How To Read Tobacco

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How to Read Tobacco

Divination through the interpretation or reading of tobacco ash is called

TOBACCOMANCY. Tobacco, in general, has had a very diverse application, it has
even been used in the field of magic and divination.

Tobacco is one of the oldest and best known methods of divination. It constitutes a
totally different technique from other mancies, because it is the smoke and ashes
that speak of our past, present and future.

Thus, since the beginning of time, it was customary for tall women of color with
scarves tied to their heads to use this element as a means to decipher what fate
had in store for personalities of great importance in past centuries. Its origin is still
a mystery, however it is Cuba that currently produces the best tobaccos.

But what is clear is that nowadays the reading of tobacco is used above all to deal
with one of the themes that captures the attention of both women and men, and
that is love; Every person is interested in knowing if the partner they have is the
right one, and if they don't have it, how do they get it, if by chance they are already
separated, how to make sure that the soul mate returns, and you stop counting. It
seems unbelievable, but the past, present and, above all, the future of love, is the
topic that most people ask about, leaving aside health, work, the economy, family,
or any other point that also gives us our stability. That is why we will focus this
interesting article on reading the tobacco of love, and to do so we must begin by
knowing that the basic ingredients for a 'smoke' of love are the name of the loved
one and a good tobacco; This is not only chewed or smoked, it is also read! And
not everything is ashes, the match and the smoke are interpreted to know the
future in love. Following the omens, it is ensured that Tuesdays and Fridays are
the most suitable days of the week for reading.

Before starting the ritual to know the destiny of our heart in the coming year, the
reader will ask us for our full name and date of birth. Remember to take their words
seriously and with full understanding. Then light the tobacco and wait for it to burn
a little. To do the reading there are several options. The person asking the question
can smoke it or the consultant can smoke it. Sometimes a suction device is also
used, so as not to harm health and avoid vomiting or dizziness. As the cigar is
smoked, the match takes on a certain shape and color, which can be white or
black. The smoke also produces different tones and thus, according to the most
gullible, the interpreter can determine if she is good or bad in love.

How to Read the Ash of a Cigar

Light the cigar, without squeezing it between your fingers, without forcing your
breath and calmly. A quarter of it is smoked to be able to make the first

It begins to be interpreted from the tip or crown where the cigar was lit, it is left for
a few minutes without shaking the ash that is created and it is interpreted in the
following way.

If the crown or border is white, it means reciprocated love, marital or courtship

fidelity, good health and long life.

If the crown has black points, it means Breakup with friends or boyfriends, marital
separations, uncertain loves and unfounded jealousy.

If you have several black points in a row, it means separations of all kinds,
entanglements, gossip, dislikes and resentments.
If it is a single large black dot, it means; Going through mourning, bad friendships,
debts that are not collected.

If the black dot is large and branched downwards, it means family mourning, bad
times, widowhood. Black spots towards the sides mean loss, loves that move

Gray scales facing up, means sadness, crying, minor illnesses.

White scales facing upwards, means Love that arrives, new friendships,
reconciliations, improved health.

Red dot on the ember a little downward, means illness, unpleasant surprises, a
change for the worse in life.

Low white dots mean luck in lotteries and games of chance.

A single large white dot. It means marriage commitment, success in business,

payment of old debts, good health.

Black stripe Long illness, extraordinary expenses, unrest.

White stripe Prosperity, good health, savings, lasting friendships, and above all

Red stripe that crosses the cigar Operations, loneliness, sadness.

Small red dots Disappointment of love, passing illusions.

Two small black dots, with circles on top as if they were eyebrows, means
passionate love, someone desires you sexually, indiscreet proposals.

Separate and unequal black points Betrayal, hidden enemy, envy.

Small black inclined stripes Misunderstood loves.

Black zigzag stripes Unpleasant trips, failures in life, envy.

Thin white stripe happy travels, good business, very good luck.

If the cigar burns only on one side, Bad luck, unlucky time.

Many white scales facing upwards. Good time, future twins.

If the ash remains upright Good luck, wishes fulfilled, happiness in love.

If the ash is twisted Bad luck, debts, distant loves, doubts.

If the ash falls, the good omens will be uncertain or doubtful.

Second part
The ash is shaken off and the cigar continues to be smoked again, so that the
second part can be read.

If white and black shadows appear interspersed. Practical and calm life, good and
bad times, but without great stress.

If gray shadows with small white dots appear Money arriving, you can play the

Many white shadows Achievement of all your aspirations, celebrity, wealth.

White shadows with white scales Good news from loved ones, social activities,
productive friendships.

White dot with black circle Pregnancy

White dot with Abortion stripe.

If the ashes form crosses, both in the first and the second part, it means Dominion
over others.


You can read the cigar, for your own use or to advise another person, if the latter it
should be interpreted only in the presence of the interested person.

Two cigars should not be read in a row, the readings will be distorted and the result
will be uncertain.

If the reading has been to interpret the future of someone other than the reader
themselves, they must allow at least seven days to pass until the next one.
Finally, we must keep in mind that all means of divination will have the result we
expect as long as we apply a little trust and credibility in the person who is
consulting us, otherwise, if we are a little incredulous, it is preferable May we leave
these arts for those who are truly interested, and dedicate ourselves to waiting
patiently for what destiny has prepared for each of us.

In another source

First you have to consecrate the cigar, which must be made from natural tobacco leaves, it
must not contain chemicals or be very fine, the more rustic the cigar, the better. You talk to
the plant and ask it to give you enlightenment.

People consult tobacco for love, health, money and work. If the ashes fall down, it means
that the person is going to have very bad luck. If the ash spreads, it becomes long, and if
after three smokes the ash falls off, it means that it will have a short life. But there are times
when we lose it half pure, and the ash is still strong, it does not fall until we give it a swipe
to throw it away, this means that there is a strong state of health in the consultant.

Through reading tobacco, everything from bad vibrations to the damage that has been done
to a person can be removed. If you are in a restaurant and someone else's smoke spreads to
your body, it can mean many things. There is a ritual that is done through a kind of pipe,
where tobacco is smoked and the smoke is thrown at a person, it is to cleanse it in an auric
way, that is, we purify the energy that is in the body through from tobacco smoke.

Some of the main situations for which tobacco reading is used is to harm those who are
hated; to attract someone's love passion; to invoke the dead; to stir up calamity or
helplessness against real or imagined enemies, rivals or oppressors; to solve a problem
which has become an obsession and it no longer matters by what means it is solved.

Some sorcerers not only use it to tell fortunes and the future of those they consult, but also
make a pact with the devil, abjure Christ and the Sacraments, have diabolical rites in which
they make a parody of the Holy Mass or the services of the Church and worship the Prince
of Darkness and participate in covens.

Why pray?

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Allow me to transcribe something that I wrote there and may be
of interest to you:

Dear Sister, not only when we go to bed should we entrust our soul to the Lord God of the
Heights; When we get up it must also be done. Our spirit truly leaves our body, but its
speed is such that it travels at a millionth of a microsecond; That is why in the event of a
possible threat it returns almost immediately to protect our body; However, our body does
not remain alone -no-, it is well guarded by our protective spirits, both on the right and on
the left, who are constantly vigil under the watchful eye of the Holy Spirit, who is our main
protector. there, our prayer to the Almighty and omnipotent God Agios, to make us
accompany us with the Holy Spirit, which is nothing more than the Divine Spark that is
lodged between our chest and back and this, is God in presence. Therefore, we must seek
the Eternal within ourselves and not in the clouds or churches; since we are the Temple of
God. When we get up, we must also entrust ourselves to God, so that the Holy Spirit
protects us as we travel through the paths of the Salamanders of fire.

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