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4th grade exam subjects

1. Write / Talk about yourself (name, age, hair, eyes, height, build, ability: can / can’t,
sports, musical instruments, favourite colour, number, food, to be, have got).

2. Write / Talk about your mother (name, age, hair, eyes, height, build, ability: can / can’t,
sports, musical instruments, favourite colour, number, food, to be, have got).

3. Write / Talk about your father (name, age, hair, eyes, height, build, ability: can / can’t,
sports, musical instruments, favourite colour, number, food, to be, have got).

4. Write / Talk about your friend (name, age, hair, eyes, height, build, ability: can / can’t,
sports, musical instruments, favourite colour, number, food, to be, have got).

5. Write /Talk about your pet /favourite animal (name, age, parts of the body, colour, size,
ability: can / can’t, favourite food, to be, to have got, adjectives: cute, playful, friendly, funny

6. Write /Talk about your house/your room (rooms, pieces of furniture, colour, size, toys,
adjectives: cool, beautiful, nice, bright, cosy etc., have got, there is / there are, prepositions of
place: in / on / under / next to / behind / in front of / opposite / between / in the corner of the
room / on the left / on the right, present simple).

7. Write /Talk about your classroom (pieces of furniture, school objects, colour, size,
adjectives: cool / beautiful / nice / bright etc, have got, there is, there are, preposition of
place: in / on / under / next to / behind / in front of / opposite / between / in the corner of the
room / on the left / on the right, present simple)

8.Write/Talk about your daily programme (action verbs, present simple: affirmative,
negative, questions, adverbs of time and frequency).

9. Write/Talk about your friend’s daily programme (action verbs, present simple:
affirmative, negative, questions, adverbs of time and frequency).

10.a) Write/Talk about your weekends (action verbs, present simple: affirmative, negative,
questions, adverbs of time and frequency).

10.b) Write/Talk about your friend’s weekend programme (action verbs, present simple:
affirmative, negative, questions, adverbs of time and frequency).

11. Write/Talk about clothes and weather (weather, clothes, seasons, present simple).

11. b. Talk about the weather today and your favourite season

12. Write/Talk about (your family) your brother(s)/sister(s)/ favourite cousin (name, age,
hair, eyes, height, build, ability: can / can’t, sports, musical instruments, favourite colour,
number, food, to be, have got).

13.Write/Talk about your hobbies/free time activities (ability: can / can’t, sports, musical
instruments, arts, to be, have got, always/usually/often/never).

13. b. Sports

14. Write/Talk about your favourite food/meal (the names of meals, the names of different
foods, fruits, vegetables, drinks and desserts, to be, present simple: affirmative, questions).

15. Write/Talk about your town (to be, have got, Present Simple, there is/there are,

prepositions of place: next to/near/opposite/in front of/between)

16. Write /Talk about shopping (like, dislike, to be, have got, Present Simple, always /
usually / often / never, would, either)

17. Write / talk about special days / celebrations (to be, have got, Present Simple, birthday,
Easter, Christmas, New Year’s Eve)

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