Owner's Manual (Mar 1R)

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SEA (1 REC.)
CADU Inmobiliaria, SA de CV is a housing development company, established at the end of
2001 in the City of Aguascalientes. In recent years it has managed to expand in States such as
Jalisco and Quintana Roo, consolidating, since 2008, as the first place in housing deeds before
INFONAVIT in the State of Quintana Roo, in the Benito Juárez Municipality, and since 2010 in the
Solidarity Municipality.

It currently has offices in Cancún, Playa del Carmen and Aguascalientes. The company's
corporate offices are located in the City of Cancún, Quintana Roo. Soon they will venture into the
State of Mexico, Mérida and León.
Since 2006 , Cadu Inmobiliaria, SA de CV . began an Integration and Institutionalization process,
establishing CORPOVAEL, SA DE CV in 2007, a company that holds the shares of the companies that currently
make up the Group and that consolidate their Financial Statements.

(Share Holder)




Cancun State
Cancun Rivera Maya Merida



Edificadora Urban developer Urban developer Edifier Edifier Urban developer Urban developer
Edificadora Cancun Edificadora Mérida
Cancun Cancun Rivera Maya Rivera Maya AGS AGS Merida
Since its founding, CADU has registered more than 33,000 homes, having carried out the
following developments:

2002 Saint Elizabeth 562 Aguascal teeth Prosavi
Bajío de las Palmas 72 Aguascal teeth Economic
2003 Chapulin Summit 139 Aguascal teeth Economic
Vile those of the Hacienda 3,608 Jalisco Economic

2004 Vil las Otoch I 2,830 Quintana Roo Economic

2005 Vil las Otoch II 864 Quintana Roo Economic

2006 Vil las Otoch III 1,364 Quintana Roo Economic

2007 Vil las Otoch IV Pl us 1,030 Quintana Roo Economic

Vil las Otoch IV B 552 Quintana Roo Economic

Vile those of the Sea I 1,812 Quintana Roo Traditional

Altus Bosques 819 Jalisco Med-Res

2008 Altus Quintas (2008 - 2010) 454 Jalisco Med-Res

Villas del Mar II (2008 - 2012) 2,342 Quintana Roo Traditional
Villas Otoch Paraíso (2008 - 2014) 13,904 Quintana Roo Economic

2009 Villas del Mar III (2009 - 2014) 6,055 Quintana Roo Traditional Low Income

2010 Villas del Sol (2010 - 2014) 6,869 Quintana Roo Traditional Low Income

2010 Rinconada del Puertecito (2010 - 2012) 569 Aguascal teeth Traditional Low Income
2012 Vil las de Zumpango (2012 - 2014) 2,500 Mexico state Eco/TBI



Internal Regulations of Condominium and Administration “Villas del

Of the Condominium Property Regime

Article 1.- In accordance with the provisions of the Property Condominium Property Law of the State of Quintana Roo, this Regulation is
issued, which is part of the Constitutive Deed of the condominium regime, which will govern the Complex called “Villas del Sol ” , located
in Lot 1, Blocks 162, 165 and 172, located in Supermanblock 001, Region 43, in Playa del Carmen, Municipality of Solidaridad, State of
Quintana Roo.

Regulatory Provisions

Article 2.- All: (i) the Condominium Owners are obliged to comply with this Regulation; (ii) the buyers of private contracts for the sale of
future property or third parties who enter into any other contract with the Developer that, if fulfilled in its terms, implies that said third
parties acquire the status of owners of an exclusive property unit; (iii) the tenants, users, family members, guests, dependents,
occupants, visitors or successors in title of the persons indicated in numbers (i), (ii) or (iii) above.

Article 3.- The value, location of the condominium, its surface, boundaries and boundaries, general description of the same and
especially of each of the parties, as well as the percentage that corresponds to each of the owners of the areas and assets. common, are
contained in the Constitutive Deed of the Condominium Property Regime, of which this Regulation forms an integral part.

Article 4.- The Articles of Incorporation, or this Regulation, may be modified in accordance with the provisions of this regulation and the
Property Condominium Property Law of the State of Quintana Roo.

Article 5.- The Condominium will be governed by: (i) these Regulations; (ii) the Real Estate Condominium Property Law of the State of
Quintana Roo; (iii) the Civil Code for the State of Quintana Roo; (iv) the Federal Civil Code; (v) Alternative Justice Law of the
State; (vi) the uses and customs of the place where the Condominium is located, and; (vii) general principles of law
Definitions and Concepts

Article 6.- For the purposes of this Regulation the following terms will have the meaning given to them in this Article:

a. Administrator : Natural or legal person designated for such purposes by the General Assembly of Condominium Owners, to perform
the function of administration of a condominium, in accordance with the Law.

b. Common Areas : These are all areas of free access or transit in co-ownership, which may be used by all Condominium Owners. Such
as walkways, stairs, parking spaces for visitors, gardens for common use, party walls and roads.

c. General Assembly : It is the supreme body of the Condominium, and is made up of all the Condominium Owners, or those who by
any title are going to be so in the future, held in accordance with this law, upon prior call, to deal with, discuss and resolve in its case,
matters of common interest regarding the condominium.

d. Code : The Civil Code for the Free and Sovereign State of Quintana Roo.

e. Condominium : – They are the private and common areas that form this housing complex, susceptible to independent use due to
having their own exit to a common element of the condominium and to the public road and that belong to different owners who will have a
singular and exclusive right of ownership over its Exclusive Property Unit and also a right of co-ownership over the common elements and
parts of the property, necessary for proper use and enjoyment.

f. Condominium Owner : It is the natural person or legal-collective person who has ownership or ownership of the trust rights of one or
more Exclusive Property Units of the “ Villas del Sol ” development. The obligations and rights of the Condominium Owners will also be
applicable to Authorized Users, with the exception of those that are specifically reserved for condominium owners.

g. Master Condominium: Any grouping of two or more Condominiums, built on a single property, in which each condominium retains for
itself areas of exclusive use, and in turn has areas of common use for all the Condominiums that make up the Master Condominium, such
as internal roads, buildings and facilities, and whose general Common Areas will be managed, conserved and maintained by all the
Condominiums belonging to said Master Condominium.

h. Developer : The company called Cadurma, SA de .CV

i. . Constitutive Deed : The public instrument by which the declaration of constituting the Property Regime in condominium over the
complex called “ Villas del Sol ” was recorded in accordance with the applicable provisions for such purpose, from which the

this Regulation.
j. Voluntary Extinction: The disappearance of the condominium property regime.

k. Undivided : It is the nominal value that for the purposes of the Law is assigned to each Exclusive Property Unit and the percentage
that corresponds to the total value of the Condominium.

l. Law: The Property Condominium Property Law for the State of Quintana Roo.

m. Simple Majority: 50% plus one of the total votes or co-owners, as the case may be.

n. Regulations : Means the present Condominium and Administration Regulations of “ Villas del Sol ”, which forms an integral part of the
Constitutive Deed, in which the internal rules of coexistence in the condominium are specified, in terms of what is provided for by law.

o. Regulations for Adjustments and Constructions : It is the regulations for Adjustments, Installations and constructions that are
issued to regulate any construction and/or adaptation to exclusive property units, said regulation is the one that makes up the Third Title of
this regulatory instrument.

p. Sanction: Penalty or fine that the condominium owner and/or authorized user of the property is obliged to cover for violating the Law,
the Code, the articles of incorporation, ownership transfer contract, regulations and other applicable legislation on the matter.

q. Exclusive Property Unit : These are the areas for the exclusive use of each condominium owner, which in terms of the Real Estate
Condominium Property Law of the State of Quintana Roo and this regulation, corresponds to each Condominium Owner, so they can
freely dispose of of the same, with the limitations imposed: (i) both by the residential use of such surfaces; (ii) by the Articles of
Incorporation; (iii) by the Real Estate Condominium Property Law of the State of Quintana Roo; (iv) by the Code, and; (v) by these
Regulations. Composed of the land, the house built on it and the service patio.

r. Authorized User : These are those people who are tenants or who for any reason have the use of an Exclusive Property Unit.

Article 7.- The “Villas del Sol” housing complex has a total land area of 898,027.16 square meters where:

463,994.28 m2 are Private Areas

54,554.31 m2 are Commercial Areas
93,849.49 m2 are Donation Areas
285,629.07 m2 are Internal Road Areas

Destination of Privately Owned Assets and
Common Property

Article 8.- For the purposes of this Regulation, the Condominium assets are divided into Exclusive Property Units and Common Areas,
whose description, surface, measurements, boundaries and location are stipulated in the Articles of Incorporation.

Article 9.- Common Areas are those that provide a service and satisfy collective needs. Such common areas include walkways, green
areas for common use, visitor parking that is visibly identified, the area where vehicles circulate, service facilities and walls shared by
homes, which may not be divided. or modified, but only by agreement of the general assembly of owners.

The right of co-ownership over the common areas of the condominium is accessory and indivisible from the private property right over the
exclusive property unit, so it cannot be alienated, taxed or seized separately from the same unit.

Article 10.- Each Condominium Owner has a right over the ownership of the common areas, which will be proportional to their undivided

In turn, all Condominium Owners have the right to use, according to the characteristics, nature, use and destination, the Common Areas of
the Condominium, subject to their nature, the limitations of the Law, the Code, this Regulation, the others. Applicable laws and good

Article 11.- Each unit of exclusive ownership corresponds to an Undivided Unit in accordance with the table contained in the Articles of
Incorporation, which will be applied for all the relative and applicable effects thereof, this Regulation and applicable legal provisions.

The rights of use over the common property of the property are not susceptible to division, nor may they be sold except in the cases
expressly provided for by the Law, the Civil Code, the Articles of Incorporation and these regulations.

The water, electricity, telephone, gas, drainage and air conditioning installations found in the homes are only the property of the owner of
the Exclusive Property Unit in which they are located.

Article 12.- Exclusive Property Units are those that belong entirely, individually and exclusively to each condominium owner, which is
made up of the land, the house built on it and the parking space assigned in the constitution of the condominium.

Article 13.- The surface area of the Exclusive Property Units are those listed in the appendix to the Articles of Incorporation, excluding the
Common Areas indicated therein.

Article 14.- The destination of all Exclusive Property Units will be residential, and the change of destination cannot be made for any
reason, whether modification, annexation, connection or similar, without previously having the permits, authorizations and licenses. of the
competent authorities and the unanimous agreement of all the Owners in the General Assembly.

Article 15.- Within the habitable or usable surface of each Exclusive Property Unit there are Common Areas, which are, but are not
limited to: ducts with electrical installations, ducts, water supply and discharge pipes, drainage, walls. structural and façade.


Article 16.- The owner is the sole owner of his house, so he may sell it in its entirety but not in parts or spaces, lease it, mortgage it,
encumber it and celebrate, with respect to the Exclusive Property Unit, and its percentage. of respective undivided property, all contracts
referred to in common law, without the need for authorization from other Condominium Owners, with the limitations established by law.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the owner understands that in the event that his home is subject to a mortgage loan, the fact of renting it
may result in the cancellation of his credit.

Article 17.- Even if the owner has ownership of his home having paid the mortgage, the new owner must respect each and every one of
the obligations contained in these regulations and in the law, and in any case, it will be an obligation of the owner to inform the potential
purchaser of the home of the provisions contained in these regulations. In any case, for the transfer of ownership of the home to be valid,
the written acceptance of the new owner will be necessary to comply and make the successive users comply with the provisions contained
in these regulations.

Article 18.- At the time that the mortgage has already been fully paid, and the owner decides to rent it, or even in the event that he or
she delivers possession to any person for any reason, the owner and the user will be jointly and severally liable with respect to of the
payment of the fees established in the terms of this regulation, and both will be responsible and must respond to the obligations and rights
imposed by the “General Assembly”.

Thus, in the case of sale of a home subject to lease, the authorized user will enjoy a right of preference to acquire the home, so they will
have a period of 15 days from the date on which the owner notify your intention to exercise your right of preference, otherwise you will lose
your right of preference but not your status as tenant, and the owner may proceed with the sale of the home to any interested third party.

Article 19.- Each owner and users must use their home in a calm and orderly manner, giving it a use that does not affect the morals, good
customs, safety, health and comfort of others. You will not be able to use any common property, even within your home, that affects or
hinders its operation, and this affects the rest of the inhabitants, and in the event that these assets have been damaged, the owner of that
home will be the responsible for paying the expenses generated by the repairs.

The homes will be used solely and exclusively for residential use. Therefore, the establishment of any line of business, services and
industry is prohibited, mentioned but not limited to: groceries, candy stores, soft drinks, pharmacies, butchers, repair shops,
aesthetics, mechanical and/or electrical workshops, services. washing, vulcanizing plant, restaurant, video store, tortilla shop,
bakery, etc.) . These businesses may only be established in the commercial areas that are part of the housing development called “Villas
del Sol”, to which the condominium belongs.

Article 20.- Each condominium owner may carry out all types of works and repairs inside their unit, but may not make innovations or
modifications that affect the structure, facilities, main walls, and other essential elements of the building, or that harm the stability. , safety,
health or comfort; nor do any work on the exterior, nor open openings or windows, even if they are in your own walls, nor change and/or
paint the façade of your unit in different colors with respect to the image of the development or decorate the exterior façade of your home.

Regarding the works and repairs permitted by this regulation, their execution will be the exclusive responsibility of the respective
condominium owner, who must previously obtain the necessary licenses and permits in accordance with the legal provisions of the matter.

The condominium owner must abide by the measures dictated by the administrator in order to reduce the inconvenience that the works
may cause to the other owners.

If as a result of the works any damage occurs to the common property or to those belonging to other owners, the responsible condominium
owner must immediately compensate for the damage caused.

All condominium owners are obliged to maintain the services and facilities of their homes in good condition of use and operation, especially
in cases where, failure to do so, could harm in any way the common goods and services of the other condominium owners.

Article 21.- Violators of the preceding provisions will be directly responsible for the expenses caused for the adequate repair of the goods
and facilities affected by their omission, as well as the damages caused by their non-compliance.

In the event that the owner abandons his rights or does not use the property or common areas, he will remain subject to what is
provided in this regulation.
Article 22.- The owner will be responsible for damages caused by him, the users or visits to his home to the common property, with the
expenses generated being his responsibility.

Furthermore, no visitor or user of the complex may do acts that affect the good appearance and prestige of the complex.

Article 23.- Each owner will have rights over their exclusive property unit, and the percentage that corresponds to them over the common
areas, according to this regulation, the constitutive deed of the condominium and especially those imposed by the contract with which they
acquired the rights of the condominium. condominium. No part of the condominium property may be sold or leased, such as rooms,
bedrooms, utility rooms or private parking spaces.

Article 24.- Each condominium owner will independently pay for the electricity, gas, water, telephone, cable television, etc. services that
he or she uses exclusively in his or her home.

Article 25.- Condominium owners who do not occupy their homes themselves will be jointly responsible for the execution and compliance
with the charges and conditions imposed by the deed constituting the condominium regime, “the law”, and these regulations.

Article 26.- When the condominium owners have to exercise any of the above rights against another condominium owner or occupant, or
have complaints against someone who prevents the tranquility of the complex, which is harmful or uncomfortable, they must write to the
administrator. who will seek to resolve the controversy by forcing the remissing party to comply with its obligations and if it is not obtained,
proceed against it in the terms established in “the law” and these regulations.

Article 27.- Every condominium owner or occupant will have the right to propose in writing to the administrator the measures and
procedures that in his opinion are most appropriate for the operation of the complex, so that the administrator informs them at the next
assembly who will decide. what is conducive.

Article 28.- The condominium owner who does not comply with any of the obligations under his responsibility will be responsible for the
damages and losses caused to the other condominium owners.

Article 29.- Private units may not be subdivided.


Article 30.- No equipment, machinery or materials may be kept in the house that give off unpleasant odors or that cause noise that causes
inconvenience to other owners.
Article 31.- Clothes may only be hung in the service yards and hanging on rooftops, balconies or front yards will not be permitted.

Article 32.- No occupant may obstruct entrances and circulations by leaving any object in them that hinders the circulation of people or

Article 33.- The parking spaces assigned to each house and visitors must be respected. When a car is parked in a space that does not
belong to it, it may be removed with a tow truck at the offender's expense.

It is prohibited to delimit and protect parking spaces in isolation or with vehicles out of use. Cars may not be parked in areas designated for
vehicular circulation.

Article 34.- The owners must maintain the services and facilities of the house in good condition and functioning.

Article 35.- In order to carry out works in the common areas or assets and general facilities, the funds corresponding to each
condominium will be provided and will adhere to the following rules:

a. The administrator must carry out the necessary works to keep the condominium in good condition, as well as for the proper
functioning of the services, as long as he has the licenses and permits required by the competent authorities. Without an
agreement between the owners, when these works are not sufficient or it is necessary to carry out unforeseen works, then the
administrator will call the general assembly so that by majority vote the most convenient and the contributions by each owner
are decided. .
b. The works carried out to keep the condominium in good condition will be at the expense of the owners and in the portion that
corresponds to them, according to the proportion of the undivided property that corresponds to them.
c. To carry out works to improve the appearance, comfort or to increase the value of the condominium, the agreement of 75% and
seventy-five percent of the votes of the owners will be required when appropriate or in the cases provided for by “the law.” ”.
d. For urgent repairs or replacements of common property, the owners may carry them out, only in cases where the administrator
is missing.
e. Works that may endanger the solidity and safety of the house, that prevent the use of a common part or service, are prohibited,
even when the injured party is affected.

Article 36.- The owner who uses furniture or equipment, in his exclusive property unit or in the common areas, will be responsible for the
damages caused, and will be obliged to pay for the necessary repairs. In the case of not covering the damages, the repairs will be carried
out by the condominium administration at the expense of the owner who caused them, the latter being obliged to cover the expenses
within a period of 5 days from when they occur, and if not interest will be charged equal to those set for the
owners who delay paying their fees, or those determined by the Assembly.



Article 37.- In areas for vehicular circulation, only a speed of 15 km will be allowed. per hour.

Article 38.- They may not be used for personal services to workers or janitors of the condominium.

Article 39.- The taxes generated in the condominium will be distributed among the different private houses, and each of the owners will
have to respond to the corresponding quota, which will be determined taking as reference the proportion of their share. rate with respect to
the condominium.

Article 40.- The owners will have to cover, independently of the property tax on their house, the proportional part that corresponds to them
of the common property, as well as other taxes or rights that are generated as a condominium.

Article 41.- It will be the obligation of each owner to pay the fees according to the corresponding percentage of the common property,
according to the articles of incorporation and based on the budget that is generated and the payment method proposed by the general

Article 42.- In the case of repairs for hidden defects that cannot be covered or demanded from other people, it will have to be paid by the
affected owners and in the proportion that corresponds to them according to the constitutive deed of the condominium, and the repair must
be in accordance with the majority of votes of the assembly.

Article 43.- All occupants and owners must collaborate with cleaning and maintenance, avoiding throwing garbage and waste.

Article 44.- The owner who does not comply with his obligation will be responsible for the damages caused to the other owners.

The General Assembly of Condominium Owners

Article 45.- The General Assembly of Owners is the highest authority of the condominium and its decisions will be binding on all owners.
The assembly will have a President, a Secretary and at least two tellers designated by it.

Article 46.- The owners will elect their representatives to constitute the General Assembly of the Condominium.

Article 47.- The General Assembly may appoint and remove the administrator, according to the condominium regulations.

Article 48.- The general assembly may appoint and remove the administrator, according to the Condominium Regulations and the Law,
except for the one provisionally appointed in accordance with Article 59 of this Regulation, who, due to the temporary nature of his
position, will be removed from office. automatically in terms of these regulations. The administrator may or may not be one of the owners,
and the assembly will set the corresponding remuneration that may or may not be waived.

Article 49.- The General Assembly will have the following powers:

a. Freely appoint and remove the administrator, in the terms of these regulations, except for those who serve for the first year,
who will be appointed by the person who grants the constitutive deed of the condominium, which may be a natural or legal
person, and their assembly will establish the relative remuneration, which may be waived by any condominium owner who
agrees to serve the position free of charge.

b. Instruct the administrator about the obligations that correspond to him, and represent the condominium before any authority.

c. Appoint or remove the surveillance committee, which may be formed with a minimum of three people.

d. Determine the type and amount of guarantee that the administrator must give for the performance of his mission and the
management of the funds.

e. Review and approve the account statement presented by the administrator for consideration.

F. Review and approve the expense budget for the following year.


g. Determine the fees for the owners, for a maintenance and administration fund and another reserve fund for the acquisition or
replacement that the condominium requires, as well as for the acquisition and replacement of implements and machinery that
the condominium must have.

h. Go before the competent authorities in the event that the administrator violates the law, the condominium regulations, the
articles of incorporation and any of the legal provisions, so they will have the power to claim criminal or civil liability of the
administrator. To demand said responsibility, an agreement of 75% of the condominium owners will be necessary, who will
instruct the surveillance committee to initiate the relevant steps demanding the responsibility of the administrator.

i. Adopt measures on matters of interest to all those who are not included within the functions of the administrator.

j. Modify the constitutive deed of the condominium and the regulations, in cases provided for by the applicable laws.

k. The others conferred by these condominium regulations, the articles of incorporation and the other applicable legal provisions

Article 50.- The decisions of the General Assembly will be made by a simple majority of votes of those present, each owner will have a
number of votes equal to the percentage of the undivided that his condominium presents.

Article 51.- The secretary will keep a book of minutes that must be authorized by the municipal president of Solidaridad, Quintana Roo
and all the minutes must be signed in turn by the secretary, the president and the surveillance committee of the General Assembly As long
as they have attended, the Administrator will serve as secretary of the Assembly and if the person designated by the latter is a legal entity,
in the event that the administrator is absent, any person may be appointed. The Administrator will not be Secretary when the assembly has
to resolve matters related to his responsibility.

Of the deliberations and resolutions of the assembly, the secretary must prepare a record that will be transcribed in the corresponding
book, which will contain:

l. Place, date, time of the meeting and proposed agenda.

m. Attached list of attendance formulated by two tellers who will be designated at the beginning of the meeting, with the signature
of the condominium owners present or those of their representatives and the tellers, which must be initialed at the beginning of
the meetings.
c. Number of votes present or represented, name of the condominium owners to whom they belong and respective property.

d. Constitution of the assembly and declaration of validity of its constitution.

e. Text of the resolutions adopted with expression of the votes in favor and against.

f. The declarations and reservations that any of the co-owners would like to record.

The minutes recorded in the book will be signed at the end of the text by those who have served as president and secretary of the

Article 52.- The general secretary will always have the minute book available to the owners and will report in writing the agreements
reached by the general assembly.

Article 53.- The calls for the assembly will be made at least 10 days in advance and will indicate what will be discussed at the meeting, the
place, time and date, notifying the owners through flyers, in addition, The secretary of the general assembly will place notices in visible
places in the condominium. In the event that there is a tie in any vote, the president of the assembly will have the casting vote.

The condominium owners may call an assembly without the intervention of the administrator, when they prove, before a competent judge,
that they represent at least a quarter of the value of the condominium.

The meeting will be valid without the need for a prior call when all the condominium owners attend.

Article 54.- The General Assembly must be held at least once a year, and extraordinary and group meetings must be held as many times
as they are convened in accordance with the provisions of the law, the articles of incorporation and the regulations.

Article 55.- When the assembly is held by virtue of the first call, a quorum of seventy-five percent of the condominium owners will be
required; When it is held by a second call, the quorum will be at least fifty-one percent of the condominium owners. If the assembly is held
on a third call, the resolutions will be adopted by the majority of those present.

General votes will be personal, nominal and direct, but they may be carried out through representatives, for which a simple power of
attorney will suffice.

The determinations adopted by the assemblies under the terms of this chapter and the other applicable legal provisions are binding on all
condominium owners, including those who are absent and dissidents.

Article 56.- Group assemblies are those whose deliberations will only affect a specific group of condominium owners, either due to the
location of their homes, or because they share a common problem. To determine the origin of a group meeting, the authorization of the
administrator will be necessary, who will always ensure that the deliberations or resolutions do not affect condominium owners who are not
part of the corresponding group.

Article 57.- The condominium owner who does not agree with the decisions of others may appeal to the judicial authority so that it
resolves the appropriate matter.

From the Administrator

Article 58.- The condominium will be managed by the person chosen at the condominium assembly. The administrator may or may not be
the owner of a condominium home, unless the assembly determines otherwise.

In the event that a condominium owner is appointed Administrator, or member of the surveillance committee, he must prove that he is up
to date with the payment of his maintenance and administration fees, and those of the reserve fund, from the beginning and throughout his
entire management. .

The appointments of administrators of the surveillance committee will be for up to one year and may only be re-elected up to two
consecutive times for the immediate period.

To perform the position of Administrator, experience in condominium administration must be accredited, or, where appropriate, proof of
having taken training courses in condominium administration. This requirement may be waived by the assembly through the vote of the
condominium owners representing 75 % of the undivided condominium.

Article 59.- Upon issuance of this Regulation, the company Cadurma, SA de CV, will serve as Provisional Administrator of the
Condominium until the assembly mentioned in the following Article is summoned. The term of performance of the Provisional Administrator
may not exceed six months counting from the arrival of the first condominium owner to the exclusive property unit that is part of the
corresponding module.

Article 60.- When more than 50% of the first stage is inhabited, the Condominium Owners expressly revoke all powers to the Provisional
Administrator and assume the obligation to manage the Condominium and convene an Assembly in order to appoint a new Administrator.

Article 61.- It is the obligation of the Administrator:

a. Take care of and monitor the condominium assets, common services, as well as supporting the integration, organization, and
Community development.

b. Keep a record book of creditors, authorized by the municipal president of Solidaridad, Quintana Roo, within the first month of
the credits being established, or in January of each year, their decision to attend the assemblies. In this record, the agreement
of the creditor and debtor on the balances pending to be covered will be noted, with the understanding that if there is a
discrepancy or reluctance of the debtor to express his will regarding what was stated on the matter by his creditor, the balances
that determine the surveillance committee, to the best of its knowledge and belief, indicating in this regard the proportion,
corresponding to the creditor and the debtor, of the votes attributed to the exclusive property unit in question. These
registrations will only be valid for the quarter in which they are made, and the administrator will issue proof of them to the
interested creditor;

c. Collect and preserve all documentation that refers to the condominium, which may be consulted by any of the condominium

d. Be aware of the condominium's facilities and services.

e. Carry out all acts of administration and conservation that the Condominium requires in its Common Areas; as well as
contracting the supply of electrical energy and other goods and services necessary for the facilities and Common Areas, and
the amount of consumption of the service or property in question must be prorated among the Condominium Owners based on
the percentage of the undivided property that corresponds to them.

f. Carry out the works that are necessary to keep the condominium in a good state of conservation, security, and stability so that
the services function, in terms of section I of article 26 of the law.

g. Execute the agreements of the assembly, unless another person is designated.

h. Collect from the owners the corresponding fee for maintenance, administration and reserve funds.

i. Execute maintenance and conservation expenses on account of each of the funds.

j. Give receipt to each of the owners for contributions to the funds.

k. Call an assembly in accordance with the provisions of articles 29 and 30 of the Law.

l. Monthly give each owner an account statement that reflects:

1. List of expenses for the previous month of maintenance and administration funds.

2. An account statement showing payments and outstanding fees. The administrator will have at the disposal of the
condominium owners who wish to consult it, a list of them in which the amounts that each one of them contributed to
maintenance and administration and reserve funds are recorded, with an expression of balances of fees pending to be

3. The balance of maintenance and administration funds, and what they are used for in the following month, as well as the
list of outstanding payments.

m. Register in the Public Registry of Property and Commerce, your appointment as administrator of the Condominium, within a
period of no more than 30 days from the celebration of the Assembly in which it was appointed, for which you must attach a
certified copy of official identification, curriculum vitae with the documentary support that supports it, proof of non-criminal
records, as well as the minutes of the Assembly signed by the condominium owners, duly notarized before the notary public.

Article 62.- The administrator will be the one who legally represents all the owners, in the affairs of the condominium, he will be the
general representative to manage the assets and for lawsuits and collections. For this purpose, the administrator will have the following

a) .- LAWSUITS AND COLLECTIONS .- To represent the condominium owners in matters related to the condominium with general power
for lawsuits and collections, with all the general and special powers that require a special clause in accordance with the law, without any
limitation, in the terms of article 2810 of the Civil Code for the State of Quintana Roo and the corresponding ones of all the states of the
Republic, with powers to initiate and continue all types of lawsuits and withdraw from the action or the instance, as appropriate; file criminal
complaints and complaints; extend jurisdiction, challenge and claim incompetence; renounce the jurisdiction of the principal's domicile and
subject it to another jurisdiction; offer and render evidence and cross out the opponent's evidence; articulate and absolve positions;
promote all kinds of incidents; consent to sentences; file ordinary and extraordinary resources and withdraw from them, even from the
amparo trial; attend auctions, make positions, bids and improvements; request adjudication of assets, compromise, commit to arbitrators
and arbitrators; agree to conventional procedures in cases permitted by law and receive payments.

b) .- ACTS OF ADMINISTRATION .- Powers for acts of administration in the terms of the second paragraph of article 2810 of the Civil
Code for the State of Quintana Roo and the corresponding ones of all the states of the Republic, being able to increase and preserve the
businesses of the condominium owners. related to the condominium; make and receive payments as well as provide receipts; make
acquisition of goods; give and receive on lease or bailment; bind condominium owners in all types of contracts and agreements, in the
form, terms and modalities that are deemed appropriate, as long as it is an administrative act related to the condominium, and
consequently, to grant and sign public documents and private ones that are necessary for this.

c) .- CONFER POWERS .- Power to confer and revoke general or special powers, as well as grant powers so that the attorneys in turn
grant powers, with or without substitution powers.

d) .- LABOR POWERS.- Administration powers in the labor area in order to attend on behalf of the condominium owners at the
conciliation hearings, demands and exceptions, offering and admission of evidence that are held in labor meetings, with powers conferred
to conciliate, compromise and celebrate agreements with the plaintiff workers, in accordance with articles 692, sections II and III and 873
and 876 sections I and IV of the Federal Labor Law, with powers to absolve positions as legal representative, regardless of being an
attorney-in-fact. of the condominium owners, as well as to conduct the trial in all its instances, without any restriction.

e).-WORK CONTRACTS.- Celebrate individual and collective work contracts and intervene in the formation of internal work regulations.

Article 63.- Only the administrator may hire or remove the personnel or services that are required, with the administrator acting solely as
responsible to the owners.

Article 64.- The administrator may order the repairs and make the expenses required in the condominium, charged to the corresponding
fund and when the work is important but not urgent, he will first consult the committee, which will decide whether to do it or not.
consultation at the owners' assembly.

Articles 65.- The owners will have 8 days from the time they deliver the information from the account statements they receive to make the
appropriate observations. If they do not do so, it will be considered that they agree with the information presented to them, but subject to
the final approval of the owners' assembly.

Article 66.- If the administrator commits irregularities in his or her duties, the surveillance committee will call the general assembly and
notify the administrator, if necessary, so that he or she may appear before the assembly, which may decide with a 75% vote. votes of the
owners on how serious the situation is and whether he is removed from office and/or the appropriate legal actions are applied.

Article 67.- The administrator must maintain current insurance that reasonably covers the common areas, equipment and services of the
condominium, and in the case of any accident, the administrator will use the corresponding compensation to return things to the state in
which they were, If the general assembly so determines, in the case of a total loss, it will be complied with according to the provisions of
the Law, leaving the decision to the general assembly.

Article 68.- The administrator may be removed in the following cases.

a. Failure to comply with the agreements made by the general assembly

b. Neglect their duties

c. Lack of righteousness

Article 69.- The administrator will also be responsible in the event that the previous administrator has committed irregularities and, upon
finding out, has not notified them to the general assembly within the first 10 days of becoming aware of them.

Article 70.- In order to begin performing his duties, the administrator must guarantee compliance with them with a bond from a company
authorized by law, and for the amount established by the assembly. Their remuneration will be that determined by the assembly when
approving the expense budget for the following year, however, the administrator may, in advance, waive payment of remuneration. In the
event that the assembly has not approved the administrator's remuneration and he takes office, it will be understood that he has waived
receiving any compensation for the performance of his duties. The expenses generated by the issuance of the bond may be charged to the
condominium funds. Likewise, the owners in the General Assembly may resolve to exempt the Administrator from granting the
aforementioned bond.

Of the Surveillance Committee, and where appropriate integration of the
Master Condominium General Administration and Surveillance Committees

Article 71.- The general assembly will appoint a surveillance committee that will deal with matters that are not urgent, and in which the
assembly is not required to intervene. The surveillance committee will have a minimum of three people who are owners, and its purpose
will be to monitor that the administrator complies with the agreements of the general assembly.

Article 72.- The members of the surveillance committee will not have the right to payment for their services, they will only have the
powers indicated in the regulations, and they can only be removed by the condominium assembly.

The members of the supervisory committee will appoint among themselves a president, a secretary and a treasurer. The substitutes will
replace any of the owners without distinction, with the exception of the treasurer.

All committee sessions, to be valid, must have the presence of at least two owner members and will be held every two months, as well
as in all those cases in which condominium affairs require it.

The calls for the committee sessions will be made by the president of the committee, the administrator or the majority of its members, as
the case may be, with the anticipation or urgency that the matter to be discussed allows, always ensuring that the person calling the
meeting ensures that at the meeting There will be the presence of at least two proprietary members.

The committee will adopt its resolutions by majority vote of its proprietary members or those who replace them. The president, in the event
of a tie, will have the casting vote.

When any member of the committee, whether owner or substitute, is directly interested in any matter that is submitted to the committee's
resolution, he or she must abstain from participating in the deliberation and resolution of the same, being replaced by someone who is not
in this case.

Of all the meetings held by the surveillance committee, a minute will be drawn up that will be signed by all the members who attend, and a
copy of said minute must be delivered to the administrator for his information and so that the agreements resolved therein produce the
corresponding legal effects.

The president of the committee will keep the minutes in chronological order and will have them available to the condominium owners.

Article 73.- The surveillance committee will have the following obligations:

a. Monitor compliance with the provisions of the condominium's constitutive deed, these regulations, resolutions of the
condominium assembly and ensure that the administrator complies with the agreements of the general assembly.

b. Take care of the good management and effectiveness of the administrator, receive complaints from the condominium owners,
and take the measures they deem appropriate in light of said complaints, listening to the administrator himself.

c. Inform the general assembly of any observations they have regarding the general administration.

d. Resolve matters that exceed the powers of the administrator and that are not expressly reserved for the condominium

e. Authorize the carrying out of urgent measures that it deems appropriate, even in cases in which they are reserved for the
assembly, but that cannot be left pending until its meeting.

f. Review monthly the activity reports and monthly account statements presented by the administrator to the president of the
committee, in writing and accompanied by the respective receipts. If upon receiving said reports and statements of account the
president finds any anomaly, he will immediately bring the committee together for discussion, otherwise he will save it for
discussion at the meeting referred to in this chapter.

g. Ensure that the owners comply with their obligations.

h. Check and verify the investment of the reserve fund for the acquisition of implements and machinery, and the maintenance and
administration fund.

i. Call the general assembly, when irregularities are committed and must be reported.

j. Present to the annual ordinary meeting the report on its activities and the financial statements, already reviewed, for discussion
and approval where appropriate, which must be available to the condominium owners at least ten days prior to the meeting. , in
the administrator's offices.

k. Inform the assembly of the finding in which the administrator is informed of the non-compliance of the condominium owners.

l. Assist with the administrator in the observations that must be made to the owners regarding non-compliance with their
obligations, and assist them in resolving emergency problems that arise or execute any assembly agreement, when the
administrator so requests;

m. Have the permanent representation of the condominium owners, for matters of common interest, with the powers of a general
judicial representative and for acts of administration, and with the powers indicated in article 62 of these regulations. In any
case, the determinations made by the surveillance committee will be mandatory for the administrator, and in the event that they
make or present contradictory determinations, those of the surveillance committee will prevail and must be followed at all times
by the administrator.

n. The others established by the laws or these regulations .

The people who are elected as members of the surveillance committee will serve for 3 years from the date they were appointed, they may
be re-elected or removed and will continue to serve in their positions until new members are appointed.

Article 74.- In the Master Condominiums, an Administration Committee may be elected for the Administration of all the Common Areas,
which will be made up of:

o. An Administrator, who will have the functions, obligations and powers contained in article 36 of the law;

p. A secretary, who will be in charge of administrative activities related to updating and managing the books of the Assembly
minutes, files and other documents necessary for the proper functioning of the administration; and

c. A treasurer, who will be responsible for the internal accounting management of the administration and will be jointly and
severally obligated with the Administrator to keep the administration's account statements updated, without being able to have
the availability or exercise of them.

For the election of the members of the General Administration Committee of a Master Condominium, a General Meeting of Administrators
will be held, in accordance with the provisions provided for in article 29 of the Law, calling each of the Administrators of the Condominiums
that make up the Master Condominium so that the General Administration Committee is elected through their votes, with the
understanding that each Administrator will retain for all legal purposes and for all cases the quality of representative of their respective

At the second General Meeting of Directors, which may not be held within a period of more than 60 days after the first one was held, they
will approve by a simple majority of votes the Regulations that will govern them in their organization, which will detail the powers and
obligations of the General Administration Committee.



Article 75.- Common charges are the cost generated by the conservation and maintenance of common assets, as well as the creation of
the reserve fund, which must have at least a quarter of the semiannual budget of expenses and can only be used to cover shortages due
to late payment of fees and collection expenses. The interest or charges made in the payment of late fees will serve to support this fund. If
it were the case that this fund decreased to less than 20% of the semiannual budget, the owners must give complementary fees so that
the fund remains at a quarter.

Article 76.- Repairs and costs of common services will be borne by the owners, in proportion to the undivided table of the condominium

Article 77.- The fees must be paid by the owners each month, in advance and within the first ten days of each month in the administrator's

Article 78.- If the budgets and reserve funds are not sufficient, the administrator will call the general assembly of the owners to resolve
what is most convenient.

Article 79.- Owners who do not pay the ordinary and extraordinary installments on time will pay late payment interest at a rate of 50%
more than the equilibrium interbank interest rate published by the Bank of Mexico, or any that replaces it and governs the moment. The
resulting rate will be divided by twelve and the result will be applied monthly to the monthly payment that remains to be paid.

Article 80.- The owners, within the ten days following the approval of the expenditure budget, must sign twelve promissory notes with
successive monthly due dates, for the amounts of the installments that correspond to them and as they are paid, they will be returned. The
owner who does not want to sign the promissory notes must pay the corresponding installments in cash within ten days following the
approval of the expenditure budget.

Article 81.- The following are expenses for which the condominium must be responsible:

a. Innovations and improvements, which have been agreed upon at the general assembly.
b. New works authorized by the general assembly.
c. Expenses for reconstruction of the complex, in cases of partial destruction.
d. Payments that have to be made for management or arrangements of condominium affairs.
e. The repair and conservation expenses required by common areas and property.
f. The salaries, wages, benefits and bonuses to the administrative and service personnel of the condominium, including these the
payment of IMSS, INFONAVIT fees or any other payment that must be made as an employer.
g. The consumption of water and electricity will be according to what corresponds to the table of undivided condominiums
established in this regime.
h. Administration expenses generated by the administration itself
i. The equipment and materials required for the cleaning and conservation of common areas.
j. All taxes, duties and contributions that have to be made for common areas and property
k. Payment of the insurance premium that is required, according to the administration.
l. All common expenses generated within the condominium that are at the discretion of the administration and the general
assembly, charged to the owners.

Article 82.- The administrator may suspend services to delinquent owners, impose the aforementioned penalties and exercise the
corresponding civil action.

Article 83.- The general assembly may determine, if it deems appropriate, discounts in the payment of fees to owners who make their
payments on time.

Article 84.- In addition to the obligations that are mentioned or indicated in this regulation for the owners, they must also comply with the
following obligations:

a. Pay the corresponding installments of the common expenses on time, in the event that the owner does not cover the common
expenses on time, that is, within the first ten days of each month, it will be considered as late and therefore must to cover the
agreed default interest.
b. Inform the administrator of rental contracts or any other nature that you make, and provide a copy to the administrator within
three days after that contract has been made.
c. Inform the administrator of any event that may affect the condominium and its common areas.
d. Allow personnel authorized by the administrator during business hours and days to inspect the condominium and verify
whether their obligations have been met.
e. Go to the owners' meetings in person or send a duly authorized representative, according to the terms of this regulation.
f. Comply exactly, punctually and faithfully with the provisions of this regulation and other laws and regulations mentioned here.
g. Keep their houses insured against all types of risk, fire, cyclones, civil liability, etc., and name the administration as the first or
second beneficiary (in cases where there are other creditors), who, if an incident occurs, will restore the units to its original
state. For this, the owners must verify compliance with this measure, giving the administrator the original of the policy or a copy
of it, if not, the administrator may contract the insurance at the expense and expense of the condominium.

Article 85.- If the owner delays in covering his fees as indicated in subsection a) of the immediately preceding article, he will be charged
50% of the equivalent of the common monthly fees as a conventional penalty, for each month that is delayed, The assembly being
empowered, through its representatives, to execute the corresponding civil action, and the defaulters also being responsible for the
damages and losses caused by their delay after 60 days have elapsed from the failure to pay.

Article 86. - The penalty referred to in the previous article will serve to increase the owners' reserve fund.



Article 87.- The condominium referred to in this regulation may be extinguished when the total mortgage has been paid with the
accrediting financial institution, and by agreement of the general assembly of owners, which must be attended by a simple majority. of the
condominium owners and will require a minimum of votes that represent 75% of the total value of the condominium and the simple majority
of the total number of condominium owners for its resolutions to be valid. The termination of the condominium property regime must be
stated in
public deed and registered in the Public Registry of Property and Commerce.

Article 88.- In the event that the condominium is destroyed totally or partially, with a majority that represents at least 75% of the votes of
the owners, the reconstruction or division of the land and the common property that persist may be agreed upon. or, where appropriate,
the sale.

Article 89.- All acts, operations and procedures relating to the extinction and liquidation of the condominium must be carried out by the
general assembly of the condominium or by the person designated for this, who will be appointed by the general assembly of owners, by a
majority. of 75% of their votes.

Article 90.- The general assembly or the liquidator will act in the case of extinction and liquidation, in accordance with what is decided in
the general assembly, with the approval of at least the majority required and indicated in the previous article.

Article 91.- In the event that the construction is in ruins or is old, a demolition company will be hired to begin its work once the houses are

Article 92.- When the condominium has been extinguished, the land will be sold, and the proceeds of that sale will be distributed among
all the owners in the proportion indicated in the undivided table that is added to the constitutive deed.

Article 93.- The distributions mentioned in the previous article will be made when all pending expenses generated by its extinction and
administration have been met.

Article 94.- The general assembly will order the relevant registrations before the Public Property Registry of the State of Quintana Roo.


Modifications to the Regulations, Controversies
and Sanctions

Article 95.- In order for this regulation to be modified, the Agenda must be specified in the call and in the agreement of the assembly the
decision must be approved with a majority of 75% of the votes of the owners.

Article 96. - When a condominium owner fails to cover three or more consecutive monthly installments of those indicated in these
regulations, proceedings will be taken against him or her as established in article 43 of the Law.

Article 97.- The condominium owner who repeatedly does not comply with the obligations derived from this regulation will be responsible
for the payment of damages and losses caused to the other condominium owners and may be sued under the terms of article 44 of the
Law, so that he is obliged to sell their rights at public auction. In particular, a condominium owner may be sued in the following cases:

When you use common services or general facilities, in such a way that makes it more onerous or restricts the rights of other condominium

When you fail to comply with any of the obligations established in these regulations, including non-payment of the monthly installments
indicated therein.

When you use your exclusive property unit for a use other than that authorized in accordance with the articles of incorporation and these

When a condominium owner repeatedly violates any of the established rules regarding the use of common areas.

When a condominium owner does not comply with any valid resolution of the condominium assembly.

Article 98.- When a tenant does not comply with the obligations under his responsibility indicated in this regulation or in the lease contract
that he enters into to obtain the use of the home, the administrator, in accordance with article 45 of the Law, may demand the termination
of the lease contract with all its legal consequences and vacancy of the home. If the owner objects, proceedings will be taken against him
and the occupant, under the terms of the Law.

From the Reserve Fund

Article 99.- The reserve fund will be formed with the cash contributions of the owners, which will be in the proportion that corresponds to
them to pay for the common expenses.

Article 100.- The reserve fund may be used to pay emergency expenses and normal expenses that have been covered in a timely manner
by the installment payments that each owner must make.

Article 101.- The person in charge of managing the reserve fund will be the administrator and he must report to the surveillance
committee and the general assembly.


Article 102.- The Alternative Justice Center will have jurisdiction to hear disputes that arise between the condominium owners or between
them and their administrator, when the amount of the matters does not exceed 750 times the minimum wage in force in the state, in
accordance with the procedure provided for in article 2 of the State Alternative Justice Law, if it is for a higher amount they will be
submitted to the first instance judges of the State of Quintana Roo.

Article 103.- The alternative procedure will be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the seventh chapter of the aforementioned
alternative justice law. Agreements between parties that are concluded under this procedure will have the status of res judicata.


Article 1.- Cadurma, SA de CV, will call the first ordinary general assembly of the owners, within the first two months after the occupancy
levels of the condominium houses are at least 50%.

At this assembly the following will be agreed:

a. Report of activities or account status of the provisional administrator.

b. Appointment of the surveillance committee.
c. Appointment of administrator.
d. The budget will be established for the payment of common expenses and the method of payment.
e. How much the reserve fund should be will be established.

Article 2.- Until the first Ordinary General Assembly mentioned in the previous article is held, the company Cadurma, SA de CV, will be
provisionally in charge of the maintenance of the condominium and each owner will be obliged to cover a monthly fee starting from the
signature of the deed or its occupation, whichever occurs first, until the date of the first general assembly, these fees will be set based on a
monthly expense budget determined by the company Cadurma, SA de CV, the latter will not be obligated to pay the maintenance fees,
since your obligation will only be to clean and maintain the homes
that they are not alienated.

How to take care of my house
So that you and your family can enjoy a house in the best conditions, for as long as possible, it will be necessary to
provide it with adequate maintenance, which will also preserve the value, which is your family heritage.

These may suffer deterioration due to humidity, to prevent this, we recommend applying a layer of paint (vinyl)
every year, of the selected color, according to the recommendations made in the regulations for the image of the
houses and the range of colors proposed. , in addition to the integration of a sealant or waterproofing.

Interior walls
For deterioration and the appearance of fungus, apply at least every two years, a coat of paint (semi enamel). matte
in the kitchen and bathroom, vinyl in the rest of the house) and keep your house ventilated and naturally illuminated.

Tiles on walls and floors

Keep clean of soap scum and mildew using commercial liquids for that matter. Never use direct acids. In the event
of deterioration of the nozzle, apply a sealant and white cement to prevent parts from falling off.

Keep the window track free of garbage and dust, this will prevent its operation from being affected when sliding it.
Also, apply sealant at least every year to prevent moisture from penetrating.

Wooden and multi-panel doors

Multi-panel doors will require periodic cleaning with a damp flannel.
Wooden doors will require enamel type paint (semi-matte) at least every two years.

For hinges, it is recommended to oil them periodically.

Check them periodically and change the gaskets if they leak.

Drains and drains

Keep them free of garbage or waste and change the packaging if necessary.

Watering can
Clean them from the accumulation of garbage or scale with a broom and soap. Change the packaging if necessary.

Do not throw garbage or other materials inside to prevent it from clogging and do not place heavy objects to prevent it
from falling off.

Do not throw papers or garbage inside and clean it periodically with soap or some commercial liquid for this type. Check
the float and cock to verify that the tank filling is at its level, as well as checking the gaskets.

Sanitary and rainwater registry

Keep garbage drains clean, as well as any accumulation of sediment or debris inside; it is recommended to do so before
the rainy season.

electrical contacts
Avoid overloading the lines by connecting several devices for which they are not prepared. Protect the outlets by placing
protective caps.

Heater, stove and gas cylinders

Check that the connections are not damaged or poorly connected to avoid gas leaks, placing soapy water in the
connection with the gas pipe, maintain the heater at least once a year.





The homes are grouped in duplex type. The house is located

Built on a typical 73.95m² lot.

The Architectural project has a construction area of 38,048 m²

built on a single floor.


Living room – Dining room
17,145m² 3,529m²
Full Bathroom 3,141m²
Single Bedroom

Service Yard 4,251m²
Back garden 12,390m²
Front garden 28,553m²
(1 parking space)

LIVING AREA 34,478m²

Inner cloths
WALL AREA 3,570m²
(including door and window thresholds


The house has a living-dining room, kitchenette, a full bathroom, a single bedroom, a service patio
and garden (free area at the back of the house) and a parking space .

The house will have all the services to be able to live, including electricity, drinking water and sanitary
drainage; in addition to a tubular connection on the roof in preparation for placing a television and telephone
antenna (without wiring).

The prototype is designed for a future expansion, allowing vertical growth, achieving a home with a master
bedroom with dressing room and full bathroom, a bedroom and full bathroom on the upper floor.

The construction method to be used is a foundation slab with counter beams 22cm high and 12cm thick,
load-bearing walls 12cm thick based on hollow blocks measuring 12x20x40cm, jointed with sand-cement
mortar, the castles cast with reinforced concrete. with Armex 12x12-4 type reinforcement, the enclosures
cast with concrete reinforced with Armex 12x20-4.

The roof slab was made from prestressed concrete joists and a lightened vibro-compressed vault with
a concrete compression layer f'c=200kg/cm², 5cm thick, reinforced with 6x6x/10-10 welded mesh.

The house is delivered with a 33x33cm ceramic floor , white aluminum windows with sliding profiles
sealed with silicone. Mixed multi-panel door carpentry in access with metal frames and lock. For the
bedroom and bathroom, smooth sheet doors with a brass sheet wooden frame, economical line without
lock, and for the service patio , 9-light mixed multypanel door with wooden frame and lock.
Each home will have a 600-liter water tank located on the roof.

The finishes will be with paste application on interior walls, including kitchenette walls, bathroom and nozzle
details on door and window edges . Plinth based on 10x33cm ceramic floor; Lambrín based on 20x30cm
smooth ceramic tile in wet areas : shower , kitchen sink and bathroom sink .

On exterior walls, the finish will be based on fine finish putty , pearl white elastomeric waterproof paint;
White acrylic waterproofing on the roof.

The furniture delivered consists of a cement laundry room in the patio, a sink in the kitchenette , and a
white ceramic sink, tank and toilet in the bathroom , including ceramic accessories , all in economical line.

This home has eco-technologies such as:

Thermal insulation in walls and ceiling, toilet, shower, water faucets in bathroom sinks, water faucets in
kitchen, 8 energy-saving light bulbs, heater, sectioning valves and water purifying filter and differentiated
cans with lids for the separation of organic waste and inorganic.


The OBJECTIVE of the program called “Mortgage with Services” is to preserve in a good state
of cleanliness and functionality the areas of common use and benefit of the housing
developments subject to this real estate modality, through specialized and certified
administration and maintenance, which which leads to an increase in the capital gain of homes
located in developments that have this real estate figure, a healthy neighborhood coexistence,
and consequently an improvement in the quality of life.
Through this figure, the accredited purchaser of a property authorizes INFONAVIT or the
respective credit institution to withhold a certain amount from his salary intended for the
conservation of the areas of common use and benefit of the housing development in which his
home is located, amount which will be handed over in administration to a private entity of
certified quality contracted to carry out the maintenance of the designated areas, which must
report to the residents of the development in question at the end of each year.
In order to provide a transparent and quality service, INFONAVIT will only authorize the
provision of the administration and maintenance service of areas of common use and benefit of
the housing developments subject to the Mortgage with Services, to companies that prove to
be certified by the National Body for Standardization and Certification of Construction
and Building ( ONNCCE* ).


1 .- Increase the capital gain of homes located in developments that have this real estate
figure, and therefore guarantee the value of the beneficiary's investment, since homes
are devalued to the extent that they are in a situation of poor conservation or
abandonment .

2 .- Create an environment that encourages healthy neighborhood coexistence, greater

security and therefore better quality of life, since it is clear that a well-preserved housing
development generates these benefits.

3 .- Have a quality administration and maintenance service guaranteed and certified by

certification entities endorsed by INFONAVIT.

4 .- Self-determination and transparency in the administration and maintenance of the

areas of common use and benefit of the developments subject to this real estate
modality, since the companies contracted to provide the aforementioned administration
and maintenance service must account for their performance to the entitled neighbors
at the end of each year, who, through the corresponding annual meeting of the
respective Neighborhood Association, will determine the actions and budgets to follow
year after year.


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