Kings of The United Kingdom Painting

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Comparative Chart

Teacher: Competitor:
Raquel Rivas. Maribel Otero.




Location: Bethlehem, Jerusalem. Place: In the land of Benjamin. Location: Jerusalem

Occupation: King of Israel. Occupation: Sheep herder, Occupation: King of Israel
Data Relatives: Father: Cis, Wife: musician, poet, soldier and king. Relatives: Father: David. Mother
General Ahinoam; Son: Jonathan and Ish- Relatives: Youngest son of Jesse, : Bathsheba. Brothers: Absalom,
bosheth. Abinadab, Malki Súa, from the tribe of Judah. He was Adonijah, Tamar, others.
Merab, Mikal, others. Ner's the great-grandson of Ruth and Third king of Israel, successor to
grandson. Boaz. the throne of his father David.
First king of Israel appointed by Second king of Israel.

Negative aspects: Negative aspects: Negative aspects:

Rebellious and stubborn. Adulterer. Disobedient.
Jealous and envious. Killer. Idolatrous.
Character Impatient and impulsive. Disobedient. Vain.
Proud and vainglorious. Ambitious.
Liar and insecure.
Positive aspects: Positive aspects: Positive aspects:
Generous. Brave. Sage.
Active and Energetic. Respectful and Forgiving. Generous.
Meek and humble. Of peaceful temper.
Of action. Ingenious and creative.
Raised by his rich father. He gained courage while Educated under royal customs
He was searching with his hepherding sheep for his father. under the dynasty of his father,
servant for his father's lost He acquired agility and skill with King David.
donkeys in the mountainous the sling.
region of Ephraim and in the He played the harp for King Saul
territory of Benjamin, they went where he recovered his spirits
to seek the help of the prophet and felt better, and the evil spirit
Samuel, and while he was there left him.
he was unexpectedly anointed by He acquired military skills when
Preparation Samuel as the first king of Israel. he was King Saul's squire-at-
Bravely defeat the giant Goliath,
the Philistine champion.
He formed a band of faithful
warriors with many special
abilities called “Adulan” which
turned it into an armed force.
Anointed and presented by the Anointed by the prophet Samuel, He was anointed king by the
prophet Samuel and communion while Saul was still king. prophet Nathan.
offerings were sacrificed that Once Saul died, David was In response to Solomon's
day. anointed king over the twelve request, God gives him wisdom.
In his early years as king, Saul tribes of Israel in Hebron. The His father, David, emphasized to
was a different person as a result most successful period of his long him the need to make God and
Beginnings of the work of the Holy Spirit in reign began, he always consulted his laws the center of his
him. everything with God. personal life and government in
Initially he was a humble man He kept himself very busy, the order to preserve the kingdom,
with good relationships. first years in a civil war between as God had promised.
Early military victories made him his defenders and Saul's former His reign begins with great
popular in Israel and courtiers. success.
consolidated his position as He immediately transferred the He eliminated all opposition from
monarch. capital of his reign to Jerusalem. the throne, like his brother

Positive Impact: He led the Israelites towards a Positive Impact:

He commanded a very strong systematic and decisive TO He took advantage of the
defensive troop at the service of subjugation of all their enemies, circumstances of his father's reign
the Northern tribes. in such a way that his name and resorted to diplomatic means to
His leadership of this tribe of became famous. ensure peace.
Impacts warriors served to unite the He built a palace, roads were He established a highly organized
and luxurious government.
about the town nation and demonstrated that built, trade routes were restored.
Trade with other countries
Saul was a valuable military ruler. The material prosperity of the flourished, this increasingly
His government was kingdom was ensured. increased the wealth and
strengthened by saving the He brought back the Ark of the magnificence of the nation.
nation from misfortune and Covenant from Keriathjearim and He carried out great building
sparing the lives of those who placed it in a special tabernacle programs, including the temple
had criticized him. that he built. which was one of his greatest
His reign was rejected (1 Samuel His reign was eternal through His reign was divided after his
15:23). Jesus (2 Samuel 7:27). death.
First Jewish suicide, Saul drew his The last days were bitter due to And Solomon slept with his
FINAL sword and threw himself on it, the machinations of his son fathers, and they buried him in
since his armor bearer did not Adonijah who aspired to the the city of David his father; and
want to do so (1 Samuel 31:4; 1 throne and wanted to usurp it by Rehoboam his son reigned in his
Chronicles 10:4). proclaiming himself king. place (2 Chronicles 9:31).
He died in good old age, full of After the death of Solomon, his
days, riches and glory. (1 kingdom was shaken by internal
Chronicles 29:28). and dangerous commotions of an
external order no less serious
than those that already existed.

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