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A. The importance of English

In this competitive era, mastering a foreign language is a highly regarded skill that
many people want to acquire easily. Because it can help them to run faster in achieving
their goals or objectives in various matters. Moreover, English is one of the largest
languages studied in the world. Almost all nations or countries have used English as a
second, third, or even as a foreign language. In fact, English is the third language most
often used and taught in more than 100 countries in the world which is then used as a
medium to represent human desires: to communicate in politics, economics, tourism
and many other fields related to its functions. as communication media.

In tourism and economic situations, English is usually used as a medium for

promoting and negotiating products (distribution) and as a medium for explaining tours
to be used by a tour guide, and people who sell their goods to other people who come
from abroad use the connecting language between countries, international language
perfectly used by each group or society. To express satisfaction with the quality and
good results of the product can be associated with using language so that groups or
people can understand and can achieve transaction goals.

English in educational corner, scientific and social literary works are freely accessed
in many languages, especially in English. Due to English as an international language,
many people initiatively create innovations in term of audio visual or written works.
This aims at catching the viewers in around the world. Providing written information
like journal, news, articles etc. also use English to broadly achieve the target of
audiences. Briefly, nowadays, it is easier for people to gain and feed their brain with
various information spread out in the sources: books, even in the internet.

Meanwhile, going abroad and traveling to certain country needs the proficiency of
English. Being capable in using English while exploring the world alone or with friends
can minimize the expenditures and make no obligation and demand to pay the guide. If
one is getting lost in a particular place, they must have no hesitation to asking the
information as they understand and master the language people living they use.
A. Brief review of an ESP approach in syllabus design
1) ESP
ESP (English for Specific purpose) is describing it as teaching of English used in
academic studies or another teaching of English for vocational or professional purposes,
or as the teaching of English for non-native speakers of English who learn English on
specific purposes. ESP as an approach to language teaching in which all decisions as to
content and method are based on the learners’ reason learning (Hutchinson & Waters,
1987, p.19). ESP as an enterprise involving education, training, and practice and drawing
upon three major realisms of knowledge namely pedagogy, languge, and
students’/participants’ specialist area of interest (Robinson, 1991, p.1).

ESP in English Language concentration is an approach to specify the needs of the

learners in order to gain the particular goals in learning. Furthermore, it aims at helping
learners to acquire a certain proficiency level for situation where the language will be
used (the specific purposes), in a term of target needs. The appearance of ESP in the early
1960s makes any changes, particularly in a fulfilling the demands after the World War II
run down, the needs in linguistic understanding and development (Linguistic revolution),
and the fulfillments of the learners’ needs ( Psychology) (Hutchinson & Waters, 1987). .
However, this indicates that the emergence of ESP influences the way ESL Practitioners
need to focus on.

ESP on Strevens's perspective (1988) is divided into two distinct characteristics, they
are absolute and variable characteristics:
a) Absolute Characteristics:
ESP if defined as
ESP can be categorized into English language teaching if it is:
1. designed to meet specified needs of the learners;
2. related in content (i.e. in its themes and topics) to particular disciplines,
occupations and activities;
3. centered on the language appropriate to those activities in syntax, lexis,
discourse, semantics, etc., and analysis of this discourse;
4. in contrast with General English.

b) Variable Characteristics:
ESP may be, but not necessarily:
1) restricted as to the language skills to be learned (e.g. reading only);
2) not taught according to any pre-ordained methodology (pp.1-2).
ESP is cannot be separated to the importance of Need Analysis involvement. As
both can identify what students already know about English, their purposes in
learning English so that the teachers can classify what they should teach. ESP as an
approach to teaching activity can be a medium to recognize how learners learn, and
what they should obtain at the end of the learning process.

2) Need Analysis
Need analysis is systematic and ongoing process of gathering information about
students’ needs and interpreting the information in order to have an effective course
to meet the needs (Graves: 200). To meet the preferable needs of a course involve the
prior-activity which can be conducted before, on-going and after the process of
teaching and learning. This also similar to the notion given by Richards et al.
(1986:189), he states that NA is the process of determining the needs for which a
learner or group of learner requires a language and arranging the needs according to
Need analysis can be conducted at the beginning of the teaching and learning activity,
the process of the on-going activity, and after doing the teaching activity. At the
beginning can be conducted by the teacher through an identification of whom they
classified as a target of the activity. It can be: in academic purpose, occupational
purpose, or other concentrations. It can be started by recognizing what they already
know, what they need, and what they should attain for the objectives. While an on-
going process can be done by identifying the learning process whether students stand
of the exact lines that the teachers have be set, and they can reinstruct and redesign
the activity, material, and methods of teaching if it flows far from the line. Meanwhile,
an activity in term of doing need analysis at the end of the teaching activity is meant
as the evaluation of the treatments given. The teacher can reconstruct the models of
teaching and learning activity if it doesn’t fit and catch the purposes of students’ needs.
3) The Purpose of Need Analysis
The purpose in doing need analysis is to specify the needs of learners to gain their
goals in learning language. by doing need analysis the teacher can determine the
materials that will be served to the learners.
B. Method of doing needs analysis.
Researchers prefer to use the observation method which involves interviews and data
collection from the internet to complete information about the target. This observation
took place in the Kute Village tourism area and involved traders, beach entertainment
providers (people who rent out their equipment: wheels, surfboards, carpets and so
on), tourist guides, and people who are responsible for guaranteeing visitors as a
population. The author also identifies how they (tourist guides) explain tourism and
the products sold there or the variety of performances carried out at these tourist
attractions and how to socialize with the tourists they guide.
Target Group: Art Market Kute Tour Guide
1 Greeting tourists how to greet tourists can greet tourists Greeting
2 Providing How to giving Can give Giving
information about art information about art information about art information
market Kute market Kute market Kute
3 Guiding and assisting How to explaining Can explain the Types of
about types of artwork types of artwork artwork
available. available available
4 Explaining the How to explain the Can explain the -procedural
process of making process of making process of making expression
products products products -descriptive
5 Promoting cultural How to promote Can promote cultural -Promoting
understanding of the cultural understanding understanding of the traditional
“Peresean” of the “peresean” “ peresean” game
traditional game traditional game traditional game -Explaining
6 Promoting culinary How to promote Can promote -Promoting
“sate bulayak” culinary “sate bulayak” culinary culinary
about “sate
7 Explaining the How to explain the Can explain the -procedural
process of making process of making process of making expression
“bulayak” “bulayak” “bulayak” -descriptive
Name of the course: English for Specific Purposes for Art Market Kute Tour Guide
Learning outcomes (LO): After completing this course using CLT, TPR and Silent Method,
participants can use English in relation to guiding tourists and promoting art and culinary
works in the Kute art market area.
Learning Materials Indicators Materials/ Methods Sources Assessment
Objectives Achievement Sub- & Media
1.Greeting Greeting can greet -greeting CLT English product
tourists conversation tourists -asking Course performance
question Book
for the
2. Providing Giving Can give -Giving TPR Internet performance
information information information information
about art about art -asking and
market Kute market Kute answering
about art
3. Guiding Types of Can explain -explain TPR Internet performance
and assisting artwork the types of the types of
available artwork artwork
available -asking and
about types
of artwork
4. Explaining -procedural Can explain Explain the Silent Internet product
the process of expression the process of process of method
making -descriptive making making
products expression products products
5. Promoting -Promoting Can promote -explain CLT internet Performance
cultural traditional cultural about tradisional
understanding game understanding “Peresean” sasak
of the of the “ -asking and book
“Peresean” peresean” answering
traditional -Explaining traditional question
game the game about
“Peresean” “peresean”
6. Promoting -Promoting Can promote -explain CLT Internet Performance
culinary “sate culinary culinary about “sate
bulayak” -explaining bulayak”
about “sate
7. Explaining -procedural Can explain -explain Silent Internet product
the process of expression the process of about method
making -descriptive making “bulayak”
“bulayak” expression “bulayak” -explain
the process
of making

CurriculumDevelopment. The Internet TESL Journal , 1-4. Agustina. T. (2014). ENGLISH

FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES (ESP): AN APPROACH OF. Beta , Vol. 7 No. 1 (Mei) 2014,
Hal. 37-63.
Basturkmen, H. (2019). Developing Courses in English for Specific Purposes. Eastbourne: CPI
Antony Rowe, Chippenham and Eastbourne.
Gatehouse. K. (2022). Key Issues in English for Specific Purposes (ESP)
Sunghori, H, M. 2008. “Introduction to Need Analysis
(Accessed in June 14 2022)
© 2006 Y. Reisinger & C. Steiner. Reconceptualising Interpretation: The Role
of Tour Guides in Authentic Tourism. Current Issues in Tourism Vol. 9, No. 6, 2006

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