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Giza Governorate English O.L. Prep.

El Haram Directorate Time allowed: 120 min.
Bady Language School (2st Term) 2023-2024
A. Listening (4 Marks)
1. Listen and choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d. (4 Marks) (One mark each)
1- What did Mark order?
a- A camera b- A mobile c- A tablet d- A watch
2- How did he buy it?
a- Online b- Offline c- At a shop d- At a market
3- When was the delivery?
a- Last week b- Last month c- Yesterday d- Today
4- What did Mark want from the e-mail?
a- Selling it b- Damaging it c- Changing it d- Repairing it
B. Language Functions (2.5 Marks)
2. Complete the following dialogue. (2.5 Marks) (Half a mark each)
Tamer: Hello Tamer, how are you?
Mazen: ………………………………….………………….…………………….
Tamer: …………………………………………………………………………….?
Mazen: Last month, I visited the Egyptian Museum of modern art in Cairo.
Tamer: ………………………………………………………….………………?
Mazen: I saw lots of statues.
Tamer: Is it free to visit?
Mazen: ………….……………………………………………………………….
Tamer: Did you enjoy your time there?
Mazen: …………………………………………………………….………………
C. Reading Comprehension (4.5 Marks)
3. Read the following, then answer the questions.
English is an international language. Millions of people are learning it all over the world.
Students use it to communicate with other speakers. This means they have to be able to
understand each other. Students have studied English for more than 90 years in Egyptians
schools. They read English books. Teachers help their students to develop their language
skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Tour guides use English to communicate
with tourists who visit Egypt. To surf the Internet or use the computer we should learn
a. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d. (1.5 Marks) (Half a mark each)
1- The word “develop” can be replaced by ……………………….
a- clear b- remove c- improve d- prove
2- Students use English to ………………………… with others.
a- help b- communicate c- stay d- play
3- There are ……………………… skills in English.
a- five b- one c- four d- two
b. Answer the following questions. (3 Marks) (One mark each)
1- What is the main idea of the main passage? …………………………………………..
2- What does the underlined pronoun “it” refer to? ………………………………………
3- Why do you think millions of people learn English all over the world? ……………………..
D. Vocabulary & Structure (7 Marks)
4. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d. (5 Marks) (Half a mark each)
1- Which …………………………………... do you use most, Facebook or Twitter?
a- app b- device c- equipment d- set
2- Some teenagers say ………………………………… things on Facebook which annoy us.
a- horrible b- nice c- cool d- good
3- The men tried to ……………. the bus but they couldn't move it.
a- push b- bunch c- brush d- fly
4- The social ………….………………. websites help us communicate with our friends easily.
a- means b- technology c- mobiles d- media
5- The …………………….……. can help us clean our homes.
a- carrot b- robot c- headphone d- rocket
6- We are …………………………………. dinner in a restaurant.
a- have b- will have c- going to have d- to having
7- How …………………………………… you solve this problem?
a- are b- were c- are able to d- can
8- A ……………………………………… person is the person who can’t see.
a- blind b- happy c- deaf d- proud
9- Mariam knows …………………………………. write a script.
a- can b- how c- how to d- to be able
10- The word “………………………………….” means very nice to eat.
a- sour b- dirty c- salty d- delicious
5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word(s) in brackets.
(2 Marks) (Half a mark each)
1- Would you like to eat……………………… (any) fruit?
2- I can ………………………………. (to play) music.
3- My father will buy me a nice, …………………………… (America) mobile.
4- My father …………………………. (is) 50 years old next month.
E. Writing (6 Marks)
6. Write a paragraph of about NINETY (90) words on “Mobile Phones”.
Listening Text
Dear sir,
I ordered a new mobile phone online last week and the delivery
was today, but the screen was damaged. I would like to change
the phone for a new one that is not damaged. Can you tell me
how I can do this?

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