.V jL _*1 (Fig. 13), andplanarlaminationexhibitingpartinglineation,are
I widespreadthroughoutthis stratigraphicintervaland are clear
evidence of fluvialdeposition(Stanleyand Fagerstrom, 1974).
Earlydiageneticfeaturesin fluvialsedimentscommonlypro-
vide importantclues to depositionalprocesses andpaleoclimate
(Collinson, 1978). Rosettes of calcite-cemented sand com-
posed of discoids up to 8 cm in diameterare present at four
separate stratigraphicintervals within the Gering (Figs. 11,
14). The morphologyof the discoidsandrosettes is identicalto
that of modem gypsum sand crystals described by Cody
.' . I Massive (1979). Afterburial,as the gypsumwas dissolvedby less saline
' sand sand groundwater,replacementof gypsum by calcite was probably
facilitatedby the commonness of the calciumion. The thick
I I Massive :
* volcanicash bed near the middleof the Gering(Fig. 11) andthe
I II siltstone I .|Horizontally-
stratified sand
FIGURE 11-Stratigraphic section and interpretationof depositional
Concretions Silicic ash processes; Scotts Bluff National Monument (from Swinehart and
C-rv Loope, in press). g=evidence of gypsumcrystallization.


0 I
FIGURE 14-Calcite-cemented sand, pseudomorphousafter gypsum
FIGURE 12-Approximate map patternof contact between BruleFor- "desertroses," middlepartof GeringFormation.Knifehandle is 9 cm
mation (WhiteRiverGroup)and GeringFormation(ArikareeGroup);
from Scottsbluff South Quadrangle,4400-foot contour. Numbers long.
show locations of text figures.
stricted to environmentswhere annualrainfallis less than 200
mm/yr and where there is a monthly excess of evaporation
uppermostone meter of the Brule Formationcontainabun- over precipitationthroughoutthe year. Evidence of growthof
dant discoids, 0.4 to 8 cm in diameter,that are composed of evaporiteswithinthe relativelypermeablefluvialsands of the
calcitespar. Withinthis finer-grainedmaterial,gypsumcrystal study area strongly suggests that the strata were deposited
growthpushed the matrixaside to form relativelypure crys- by ephemeralstreams.
tals; after dissolutionof gypsum, voids were filledby calcite. Several lines of evidence indicate that a portion of the
Gypsumcrystals of similarsize and morphologyto those re- Arikaree Groupin eastern Wyomingand western Nebraska
corded in the strata of the study area are today confinedto accumulatedwithinan eolian dune field (Bart, 1977; Stanley,
inlandand coastal sabkhas, where the groundwatertable ap- 1980; Hunt, 1985; Swinehartand Loope, in press). Withinthe
proaches the land surface and undergoes evaporation(Wat- Monroe Creek-Harrisoninterval at Scotts Bluff, starting at
son, 1983). According to Watson, such materials are re- about 10 m above the highest occurrence of tracks, inverse
gradingand wind-rippleforesets (Hunter, 1977) occur in hor-
izontallybedded sands and withinwedge planarcrossbed sets
up to 1.7 m thick. Where the crossbed sets are overlainby
horizontalwind-rippledeposits, the interveningboundingsur-
faces commonlyhave an irregular,"corrugated"appearance
with localrelief up to 10 cm (Fig. 15). Analogoussurfaces are
commonin moder interduneareas where wind erosion has
etched moist, wet, or evaporite-cemented,crossbeddeddune
sands into strong relief (McKee, 1966, pl. VII, c and d;
Fryberger et al. 1983, p. 298). Trenches dug in moder
interdunesreveal crossbeds with wavy or "corrugated"upper
boundingsurfaces, overlainby flat-beddedinterdunedeposits
3 (Frybergeret al., 1983, fig. 23a; Simpsonand Loope, 1985).

Stanley(1980) has noted that physicaland biogenicstructures
?r----cikCi?T P. of the mid-Tertiaryeolianstrataof the GreatPlainsbear many
L similaritiesto those withinthe Holocenesands in the Nebraska
Sand Hills. Traces of invertebratesand plantroots are espe-
6LLCYlk S I ciallyclosely analogous,suggestingto Stanleythat habitatsand
;,? -lj climaticconditionswere very similar.The absence, however,
FIGURE13-Subaqueous climbing-rippledeposits and concave-up of vertebrate tracks in the eolian strata of the Arikaree
deformationstructures, near middle of GeringFormation.Head of Group-both at Scotts Bluff and at the Bear Creek locality
hammeris 18.5 cm long. describedby Bart (1977)-indicates that, unlikethe Holocene


20- N=104

u 15-


2 4


FIGURE 17-Size-frequency data for deformationstructures inter-
FIGURE contact pretedas tracks in GeringFormation,Scotts Bluff. Note that largest
15-Eolian interdunedepositsoverlyingirregular
dunesands, MonroeCreek-Harrisoninterval, tracks are largerthan those of Holocene bison (Fig. 5).
summitto museumtrail. Differentialwinderosionof lightlyce-
mentedordampcross-strata tookplaceininterduneareaadjacentto
stoss side of dune.Notrackswereobservedin these eolianstrata.
closely spaced deformationstructures are visible. Some of
these structures have vertically walled infillingsand bilobed
SandHills, the mid-Tertiarydunefields either didnot harbora lower portions (Fig. 19). As in the Sand Hills, tracks were
populationof large vertebrates, or lackedconditonsfavorable producedin relativelyfirmbut compactiblesand. None of the
for the preservationof their tracks. tracks so far observed suggest that the substratewas "quick"
at the time of deformation.Accordingto Simons et al. (1961),
Descriptionand Interpretationof Tracks horizontallylaminatedsands deposited duringupper-flow-re-
gime conditionsare firm relative to sediments deposited by
Concave-updeformationstructures that closely resemble avalanching on the lee side of ripplesor dunes. For most tracks,
the Sand Hills (Holocene) bison tracks are common in the due to uniformityof grain size and to disruptioncaused by
GeringFormation(Figs. 13, 16, 19). Deformationsinthe Gering burrowingand evaporite diagenesis, it is difficultto discern
vary in apparentdiameterfrom4 to 22 cm (Fig. 17). Because whether the parent sediment was originallyparallelor cross-
these rocks are poorlyindurated,bedding-planeexposures are laminated.Therefore, no attempt has been made to compare
small. On the undersidesof overhangingledges, however, the trackdepth in the two types of strata.
circularto oval plan of the deformationstructures is easily In contrastto the Holocenehoofprints,the Oligocenetracks
observed. An extensive search of such exposures revealed appearin sedimentsthatalso show some evidence of physically
several distinct trackwayscomposed of three to five aligned induced deformation:convolute laminationappears in some
tracks (Fig. 18). In vertical outcrops, isolated, paired, and exposures (Fig. 20). In nearlyallcases, however, biogenicand

I, _r- ; M

' '-, ',ts

. '- X

FIGURE16-Large, closely spaced tracks at the tops of numerous, thin sediment packages, near base of Gering Formation.

FIGURE18-Overhanging ledge revealing four aligned, bilobed FIGURE 19-Cross-sectional view of small, bilobed track made in
tracks, middle partof GeringFormation. cohesive sand by small entelodont or camel; middle part of Gering
Formation.Coin is 1.9 cm in diameter.

physicallyinducedstructurescan be confidentlydifferentiated (LaporteandBehrensmeyer,1980, fig. 4a). Anotheris that the

on the basis of scale, continuity,or three-dimensionalgeome- populationdensity of large vertebrates was very low. A third
try. possibilityis that evaporiticsurface crusts formed after each
A diverse assemblageof large mammalsis knownfromlate pulse of sedimentation.Early evaporite diagenesis may have
Oligocenerocks of the Great Plains. The distinct polymodal quicklymade the sandy substrate less compactibleand thus
natureof the size-frequencydistribution(Fig. 17) suggests that unsuitablefor preservationof tracks. If this was the case, only
the tracksof severalspecies are preservedin the Geringsands. a very smallpercentageof the vertebrateactivitythatoccurred
The moder ungulateorders, PerissodactylaandArtiodactyla, here maybe recordedby the tracks.The preservationpotential
first appeared in the Eocene (Romer, 1966). By the late of tracks or other surficialtraces in sandy fluvialsequences
Oligocene, diversificationof artiodactylsubgroups was well would seem to be quite low because of their vulnerabilityto
under way. Representative taxa of six artiodactyland four scour. Earlyevaporitecementationmay partiallyexplainboth
perissodactylfamiliesare knownin Geringsedimentsof Wildcat the preservationof tracksand, conversely, the rarityandsmall
Ridge, southeast of Scotts Bluff (Swisher, 1982). A single scale of channelsin these ancientfluvialstrata.
fortuitousbedding-planeexposure (Fig. 21a) indicatesthat at
least some of the largest trackswere producedby a two-toed CONCLUSIONS
animal. Morphologicallysimilar tracks from Oligocene and
Miocene rocks have been described by Robertson and 1. HoloceneeolianandOligocenefluvialsedimentsof Nebraska
Sternberg (1942), Chaffee (1943), Bjork (1976), and Dema- contain abundanttracks of large vertebrates. The most
thieu et al. (1984). Of the two-toed members of the Gering
faunal assemblage, only entelodonts were large enough to
makethese tracks(R. M. Hunt,personalcommunication). The
small,bilobedtracks(Figs. 18, 19) were probablyproducedby
smallerartiodactylssuch as camels.
It is difficultto dividea horizontallybedded sequence com- c i
posed of very-well-sortedsediment into distinct depositional n_.r -?-?pr b ;r;?
packages. Traces of invertebrates provide clues in marine -s-.-- - ka .
71- - CJii;'.?i-regFI. j-a-l;?

sequences (Howard,1978); tracksof terrestrialvertebratesin

the Geringcan be utilizedin a similarway. The trackdistribu-
tion at Scotts Bluff mirrors that of the Sand Hills: laterally
scattered tracks are typicallyseen at closely spaced vertical
intervals.If tracks are assumed to markboundariesbetween
depositionalevents, the distributionof tracks indicates that
streamfloodsdepositedpackagesof stratabetween a few cen-
timeters to over three meters in thickness. Thoroughlytram-
pled horizons(Fig. 16), as mightbe expected alongdiastems,
are relativelyrare. Why are the tracks that markthe tops of
sediment packages so widely spaced? One possibilityis that FIGURE 20-Convolute lamination(nonbiogenic),middlepartof Ger-
time intervals between depositionalevents were very brief ing Formation.Note consistent asymmetryof folds.

4I-? ..
, have enhancedthe preservationpotentialof individualtracks
, .
by preventingscour and intense trampling.
.:" i.-'O I
ap . 41
J. B. Swinehartprovidedtimely field trips and lively discus-
sions. R. M. Hunt and M. R. Voorhies freely shared their
knowledgeof Cenozoicfaunasandenvironments.I thankthese
three Universityof Nebraskacolleagues for their enthusiasm
and editorialassistance. DonaldBairdof PrincetonUniversity
reviewedthe manuscriptandprovidedadditionalreferences on
mammaltracks. Larry Cast of the Bureau of Reclamation
helped with access to the Calamusdam site. Mike Leite's
darkroomskills improvedmany of the photographs;Kit Lee
helpedwith the SEM. Acknowledgmentis made to the Donors
of the PetroleumResearch Fund, administeredby the Ameri-
can ChemicalSociety, for supportof this research.
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