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German Gastronomy

In Germany, gastronomy is very varied, based on a mixture of all the culinary arts that can not only
be found in Germany but can be tasted in any of the German-speaking countries, being one of the
main distinctive features of German culture. this country in the rest of the world, standing out for
its variety and exquisiteness of preparations with their diverse aromas, textures and flavors.

German gastronomy is characterized by the great regional variety, with meat, especially sausages,
of which there are more than 1,500 different types, being the most consumed. The sausages that
stand out the most are: those from Frankfurt because they are the softest, those from Nuremberg
that are roasted and those from Bavaria that have the particularity of being white. In addition, you
can find the cheeses from the Mainz region, and in the city of Berlin you can find eels, wild boar
knuckles, cooked pig's trotters and, of course, the many potato salads and meatballs, which are
what They make up the typical dishes of this region.

Likewise, German cuisine can vary greatly from one region to another, since each region of the
country has its own typical dishes and defined tastes, being greatly influenced by the cultural and
social environment, for example, the southern regions. Bavaria and Swabia share many styles and
dishes with their Swiss and Austrian neighbors; while in the west the influences with French
cuisine are much more pronounced and have wine influences with this country; Likewise, in the
eastern regions there are influences from the countries of Eastern Europe and those from the
north with the Dutch, especially in the coastal areas where you can find an abundance of fish
dishes, but nevertheless there are many elements in common with Scandinavian recipes.

In addition, German cuisine is also characterized by its abundant portions and the presence of
meats, sausages, seafood, vegetables and dairy products, as well as its renowned drinks such as
wine and beer, which are enjoyed both daily and at special celebrations.

Typical foods in Germany

Likewise, in Germany there are many more typical dishes, which are described below:

Brezel: These are types of baked bread known worldwide as pretzels, which have a peculiar bow
shape, their name precisely refers to “small arm”, as it looks like a pair of intertwined arms, of
which there are two types, the hard ones that They are biscuit and sprinkled with granulated salt,
and the soft ones are made of bread and can have many flavors. There are also sweet and salty
ones and the latter can have different flavors, for example garlic, oregano, etc.

Brötchen: Also called Semmel in some parts of Germany, they are small salty breads that can be
eaten alone for breakfast or accompanied by a sausage, or with some filling. They can have
different shapes but they usually carry seeds on them. Its name means bun.

Sausages: Product also called Wurst, being one of the most important foods in gastronomy, which
has various variants and flavors, and can also be made from different types of meat. Sausages can
be served roasted or cooked, alone or with a side and they can be part of a dish, or as quick meals,
coming in red, smoked, white and many more.

Nudel: Name given to white pasta, which can be served in different ways and accompanied by
various sauces.

Knödel or Klöße: These are buns made of potato, flour, semolina or other ingredients that do not
contain yeast and have different types of filling. They can normally be served as a main dish, as an
accompaniment to a meat dish or with soups, and if they are sweet They can also be served as a

Schnitzel: They are breaded and then fried pieces of meat that are served with a fried egg, it can
also have pieces of bread and all of this is accompanied by vegetables or roast potatoes.

Sauerkraut: It is a type of cabbage finely chopped and fermented in salted water. Preparation that
is used to accompany almost all dishes. It's like sauerkraut in Chile.

Eisbein: It is a preparation with cooked pork knuckle, also known as pernil. To prepare the pork, it
must be cooked for several hours until it has the necessary flavor and cooking. The knuckle or
pernil has a lot of fat and a very strong flavor. It can be served with boiled potatoes, sauerkraut
and meatballs.

Kartoffelbrei: It is mashed potatoes, to which salt, pepper or nutmeg is usually added. There are
also variations in the preparation in which you can add spices and/or vegetables.

Kasseler or Kassler: (Saxony fillets) It is a smoked and salted pork fillet (meat under a salting
process). The commonly used meat is rib. It is very similar to pork chop. This dish is also known as
Kasseler Rippenspeer, Kasseler Kotelett or Kasseler Lachsfleisch, but depending on the cut of meat
used the name will vary, for example the shoulder is called Kasseler Blatt, the pork knuckle is
called Kasseler Kamm. This preparation is often served with sauerkraut and mashed potatoes.

Sauerbraten or Rheinischer Sauerbraten: A roasted type of beef that has been marinated in red
wine, vinegar, vegetable broth, and a mixture of spices such as juniper, pepper, mustard seeds,

Sülze: Type of gelatin sausage, containing pieces of minced meat or chicken, cooked vegetables
and seasonings. It can be served at room temperature or slightly warmed, and can also be served
with bread or potatoes.

Frikadellen or Buletten: This is a very popular preparation. Frikadellen are fried minced meat
(pork, beef or veal), chopped onion or chives, egg, breadcrumbs, salt and pepper. It has a round
and slightly flattened shape. Depending on taste, it can be served with tartar sauce, white sauce,
hot or cold.

Bockwurst: It is a type of thick sausage, made of finely minced meat, salt, paprika, and white
pepper. The meat can be beef, pork, horse, sheep or poultry. The contents of the sausage are
cooked and then stuffed. Once this is done, the sausage is smoked for several weeks, which makes
it obtain a copper color that is very characteristic of the process.
Gebratene Fleisch: It is meat (it can be from different animals) that is fried in oil without removing
the skin.

In Germany, the main varieties of meat consumed are pork, which is the most popular, beef, and
poultry, but throughout all regions, meat is frequently eaten. in the form of a sausage, so this
country produces more than 1500 different types of sausages. So-called organic foods have gained
a market share of around 3.0% and are expected to be a growing trend.

German Breads

Likewise, in this country you can find a series of German Breads such as:

 Weißbrot: White bread

 Zwiebelbrot: Onion bread
 Roggenmischbrot: Wheat and rye bread
 Weizenmischbrot: Yeast bread
 Pumpernickel: Rye bread
 Toastbrot: Toast bread
 Sonnenblumenkernbrot: Bread with sunflower seeds
 Kürbiskernbrot: Bread with pumpkin seeds
 Mehrkornbrot: Multi-cereals
 Vollkornbrot: Whole wheat bread
 Roggenbrot: Rye bread

Desserts and sweets

When it comes to desserts, what tends to be used are fruits and creams.

Strüdel: It is a type of rolled dough that contains different fruits as a filling, especially apple. There
are different types of strudel, but the most popular is apple strudel.

German gastronomy by region

Furthermore, so that the visitor can be aware of the different gastronomy that exists in each
region of Germany, they are detailed below:

Gastronomy in Southwest Germany:

German gastronomy in this area has been strongly influenced by French cuisine, which gives rise
to the following dishes:

Flammkuchen: This dish resembles a pizza, as it is prepared with chopped onion and bacon with a
little cream or cheese on a bread dough and is placed in the oven for 10 to 15 minutes.
Sauerkraut: Also called sauerkraut, it is an accompaniment to meals made up of cabbage leaves in
brine, allowing them to ferment. It is served with meat or sausages.

Black Forest Cake: It is a world-famous cake from the Baden region, it consists of a cake with
chocolate shavings. It has several layers made with chocolate cake and between layers there is a
cherry filling.

Spätzle: This is a thin, small pasta that usually accompanies meat dishes or can also be a single
dish, served with cheese.

Gaisburger Marsch: This is a soup made with pasta, meat and vegetables that are fried with butter
and onions. In Stuttgart there is a party for this dish.

Northern Germany

These areas are located near the North Sea and the Baltic Sea, which have received and adopted
notable influences from Denmark. Among the main dishes of the area are:

Lübecker National: It is a dish based on cooked pork along with potatoes and turnips, it is served
and accompanied with various sauces such as mustard, salt, pepper and others.

Hamburger Aalsuppe: This is an eel soup, a traditional Hamburg dish, a hallmark of the city and
can sometimes be served with Knodel.

Panhas: This product is a derivative of pig slaughter, it is similar to blood sausage. It is usually
accompanied by potatoes or vegetables and sometimes red rum, inside a bread.

Rheinischer Sauerbraten: Called Rhine acid stew, it is a roast made of marinade with vegetables
and spices that is left for several days, both horse meat and beef can be used. It can be served
with applesauce or Nudel.

Rote Grütze: It has a meaning like ground and red, it is a notable dessert that is made up of any
red fruit, usually ground and lumpy cherries, strawberries or raspberries and is served with milk,
cream or vanilla ice cream.

Northeast Germany

It is an area that is characterized by its strong flavors, where potatoes and turnips stand out in
most of its preparations, among its dishes are the following:

Eisbein: It is the pork knuckle that is normally prepared with salt and accompanied with

Kasseler: It is very similar to the pork chop and is also called Saxony chop, it comes from the meat
of the ribs and is used in stewed dishes also accompanied by cabbage.
Currywurst: It is a peculiar variant of the sausage or wurst that is served with tomato sauce and
sprinkled curry, it can be accompanied with French fries or pieces of bread.

Plinsen: also called blinsen, it is an omelet made with flour, egg and salt on which various sweets
can be spread, although it also has its salty variants. It is part of Brandenburg cuisine.

Central Germany
This is an area where dishes are normally accompanied by beer, as well as a lot of pasta and meat.
Among its main dishes are:

Thüringer Klöße: It is the specialty of the Thuringia area and consists of making mashed potato
buns that can have a filling of bread or meat, usually accompanying meat dishes.

Kartoffelsuppe: It is a soup made from potatoes, where it is boiled together with other vegetables
and served with meat broth, it can also have a piece of meat and a little bread to thicken.

Thüringer Rostbratwurst: This is the typical Thuringian sausage, it has a specific cooking and
preparation, as well as its official size. It measures 15 to 20 centimeters and must be properly
spiced in natural casing. It consists of an extensive history.

Baumkuchen: This is an important dessert and is considered the king of cakes. It consists of a
spongy bread dough with a hole in the center. It is made of flour, egg and butter.

Desserts and sweets

Strüdel: It is a type of rolled dough that contains different fruits as a filling, especially apple. There
are different types of strudel, but the most popular is apple strudel.

The Exquisite Arabic Gastronomy

Basically, Arab gastronomy encompasses the set of cuisines that belong to the Arab countries.
Basically these Arab countries are located in the Arab States of the Persian Gulf, all the countries
of the Arabian Peninsula and the countries of North Africa. It is noteworthy that the language of
most of these countries is Arabic.
It is worth mentioning that Arab gastronomy is the traditional cuisine of the countries that are
located between the Arabian Peninsula and North Africa, where in addition to being united by the
language, the culture in these countries varies greatly, which means that this Cultural diversity
results in a very rich and diverse gastronomy. However, there are certain general characteristics
that make Arab gastronomy a peculiar cuisine. Among these cultural issues and the connection
with gastronomy, the ancient commercial tradition between the Arab territories and India stands
out, where the cultures of both territories influenced each other, highlighting this influence on

Basically, Arab gastronomy can be summarized in some way as a balanced mix of Mediterranean
gastronomic characteristics and Indian cuisine in the use of spices.

The main ingredients of Arab gastronomy

Vegetables stand out as the main ingredient in Arab cuisine. The use of vegetables and vegetables
in general is very important in Arab gastronomy. In particular, the following stand out: pepper,
onion, tomato, eggplant and cucumber.

Cereals and grains are other main ingredients in Arab cuisine. In particular, the wheat semolina
stands out, where it is treated and turned into couscous, something very typical of Arab
gastronomy. It is noteworthy that rice and sesame are the grains most used in Arab cuisine.

Curry is usually used to season, which is a mixture of different spices, like zataar, saffron, turmeric
and cinnamon.

On the other hand, meats are usually a secondary ingredient in Arab cuisine, with lamb being the
most used followed by chicken.

Traditional recipes of Arab gastronomy

Among the most traditional dishes of Arab cuisine are:

Falafel: It consists of meatballs or legume croquettes. It is usually enjoyed with pickled vegetables
and a sauce, in the popular pitas. Falafel is an original dish especially in Türkiye and the Middle

Pita bread: It is a very popular bread that has crossed borders. This is due to its soft and pleasant
dough that allows great versatility when preparing sandwiches.

Waraq the vegetarian enab: It is a delicious rice cooked in grape leaves that is characterized by
being exquisitely seasoned. It is a typical dish of Egyptian cuisine.

Tahini or Tahini: It is a sesame or sesame puree, a good substitute for butter and margarines.

Humus: It is a chickpea pate that is very easy to make.

Mutabba: It is an eggplant cream. Although it is less popular than Humus, it is very easy to make,
let's say similar to Humus, and presents a wide range of flavors.

Finally, we highlight the Maskina , which is an exquisite dessert based on various finely chopped
nuts and a sweet dough. It is a very traditional dessert of Arab gastronomy .

In short, as a summary, this Arab gastronomy is a rich combination of diverse cultures

intermingled by a common language, however, it incorporates the exoticism of Lebanese cuisine,
the rigor and simplicity of the Maghreb and exogenous elements. such as spices from India and
Iran, thanks to a long tradition in trade and foreign relations, these being human, cultural and
political between Arab countries and these Asian areas.

Common characteristics of Arab gastronomy include: the use of lamb meat, yogurt, mint, thyme
(served in a mixture called zataar), the unforgettable tea (preferably from Ceylon), sesame, curry
powder, saffron, turmeric, garlic, cinnamon, rice, couscous and obviously in coastal areas, fish.

In this type of cuisine, vegetables are preferred over meat and cucumber, eggplant or onion are
used in most of their dishes. The use of fruits is mainly limited to citrus fruits. The spices are very
similar to those used in Indian cuisine.

It is highlighted that in Arab culture food is closely linked to hospitality, so in most of these
countries serving a meal is usually a great opportunity to honor the person invited. If you go to
one of these Arab countries as a tourist, you should not forget that in most countries Islam
establishes precise rituals about when you should eat, such as Ramadan or fasting days. Without
taking into account the participation of religion in food, we must mention that customs and the
cult of food that each country can present can vary widely within the Arab world.

Without a doubt, by tasting the exquisite Arab cuisine you will be able to experience part of this
rich culture, you will be able to appreciate those characteristics that identify it as well as capture
the great diversity that exists.

Gastronomy of Lebanon
Lebanese gastronomy is the set of dishes and culinary customs of the inhabitants of Lebanon .
This cuisine is extraordinarily diverse and has its own specialties adapted from the different
countries around it. With fresh and tasty foods, along with some spices, the Lebanese have
adapted the best of Turkish and Arabic cuisine, seasoning it with a French touch.

Main Ingredients

Traditional cuisine in Lebanon combines an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables . The basis of
the dishes is usually the use of cereals , legumes , and the same ingredients can be repeated in
many dishes but with different ways of preparation. Yogurts , cheeses , cucumbers , eggplants ,
peas , nuts , tomatoes and sesame are used in all their forms, whether in seeds, in the form of
paste and oil.

Vegetable oils, including olive oil , are used to fry some foods, and butter ( smen ) is frequently

Lebanese dishes

The “cacuna” is generally served without cutlery, since the traditional flat and round Arabic bread
acts as a fork and spoon .

Other recommended specialties are Kibbeh , meatballs made of meat with onion and pine nuts ;
the Kofta , lamb roasted on charcoal and the well-known Tabule " tabouli ", salad with mint and
parsley leaves.

There is the “ Hummus ” – a puree of chickpeas and sesame paste – and the “ baba ganush ",
made of eggplant , sesame paste, lemon and garlic -. Raw Kebbah – raw lamb mixed with ground
wheat and seasoned with onion, mint, pepper and salt – is also a favorite dish, as is shawarma .

The national dish of Lebanon is kibbeh and it consists of a mixture of finely minced lamb
accompanied by bulgur wheat . This dish can be eaten raw, baked or fried.

A normal meal may include some mezze, appetizers such as spinach dumplings ( fatayer ), labneh ,
sauces, pizza with zataar , and stuffed grape leaves . It can be followed by a main dish of meat
(usually lamb ) or fish , often accompanied by rice and nuts , and together with tabouleh or
fattoush , it is finally closed with a dessert.

Moroccan gastronomy
The gastronomy of Morocco can be considered to be of great richness and diversity, this may be
due to the interaction it has had with other external cultures. Morocco's culinary culture covers
not only foods but also culinary traditions such as dyafa (a type of Moroccan banquet ).

Moroccan cuisine is very simple to make, as is typical of popular cuisines, but it has its own
personality due to being the only one that has not been influenced by Turkish cuisine . It is a family
kitchen: a Moroccan proverb says: Mâ kainsh el-kalâm ala etta3âm , “during the meal, there is no
talking. Its main feature is the use of sweet and salty dishes such as bastela , couscous with
vegetables and tfaya , which brings it closer to Far Eastern cuisines.
It is a home-made cuisine, in which mainly only women participate ( dada ). The kitchen space is
traditionally a feminine place in Morocco where men remain outside. 1 The recipes for dishes are
passed from mothers to daughters by verbal tradition.

Moroccan cuisine is not very popular, and is somewhat overshadowed by Arab cuisine, mostly
from Lebanon, and although they share certain methods and ingredients, it is not similar due to
the Berber element (people from North Africa).

Main Ingredients

According to certain authors who are scholars of Moroccan cuisine, the basic foods are concentrated
in four basic dishes: couscous (made with semolina ) and which participates in many Moroccan
dishes, bastela also called 'pastilla' or 'bastilla', mechui de lamb and the fourth is the djej
mcharmel prepared with chicken meat, pickled lemons and olives . In any case, the available
ingredients are included within the Islamic culture and its dietary standards.


Spices are used in Moroccan cuisine almost extensively and intensively. While some spices are
imported products, other ingredients such as mint , Meknes olives , oranges and lemons from Fez
come from local crops. Spices are offered in the souks .

The most common spices in Moroccan dishes are cini , that is, cinnamon (some variants such as
karfa , which is cinnamomum lauri ), kamoun ( cumin ), karkoum ( turmeric ), skingbir ( ginger ),
bsar ( black pepper ). felfa, hlouwa paprika , nafaa or habbt hlawa is the anise seed , jinjelan is the
seeds of sesame , kasbour ( coriander ), zaafrane beldi ( saffron ) and mint . Mixtures of spices
made by merchants and called Ras al hanut ( Râs el-hânut ) are also used, the number of spices is
very diverse and is mentioned from fifteen to thirty-four spices, the set is usually red or yellow
( depending on the components). Harîssa , which is a paste of hot peppers, is widely used as a
condiment and characterizes all the cuisines of the Maghreb equally and is originally from the
cuisine of Tunisia . The Moroccan 'touch' to this paste condiment is to add some harissa seeds.
cumin and coriander .

Coriander or also called 'Arabic parsley' is used as a herb (fresh leaves) that provides a slightly
aniseed flavor ( kosbour ), and is usually added at the end of cooking food, especially in tagines. As
well as coriander grains, their seeds are used more as incense. Zataar is widely used in some
dishes. Water aromas, such as rose water ( zhaar ), are used in various desserts. One of the
flavored waters comes from orange blossoms ( orange blossom water ( ma ward ).

In my opinion, what creates amazement in this food is its spices. With mixtures like Ras el hanout
that perfume and give complex flavors to meats and grains. Below is a brief explanation of some
Moroccan dishes.

Tagine This is the most emblematic dish of the Maghreb, it has many variants but the essence is
the same. It is based on a meat stew with vegetables (sometimes on a bed of couscous) that is
cooked over low heat in ovens or embers in a container called Tajín (hence the name of the dish)
which consists of a clay plate with a Conical lid that helps distribute heat. The meat is usually
served directly in the Tajín, so these containers are usually individual in size, although there are
also large ones.

Tangia You could think that it is a variant of the Tajín, similar to the kebap tasti of Turkey , since it
is a clay urn that adds meat, vegetables and spices, sometimes with a clarified butter called Smen .
Very traditional in Moroccan food.

Couscous It is the most basic food in North Africa, of Berber origin, and consists of ground wheat
semolina grains. It is very versatile and is usually accompanied with any meal. In Morocco it is
normal to find it spiced with cinnamon. It is one of the few products that can be obtained here in
Mexico conventionally in supermarkets.

Harira It is the most traditional Moroccan soup, and it changes a lot from city to city, even because
of the color. At its base it is tomatoes, legumes, some type of cereal such as rice, lentils, chickpeas.
On one occasion, one we ate had a cereal similar to bulgur, which is more from the Levant, but I
suspect it was. In Marrakesh it is usually accompanied with dates.

Pastilla Rox has already talked in his Arrival to Fes post about his experience with Pastilla or
Bastilla, which is a chicken puff pastry in the form of a "pastilla" that is strangely sprinkled with
sugar and cinnamon. Complicated dish to understand.

Khubz is the name for bread in Morocco. Together with couscous, it is the nutritional base of many
people. It is used to accompany soups such as harira or to eat tagine. You can find curious
sandwiches with khubz filled with hard-boiled egg and rice.

Green tea with mint Since most Moroccans follow Muslim laws, they do not drink alcohol, so the
social drink par excellence is green tea seasoned with mint leaves. It is very good tea, and in every
city or town you will find many tea houses on the avenues. In the most traditional places they are
for men only.

Amlou - It is a paste made with Argan oil, honey and almonds (the latter sometimes from Argan).
It is crushed on stones and served to accompany bread. It is normal to have bread (khubz) for
breakfast with a little honey or amlou in Morocco.

Moroccan cookies - Although on the streets of Marrakesh you can find a wide variety of cookies of
many shapes and sizes, most of them are the so-called Kaab el Ghazal , which are horn-shaped
pastries filled with almonds bathed in "Orange blossom water" ( It is a kind of distillate with the
aroma of the flower more than the citrus). Obviously they are an excellent companion for green
tea with mint.

These are some examples, but Moroccan food is much richer, as they have a great diversity of
stews and vegetable salads, fish preparations, and many skewers (kebabs) of chopped meat
seasoned with spices or small sausages ( Merguez) . ). Much of the food, and good food, will be
found in the streets of the markets.
Swiss gastronomy
Swiss cuisine is as varied as its languages. It has French, German and Italian influences and has
dishes known around the world such as fondue, raclettes or rosti in addition to its traditional
cheeses and chocolates. In any case, the two basic ingredients, which are found in the vast
majority of dishes, regardless of the canton they come from, are meats and cheeses. Meat is more
common in the valleys, in the lower areas, and cheeses in the higher parts. The typical dishes

Main ingredients
Swiss cuisine is often associated with cheeses, especially Emmental , Gruyère , Vacherin and
Appenzeller , all of which form an essential part of the famous Raclette and cheese fondue .

Another internationally famous product in Swiss cuisine is chocolate . Specifically, the first time
milk chocolate was prepared was in Switzerland.
The Rösti stands out, which was initially a breakfast in which potatoes replaced muesli .

Traditional Dishes

Among the most traditional and famous dishes are the “berner platte” – a meat stew with spices,
bacon and cabbage – and the “fondue”, in which cheeses are melted, preferably Gruyere and
Ementhal accompanied with bread and wine.

The typical dishes that you can order in any restaurant are:

 Berner platte : It is a stew with different types of meats.

 Cheese Fondue : This dish consists of melting cheese, especially Gruyere, and is eaten by
inserting the bread into the cheese with a long fork. No person leaves Switzerland without
trying this dish.

 La Raclette : It is similar to fondue but is accompanied with potatoes.

 Rosti Potatoes : It is a dish made up of potatoes prepared in different ways. They can be
boiled or fried. It is generally served to accompany meats.

Other typical recipes are the “ raclette ” which takes its name from the device in which it is
prepared, in which cheese is melted which is accompanied with potatoes and the “ rosti ” which
consists of potatoes, boiled and grated, fried in a pan with butter, and which is usually
accompanied by meat.
The German influence is felt in the taste of the different sausages such as chorizos and traditional
sausages. “Bunderfleisch” are made of dried and cured beef and “wurts” are typical sausages that
can be eaten fresh, cooked or smoked.

Meanwhile, in the Italian part, gnocchi are traditional, which are called “knöflio” or “spatgle” but,
unlike Italian gnocchi, these are made only with flour and wheat semolina.
Indian Gastronomy
Indian gastronomy is very varied, it arises as a result of the diversity of cultures that have enriched
it throughout the colonizations that have occurred for several centuries.

Thus, different culinary practices brought by the settlers were incorporated, which over time
mixed until they became the set of trends that are known today. Most Indian flavors are closely
related by the significant use of spices , and a wide variety of vegetables . Within this general trend
there is an enormous diversity of local styles.

Basic ingredients and seasonings

Sample of the spices commonly used in Indian cuisine.

The most important ingredients used in Indian cuisine are rice , atta , a special type of whole
wheat flour used to make bread , and at least five dozen varieties of legumes . The most important
is chana ( chickpea, pea ), as well as toor ( Indian chickpea ), urad ( black lentil ) and mung ( green
soybean ).

Chanaigo is used in multiple ways, it can be used as an egg blower to make thrall hall with flour
passed through a mill which is responsible for removing the skin, and the product obtained is
called, for example, dhuli mung or dhuli urad and is sometimes It is presented mixed with rice (in
the form of kichri , a food that Hindus believe is excellent for digestion) and very similar to
chickpeas, peas , but smaller and with much more flavor. Pulses are used exclusively in the form of
dal (skinless legumes), with the exception of chana which is cooked to be served for breakfast or
processed into flour or besan . Most curries are fried in vegetable oil.

In North India , mustard oil is used, which is traditionally the most suitable oil for frying, while in
the West , peanut oil is usually used. Coconut oil is used in South India . In recent decades,
sunflower oil and soybean oil have been gaining more popularity.

Other very popular cooking tools today are:

 hydrogenated oil of vegetable origin (known as vanaspati ) and

 the oil of animal origin distilled fried butter ( ghee, ghee or clarified butter), used in
Ayurvedic medicine for its high medicinal qualities...


The most important condiments used in Indian cuisine are Chili , the black mustard seed called rai ,
cumin , Turmeric , Fenugreek , Ginger , coriander or coriander and asafoetida ( hing ), sometimes
saffron . Vinegar, jolín and cheese are also added, fundamental for the creation of the typical dish
of the area.

There are some very famous spice mixtures in Indian cuisine, among them is garam masala which
is a mixture of five or more spices, usually cardamom , saffron , cinnamon and cloves . Some leaves
are commonly used such as bay leaf , coriander herb and mint leaves. Another mixture of spices is
tandoori masala , black salt is very typical for seasoning.

Generally in southern India , curry plant is very commonly used. Cardamom , cinnamon , nutmeg ,
saffron and rose petal essence are used in dessert dishes.


Among the most famous curries is Vindaloo , which is called the king of curries , although it is also
the spiciest. Other curries are Saag and Madras .

Typical dishes
 Chicken curry : this is one of the greatest classics of Indian cuisine . Although it is very common
in other latitudes of the planet, it is proven that its origin is Hindu. The chicken is cut into pieces
and cooked with a sauce in which the flavor is dominated by tomato, onion, garlic, ginger and, of
course, curry. Logically, there are many variations, especially with respect to seasonings. This food
is easily found in any part of the country .

 Pakora : this delicacy consists of frying vegetables (practically any) in a chickpea flour mixture.
To this it is possible to add chicken, for example. There is no specific recipe to prepare pakoras ;
The only essential ingredient is chickpea flour. Indians usually eat them as an appetizer, mainly in
restaurants . It is common to see these snacks in some European countries where many Indians
and Pakistanis reside.

 Rasam : with tamarind and tomato extracts as a base, accompanied by a good dose of pepper,
rasam is a very popular soup in South India . Sometimes it has lentils, vegetables and even rice.
Although it can be an appetizer, depending on the occasion, many vegetarian diners consider it as
a single dish.

 Chapati : It is one of the many breads (a flat bread, in this case) that Hindus consume daily .
Cooking is done in a very hot pan, turning the chapati a couple of times until it acquires its just
texture. It can be served with common or clarified butter, known as “ghee” . It is common to see
this type of preparation on dishes along with other more elaborate meals.

 Puttu : This particular dish is achieved by cooking steamed soaked rice powder in a utensil
specially designed for this purpose, which consists of two parts. One, where the water goes. And
the other, with holes that allow cooking through the passage of steam. In any case, there are
those who make puttu in other ways, such as in a pressure cooker. A good option to accompany
this culinary work, a specialty of Kerala (in the southwest of India ) , is the aforementioned
chicken curry .

 Uttapam : popularly known as “Indian pizza” , it consists of a dough made from different flours,
on which the chosen ingredients and condiments are cooked. Tomatoes, a good garlic or onion
sauce, and vegetables to taste make up a traditional uttapam , also called “pancake” in some
specific places.

 Alu Matar : This authentic delicacy is nourished by potatoes and peas sailing in a tasty onion
and tomato sauce . Traditionally, a mixture of butter and mustard is added, which ends up
generating a character that is as special as it is unique to the palate. The alu mata is a classic
among locals and also for tourists and curious people . Adaptable to any event or circumstance,
its best company is a portion of the typical and tasty Indian fried bread .

 Biryani : with the curiosity of having a rather uncertain origin (it could have to do with the
Persians), biryani is one of the richest and most popular rice dishes in India . Its preparation
requires an intense mixture of spices, a little basmati rice (long grain), yogurt and, of your choice,
vegetables or some meat. Throughout the length and breadth of Hindu territory, various
interpretations of this absolute delight can be found.

 Lassi : here, one of the most traditional drinks in India . With its origins in the Punjab region, in
the northwest of the country, it is prepared with yogurt (or cream, if not available) as the main
component and is usually consumed cold for its refreshing capacity. Given its high popularity
nationwide, there are a few versions of lassi , which can include everything from seasonings such
as pepper and cumin to fruits such as mango and banana, among others. In fact, it is so adaptable
to personal taste that it can be drunk sweet and salty . In ancient times, it was used to cure

 Kheer : finally, a tasty dessert that can be enjoyed at any time of the year. Based on almonds,
cardamom and saffron, kheer is the rice pudding of India . It is served cold and often with rose
petals (or pistachio) as decoration. In the south of the country they call it “payasam” , while in the
east it is known as “India payesh” .

English Gastronomy
English Gastronomy has a lot of influence from India and uses spices a lot. Vegetables are not
abundant and if they are used they are cooked. Meats or fish are generally accompanied with
peas, cereals or legumes.

There are various factors that influenced British cuisine : customs, climate and history are some of
them. The interaction with cultures such as European and Asian have left their mark on both the
ingredients and the preparation of their dishes. The most traditional dishes have very ancient
roots (cheese and bread making, for example) and Great Britain was one of the first to incorporate
fast food that came from the United States.

Typical dishes from England

Starters and main dishes

The national dish of England is Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pudding , and meat and vegetable pies,
lamb with mint sauce, vinegared mussels and eel tart cannot be left out.

Roast beef – This is a traditional roast meat dish, it is served as a main dish and can be
accompanied with bread.

Yorkshire Pudding – these are wheat flour buns that are covered with meat sauce, they usually
accompany Roast beef.
Fish and chips – This is one of the most popular and tastiest fried type foods; It consists of any
fried fish, usually cod, breaded and well browned, served with French fries.

Pasty – This is a dish very similar to pie, only salty and with the difference that, after being filled, it
closes like an empanada.

Desserts from England

One of the typical desserts in England is hot apple pie, as well as Summer Puding and custard.

Apple pie – This is one of the most traditional English desserts, made with apple and flour.

Summer Pudding – Called summer pudding because it is consumed in that season, it is a dessert
based on white bread soaked in red fruit juice, such as strawberry, raspberry, blackberry and

Bakewell Cake – It is a pastry-based pastry that is filled with jam and almonds are added, which
are then covered with fondant.


Since the end of the Second World War , an increasing number of the British population has
adopted vegetarianism , particularly since the BSE crisis of the 1990s. There are an estimated 3 to
4 million vegetarians in the UK, 38 one of the highest percentages in the Western world, and
around 7 million people claim not to eat red meat. 39 Most restaurants have at least one
vegetarian dish on the menu.

Gastronomic traditions

In England, and in the United Kingdom, breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day,
due to the hectic pace of life of many people, the traditional breakfast consists of a large amount
of foods such as cold cuts, cheeses, fried eggs, salads , chips and more, but all accompanied by tea,
coffee or orange juice, also including toast or bread.

Tea time

This tradition arose because, on an afternoon in 1830, the seventh Duchess of Bedford requested
tea and a sandwich, since in the past people had breakfast very early and dinner relatively late,
leaving a considerable amount of time. As he liked this activity, he repeated it, even inviting his
friends, and then it became a custom that passed from the aristocracy to the entire nation.
The fast food

In terms of fast food, Fish and Chips (fish and chips) are famous, which are served in a kind of
paper cone and are fish fried in oil. They are mainly found in large cities and street stalls. Other
types of fast foods that are commonly consumed are grated potatoes, mushy peas , among others.

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