Topic 4-Effective Feedback

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Name : Anak Agung Bagus Putra Indrakusuma

NIM : 1902511151
SGD : B7


Learning Task
1. There are 4 types of feedback content, which is task, process, self-regulation and self.
Please explain how this type of feedback affect learning?
2. Please explain why people sometimes doesn’t accept or using your feedback?

1. 4 types of feedback content affect learning.
a. Task
Learners will make some tasks based on the lecture. They will be active learner by
find and read appropriate journal and article, discuss in group, or ask the experts.
It will improve the curiosity of them and make them deeply understand related to
the assignment content.
b. Process
Learners will know and understand the steps to do something. They will be able to
repeat it in right direction. Process can also make long last memory for the
c. Self-regulation
The learners will make some strategies in learning. They know that knowledge is
unlimited. By self-regulation, they can manage which part is nice to know or must
to know.
d. Self
By knowing themselves, learners will understand the strength and weakness of
them. They will learn more, fix the weakness, and keep their strength.
2. People sometimes doesn’t accept or using my feedback caused by some reasons, those
are :
a. My feedback is not constructive. Therefore, people think mine is useless.
b. My way of thinking is considered old-fashioned. People assumed mine is not
relatable to the problem.
c. Differences of opinion that lead to the desire to maintain each other's egos.
d. My feedback is not specific. Therefore, people don’t get the point of my feedback.

Isazadeh, P., Afzali, P. and Basir, Z., 2017. Teaching English in the EFL context of Iran:
Perceptions, implications and restrictions. Modern Journal of Language Teaching
Methods, 7(2), p.89.
Kraft, P.W., Lodge, M. and Taber, C.S., 2015. Why people “don’t trust the evidence”
motivated reasoning and scientific beliefs. The ANNALS of the American Academy of
Political and Social Science, 658(1), pp.121-133.
Lefroy, J., Watling, C., Teunissen, P.W. and Brand, P., 2015. Guidelines: the do’s, don’ts and
don’t knows of feedback for clinical education. Perspectives on medical
education, 4(6), pp.284-299.

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