A Ghost

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In the moon’s pale glow, where the shadows dance,

A specter roams, in ghostly trance.

Through halls of time, it softly glides,

With whispers carried on ethereal tides

Its form a wisp, a fleeting sight,

Yet cloaked in sorrow, veiled in night.

A specter of forgotten lore,

Lost in realms forevermore.

In midnight's hush, it finds its way,

Through realms of twilight, where echoes stray.

With mournful sighs and phantom tears,

It haunts the past, the passing years.

In ancient manors, it finds its keep,

Where memories linger, in shadows deep.

With spectral hands and spectral eyes,

It watches, as the world belies.

Through misty moors and haunted glens,

It wanders, lost in timeless pens.

A spirit bound by earthly chains,

Yet longing for celestial plains.

In whispers soft, it calls your name,

A longing echo, a silent flame.

A ghostly presence, forever near,

Yet distant as the stars appear.

So heed its tale, this ghostly wight,

For in its haunt, there lies insight.

Of fleeting joys and sorrow's toll,

A haunting melody of the soul.

By: Vidula Jayasinghe 8-C

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