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Fashion is those repetitive trends, whether in clothing, accessories, lifestyles and ways of
behaving, that mark or modify people's behavior. Fashion in terms of clothing is defined as
those mass trends and genres that people adopt or stop wearing. Fashion refers to
customs that mark a specific time or place, especially those related to dressing or
adornment. This essay is carried out to characterize fashion, its changes over time, how it
is characterized and how it influences the attitude of society and the advancement of
science and technology.

Nowadays there are different fashions depending on the
urban tribes that exist, each one is characterized and
differentiated by details such as the way they dress, how they
have their hair, what they wear as decoration, what they like,
how they speak, etc. . The most common fashion for women
to wear is skinny jeans, loose blouses or blouses, and boas
or ankle boots. For men it is jeans that are not so flared or
even tubed, a t-shirt, wearing a cap, etc. Science and
technology also influence fashion, since as it evolves, fashion
changes, for example, first a laptop was in fashion and now
the most modern would be tablets, iPods, etc. In the science
part, if first in ancient times healing herbs were used, later it
evolved to medications taken and injections.

In conclusion, fashion has undergone changes and has evolved as the years go by and it
is taken into account that it will always continue like this, what is modern today was no
longer modern tomorrow and opens up other ways of dressing, other hairstyles, other
accessories, other ways of communicating, etc. Fashion will always change and old things
will be remembered as the fashion of the old days.

Legal text
Administrative text
DNI………………………………………………… ……
……………………………………… …………………
Madrid, at………………………………………
Signed ……………………………………………………………

Once this aspect has been clarified, we will begin by exposing the common
characteristics of both types of texts:
The predominant language function in these texts is representative or
referential , since they are completely objective texts. In relation to this aspect, we
will point out that since objectivity is key in these texts, the form or type of textual
expression used is exposition .
Regarding the method or ordering of the ideas , we will say that due to the great
variety of texts that are included in this type there is no method that prevails over
the rest, but what we can affirm is its structure follows a gradual and logical order. .
Normally, each document has a predefined structure that is faithfully followed in all
documents of the same type.
Some of the characteristic linguistic aspects of this type of texts are the

– Use of Latin terms: treachery, award, pro reo, etc.

– Use of technicalities: contempt, prevarication, bribery, etc.
– Use of archaic terms: death, debit, etc.
´- Abundance of abstract nouns and adjectives.
– Abundance of constructions with gerund and participle.
– Frequent use of the subjunctive mood.
– Use of the future indicative.
– Use of the timeless present.
– Use of fixed formulas and treatment formulas.
– Abundance of quotes, explanations, paragraphs, references.

Literary text

Annelies Marie "Anne" Frank, known in Spanish as Anne Frank, was born in the German
city of Frankfurt on June 12, 1929. At the age of four, her family moved to Amsterdam
(Holland), leaving Nazi Germany behind.
In 1942 he hid, with four other exiles, in the back rooms of an office building to avoid being
arrested by the Nazi occupation forces. On his thirteenth birthday, his parents give him a
diary, in which from that moment on he will reflect with tenderness, sometimes not without
harshness and pain, his years of confinement.

Their hiding place was discovered in 1944, they were arrested by the Germans and the
family members were taken to various concentration camps. Anna died on January 12,
1945, in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, near the city of Hamburg.

"The diary of Anne Frank", found in the shelter, was published in 1947, and became one
of the most devastating testimonies against oppression and in favor of freedom.


- QUALIFICATION : Ana Frank's diary

- AUTHOR: Anne Frank

- GENRE: Autobiographical.


It is about a thirteen-year-old girl, her parents are German and are dedicated to
commerce, they had to leave Germany because at that time the persecutions of the Nazis
began, so they decided to go to Holland to be able to be insurance.

Then they invaded Holland, so they had to hide in a house because they were Jews. This
house was a warehouse for the company where Ana's father worked.

In that very small place, eight people lived, they couldn't be seen, they couldn't make any
kind of noise, as long as there were people there they couldn't open the faucets or flush
the toilet, nothing that could make a different noise. In 1942, Ana received a diary as a gift
that she named KITTY. This was before her family received the news that she had to go
into hiding. In it she recounts all the events she goes through while in the middle of the
Second World War. living in hiding, having arguments over things I didn't agree with, etc.

And that's where she realizes who she is; by analyzing yourself and also analyzing others.

In 1945 he died in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp.

His diary was found in the hiding place where he lived for two years.

In 1942 when they had to leave for Holland until 1944, the year they were discovered.


First in Germany, then in Holland.


 Initial situation: Ana receives a diary as a birthday gift. She writes her feelings on it.
The Frank family needs to hide in an annex to escape German repression.
 Break of the action: The Van Daan family arrives at the annex. The two families
have a tense relationship, which causes many reproaches for Ana, which she finds
strongly unfair.
 Outcome:

1) Ana feels mature. Experience physical and psychological changes. She falls in love with
Peter Van Daan and they have a nice relationship.

2) The inhabitants of the annex are discovered and taken to a concentration camp.
Everyone dies, except for Mr. Frank, who upon coming across his daughter's diary, edits
and publishes it.


Name of our company

Include address


Dear Mr. ____:

Name of the recipient company


Dear sir(s), my (ours):

Here is a brief exposition of the topic or objective of our letter, as an
introduction, without going into secondary details.

In this area of the body, the main data and topics about what we are offering
with the necessary breadth. Background, statistical data and information that
supports our objective. Let's make sure to use clear, easy-to-read
sentences. This area can be divided into the necessary paragraphs.

The closing, in which we will briefly summarize the objective of the letter,
indicating, if necessary, the steps to follow, or our guidelines to acquire the
product or service, and, where appropriate, to obtain a special discount.

Finally, thank the recipient of the letter for the time spent reading it, in a
respectful, polite and without excess manner. Let's not forget at this point to
check the spelling to avoid errors that could damage our image, and to read
what we have written, to verify that our letter is clear and explicit.

Kind regards,

(Name of signatory)
(Autograph signature)

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