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Importance of Drawing in Civil Engineering

In the Civil Engineering Drawing, all the geometric theory of the drawing is applied and
as for the specific standards, we will detail them for each type of construction.
Although they are often used together, we will divide the constructions into two large
Metal Constructions.
Concrete Constructions.
Civil Engineering Drawing takes the standards of Mechanical Drawing as much as
possible and in some cases its own methods or procedures are used that are not
standardized but sanctioned by practice. It is drawn, whenever possible, in Diedric. The
clarifications, figurative for construction, in Caballera. For commercial and propaganda
purposes, in Conical perspective or realistic representations and animation.
In the plans in which the constructions are to be related to the terrain, bounded
topographic drawings will of course be used. The pipes will be represented by symbols
in the assembly diagrams, or isometric diagrams, and by dihedral views in the
installation plans. Representations of electrical installations, all based on plan
diagrams. Currently, with CAD packages, pipes and electrical installations are designed
in 3D based on the geometry of civil works or the terrain.
We can also say that drawing in civil engineering is of vital importance since it allows
us, through its graphic representation on a surface, generally flat, through lines or
shadows, real or imaginary objects or purely abstract forms, to visualize a good plan.
The drawing is usually done with pencil, chalk, ink or charcoal, or combining some of
these procedures. The delineation of form lays the foundation for all visual arts
(including sculpture), which is why drawing is one of the most important branches of
study in schools of art and architecture, as well as in civil engineering.
One of the importance of drawing in civil engineering is that it gives us the necessary
knowledge that allows us to use the different procedures that can be used in the
manufacture of a plan, especially related to civil works. It allows us the ability to read
and interpret, as well as make and execute different types of civil engineering
construction plans and the graphic representation of the terrain, its layout and the
usefulness of scales in this field.
Entrepreneur: Eduard A. Acosta T. CI: 19,614,801 Eng. Civil “2”
Graphic art is one of the most primal
expressions of the human being, and can be done by anyone who has a pencil, a color
or a support. Unlike other types of art, drawing is one of the first artistic forms
developed by man, already in prehistoric times. Drawing is, furthermore, understood
as one of the most stimulating and useful forms for the development of abilities such
as creativity, originality, personal style, the formation of freedom and a better quality
of life related to self-esteem and since kids.
One of the most important elements of drawing is that it can easily transmit ideas,
concepts, sensations and feelings, regardless of the group to which one belongs,
having a different language from that of the author, living in extremely distant places.
This does not happen with all branches of art and without a doubt, drawing, painting
and sculpture are privileged when it comes to transmitting even to those who feel
most distant.
Unlike what happens with painting, precision and technique in drawing seems to still
be very present. Although there may be sketches or abstract drawings in which objects
and figures seem to lose their natural shape, most of the time the drawing requires
certain technical elements such as perspective, depth, proportion, etc. Otherwise, you
run the risk of being considered simply a scribble.
According to what professionals believe, drawing is one of the first forms of art that
human beings can access to express themselves even unconsciously. Thus, as children
we are encouraged to draw and practice our expressiveness through drawing, a
creative form much more accessible than, for example, sculpture.

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The importance of drawing

Drawing has always been spontaneously present in our lives, when the waves of the
sea are drawn on the sands of the beach, when the smoke molds capricious shapes,
when the sidereal drawings made by the wind appear and disappear before our eyes,
the clouds and the sun, and when it rests on shapes and objects, altering their
dimensions and defining spaces by projecting their shadows. Drawing helps us
measure the world we inhabit.

It is an innate impulse in all human beings; primitive man used it to control his

Drawing as a complement to the mind helps consciousness and thinking. For us

artists it is a primary means of knowledge, drawing is thinking. In the subject it is
equivalent to speaking, to the word. When we think we are active in creation, images
are formed in the mind to affirm our thoughts that will later become words or will be
outlined with the delicate strokes of the drawing, in this way we configure our

Mariana Varela


 2. INTRODUCTION: Drawing is a graphic

representation on a surface, generally flat, through

lines or shadows, of real or imaginary objects or

purely abstract forms. The drawing is usually done

with pencil, chalk, ink or charcoal, or combining

some of these procedures. The delineation of form

lays the foundation for all visual arts (including

sculpture); Therefore, drawing is one of the most

important branches of study in art and architecture

schools, as well as engineering schools. HISTORICAL


 3.

 4.

 5.



It may seem obvious, but it is not. If we want to achieve good results at work without
physically abusing ourselves, it is important that our workplace is properly ventilated
and illuminated. To the extent that we are comfortable and in a good position, our
performance will be better; If, on the other hand, we work in a poorly lit place,
subjected to annoying noises or with poor posture, eventually our body will take its toll
on us and this can be quite annoying and even dangerous for our health.

The main idea is not to get too close or too far from the
paper; Without a clear and general view of what we are drawing we cannot obtain
what we want. Therefore, depending on the size of the canvas or sheet of paper, we
must place ourselves at different distances.
If our drawing does not exceed the size of a DINA-4 sheet, the recommended distance
is elbow-head. When the surface area increases, so does the distance.
It is at relatively large distances, such as in murals, when the artist's intuition and
experience choose the best length.
When drawing, as has been said until now, we must have a generalized vision of what
we are creating; The tilt of the table helps with this, in addition to providing the
necessary freedom of arm movement.
If we draw on a completely horizontal surface, the arm has to make a complementary
When it extends towards the top of the paper the arm has to be stretched, the same
happens when we bring the arm closer towards us, it has to retract.
By tilting the plane of the blade we move the area close to us further away and the
area that is far away closer, thus achieving a favorable "balance".
This inclination is also marked by the size of the figure: larger size-greater inclination,
smaller size-less inclination.

In large works It is convenient to place the canvas in a vertical position so that we can
move easily through all areas.

- If we are right-handed, the light source must be on our left; If we are left-handed - on
the contrary - the light source should be located on our right. In this way we will avoid
putting our hand between the light and the paper, which would generate shadows that
hinder our visibility of the work.

- Nothing is better than natural light, but if we need to work at night (which is very
common in our career), the ideal is to work with white fluorescent light.

- Clean hands and clean instruments will help us keep the work neat.

- The support must be smooth and flat. For best results, the ideal is to secure the paper
to the table by its ends with tension; Adhesive tape tends to damage the paper when it
comes off.

- The ideal way to work is to have the support inclined at about 30º or 45º, it all
depends on the type of drawing we are doing and our comfort. If the drawing is large,
working on a horizontal support can be cumbersome, uncomfortable, and it will be
more difficult for us to keep it clean.

- Always try to work in the same place and - to the extent possible - at the same time.
This helps to create healthy work habits in you, but try to keep the time you spend
reasonable, not too much that you exhaust yourself mentally and physically, nor so
little that the work time does not work for you. It can also be very positive that you
take a few minutes to rest for every 45 minutes of work, this way you refresh your
mind and rest your body.

The cleanliness standards in technical drawing aim to obtain work free of dirt.

The elements that can cause this dirt can come from the work environment, the
instruments used and the artist himself.

Regarding the environment, the work surface must be taken care of, keeping it clean
of dust and remains from previous work, such as eraser blades, ink stains, pencil notes
made on it, etc. During the execution of the drawing, special care should be taken with
the eraser blades, since these contain traces of the erased graphite, and are perhaps
the ones that produce the most difficult stains to clean.

The drawing instruments must be taken care of, especially the square, the bevel and
the ruler, which are the instruments that, to a greater extent, will be in contact with
the surface of the drawing. The drawing instruments, when handled with the hands,
adhere to the grease of human skin, to which in turn the graphite left by the pencil
adheres. This combination of grease and graphite produces most of the dirt on the
drawings. To avoid this, the instruments should be washed with soap and water, in
order to eliminate the grease and graphite adhered to it. Regarding fountain pens with
a refillable ink tank, the ink must be prevented from drying out and clogging the ink
flow. To this end, if they are not going to be used for a long period of time, they should
be washed, only with water, with the objective of eliminating any ink residue;
Subsequently, all the components of the instrument will be thoroughly dried, to
prevent water residues from subsequently mixing with the ink, and causing the
instrument to malfunction, as it is more fluid than necessary for its correct functioning.

Another cause of dirt due to instruments is that produced by an eraser impregnated

with traces of graphite, which produces stains that are very difficult to clean when
trying to erase with it. Try to keep the eraser clean by rubbing it on another surface
unrelated to the drawing, until the traces of graphite are removed.

Regarding the artist himself, he must maintain the minimum standards of personal
hygiene, keeping his hands free of grease, sweat and traces of graphite as much as
possible. Since the hand rests on the drawing, it tends to get stained with graphite,
which mixed with hand grease becomes a source of dirt. Your hands should also be
kept free of sweat, since this would moisten the surface of the paper and could cause
shifting of the tracings made, and on certain surfaces, their undulation.


To fix the paper on the drawing table, it is recommended to use tirro, especially if the
table is covered with laminene paper; The shot will allow (if it is of good quality) to
peel off the sheet more easily and without leaving marks on the paper or board

The sheet is glued towards the lower left corner of the drawing table, closest to its left
edge, and leaving enough space. place on the bottom edge to support the hands and
the T-Rule.

We cut four pieces of strip, approximately 2.0 in length, and place them on the right
edge of the drawing table, press with the fingers of the left hand, T ruler and format,
we stick the tapes in the upper corners, so that they are perpendicular to the corners,
without the tape reaching the edge of the sheet.

With the T-rule resting on the left end of the board (for right-handed people - people
who use the left hand, will place the T-Rule on the right side of their board), make the
top edge of the board coincide with the top of the paper, and gently moving the T ruler
downwards, place the fixing element you have in the two upper corners. Then you
move the T ruler again, ensuring that the paper is stretched and wrinkle-free, and
finally you place the fixing element in the two remaining corners.
In technical drawing it is traditional to glue the paper to prevent it from moving and
achieve graphics with millimeter precision. In freehand drawing, which is the next
topic, precision is not so necessary but it is advisable to hold it for several reasons:

- The first is that by adhering it to your work table you force your hand to make
movements in all directions, favoring the enrichment of your fine psychomotor skills
or, in other words, it helps you improve your ability to control your stroke.

- Another reason is that when your drawing support is glued, you do not mistreat the
corners of your drawing due to movement or involuntary bends that you could make
with your elbows and forearms.

- Also, by keeping the drawing area fixed, your brain is forced to resolve movement
through alternative resolutions, which has a very positive effect on your creative
decisions. It is also extremely important that you do not give in to the temptation to
move the chair or move yourself to draw. The fixation of the paper would lose all its

How to Draw a Realistic and Accurate Portrait in Pencil Using a Grid

Written by Alyssa Ideboen | Translated by Nieves Fragola

Drawing with a grid helps beginning artists refine their eyes and hone their skills. A grid
placed on or over a painting allows you to create a realistic portrait with many details.
Its use forces the artist to pay attention to greater detail and is especially effective for
complicated portraits that contain great visual complexity. Larger grids give the artist
greater freedom, forcing him to rely on his abilities to draw freely.
Difficulty level:



You will need to

 A transparent plastic sheet
 A permanent marker
 A rule
 High quality printing paper
 Scotch tape
 An easel or drawing table
 Drawing paper
 An HB pencil
 A 2B or 3B pencil
 kneaded eraser
 Matte fixative
1. 1
Lay a sheet of clear plastic on a smooth work surface. Using a permanent marker, draw
vertical and horizontal lines over the entire sheet with a ruler to create a grid. If you
have a portrait with a lot of detail, trace small squares (about half an inch each or 1.27
cm). For a larger or less complex drawing, draw squares that are 1 to 2 inches (2.54 to
5 cm) each. The plastic sheet should be wide enough to cover the entire portrait you
want to draw.

2. 2
Print a portrait on high-quality printer paper. Place the grid over the image. Attach it to
the portrait with adhesive tape

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3. 3
Tack the portrait onto an easel or drawing table . Hold a sheet of drawing paper to the
4. 4
Refer to the portrait and start drawing the outline of the subject with an HB pencil. Fill
in the outline and then focus specifically on the squares to create the details.

5. 5
Draw only what you see in each square for the most realistic representation of your
portrait. Use soft lead pencils, such as 2B or 3B, to make shadows and dark areas with
stripes or patterns. Erase errors with a kneaded eraser.

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