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Reaction2 How much, how

fast and how far?

Reactivity 2.1—How much? The amount of chemical

Guiding question: How are chemical equations used to calculate
reacting ratios?
Learning outcomes
Understanding and application Linking questions
 Reactivity 2.1.1—Chemical equations show  Reactivity 3.2—When is it useful to use half-
the ratio of reactants and products in a equations?
reaction. Deduce chemical equations when
 Structure 1.5—How does the molar volume of
reactants and products are specified. Include a gas vary with changes in temperature and
the use of state symbols in chemical pressure?
 Nature of science, Structure 1.4—In what
 Reactivity 2.1.2—(stoichiometry)The mole ways does Avogadro’s law help us to describe,
ratio of an equation can be used to determine: but not explain, the behaviour of gases?
the masses and/or volumes of reactants and
products; the concentrations of reactants and
products for reactions occurring in solution.
Calculate reacting masses and/or volumes
and concentrations of reactants and products.
The values for Ar given in the data booklet to
two decimal places should be used in
Chemical Equations & Balancing
Chemical formulas show the ratio/number of atoms of elements in a substance.
Chemical equations show the ratio of reactants and products in a reaction.

reactant reactant → product

Names and symbols of elements are in the data booklet in section 6.

State Symbols in Equations
State symbols are used to show the states of the reactants and
products taking part in a reaction. These are abbreviations,
which are given in brackets after each term in an equation, as
shown below.
Balance equation
 a. Spend some time to practice balancing chemical equations of
 i. Redox
 ii. Combustion of hydrocarbons (CxHy)
 iii. Double replacement reaction (e.g. acid & carbonate)
 …
balancing redox reactions in neutral or acidic solution
One equation to balance combustion of
hydrocarbons (CxHy) reactions

 Sum of coefficients (The coefficient of ‘1’ is counted in the sum),

ratio of coefficients of some chemicals or coefficient of certain
chemical (e.g. O2) will be asked.

1 2 1 2
Sum of coefficients is: 6
Identify the typical products to balancing acid
1. Metal +acid metal salt+ hydrogen gas

2. Metal carbonate +acid metal salt+ water+ carbon dioxide

3. Metal hydrogen carbonate +acid metal salt+ water+ carbon dioxide

4. Acid +Base metal salt+ water

Chemical Equations and stoichiometry
Chemical change, as summarized in chemical equations, is simply an expression of
reactants combining in fixed ratios to form products.
The coefficient ratio of a balanced equation equals to the molar ratio (not the mass ratio)
of the substances involved in the reaction.

Conversion by moles:

The values for Ar given in the data booklet to two decimal places should be used in calculations.
Titration is used to determine the reacting volumes precisely and to determine the concentration of unknown
solution. At the end point where the indicator changes color and the reactants completely reacted, the reaction
takes place just as what coefficient indicates.

Step 1 Based on information given in the question, write the balanced chemical equation
Step 2 calculate the averaged concordant titre Vavg(base)
Step 3 calculate the amount of the base n(base)=c(base)*Vavg (base)
Step 4 show the molar ratio of the acid to base n(acid)/n(base)=a/b
Step 5 calculate the amount of the acid n(acid)= n(base) * a/b
Step 6 calculate the concentration of the acid c(acid)=n(acid)/V(acid)
Learning outcomes
Understanding and application Linking questions
 Reactivity 2.1.3—The limiting reactant determines the theoretical
yield. Identify the limiting and excess reactants from given data.
 Tool 1, Inquiry 1, 2, 3—What errors may cause
the experimental yield to be i) higher and ii)
 Distinguish between the theoretical yield and the experimental
lower than the theoretical yield?
 Reactivity 2.1.4—The percentage yield is calculated from the  Structure 2.4, Reactivity 2.2—The atom
ratio of experimental yield to theoretical yield. economy and the percentage yield both give
 Solve problems involving reacting quantities, limiting and excess important information about the “efficiency”
reactants, theoretical, experimental and percentage yields.
of a chemical process. What other factors
 Reactivity 2.1.5—The atom economy is a measure of efficiency in
green chemistry. Calculate the atom economy from the
should be considered in this assessment?
stoichiometry of a reaction.
 Include discussion of the inverse relationship between atom
economy and wastage in industrial processes.
 The equation for calculation of the atom economy is given in the
data booklet.
Limiting reactant and theoretical yield
Reactants that are not be fully used in an reaction are said to be excess reactant.
The limiting reactant determines the theoretical yield, the quantity of desired product.
This is a summary of the steps to determine
limiting reactant:
1. write the balanced equation and focus on the
mole ratio of reactants;

2. convert the given mass or other known quantity

of reactants to amount n(substance);

3. compare the given mole ratios with the ratio of

coefficients in the equation; identify the limiting
reactant from the above ratios: with the smaller
ratio of n(substance) to coefficient

4. calculate the moles of product (theoretical yield)

from the given moles of limiting reactant.

10.6 g
Experimental Yield and percentage yield
The theoretical yield (in grams or moles) refers to the maximum amount of product obtainable, assuming 100% of the limiting
reactant is converted to product. Experiment yield is the actual yield, different from theoretical yield due to errors, loss of
product, impurities present, wastage, or incomplete reaction. By comparing the experimental yield with the theoretical yield,
we get a measure of the efficiency of the conversion of reactants to products which is expressed as the percentage yield,
defined as follows:
Green chemistry and atom economy
• Green chemistry study efficiency of production, the environmental impact, toxicity of chemicals, energy
consumption, waste control of the entire technological process in chemistry synthesis.
• The atom economy is a measure of efficiency in green chemistry. The equation for calculation of the atom
economy is given in the data booklet.

• Atom economy calls for higher transformation of all the chemicals (reactants, solvents, catalysts) into desired
• The use of solvents and catalysts will further reduce the atom economy because their constituent atoms do not
form the target product and must be disposed of or recycled. There is a inverse relationship between atom
economy and wastage in industrial processes.
Green chemistry
 5 min
 Research with your peers and
use one sentence and example
to describe a principle of
“green chemistry”.
 Green chemistry study
efficiency of production, the
environmental impact, toxicity
of chemicals, energy
consumption, waste control of
the entire technological
process in chemistry synthesis.
atom economy
The atom economy is a measure of efficiency in green chemistry. The
equation for calculation of the atom economy is given in the data booklet.
Atom economy is the ratio of the total mass of the desired product(s) to the
total mass of all the products.

Given chemical formula:

What’s the difference between

atom economy and percentage yield?
Atom economy v.s. percentage yield
• Atom economy is a measure of the  Percentage yield tells you the amount of product
amount of the reactants that end up as obtained is a chemical reaction as a percentage of the
theoretical yield (the amount of product expected to
useful products in a chemical reaction. be obtained from the reaction).
Reactions with a high atom economy are
 Most reactions do not produce 100% of the
important for sustainable development. expected yield because:
Reactions containing byproduct cause • the reaction may not go to completion because it is reversible
wastage by design. • some of the product may be lost when it is separated from the
reaction mixture
• some of the reactants may react in different ways than

• Example question: use of catalyst/solvents

The byproducts,
A reduces
student %prepared (CH3O)2CO in lab by using up 32g O2. At last 1.5 mol (CH3O)2CO is produced in the lab.
atom economy.
Calculate the atom economy. 83.33%
Calculate the theoretical yield of (CH3O)2CO in moles. 2 mol
Calculate the percentage yield. 75%
Try it out
Atom economy and wastage in industrial
processes are inversely proportional.
 Atom economy is a measure of the amount of the reactants that
end up as useful products in a chemical reaction. Reactions
with a high atom economy are important for sustainable
development .
• Atom economy calls for higher transformation of all the
chemicals (reactants, solvents, catalysts) into desired product.
• The use of solvents and catalysts will further reduce the
atom economy because their constituent atoms do not form the
target product and must be disposed of or recycled. There is a
inverse relationship between atom economy and wastage
in industrial processes.
Atom economy of production of ibuprofen
The scientists should choose reaction 2 as it is much more
efficient, with an atom economy of 76.43% compared to
reaction 1 with 48.92%.
 The concept of atom economy was first published by Barry Trost
in 1991. Industrial chemists are constantly looking at ways to
improve the cost and efficiency of making materials at a large
scale. While local governments may address regulations for
chemical waste, to what extent are chemists responsible for
developing new reaction pathways with high atom economies?
Debate Activity: Atom economy is a more important metric than percentage yield
Show or hide attributes
•IB learner profile attribute: Communicator
•Approaches to learning: Communication skills – Practising active listening skills
•Time required to complete activity: 30 minutes
•Activity type: Group activity
This activity is based on a debate and so your class will need to be divided into two or more teams. Depending
on the size of the class, teams in this debate may be composed of 3-5 students.
1.Choose a team captain. This should be someone who is organised, confident and good at
communicating. Their role is to keep the team focused and on track during the debate.
2.Allow 15 minutes research time to prepare the arguments for your team and practice presenting
them to your team.
3.The debate should follow the format: Each speaker will have no more than with 90 seconds in total
and the team arguing in favour will begin. The opposing team should take responsibility for running
the timer for each speaker. Remember to practise good sportsmanship; this is a debate, not a fight!
The motion of the debate is: ‘Atom economy is a more important metric than percentage yield’.

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