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Instruction for Qualified Practice 2

1. Achievement to evaluate:

At the end of the unit, the student writes administrative texts respecting their characteristics and
structure according to a communicative situation and considering grammatical regulations.

2. General indication:

Read the communication situation carefully.

In 2022, the Congress of the Republic approved law 31520, which proposes changes to the university
law. This regulation has generated concern among educators, because they think that the educational
reform, whose purpose is to improve the quality of education, will be affected.

After analyzing the topic, express your position regarding the following question: do you consider that
Law 31520 harms university reform?

Write an opinion article where you present your position on the question posed and the
arguments that will defend your opinion.

3. Specific instructions:

The activity can be done in a group (with a maximum of 4 members) or individually. Communicate your
chosen work modality in advance to your teacher.

● The opinion article must have 4 paragraphs: introduction, development 1, development 2 and
● Considering the feedback from the preliminary version of the opinion article, write the final
● It is important that you develop the proposed information using examples, definitions,
clarifications, quotes, statistical data, etc.
● Present the production outline and the final version of the opinion article in the formats listed
in 5. Annexes.
● Present the final version of the evaluation taking into account the following:
o Includes the production scheme.
o Use Arial 12 font.
o Use 1.5 line spacing.
o Justify the paragraphs.
o Arrange the parts of the text in an orderly manner.
● Deliver the file to the virtual platform.
● If you carry out the activity in a group, only one member of the team must make the delivery.
Make sure all the members' names are written on the document.
● Verify that the file has been correctly uploaded to the virtual platform.

4. Evaluation criteria:

On the virtual platform, you can find the rubric with which your performance will be evaluated
regarding Qualified Practice 2 . Make sure you read it before you start.

“Any act of copying, attempting to copy, or letting it be copied, during a test, exam,
practice, work, or any academic assignment, using both physical and electronic media,
is regulated in the current Study Regulations and Student Discipline Regulations.” in the
Transparency Portal and/or in the Student Portal.”
5. Annexes:
Present in this space present the semantic map
Present, in this space, the production scheme of the opinion article.

Education in Peru: A never-ending lawsuit.
I.1. Context: Law No. 31520, published in the newspaper “El Peruano”
on July 21, 2022.
I.2. Controversy and Opinion: do you consider that Law 31520 harms
university reform?
I.3. Anticipation: I think not, the law gives it autonomy and separates it
from the manipulation of the Ministry of Education.

II.1. Main idea: On July 13, 2022, the Congress of the Republic approved
at the insistence of the law that attacks SUNEDU.
II.2. Secondary ideas: The university reform has been underway for
approximately eight years.
II.3. Tertiary ideas: Guarantee quality education.
II.4. Secondary ideas: The approval of the counter-reform would have
short-term consequences.
II.5. Tertiary ideas: Representatives of universities will be part of the
SUNEDU board, it is no longer affiliated with the MINEDU,
Withdrawal of financing from public universities and licensing of

III.1. Main idea: Law No. 31520, recently declared constitutional by the
Constitutional Court of Peru .
III.2. Secondary ideas: This law 31520 consists of three (3) articles and
three (3) complementary provisions.
III.3. Tertiary ideas: Article No. 1 establishes that its objective is to
reestablish the autonomy and institutionality of Peruvian universities.
III.4. Secondary ideas: Article 2 modifies articles 1, 12, 15, 17 and 20 of
the University Law and repeals its First Final Complementary
III.5. Tertiary ideas: Article 3 repeals the First Final Complementary
Provision of Law No. 30220, University Law.

IV.1. Reaffirmation of position: Law No. 31520 does not harm university
IV.2. Critical Comment: Education faces a number of challenges,
including inequality in access, low quality and corruption
IV.3. Solution proposals: Encourage debate and participation of different
Write, in this space, the draft version of the opinion article.

Team members or student name:

- Cavero Cordova, Indrira Lucia

- Morocho Siancas, José Manuel

- Sáenz Cana, Daniel

- Vidal Quispe Jessica

Education in Peru: A never-ending lawsuit.

Education in our country has always been the subject of criticism and challenges;
Although it is true, many efforts have been made to improve the educational system,
trying to hit the nail on the head; However, there are still numerous deficiencies that
limit access to quality education for all Peruvians. On July 21, 2022, Law No. 31520
was published in the newspaper “El Peruano”, which aims to recompose SUNEDU
and make it a more inclusive and representative democratic body of all aspects
related to Peruvian education. . But does what is stated in this law solve the problem
with education in the country? Therefore, faced with this great problem, do you
consider that Law 31520 harms university reform? I believe that no, the law gives it
autonomy and separates it from the manipulation of the Ministry of Education. Next, I
will detail how we are with the noose around our neck.

Firstly, the Congress of the Republic approved by insistence the law that attacks
SUNEDU, its main objective is to remove the autonomy of the institution and prevent
adequate supervision of the universities. However, the university reform has been
underway for approximately eight years, with the aim of guaranteeing quality
education at the level of educational material, teaching staff, infrastructure and other
complementary resources through the creation of an autonomous entity: SUNEDU.
Therefore, educational institutions that did not meet the minimum quality standards to
operate have been closed. Now, to hit the nail on the head, we must take into account
that the approval of the counter-reform would have short-term consequences, such
as; first, representatives of universities will be part of the SUNEDU board; Therefore,
they will have decision-making power over the entity, which can harm their
supervisory role; second, this entity would no longer be attached to the Ministry of
Education, which would mean losing support to strengthen the educational sector,
which would be catastrophic, since we all know the critical situation in which
education finds itself; third, withdrawal of funding from public universities, this serves
“to improve quality, to pay the bonus for research professors, to finance laboratories,
to hire more teaching staff” and fourth, licensing of programs will be limited.

Secondly, Law No. 31520, which was recently declared constitutional by the
Constitutional Court of Peru, has generated open controversies among the Peruvian
educational community, especially due to its possible effects on the university reform
that began in 2014. What a controversial situation! This law consists of three (3)
articles and three (3) complementary provisions. In Article No. 1 it is established that
its objective is to restore the autonomy and institutionality of Peruvian universities, so
we do not want to look for three feet, since it is clearly observed that it affects the
university reform; rather, it highlights the principle of legality and respect for the
constitutional order. In Article 2, articles 1, 12, 15, 17 and 20 of the University Law are
modified and its First Final Complementary Provision is repealed and in Article 3 the
First Final Complementary Provision of Law No. 30220, Law is repealed University,
which establishes promotion mechanisms to improve the quality of the educational
service provided by public universities, which include coordination between Minedu
and the MEF, here I believe we are between a rock and a hard place; Since this
provision harms public universities, always short of financial resources, I feel that they
made a mistake by repealing this provision.

Due to the above, I reaffirm my position, Law 31520 does not harm the university
reform. Beyond the laws and guidelines that can be implemented in the country,
education in Peru faces a series of challenges, including inequality in access, low
quality and corruption. Therefore, it is important to encourage debate and the
participation of different actors to achieve a reform that considers both educational
quality and university autonomy. Likewise, it is essential to address these problems
comprehensively to guarantee that all Peruvians have access to quality education that
allows them to develop their full potential and contribute to the development of the

Bibliographic references
 Coca, V. (2022). The university counter-reform was approved: how will it
impact higher education? Recovered from:
 Lescano, L. (2022). University reform reform? Recovered from:
 Dr. Ernesto Blume: TC has restored autonomy and institutionality to Peruvian
universities. Recovered from:

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