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Fourth Block Questionnaire

Fourth Block Test

1. What is body expression
It can be defined as the discipline whose object is motor behavior with
expressive, communicative and aesthetic purposes in which the body,
movement and feeling are basic instruments.
2. Write the characteristics of body expression
- Little or non-existent importance assigned to technique, or in any case
this, not conceived as a model to which students must reach. Sometimes
certain techniques are used but as a means not as an end.
- The process followed and experienced by the student is what is
important, disappearing the "obsession" with the final result that here
takes a second place.
- The axis that directs the activities revolves around the concept of basic
ability and skill and with objectives referring to the improvement of the
student's motor background.
- The responses take on a convergent character since the student seeks
his or her own adaptations.
3. What is the purpose of body expression?
Body Expression has a double purpose: on the one hand it serves as a
basis for specific learning and on the other hand, it fundamentally has a
value in itself since it collaborates in the development of the human
4. Write the objectives of the body language
- Personal development, search for psycho-physical well-being with
- Learning body codes and meanings.
5. Body expression:
a.- It is an artistic activity that develops sensitivity, imagination,
creativity, and human communication.
b.- It is an artistic activity that puts sensitivity, imagination, creativity,
and human communication to sleep.
6. The meaning of dance:
a.- It is communicating and transmitting ideas from the world of your
b.- It is creating and transmitting feelings.
7. The specifics of the dance:
a.- As an artistic object in which the human body appears in movement
as a constituent.
b.- As an artistic object in which the creativity of the movement appears
as a constituent.
8. Posture in body expression:
Body posture is related to verbal language and the person's emotional
9. What is dramatization
It is the union of body expression and theatrical techniques. Mime and
dance stand out
10. What is body education
Body education is making the body learn to develop all its possibilities of
movement. For this, adequate control of the space around us and the
rhythm is important.
11. Who uses body expression
Body expression must be used by all those people who want to convey a
message. However, there are professions that, due to their
characteristics, are forced to use this body expression to a greater
extent. Some examples of these professions are: teachers, actors,
clowns, dancers, mimes, television presenters.
12. What is body expression for?

a) To inhibit us
b) To communicate
c) To accumulate tensions
d) To improve our self-knowledge

13. When bodily expression appears in the history of humanity

a) In the classical era

b) At the beginning of this century
c) With the appearance of the human being
d) In the last decade

14. Underline which of these options are manifestations of bodily expression

a) Aerobics
b) Theater
c) Yoga
d) Relaxation
e) Oratory
f) Sports

15. What has been called the art of silence

a) To the library environment

b) At the same time
c) To the dramatization
d) To the dance

16. Complete the following crossword puzzle

1D 2 R TO M TO T Yo Z TO c Yo HE N
Yo g TO
5R l TO J. TO c Yo HE N
c TO
6G Yo M N 7A Yes Yo TO
N 8R Yo T M HE
9M Yo M HE

- Horizontal
1. Communication through body movements complemented by the use of
5. State of physical and mental rest
6. Sport that manifests expressiveness and rhythm in its actions
8. Succession of sounds with a certain harmony
9. Communication through gestures and body movements
- Vertical
2. Involuntary action carried out by humans to enter oxygen into the
3. Set of oriental techniques for relaxation
4. Rhythmic coordination of body movements
7. Dance exercises that make up a choreography and are performed with
"marchosa" music
17. What is body language
It is part of non-verbal communication in which the main instrument is
the body and in which we develop all types of skills and abilities.
18. Write down body language cues
- Facial expressions
- Head position
- Look
- Smile
- Arm position
- Hand gestures
- Leg position
19. Identify the basic positions of the feet in ballet or classical dance
First position Second Third position Fourth position Fifth position

20. Identify the basic positions of the arms in ballet or classical dance
First position Second Third position Fourth position Fifth position

Published 8th June 2016 by informatica

Fifth Block Questionnaire


1.- It is the type of gymnastics that tends to give greater ease, flexibility and grace to movements in
time with music.
a) Olympic
b) Medical
c) Rhythmic
d) Swedish

2.- It is the ability of the organism to move quickly with precision in its movements.
a) Agility
b) Balance
c) Strength
d) Coordination

3.- The neuromuscular capacity that the body has to mobilize the different muscle masses in a
selected and orderly manner is called:
a) Agility
b) Balance
c) Strength
d) Coordination

4.- It is the ability of the organism to maintain the center of gravity on its base:
a) Agility
b) Balance
c) Strength
d) Coordination

5.- It is the movement caused with external support to exert a force and return to the normal state
when it stops receiving external support.
a) Tilt
b) Dock
c) Balance
d) Rotate

6.- Movement of the body around its own axis:

a) Tilt
b) Dock
c) Balance
d) Rotate

7.- Rhythmic gymnastics is a discipline that combines elements such as:

a) Hoop, rope, ballet
b) Maces, dance, music
c) Ribbon, ball, gymnastics
d) Ballet, gymnastics, dance

8.- the appropriate age to practice rhythmic gymnastics is

a) Between 8 to 9 years old
b) Between 4 to 5 years
c) Between 6 and 7 years old
d) Between 10 and 12 years old

9.- The practice of rhythmic gymnastics is experimented with various materials, which are these:
a) Natural, acquired and waste
b) Wood, stones
c) Water, plastic
d) Plants, metals

10.- Due to the characteristics of the movement, rhythmic gymnastics is divided into:
a) Swing, jump, balance, throw
b) Speed, weight, launch
c) Resistance, coordination, jumping
d) Strength, height, balance

11.- Sports gymnastics was created exclusively for:

a) Older adults
b) Children
c) Women
d) Men

12.- Rhythmic sports gymnastics emerged as a sport in what decade and where?
a) In the 1940s in Paris
b) In the 1950s in the Soviet Union
c) In the 60s in Paris
d) In the 80s in Spain

13.- Rhythmic gymnastics uses various implements such as:

a) Hoop, clubs, ribbon, rope, ball
b) Throws, rope, ribbon
c) Jumps, movements, speed
d) Balances, balances, ball

14.- In what century and where did sports rhythmic gymnastics emerge?
a) 15th century in Asia
b) 12th century in Eastern Europe
c) 18th century in Western Europe
d) 20th century in the USA

15.- The modalities to be performed in Rhythmic Gymnastics are:

16.- In rhythmic gymnastics there are abilities and sequential movements that serve for better
development and development of the gymnast. What are these:
a) Spin, jump, flexibility and suspension
b) Balance, turning, flexibility, and take-off
c) Flexibility, balance, strides and turning
d) Flexibility, balance, turning and jumping
17.- What are the main tasks of gymnastics?
- Strengthen the muscles, joints and bones of the human body based on daily practice
- Educate the moral and aesthetic qualities of people who practice it regularly
- Harmoniously develop the forms and functions of the organism, to perfect physical abilities
- Form motor skills and habits of vital importance.
18.- Which of the techniques would you use to structure a choreography with tape, taking into
account that the choreographer is the prescribed set of steps, figures and movements of a dance
a) Rollings, circumductions, throws, overhead passes
b) Boats, bearings, circumductions, figure-of-eight movements
c) Windmills, rotational impulses, rhythmic beats
d) Snakes, spirals, throws, impulses or swings
19.- As appropriate, in the practice of rhythmic gymnastics with implements, you should
experiment with the most diverse materials existing in the environment, which are these:

Sixth block questionnaire

Sixth Block Test Questionnaire

1.- What is choreography
a) art of creating movements without structures or times
b) art of creating rhythmic steps in a given space
c) art of creating structures in which movements occur
d) art of making movements to the rhythm of music with rhythm
2.- Write the terms and meanings from which the word choreography
Koreos Chores: Group gathered in dance
Graphie graphy: writing or messages
3.- The choreography uses a composition with a duration of beats guided
by a:
a) style
b) rhythm
c) choreography
d) composition
4.- In choreography: What are the figures:
a) They are the ways of creating choreographies with exclusive
b) They are forms that are shown with the person or group of people who
performs it
c) They are forms of artistic writing on a stage within a dance expression
d) They are forms of dance writing on a stage within a dance expression
5.- What are the universal figures in choreography?
a) Rounds, squads, fronts, backgrounds, among others
b) Rounds, dances, choreographies, backgrounds, among others
c) Spirals or serpentines, basic steps, artistic writing, among others
d) All answers are correct
6.- What are the fundamental elements of choreography
a) Hoop, Ribbons, Clubs
b) Balancing, Spirals, Parallels
c) Natural, Accessories, Mimicry
d) Rounds, Dances, Rhythm
7.- Write the main types of choreography with the description of each of
Monologue Choreography: This depends on a single person, it can be
instructed by another but the one who takes it to the stage is to dance.
Expressive Choreography: It is one in which interjective expressions and
many dance manifestations recur.
Distributive Choreography: One division performs while the others dance,
the main one performs acts but resorts to them again.
Folk Choreography: It is the most used among rural towns in which the
cultural dances planted in a country stand out.
8.- The meanings of choreography are:
a) Writing of the dances
b) Dance writing
c) Art of creating structures in which movements occur
d) Art of creating movements without structures
9.- Write examples of the different fundamental elements of choreography
Natural: arms, feet, hands, torso.
Accessories: fabrics, hats, earrings, bracelets, suits.
Mimic: gestures, symbols, singing, words.
10.- Complete: Choreographic teaching must include:
a) different types of dance with the aim of composing works of art in a
complete way
b) different types of choreography with the aim of composing works of art
in a complete way
c) different types of dances with the aim of assimilating structures
d) different types of choreography with the purpose of composing other
types of dances
11.- Write what the name refers to in choreography
a) It is the name given to each figure such as spirals, serpentines,
crescents, backgrounds and fronts
b) It is the name given to each figure such as squares, rhombuses,
circles, and others in a scenario
c) It is the name given to each shape such as above, below, in front,
behind, diagonals, among others.
d) It is the name given to each figure such as whole turn, advance or
retreat, tapping and contouring.
12.- In choreography what is partial space
a) It is the one that can be covered with your body without moving from
where you are, and in different directions
b) It is the one that you can make free movements within a limited space in
different directions
c) It is the one that covers the entire stage with the body and allows you to
move freely everywhere
d) It is the one that allows only movements with arms and feet in a single
13.- In the choreography that is the total space
a) It is the entire place around you through which you cannot move.
b) It is a small place around the entire stage
c) It is the entire place that surrounds you and through which you can move
d) It is the entire place where you perform dances and from which you do not
move at any time.
14.- Write V if it is true or F if it is false as appropriate
Choreography is one of the most essential parts of dance V
Elements can be added to other choreographies V
The elements when they work confuse the choreographers F
The dancer's main tool is only his arms and feet F
Choreography is the art of creating dances V
Choreography can be taught from other people informally V
In the universal figures of choreography are jumps and turns F
The choreography is a dance proposal that does not have F elements

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