Description of The Ways in Which Social Exclusion Manifests

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Economically: The economic crisis in some unemployed people produces instability in the workplace . Employers,
since there is a great demand , take certain licenses: those over 40 years old are old, women receive lower salaries,
young people if they do not have experience are not taken, and to lower costs , they employ black workers. almost

The economic adjustment and internationalization of the economy continues to produce profound technological,
political and socio-cultural restructuring that exacerbates the differences between subregions and marginalizes large
sectors of the population .

3.5. Religiously: The lack of understanding of the customs of our fellow human beings is the reason for the rejection
of those who practice another religion or creed . For many it is difficult to understand that someone has a different
belief. Thus, Jews , Hindus, Buddhists or gypsies are rejected.

Many times those who discriminate do so because of skin color . People of color, aboriginal or native people,
foreigners of different ethnicities are the targets of attacks. Blacks are one of the most punished races, since colonial
periods, they were victims of slavery . The Native Americans after the conquest of European travelers were treated
like animals and there were civilizations that were completely exterminated due to the lack of understanding of the
"civilized" people. Today, racial minorities are rejected and sometimes experience physical attacks.


4.7. Poverty: it is a situation or way of life that arises as a result of the impossibility of access or lack of resources to
satisfy basic human physical and psychological needs that affect a deterioration in the level and quality of life of
people, such as food , housing, education , health care or access to drinking water . The lack of means to access such
resources is also usually considered, such as unemployment, lack of income or a low level of income. It can also be
the result of processes of social segregation or marginalization. In many third world countries, it is said that someone
is in poverty when their salary (if they have a salary) is not enough to cover the needs included in the basic food
basket. Vulnerability: It is a social condition of risk , difficulty, that disables and invalidates, immediately or in the
future, the affected groups, in the satisfaction of their well-being - in terms of subsistence and quality of life - in
socio-historical and cultural contexts. certain.Vulnerability is the inability to resist when a threatening phenomenon
occurs, or the inability to recover after a disaster has occurred. For example, people who live in the plains are more
vulnerable to flooding than those who live in higher places.


4.9. Discrimination. It is the act of separating or forming groups of people based on a certain criterion or criteria. In
its broadest sense, discrimination is a way of ordering and classifying. It can refer to any area, and can use any

If we talk about human beings, for example, we can discriminate them among other criteria, by age, skin color, level
of education, knowledge, wealth, eye color, etc. But we can also discriminate sources of energy, works of literature ,
animals, etc. However, in its most colloquial meaning, the term discrimination refers to the act of making a
distinction or segregation that undermines equal opportunities. It is normally used to refer to the violation of equal
rights for individuals due to social, racial, religious, sexual orientation or gender.

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