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1. What is Multimedia technology? What essential characteristics does multimedia


A computing system that combines text, graphics, animation, music, voice, and video media;
may include stereo speakers as output devices."

"Any form of communication that uses more than one medium to present information. It also
refers to a computer program that integrates text, graphics, animation and sound."

They can be presented in different ways on a stage, projected, transmitted or played on a
device using a media player. A broadcast can occur in 2 ways, live or recorded.
Transmission can be analog or digital

2. What are the applications of this technology?

Integration brings together various technologies: expression, communication, information,

systematization and documentation, to give rise to applications in education, fun and
entertainment, information, communication, training and instruction.

Multimedia games and simulations can be used in physical environments with special effects,
with several networked users, or locally with a computer without access to a network, a video
game system, or a simulator. In the computer market, there are various authoring and
programming software for multimedia software, among which Adobe Director and Flash stand

3. What characteristics of multimedia and what principles allow it to be considered a

technology with advantages in its applications in education, learning or in other

The general characteristics of these new features are:

1. The integration of written text, graphics, image (still or moving) and sound,
2. Digitization and
3. The interactivity.
Integration brings together various technologies: expression, communication, information,
systematization and documentation, to give rise to applications in education, fun and
entertainment, information, communication, training and instruction. This integration is giving
rise to a new technology, digital, that uses the computer, its systems and peripherals, generally
known as multimedia. Multimedia technology has various manifestations and technological
Digitization converts the data that is integrated into electronic impulses, with a simple
impulse/non-impulse code, which corresponds to the use of a code of two digital numbers: 0
and 1. That's where digitizing and digitization comes from.

Interactivity means that programs (video or video game) do not develop in a linear manner, in
a single direction, with a single story or plot, as we are used to seeing and handling them. The
computer and programming allow users to go through the applications as they wish, repeat
them as many times as necessary, make comments, provide answers, ask questions, and have
the feedback stored in a database.

4. In what way can multimedia applications not be reduced to providing only the
immediate gratifications of entertainment, as has happened with commercial
television, and benefits such as those achieved with the computer can be obtained
from it?

The Mexican Association of Multimedia and New Technologies (AMMYNT) through its
president, Eng. José Luis Oliva Posada, points out:
Multimedia is a tendency to mix different information dissemination technologies, impacting
several senses at the same time, to achieve a greater effect on the understanding of the
message (PC WORLD, No. 117, 1993, 25).
The development of multimedia has been attempted on different fronts, which is why we still
see various proposals and platforms to carry it out. However, although there are economic
interests involved in all of them, it is necessary to recognize two parallel and sometimes
integrated interests in the development of multimedia: on the one hand, the effort for
standardization to make a more universal use and application possible. , which involves mass
production to reduce costs and use of equipment that meets more universal standards so that
applications can be acquired and used anywhere in the world; On the other hand, there is the
interest in ensuring that the applications are socially useful, but above all, that the
developments are oriented to achieve a humanization of this technology, so that it is a real
extension of the human being .

1. In what sense can multimedia be understood as a new communication and

information technology?

This integration is giving rise to a new technology, digital, that uses the computer, its systems
and peripherals, generally known as multimedia. Multimedia technology has various
manifestations and technological possibilities.

2. How does multimedia enable the transformation of human communications ?

Communication consists of sending messages with the purpose of affecting others through
information resources. Its essence is to be a social process that raises, develops or modifies
meanings and representations, to generate meaning through the messages that are sent and
received; For this, two types of systems are essential, some of meaning (codes) and others of
transmission (channels), shared within the process. The first system requires the use of signs
and symbols of communication capable of evoking realities, calling for the formation of a
community of meanings and provoking the confirmation, development or transformation of
the conditions of existence in those who perceive them. The second system requires sharing
mechanisms and physical supports that make possible the transmission/reception of
significant physical signals, according to the shared code.

3. In what way does multimedia give rise to other possibilities for editing
information content, signs and symbols of communication, with which messages
are structured?

The second system requires sharing mechanisms and physical supports that make possible the
transmission/reception of significant physical signals, according to the shared code.


Gustavo Barrera García Urrutia.

José Faustino De La Cruz De La Cruz

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