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Week from ____ of ____________________________ to ____ of ____________________________ Teacher's signature _______________ Director's signature ______________

Block 1
Y TO Lesson P. TO. YO. Program organization Expected learning Didactic guidelines
1 Spanish 1 10-11 Reflection topic: purposes of Identify the most appropriate ways to a) Analysis of the characteristics of an exam and a
questions in exams and respond based on the type of information questionnaire
questionnaires requested. b) Formulation of suggestions for taking an exam
Scope: study
Math 1 108-109 Axis: number sense and algebraic Solve problems that involve reading, writing a) Separation of figures into groups of three (by classes)
thinking and comparing natural, fractional and b) Comparison of numbers on the number line
Topic: numbers and number systems decimal numbers, explaining the comparison
Contents: reading, writing and criteria.
comparison of natural, fractional and
decimal numbers • explanation of the
comparison criteria
natural 1 206-207 Competence: making informed Analyzes the advantages of preferring the a) Inquiry into the characteristics of a healthy lifestyle
Sciences decisions to care for the environment consumption of plain drinking water instead b) Discussion about the actions to take to adopt a healthy
and promote health of sugary drinks • argues the importance of a lifestyle
correct diet, the consumption of plain
drinking water, physical activity, rest and
recreation to promote a healthy lifestyle.
Geography 1 266-267 Axis: geographical space and maps Recognizes the usefulness of different a) Analysis of geographical concepts
Competence: management of cartographic representations of the Earth. b) Location of continental regions in planispheres
geographic information
History 1 304-307 Competency: understanding historical Explains the evolution of the human being a) Location, on a map, of the migration routes of
time and space and the relationship with nature during prehistoric man
Areas: economic • social • cultural prehistory. b) Analysis of the characteristics of the periods of
FCyÉ 1 358-359 Competence: knowledge and self- Analyzes the importance of sexuality and its a) Identification of characteristics of life stages, changes,
care various manifestations in the lives of human patterns and attitudes
Scope: classroom beings. b) Discussion on the importance of knowing your own
body objectively
English 1 406-407 Social practice: giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal nature.
Function: describing past memories.

Week from ____ of ____________________________ to ____ of ____________________________ Teacher's signature _______________ Director's signature ______________

Y TO Lesson P. TO. YO. Program organization Expected learning Didactic guidelines

2 Spanish 2 12-13 Reflection topic: purposes of the Identify different question formats in a) Identification of types of reagents
different types of reagents in exams exams and quizzes. b) Writing different types of reagents
and questionnaires
Scope: study
Math 2 110-111 Axis: number sense and algebraic Solve problems that involve reading, a) Separation of figures into groups of three (by classes)
thinking writing and comparing natural, b) Comparison of numbers on the number line
Topic: numbers and number systems fractional and decimal numbers,
Contents: reading, writing and explaining the comparison criteria.
comparison of natural, fractional and
decimal numbers • explanation of the
comparison criteria
natural 1 206-207 Competence: making informed Analyzes the advantages of preferring a) Inquiry into the characteristics of a healthy lifestyle
Sciences decisions to care for the environment the consumption of plain drinking b) Discussion of actions to take to adopt a healthy lifestyle
and promote health water instead of sugary drinks • argues
the importance of a correct diet, the
consumption of plain drinking water,
physical activity, rest and recreation to
promote a healthy lifestyle.
Geography 1 266-267 Axis: geographic space and maps Recognizes the usefulness of different a) Analysis of geographical concepts
Competence: management of cartographic representations of the b) Location of continental regions in planispheres
geographic information Earth.
History 1 304-307 Competency: understanding historical Explains the evolution of the human a) Location, on a map, of the migration routes of prehistoric
time and space being and the relationship with nature man
Areas: economic • social • cultural during prehistory. b) Analysis of the characteristics of the periods of prehistory
FCyÉ 1 358-359 Competence: knowledge and self- Analyzes the importance of sexuality a) Identification of characteristics of life stages, changes,
care and its various manifestations in the patterns and attitudes
Scope: classroom lives of human beings. b) Discussion on the importance of knowing your own body
English 1 406-407 Social practice: giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal nature.
Function: describing past memories.

Week from ____ of ____________________________ to ____ of ____________________________ Teacher's signature _______________ Director's signature ______________

Y TO Lesson P. TO. YO. Program organization Expected learning Didactic guidelines

3 Spanish 3 14-15 Reflection topic: strategies to resolve Identify the most appropriate ways to a) Discussion about what ambiguities are
ambiguities in questions and answers respond based on the type of b) Identification of ambiguities in texts
Scope: study information requested.
Math 3 112-113 Axis: number sense and algebraic Solve additive problems with natural a) Exchange of problem-solving procedures
thinking numbers, decimals, and fractions that
Topic: additive problems involve two or more transformations.
Contents: resolution of additive
problems with natural numbers,
decimals and fractions, varying the
structure of the problems • study or
reaffirmation of conventional
natural 2 208-209 Competence: making informed Explains the integral functioning of the a) Description of organs, systems and their functions
Sciences decisions to care for the environment human body based on the interactions b) Preparation of proposals to take care of the body
and promote health between different systems.
Geography 2 268-269 Axis: geographical space and maps Distinguishes differences in geographic a) Analysis of the meaning of scale
Competence: management of information represented on world, b) Comparison of different scales and their elements in maps
geographic information national, and state scale maps.
History 2 308-309 Competencies: understanding of Explains the evolution of the human a) Location, on a map, of the migration routes of prehistoric
historical time and space • being and the relationship with nature man
management of historical information during prehistory. b) Analysis of the characteristics of the periods of prehistory
Areas: economic • social
FCyÉ 2 360-361 Competence: knowledge and self- Recognizes the importance of a) Reflection on the concept of health
care prevention in health care and the b) Research on measures that promote health
Scope: classroom promotion of measures that promote
comprehensive well-being.
English 1 406-407 Social practice: giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal nature.
Function: describing past memories.

Week from ____ of ____________________________ to ____ of ____________________________ Teacher's signature _______________ Director's signature ______________

Y TO Lesson P. TO. YO. Program organization Expected learning Didactic guidelines

4 Spanish 4 16-17 Reflection topic: use of adverbs and Identify the characteristics of formal a) Identification of adverbs
adverbial phrases to make temporal language in expository texts. b) Reflection on the function of adverbs and adverbial phrases
Scope: literature
Math 4 114-115 Axis: number sense and algebraic Solve problems that involve multiplying a) Reading, comparing and ordering decimal numbers
thinking or dividing fractional or decimal b) Solving problems with decimal numbers
Topic: multiplicative problems numbers with natural numbers.
Content: resolution of multiplicative
problems with fractional or decimal
values using non-formal procedures
natural 3 210-211 Competence: making informed Describes how parents inherit a) Analysis of the human reproduction process
Sciences decisions to care for the environment characteristics to their offspring in the b) Discussion on human inheritance
and promote health oriented to the process of reproduction.
culture of prevention
Geography 2 268-269 Axis: geographical space and maps Distinguishes differences in geographic a) Analysis of the meaning of scale
Competence: management of information represented on world, b) Comparison of different scales and their elements in maps
geographic information national, and state scale maps.
History 2 308-309 Competencies: understanding of Explains the evolution of the human a) Location, on a map, of the migration routes of prehistoric
historical time and space • being and the relationship with nature man
management of historical information during prehistory. b) Analysis of the characteristics of the periods of prehistory
Areas: economic • social
FCyÉ 2 360-361 Competence: knowledge and self- Recognizes the importance of a) Reflection on the concept of health
care prevention in health care and the b) Research on measures that promote health
Scope: classroom promotion of measures that promote
comprehensive well-being.
English 2 408-409 Social practice: giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal nature.
Function: exchanging information about past memories.

Week from ____ of ____________________________ to ____ of ____________________________ Teacher's signature _______________ Director's signature ______________

Y TO Lesson P. TO. YO. Program organization Expected learning Didactic guidelines

5 Spanish 5 18-19 Reflection topic: words, adjective Use literary resources in writing a) Identification of adjectives in texts
phrases and adverbs to describe biographies and autobiographies. b) Appropriate use of adjectives to make written descriptions
people and situations
Scope: literature
Math 5 116-117 Axis: shape, space and measurement Construct symmetrical figures with a) Identification of the axes of symmetry of various figures
Theme: figures and bodies respect to an axis and identify the b) Drawing various figures marking the axes of symmetry
Content: identification of the axes of properties of the original figure that
symmetry of a figure (polygonal or are preserved.
not) and figures symmetrical with
each other, using different resources
natural 3 210-211 Competence: making informed Describes how parents inherit a) Analysis of the human reproduction process
Sciences decisions to care for the environment characteristics to their offspring in the b) Discussion on human inheritance
and promote health oriented to the process of reproduction.
culture of prevention
Geography 3 270 Axis: geographical space and maps Interpret urban plans based on their a) Interpretation of the elements of a plane
Competence: management of elements. b) Preparation of a plan
geographic information
History 3 310-311 Competencies: understanding of Explains the evolution of human beings a) Location, on a map, of the migration routes of prehistoric
historical time and space • and their relationship with nature man
management of historical information during prehistory. b) Analysis of the characteristics of the periods of prehistory
Areas: economic • social
FCyÉ 3 362-363 Competence: knowledge and self- Consult different sources of a) Identification of sources of information about human rights
care information to make responsible and sexual health
Scope: classroom decisions. b) Discussion on the importance of informed decision making
English 2 408-409 Social practice: giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal nature.
Function: exchanging information about past memories.

Week from ____ of ____________________________ to ____ of ____________________________ Teacher's signature _______________ Director's signature ______________

Y TO Lesson P. TO. YO. Program organization Expected learning Didactic guidelines

6 Spanish 6 20-21 Reflection topic: compound Use literary resources in writing a) Analysis of biographies and autobiographies
sentences biographies and autobiographies. b) Planning, writing, reviewing and correcting a biography
Scope: literature
Math 6 118-119 Axis: shape, space and measurement Use the Cartesian coordinate system to a) Location of coordinates in a Cartesian plane
Topic: spatial location locate points or draw figures in the first b) Solving problems with the use of the Cartesian plane
Contents: choosing a code to quadrant.
communicate the location of objects
on a grid • establishing common
codes to locate objects
natural 4 212-213 Competence: making informed It argues in favor of the timely a) Reflection on the responsibility involved in being teenage
Sciences decisions to care for the environment detection of breast cancer and parents
and promote health oriented to the responsible sexual behaviors that affect b) Review of prevention measures and sexually responsible
culture of prevention their health: prevention of pregnancies conduct
and sexually transmitted infections ( c) Identification of the causal agents of STIs
STIs ), such as the human
immunodeficiency virus ( HIV ).
Geography 3 270 Axis: geographical space and maps Interpret urban plans based on their a) Interpretation of the elements of a plane
Competence: management of elements. b) Preparation of a plan
geographic information
History 3 364 Competencies: understanding of Explains the evolution of human beings a) Location, on a map, of the migration routes of prehistoric
historical time and space • and their relationship with nature man
management of historical information during prehistory. b) Analysis of the characteristics of the periods of prehistory
Areas: economic • social
FCyÉ 4 364 Competencies: knowledge and self- Analyzes the importance of sexuality a) Research about the importance of sexual health
care • sense of belonging to the and its various manifestations in the b) Recognition of practices that contribute to the care of sexual
community, the nation and humanity lives of human beings. health
Scope: transversal
English 2 408-409 Social practice: giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal nature.
Function: exchanging information about past memories.

Week from ____ of ____________________________ to ____ of ____________________________ Teacher's signature _______________ Director's signature ______________

Y TO Lesson P. TO. YO. Program organization Expected learning Didactic guidelines

7 Spanish 7 22-23 Reflection topic: interview to gather Identify the most appropriate ways to a) Discussion about what an interview is
information respond based on the type of b) Comments about ways to obtain information through an
Scope: literature information requested. interview
Math 7 120-121 Axis: shape, space and measurement Describes routes and calculates the a) Map interpretation
Topic: measurement actual distance from one point to b) Use of scales and other map elements
Content: calculation of real distances another on maps. c) Identification of convenient routes
through approximate measurement
from one point to another on a map
natural 4 212-213 Competence: making informed Argues in favor of the timely detection a) Reflection on the responsibility involved in being teenage
Sciences decisions to care for the environment of breast cancer and responsible sexual parents
and promote health oriented to the behaviors that affect their health: b) Review of prevention measures and sexually responsible
culture of prevention prevention of pregnancies and sexually conduct
transmitted infections (STIs ), such as c) Identification of the causal agents of STIs
the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV
Geography 4 271 Axis: geographical space and maps Recognizes the importance of a) Identification of new geographic information technologies
Competence: management of technologies applied to the b) Reflection on the usefulness of technologies
geographic information management of geographic
History 4 312-313 Competencies: understanding of Compare nomadic and sedentary a) Representation of the life of hunter gatherers
historical time and space • activities and ways of life. b) Reflection on the usefulness of different tools of prehistoric
management of historical information man
Social ambit
FCyÉ 4 364 Competencies: knowledge and self- Analyzes the importance of sexuality a) Research on the importance of sexual health
care • sense of belonging to the and its various manifestations in the b) Recognition of practices that contribute to the care of sexual
community, the nation and humanity lives of human beings. health
Scope: transversal
English 3 410-411 Social practice: giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal nature.
Function: describing what people were doing at a certain moment in the past.

Week from ____ of ____________________________ to ____ of ____________________________ Teacher's signature _______________ Director's signature ______________

Y TO Lesson P. TO. YO. Program organization Expected learning Didactic guidelines

8 Spanish 8 24-25 Topics for reflection: characteristics Know the function and structure of a) Reading and analysis of radio scripts
and function of the radio script • radio scripts. b) Planning, creation and correction of a radio script
organization of radio programs
Scope: social participation
Math 8 122-123 Axis: information management Calculate percentages and identify a) Approach to different strategies for calculating percentages
Topic: proportionality and functions different forms of representation b) Solving problems that involve calculating percentages
Content: calculation of the (common fraction, decimal, %).
percentage of quantities using
various procedures (application of the
“per 100, n ” correspondence,
application of a common or decimal
fraction, use of 10% as a base)
natural 5 214-215 Competence: making informed Applies skills, attitudes and values of a) Project planning
Sciences decisions to care for the environment basic scientific training during the b) Search for information and use of reliable sources
and promote health oriented to the planning, development, c) Presentation of results
culture of prevention communication and evaluation of a
project of interest in which the
contents of the block are integrated.
Geography 4 271 Axis: geographic space and maps Recognizes the importance of a) Identification of new geographic information technologies
Competence: management of technologies applied to the b) Reflection on the usefulness of technology
geographic information management of geographic
History 4 312-313 Competencies: understanding of Compare nomadic and sedentary a) Representation of the life of hunter gatherers
historical time and space • activities and ways of life. b) Reflection on the usefulness of different tools of prehistoric
management of historical information man
Social ambit
FCyÉ 5 365-366 Competence: sense of belonging to Establishes personal relationships a) Reflection on the stereotypes instilled by the media
the community, the Nation and based on the recognition of people's regarding sexual roles
humanity dignity and questions stereotypes. b) Analysis of the content of Article 4 of the Constitution
Scope: school environment and daily
English 3 410-411 Social practice: giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal nature.
Function: describing what people were doing at a certain moment in the past.

Week from ____ of ____________________________ to ____ of ____________________________ Teacher's signature _______________ Director's signature ______________

Y TO Lesson P. TO. YO. Program organization Expected learning Didactic guidelines

9 Spanish 9 26-27 Reflection topic: analysis, selection and Summarizes information from various a) Preparation of short texts preserving their meaning
synthesis of information from various sources, preserving essential data. b) Preparation of summaries from various sources
sources c) Evaluation of information
Scope: social participation
Math 9 124-125 Axis: information management Read information presented in bar and a) Analysis and interpretation of information in tables
Topic: data analysis and representation pie charts. Use these types of graphics b) Resolution of problems that involve the use of tables
Content: reading data contained in to communicate information.
tables and circular graphs, to answer
various questions
10 126-127 Axis: information management Read information presented in bar and a) Analysis and interpretation of information in tables
Topic: data analysis and representation pie charts. Use these types of graphics b) Resolution of problems that involve the use of tables
Content: reading data contained in to communicate information.
tables and circular graphs, to answer
various questions
natural 5 214-215 Competence: making informed decisions Applies skills, attitudes and values of a) Project planning
Sciences to care for the environment and basic scientific training during the b) Search for information and use of reliable sources
promote health oriented to the culture planning, development, c) Presentation of results
of prevention communication and evaluation of a
project of interest in which it integrates
contents from the block
Geography 4 271 Axis: geographic space and maps Recognizes the importance of a) Identification of new geographic information
Competence: management of technologies applied to the technologies
geographic information management of geographic b) Reflection on the usefulness of technologies
History 4 312-313 Competencies: understanding of Compare nomadic and sedentary a) Representation of the life of hunter gatherers
historical time and space • management activities and ways of life. b) Reflection on the usefulness of different tools of the
of historical information prehistoric human being
Social ambit
FCyÉ 5 365-366 Competence: sense of belonging to the Establishes personal relationships a) Reflection on the stereotypes instilled by the media
community, the nation and humanity based on the recognition of people's regarding sexual roles
Scope: school environment and daily life dignity and questions stereotypes. b) Analysis of the content of article 4 of the Constitution
English 3 410-411 Social practice: giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal nature.
Function: describing what people were doing at a certain moment in the past.

Week from ____ of ____________________________ to ____ of ____________________________ Teacher's signature _______________ Director's signature ______________

Block 2
Y TO Lesson P. TO. YO. Program organization Expected learning Didactic guidelines
10 Spanish 1 28-29 Topic for reflection: characteristics and function Identify the general characteristics of a) Reading and analysis of reports from written
of reports reports and their function to integrate and electronic media
Scope: study information on a topic. b) Planning, writing and editing a report
2 30-31 Reflection topic: strategies for making notes Use notes that serve as a guide for writing a) Identification of the main ideas of a text
Scope: study your own texts, referring to the data from b) Preparation of cards from notes
the sources consulted.
Math 1 128-129 Axis: number sense and algebraic thinking Know and use the conventions for a) Location of fractions on the number line
Topic: numbers and number systems representing fractions and decimals on the b) Equivalences between decimal numbers and
Content: location of fractions and decimals on number line. fractions
the number line in various situations. For
example, you want to represent halves and the
unit is divided into sixths, the unit is not
established, etc.
natural 1 216-217 Competence: understanding of natural Explains that living beings and the natural a) Identification of different fossilization
Sciences phenomena and processes from a scientific environment have changed over time, and processes
perspective the importance of fossils in the b) Reflection on the usefulness of fossils to
reconstruction of life in the past • reconstruct the evolutionary process of living
proposes actions to care for living beings beings
by assessing the causes and consequences c) Explanation of the extinction of species due
of their extinction in the past and today. to natural causes and by humans
Geography 1 272-273 Axis: natural components Recognize consequences of the rotation a) Differentiation between translation and
Competition: valuation of natural diversity and translation movements of the Earth. rotation
b) Provide examples of consequences
c) Case analysis
History 1 314-317 Competence: formation of a historical Explains the importance of rivers in the a) Spatial location of agricultural civilizations
consciousness for coexistence development of agricultural civilizations, b) Analysis of the characteristics of agricultural
Areas: social • cultural their common features and differences. towns
c) Preparation of work sheets
FCyÉ 1 367-368 Competition: self-regulation and responsible Apply strategies for managing and a) Identification of feelings and emotions, and
exercise of freedom expressing emotions without harming changes in them
Scope: classroom one's own dignity or that of others. b) Assessment of emotion control
English 1 412-413 Social practices: carrying out certain transactions. Giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal nature.
Functions: describing food. Expressing need.

Week from ____ of ____________________________ to ____ of ____________________________ Teacher's signature _______________ Director's signature ______________

Y TO Lesson P. TO. YO. Program organization Expected learning Didactic guidelines

1 Spanish 3 32-33 Reflection topic: role of the interview Select relevant information from a) Reading and analysis of interviews
1 in gathering information various sources to prepare a report. b) Planning, writing and correcting an interview
Scope: study
4 34-35 Topic for reflection: links and phrases Use notes that serve as a guide for the a) Analysis of the function of connectors in a text
to denote opinion, points of structure of your own texts, referring b) Use of connectors when writing a text
agreement and disagreement to the data from the sources
Scope: study consulted.
Math 3 132-133 Axis: number sense and algebraic Solve problems that involve a) Use of various strategies to mentally calculate some digit
thinking multiplying or dividing fractional or products
Topic: multiplicative problems decimal numbers with natural b) Solving multiplication problems with factors less than or
Content: construction of practical numbers. equal to ten, through repeated additions
rules to quickly multiply by 10, 100,
1,000, etc.
natural 2 218-219 Competence: understanding of Identify that it is part of the a) Identification of relationships between the components of
Sciences natural phenomena and processes environment and that it is made up of an ecosystem
from a scientific perspective social and natural components and b) Reflection about the consequences of productive activities
their interactions. c) Discussion of personal responsibilities regarding the
environmental problem
Geography 2 274-275 Axis: natural components It relates the internal movements of a) Identification of internal movements of the Earth
Competition: valuation of natural the Earth with seismicity, volcanism b) Watching videos on the topic
diversity and the distribution of relief. c) Case analysis
History 2 318-319 Competence: formation of a It recognizes the importance of the a) Location of the towns that settled on the coasts of the
historical consciousness for Mediterranean Sea in the development Mediterranean Sea
coexistence of trade and the dissemination of b) Identification of the socioeconomic activities of the towns
Areas: economic • social culture. near the Mediterranean Sea
FCyÉ 2 369-370 Competence: adherence to legality It applies ethical principles derived a) Analysis of ethical conduct
and sense of justice from human rights to guide and base b) Preparation of a scheme on ethical principles
Scope: classroom its decisions in controversial situations. c) Discussion on controversial topics
English 1 412-413 Social practices: carrying out certain transactions. Giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal nature.
Functions: describing food. Expressing need.

Week from ____ of ____________________________ to ____ of ____________________________ Teacher's signature _______________ Director's signature ______________

Y TO Lesson P. TO. YO. Program organization Expected learning Didactic guidelines

1 Spanish 5 36-37 Reflection topic: characteristics of the Identify the characteristics of mystery a) Reading, writing and correcting a horror or mystery story
2 literary genre or horror stories: structure, style,
Scope: literature characters and setting.
6 38-39 Topic for reflection: description in Identify the characteristics of mystery a) Analysis and description of the role played by characters in
mystery or horror stories or horror stories: structure, style, mystery or horror stories
Scope: literature characters and setting.
Math 4 134-135 Axis: shape, space and measurement Explains the characteristics of various a) Observation of the flat development of various geometric
Theme: figures and bodies geometric bodies (number of faces, bodies
Content: definition and distinction edges, etc.) and uses formal language. b) Preparation of flat developments
between prisms and pyramids; their
classification and the location of their
natural 3 220-221 Competence: making informed Practice sustainable consumption a) Reflection about the consequences of productive activities
Sciences decisions to care for the environment actions based on the assessment of b) Identification of relationships between the components of
and promote health oriented to the their importance in improving the an ecosystem
culture of prevention natural conditions of the environment c) Proposals for sustainable development
and quality of life • making personal
and free decisions aimed at practicing
consumption actions.
Geography 2 274-275 Axis: natural components It relates the internal movements of a) Identification of internal movements of the Earth
Competition: valuation of natural the Earth with seismicity, volcanism b) Watching videos on the topic
diversity and the distribution of relief. c) Case analysis
History 3 320-321 Competency: understanding It identifies characteristics of city- a) Geographic location of Greek civilization
historical time and space states, the origin of the concept b) Identification of economic, social and political
Areas: political • social • cultural “democracy” and the importance of characteristics of the Greeks
Hellenistic civilization in the
dissemination of culture.
FCyÉ 3 371-372 Competence: adherence to legality Argue about the reasons why a a) Discussion on the concept of justice
and sense of justice situation is considered fair or unfair. b) Role play in fair or unfair situations
Scope: classroom
English 2 414-415 Social practice: giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal nature.
Function: giving recipes.

Week from ____ of ____________________________ to ____ of ____________________________ Teacher's signature _______________ Director's signature ______________

Y TO Lesson P. TO. YO. Program organization Expected learning Didactic guidelines

1 Spanish 7 40-41 Reflection topic: narrative voices of Write paragraphs using first and third a) Identification of narrator types
3 the story person. b) Modification of the grammatical person in a story
Scope: literature
8 42-43 Topic for reflection: use of literary Understand metaphors and other a) Definition of some literary figures
figures to create descriptions that figures used in the description. b) Use of literary figures in descriptions
please and awaken the reader's
Scope: literature
Math 5 136-137 Axis: shape, space and measurement Explains the characteristics of various a) Observation of the flat development of various geometric
Theme: figures and bodies geometric bodies (number of faces, bodies
Content: definition and distinction edges, etc.) and uses formal language. b) Preparation of flat developments
between prisms and pyramids; their
classification and the location of their
natural 4 222-223 Competence: understanding of It proposes actions to reduce air a) Analysis of causes and consequences of global warming of
Sciences natural phenomena and processes pollution based on the analysis of the the Earth
from a scientific perspective main causes and their effects on the b) Presentation of proposals to reduce carbon dioxide
environment and health. emissions
Geography 3 276-277 Axis: natural components Distinguishes the importance of the a) Inquiry into the various maritime currents
Competition: assessment of natural distribution and dynamics of ocean b) Inquiry into the environmental conditions
diversity waters for the conditions of life on c) Case analysis
History 4 322-323 Competency: understanding It describes changes in daily life, the a) Chronological and spatial location
historical time and space political and economic organization of b) Identification of the political and economic aspects of the
Areas: economic • social Rome, and the causes that allowed its Romans and their contributions to the current world
FCyÉ 4 373-374 Competence: self-regulation, It applies ethical principles derived a) Analysis of ethical conduct
responsible exercise of freedom and from human rights to guide and base b) Preparation of a scheme on ethical principles
adherence to legality and sense of its decisions in controversial situations.
c) Discussion on controversial topics
Scope: transversal
English 2 414-415 Social practice: giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal nature.
Function: giving recipes.

Week from ____ of ____________________________ to ____ of ____________________________ Teacher's signature _______________ Director's signature ______________

Y TO Lesson P. TO. YO. Program organization Expected learning Didactic guidelines

1 Spanish 9 44-45 Topics for reflection: connectives (at that moment, They write horror or suspense stories a) Identification of verbs in narrative and
4 suddenly, then) to create suspense • tenses used in using connectives to provide suspense. descriptive texts
descriptions and narratives, to create succession and b) Ordering of events reported in a text
simultaneity to describe actions, thoughts and feelings. c) Inference of non-explicit information
Scope: literature
10 46-47 Reflection topic: characteristics and function of Prepare instructions using the a) Identification of infinitives in texts
instructional texts. Scope: social participation appropriate verbal modes and tenses. b) Writing instructions
Math 6 138-139 Axis: information management. Topic: proportionality Calculate percentages and identify a) Identification of strategies for calculating
and functions. Content: resolution, through different different forms of representation percentages
procedures, of problems that involve the notion of (common fraction, decimal, %). b) Problem solving
percentage: application of percentages, determination, c) Expression of percentages using fractions
in simple cases, of the percentage that represents a and in decimal notation
quantity (10%, 20%, 50%, 75%); application of
percentages greater than 100%)
7 140-141 Axis: information management. Topic: proportionality Calculate percentages and identify a) Verification of percentages with the help
and functions. Content: resolution of problems that different forms of representation of the calculator
involve the notion of percentage (common fraction, decimal, %). b) Problem solving
natural 5 224-225 Competence: understanding of natural phenomena and Identify what global warming is and a) Reflection on climate change
Sciences processes from a scientific perspective how it was generated in recent b) News search
decades, its effects on the environment c) Proposals that reduce climate change
and national actions to reduce it.
Geography 3 276-277 Axis: natural components. Competition: valuation of Distinguishes the importance of the a) Investigation of the various maritime
natural diversity distribution and dynamics of ocean currents
waters for the conditions of life on b) Inquiry into the environmental
Earth. conditions
c) Case analysis
History 5 324-325 Competence: formation of a historical consciousness for Value the cultural and material a) Identification of the cultural
coexistence. Scope: cultural heritage left by the ancient world. contributions of ancient civilizations to
the current world
FCyÉ 4 373-374 Competence: self-regulation, responsible exercise of It applies ethical principles derived a) Analysis of ethical conduct
freedom and adherence to legality and sense of justice. from human rights to guide and base b) Preparation of a scheme on ethical
Scope: transversal its decisions in controversial situations. principles
c) Discussion about controversial topics
English 3 416-417 Social practice: giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal nature.
Function: describing past events and customs.

Week from ____ of ____________________________ to ____ of ____________________________ Teacher's signature _______________ Director's signature ______________
Y TO Lesson P. TO. YO. Program organization Expected learning Didactic guidelines
1 Spanish 11 48-49 Reflection topic: characteristics and function of Use notes and diagrams to guide the a) Identification of the main parts of a text
5 flowcharts production of a text. b) Graphic representation of the main parts of a
Scope: social participation text
12 50-51 Reflection topic: verbs in instructions Prepare instructions using the a) Identification of infinitives in texts
Scope: social participation appropriate verbal modes and tenses. b) Preparation of instructions
Math 8 142-143 Axis: information management Solve problems that involve the use of a) Understanding the information contained in
Topic: data analysis and representation measures of central tendency (mean, different carriers
Content: reading data, explicit or implicit, median and mode). b) Problem solving
contained in various carriers to answer
9 144-145 Axis: information management Read information presented in bar and a) Understanding the information contained in
Topic: data analysis and representation pie charts. Use these types of graphics to different carriers
Content: reading data, explicit or implicit, communicate information. b) Problem solving
contained in various carriers to answer
natural 6 226-227 Competencies: making informed decisions to Applies skills, attitudes and values of a) Project planning
Sciences care for the environment and promote health basic scientific training during the b) Search for information and use of reliable
oriented to the culture of prevention • planning, development, communication sources
understanding of natural phenomena and and evaluation of a project of interest in c) Presentation of results
processes from a scientific perspective which the contents of the block are
Geography 4 278-279 Axis: natural components Relate climates to the distribution of a) Identification of climatic factors of a natural
Competition: valuation of natural diversity vegetation and fauna on Earth. region
b) Recognition of the relationship between the
elements of Earth systems
History 5 324-325 Competence: formation of a historical Value the cultural and material heritage a) Identification of the cultural contributions of
consciousness for coexistence left by the ancient world. ancient civilizations to the current world
Scope: cultural
FCyÉ 5 375 Competence: self-regulation and responsible Argue about the reasons why you a) Role play in fair or unfair situations
exercise of freedom and adherence to legality consider a situation to be fair or unfair. b) Analysis and debate or discussion of cases
and sense of justice
Scope: school environment and daily life
English 3 416-417 Social practice: giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal nature.
Function: describing past events and customs.

Week from ____ of ____________________________ to ____ of ____________________________ Teacher's signature _______________ Director's signature ______________

Block 3
Y TO Lesson P. TO. YO. Program organization Expected learning Didactic guidelines
1 Spanish 1 52-53 Food for thought: conventional spelling and Write a text in paragraphs, with a) Reading various texts
6 punctuation cohesion, conventional spelling and b) Identification of unknown words in various texts
Scope: study punctuation.
2 54-55 Reflection topic: adverbs and adverbial phrases Recognizes the function of historical a) Commented reading of historical stories
to make temporal references (after, while, stories and uses the characteristics of b) Identification of adverbs
when, among others) formal language when writing them. c) Reflection on the function of adverbs and
Scope: study adverbial phrases
Math 1 146-147 Axis: number sense and algebraic thinking Know and use the conventions for a) Converting fractions into equivalents with a
Topic: numbers and number systems representing fractions and decimals on common denominator
Contents: identification of a fraction or a the number line. b) Location of fractions and decimals on the
decimal between two given fractions or number line
decimals • approach to the density property of
rationals, in contrast to natural numbers
natural 1 228-229 Competencies: understanding of the scope and It argues the use of certain materials a) Identification of materials and their properties,
Sciences limitations of science and technological based on their properties of hardness, advantages and disadvantages
development in various contexts • flexibility and permeability, in order to b) Identification of everyday situations in which the
understanding of natural phenomena and make decisions about the most aforementioned materials are present
processes from a scientific perspective appropriate one to satisfy certain
Geography 1 280-281 Axis: social and cultural components Analyzes trends and challenges in the a) Analysis of population growth in the world
Competence: appreciation of social and cultural growth, composition and distribution through tables and graphs
diversity of the world population. b) Preparation of population pyramids to identify
trends and needs
History 1 326-327 Competencies: understanding of historical time Recognizes the importance of a) Location of Mesoamerica and Aridoamerica
and space • management of historical geographical space for the b) Relationship of the geographical characteristics
information development of Mesoamerican of Mesoamerica and Arid America with the way
Areas: social • cultural cultures and identifies the of life of its inhabitants
characteristics of the periods.
FCyÉ 1 376-377 Competencies: respect and appreciation of Critically analyzes the causes and a) Identification of the great social and cultural
diversity • sense of belonging to the community, implications of social problems. diversity of Mexico
the nation and humanity b) Discussion about the main social problems and
Scope: classroom the implications for the community in which
you live
English 1 418-419 Social practice: establishing and maintaining social contacts.
Function: talking about future plans.

Week from ____ of ____________________________ to ____ of ____________________________ Teacher's signature _______________ Director's signature ______________

Y TO Lesson P. TO. Program organization Expected learning Didactic guidelines

es YO.
1 Spanish 3 56-57 Reflection topic: pronouns, adjectives and noun Recognizes the function of historical a) Identification of tonic and unstressed
7 phrases to make spatial and personal references stories and uses the characteristics of pronouns
Scope: study formal language when writing them. b) Substitution of the direct and indirect
object of sentences with unstressed
Math 2 148-149 Axis: number sense and algebraic thinking Know and use the conventions for a) Converting fractions into equivalents with
Topic: meaning and use of numbers representing fractions and decimals on a common denominator
Contents: identification of a fraction or a decimal the number line. b) Location of fractions and decimals on the
between two given fractions or decimals • approach number line
to the density property of rationals, in contrast to
natural numbers
3 150-151 Axis: number sense and algebraic thinking Solve problems using the greatest a) Establishment of a relationship between
Topic: numbers and number systems common divisor and the least common the results in a table with the multiples of
Contents: determination of multiples and divisors of multiple. that number
natural numbers • analysis of regularities when b) Use of clue games
obtaining multiples of two, three and five
natural 2 230-231 Competence: understanding of the scope and Make decisions aimed at revaluation, a) Identification of resources used in
Sciences limitations of science and technological rejection, reduction, reuse and recycling manufacturing processes and recycling,
development in various contexts of paper and plastic by analyzing the reuse and reduction actions
natural and social implications of their b) Presentation of proposals to recycle, reuse
use. or reduce natural resources
Geography 2 282-283 Axis: social and cultural components Recognizes natural, social, cultural and a) Identification of the main migration routes
Competence: appreciation of social and cultural economic implications of urban growth in in the world
diversity the world. b) Reflection on the consequences of
c) Case study
History 2 328-329 Competence: understanding of time and Recognizes the importance of a) Location of Mesoamerican cultures
historical space geographical space for the development b) Identification of relevant events in
Areas: social • cultural of Mesoamerican cultures and identifies Mesoamerica during the preclassic, classic
the characteristics of the periods. and postclassic periods
FCyÉ 2 378-379 Competencies: respect and appreciation of diversity It values that, in Mexico and the world, a) Discussion on the richness of human
• sense of belonging to the community, the nation people have different ways of living, diversity
and humanity thinking, feeling and interpreting reality, b) Preparation of a sample of the richness of
Scope: classroom and expresses respect for the different diversity in Mexico
cultures of society. c) Analysis and assessment of cases
English 1 418-419 Social practice: establishing and maintaining social contacts.
Function: talking about future plans.
Week from ____ of ____________________________ to ____ of ____________________________ Teacher's signature _______________ Director's signature ______________

Y TO Lesson P. TO. YO. Program organization Expected learning Didactic guidelines

1 Spanish 4 58-59 Topic for reflection: characteristics of plays Recognize the structure of a play and a) Identification of the narrator's interventions
8 (similarities and differences with stories) the way it differs from stories. in a text
Scope: literature b) Reflection on the function of the narrator
when writing in the first or third person
5 60-61 Reflection topic: differences between direct and Use verbs to introduce indirect speech a) Writing direct and indirect speech
indirect speech in narrations and notes. b) Transformation of the text of a story into a
Scope: literature theater script
Math 4 152-153 Axis: number sense and algebraic thinking Solve problems using the greatest a) Establishment of a relationship between the
Topic: numbers and number systems common divisor and the least common results in a table with the multiples of that
Contents: determination of multiples and divisors of multiple. number
natural numbers • analysis of regularities when b) Use of clue games
obtaining multiples of two, three and five
natural 3 232-233 Competence: understanding of natural phenomena Characterizes and identifies temporary a) Identification of temporary and permanent
Sciences and processes from a scientific perspective and permanent transformations in transformation processes
some materials and natural b) Preparation of diagrams
phenomena in the environment • c) Recognition of other natural and permanent
explains the benefits and risks of processes in the environment
temporary and permanent
transformations in nature and in your
daily life.
Geography 2 282-283 Axis: social and cultural components Recognizes natural, social, cultural and a) Identification of the main migration routes in
Competence: appreciation of social and cultural economic implications of urban growth the world
diversity in the world. b) Reflection on the consequences of migration
c) Case study
History 2 328-329 Competency: understanding historical time and Recognizes the importance of a) Location of Mesoamerican cultures
space geographical space for the b) Identification of relevant events in
Areas: social • cultural development of Mesoamerican Mesoamerica during the preclassic, classic
cultures and identifies the and postclassic periods
characteristics of the periods.
FCyÉ 2 378-379 Competencies: respect and appreciation of diversity It values that, in Mexico and the world, a) Discussion on the richness of human diversity
• sense of belonging to the community, the nation people have different ways of living, b) Preparation of a sample of the richness of
and humanity thinking, feeling and interpreting diversity in Mexico
Scope: classroom reality, and expresses respect for the c) Analysis and assessment of cases
different cultures of society.

English 1 418-419 Social practice: establishing and maintaining social contacts.
Function: talking about future plans.

Week from ____ of ____________________________ to ____ of ____________________________ Teacher's signature _______________ Director's signature ______________

Y TO Lesson P. TO. YO. Program organization Expected learning Didactic guidelines

1 Spanish 6 62-65 Topic for reflection: resources to Use question and exclamation marks, a) Reflection on the punctuation of a theatrical script
9 create defined characteristics of as well as stage directions to show b) Description of characters
characters and settings in the play intonation in the dramatization. c) Writing a theatrical script
from the dialogues and stage
Scope: literature
Math 5 154-155 Axis: shape, space and measurement Use the Cartesian coordinate system to a) Location of coordinates in a Cartesian plane
Topic: spatial location locate points or draw figures in the b) Solving problems with the use of the Cartesian plane
Content: graphical representation of first quadrant.
ordered pairs in the first quadrant of
a Cartesian coordinate system
natural 3 232-233 Competence: understanding of Characterizes and identifies temporary a) Identification of temporary and permanent transformation
Sciences natural phenomena and processes and permanent transformations in processes
from a scientific perspective some materials and natural b) Preparation of diagrams
phenomena in the environment • c) Recognition of other natural and permanent processes in
explains the benefits and risks of the environment
temporary and permanent
transformations in nature and in your
daily life.
Geography 3 284-285 Axis: social and cultural components Recognizes the main migration routes a) Identification of the consequences of urban agglomerations
Competence: appreciation of social in the world and their social, cultural, b) Investigation of migration in the world
and cultural diversity economic and political consequences.
History 3 330-331 Competence: management of Identify some characteristics of the a) Spatial and temporal location of pre-Inca cultures
historical information civilizations of the Andes. b) Characteristics of pre-Inca cultures
Areas: economic • social
FCyÉ 3 380-381 Competencies: respect and It expresses a critical stance in the face a) Identification of forms of discrimination
appreciation of diversity • sense of of situations of discrimination and b) Reflection on discriminatory messages in the media
belonging to the community, the racism in everyday life. c) Preparation of posters
nation and humanity
Scope: classroom
English 2 420-421 Social practice: establishing and maintaining social contacts.
Function: exchanging information about future plans.

Week from ____ of ____________________________ to ____ of ____________________________ Teacher's signature _______________ Director's signature ______________

Y TO Lesson P. TO. Program organization Expected learning Didactic guidelines

es YO.
2 Spanish 7 66-67 Topic for reflection: personal Difference between direct and indirect a) Identification of tonic and unstressed pronouns
0 pronouns in the theater script speech. b) Use of unstressed pronouns in texts
Scope: literature
8 68-69 Topic for reflection: narrative voices Recognize the structure of a play and a) Reflection on the punctuation of a theatrical script
in plays and stories the way it differs from stories. b) Description of characters
Scope: literature c) Writing a theatrical script
Math 7 158-159 Axis: shape, space and measurement Solve problems in which any of the a) Use of different units of measurement to determine the
Topic: measurement variables of the formulas are necessary volume of a body
Content: comparison of the volume to obtain the volume of right cubes, b) Use of boxes of matches and approximate determination of
of two or more bodies, either directly prisms and pyramids. Establish how many matches fit in the box
or through an intermediary unit variation relationships between these
natural 4 234-235 Competence: understanding of Argues the importance of energy and a) Identification of temporary and permanent transformation
Sciences natural phenomena and processes its transformations in maintaining life processes
from a scientific perspective and daily activities. b) Preparation of diagrams
c) Discussion of implications for daily life
Geography 3 284-285 Axis: social and cultural components Recognizes the main migration routes a) Identification of the consequences of urban agglomerations
Competence: appreciation of social in the world and their social, cultural, b) Investigation of migration in the world
and cultural diversity economic and political consequences.
History 4 332-333 Competence: management of Distinguish the characteristics of the a) Geographic location of the Inca people
historical information political, economic, social and cultural b) Identification of social, political and economic
Areas: economic • political • social • organization of the Incas. characteristics of the Inca culture
FCyÉ 4 382-383 Competencies: respect and Questions the implications of a) Identification of relevant measures to care for the
appreciation of diversity • sense of inappropriate resource use on the local environment
belonging to the community, the and global environment. b) Analysis of an official document
nation and humanity c) Preparation of a decalogue of measures to care for the
Scope: transversal environment
English 2 420-421 Social practice: establishing and maintaining social contacts.
Function: exchanging information about future plans.

Week from ____ of ____________________________ to ____ of ____________________________ Teacher's signature _______________ Director's signature ______________

Y TO Lesson P. TO. YO. Program organization Expected learning Didactic guidelines

2 Spanish 9 70-71 Topic for reflection: type of news that Know the structure of the newspaper. a) Identification of the parts of the front page of a newspaper
1 is included in national or local b) Recognition of the structure of a newspaper
Scope: social participation
10 72-73 Topic for reflection: characteristics Identify the structure of opinion a) Comparison of a personal letter and an opinion letter
and function of formal and opinion letters. b) Writing an opinion letter
Scope: social participation
Math 8 160-161 Axis: information management Solve problems that involve comparing a) Identification of strategies to solve problems with the use of
Topic: proportionality and functions two or more ratios. a constant proportionality factor
Content: comparison of ratios in b) Resolution of missing value problems
simple cases
natural 5 236-237 Competencies: understanding of Analyzes the implications on the a) Identification of temporary and permanent transformation
Sciences natural phenomena and processes environment of the processes of processes
from a scientific perspective • making obtaining thermal energy from various b) Identification of various sources of consumption
informed decisions to care for the sources and its consumption. c) Discussion on implications for daily life
environment and promote health
oriented to the culture of prevention
Geography 4 286-287 Axis: social and cultural components Distinguishes the distribution and a) Identification of various cultural heritages of humanity
Competence: appreciation of social relevance of the cultural heritage of inside and outside our country
and cultural diversity humanity. b) Discussion about the term cultural heritage of humanity
History 5 334-335 Competencies: management of Point out similarities and differences a) Characteristics of the Inca and Mexica cultures
historical information • formation of between the Mexica and Inca cultures. b) Reflection on the influence of the Inca and Mexica cultures
historical awareness for coexistence on current life
Areas: political • economic • social •
FCyÉ 5 384 Competencies: respect and It expresses a critical stance in the face a) Identification of forms of discrimination
appreciation of diversity • sense of of situations of discrimination and b) Reflection on discriminatory messages in the media
belonging to the community, the racism in everyday life. c) Round table practice
nation and humanity
Scope: school environment and daily
English 3 422-423 Social practices: carrying out certain transactions. Establishing and maintaining social contacts.
Functions: exchanging information about itineraries. Sharing future plans.

Week from ____ of ____________________________ to ____ of ____________________________ Teacher's signature _______________ Director's signature ______________

Y TO Lesson P. TO. YO. Program organization Expected learning Didactic guidelines
2 Spanish 11 74-75 Reflection topic: ways to write an Identify the differences between a) Comparison between the report of facts and opinions
2 opinion based on arguments expressing an opinion and stating a b) Writing opinions based on news
Scope: social participation fact.
Math 9 162-163 Axis: information management Solve problems that involve the use of a) Calculation of the mean and median
Topic: data analysis and representation measures of central tendency (mean, b) Solving problems with the use of mean and median
Content: use of the mean (average), median and mode).
median and mode in solving problems
natural 6 238-239 Competencies: understanding of natural Applies skills, attitudes and values of a) Project planning
Sciences phenomena and processes from a basic scientific training during the b) Search for information and use of reliable sources
scientific perspective • making informed planning, development, c) Presentation of results
decisions to care for the environment communication and evaluation of a
and promote health oriented to the project of interest in which the
culture of prevention contents of the block are integrated.
Geography 4 286-287 Axis: social and cultural components Distinguishes the distribution and a) Identification of various cultural heritages
Competence: appreciation of social and relevance of the cultural heritage of of humanity inside and outside our country
cultural diversity humanity. b) Discussion about the term cultural heritage
of humanity
History 5 334-335 Competencies: management of Point out similarities and differences a) Characteristics of the Inca and Mexica cultures
historical information • formation of between the Mexica and Inca cultures. b) Reflection on the influence of the Inca and Mexica
historical awareness for coexistence cultures on current life
Areas: political • economic • social •
FCyÉ 5 384 Competencies: respect and appreciation It expresses a critical stance in the face a) Identification of forms of discrimination
of diversity • sense of belonging to the of situations of discrimination and b) Reflection on discriminatory messages
community, the nation and humanity racism in everyday life. in the media
Scope: school environment and daily life c) Round table practice
English 3 422-423 Social practices: carrying out certain transactions. Establishing and maintaining social contacts.
Functions: exchanging information about itineraries. Sharing future plans.

Week from ____ of ____________________________ to ____ of ____________________________ Teacher's signature _______________ Director's signature ______________

Block 4
Y TO Lesson P. TO. YO. Program organization Expected learning Didactic guidelines
2 Spanish 1 76-77 Topic for reflection: differences and Contrast information from texts on the a) Different meanings of a word
3 similarities in the treatment of the same topic. b) Deduction of the meaning of a polysemous word from its
same topic context
Scope: study
2 78-79 Topic for reflection: logical Use logical connectives to link the a) Identification of connectives in texts
connectives to link the paragraphs of paragraphs of a text. b) Reflection on the function of connectives in sentences
a text
Scope: study
Math 1 166-167 Axis: number sense and algebraic Convert fractional numbers to a) Converting fractions into equivalents with a common
thinking decimals and vice versa. denominator
Topic: numbers and number systems b) Location of fractions and decimals on the number line
Contents: conversion of decimal
fractions to decimal writing and vice
versa • approximation of some non-
decimal fractions using decimal
natural 1 240-241 Competence: understanding of Compare the effects of force on the a) Identification of simple machines
Sciences natural phenomena and processes basic operation of simple machines b) Understanding how some of them work
from a scientific perspective and the advantages of their use. c) Discussion on the advantages of its use
Geography 1 288-289 Axis: economic components It relates production, transformation a) Observation of productive chains
Competition: reflection of and marketing processes of different b) Description of productive chains
socioeconomic differences products in the world.
History 1 336-337 Competency: understanding Explains the causes and consequences a) Location of the Roman Empire
historical time and space of the fall of the Western Roman b) Identification of the causes and consequences of the fall of
Areas: political • economic Empire. the Roman Empire
FCyÉ 1 385-386 Competencies: adherence to legality Exercises the rights and responsibilities a) Identification of rights and responsibilities for coexistence
and sense of justice • understanding that correspond to him as a member of b) Case analysis
and appreciation for democracy a community. c) Preparation of wall newspapers
Scope: classroom
English 1 424-425 Social practice: giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal nature.
Function: exchanging information about travel experiences.

Week from ____ of ____________________________ to ____ of ____________________________ Teacher's signature _______________ Director's signature ______________

Y TO Lesson P. TO. Program organization Expected learning Didactic guidelines

es YO.
24 Spanish 3 80-83 Topic for reflection: literary expressions of Mexican traditions. Get to know and appreciate different a) Identification of cultural manifestations of the
Scope: literature cultural and linguistic manifestations of community
Mexico. b) Reading texts that are part of the traditions of
4 84-87 Topic for reflection: linguistic diversity of the country Identify some differences in the use of a) Reading texts in indigenous languages
Scope: literature literary resources between Spanish and b) Comparison of texts written in an indigenous
some indigenous languages. language and its version in Spanish
Math 2 168-169 Axis: number sense and algebraic thinking Solve problems that involve identifying a) Distinguishing arithmetic progressions from
Topic: numbers and number systems the regularity of sequences with geometric ones
Contents: identification and application of the regularity of arithmetic, geometric or special b) Obtaining progressions from little data
sequences with numbers (natural, fractional or decimal) that have progression.
arithmetic or geometric progression, as well as special sequences •
construct sequences based on regularity
3 170-171 Axis: number sense and algebraic thinking Solve problems that involve identifying a) Distinguishing arithmetic progressions from
Topic: numbers and number systems the regularity of sequences with geometric ones
Content: identification and application of succession regularity arithmetic, geometric or special b) Obtaining progressions from little data
natural 2 242-243 Competencies: understanding of natural phenomena and processes Argues the importance of optical a) Identification of optical devices: types,
Sciences from a scientific perspective • understanding of the scope and instruments in scientific research and characteristics and uses
limitations of science and technological development in various everyday activities. b) Making a periscope
Geography 2 290-291 Axis: economical components. Competition: reflection of Compare the production and marketing a) Identification of the characteristics of
socioeconomic differences of products in different countries consumer societies
around the world. b) Reflection on advertising
c) Reflection on responsible consumption
History 2 338-339 Competencies: understanding of historical time and space • Analyzes the features of social a) Identification of the characteristics of feudal
management of historical information for coexistence. Areas: organization, form of government, societies
political-economic economy and religion in feudal b) Comparison of feudal societies with current
societies. ones
FCyÉ 2 387-388 Competencies: adherence to legality and sense of justice • Argues about the consequences of non- a) Definition of the concept of democracy
understanding and appreciation for democracy compliance with norms and laws that b) Discussion about the consequences of
Scope: classroom regulate coexistence, promoting their breaking the law
compliance. c) Reflection on the laws
English 1 424-425 Social practice: giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal nature.
Function: exchanging information about travel experiences.

Week from ____ of ____________________________ to ____ of ____________________________ Teacher's signature _______________ Director's signature ______________

Y TO Lesson P. TO. YO. Program organization Expected learning Didactic guidelines

2 Spanish 5 88-89 Reflection topic: characteristics and function of Get to know and appreciate different a) Identification of the parts of a poster
5 posters. Scope: literature cultural and linguistic manifestations b) Proposals for various posters to address a topic
of Mexico.
Math 4 172-173 Axis: number sense and algebraic thinking Topic: Solve problems that involve a) Location of decimal numbers and fractions on
multiplicative problems multiplying or dividing fractional or the number line
Content: resolution of problems that involve decimal numbers with natural b) Observation of the number lines and join with
calculating a fraction of a natural number, using the numbers. lines the decimal numbers equivalent to the
a fractions given on the other line
expression “ of n ”
5 174-175 Axis: shape, space and measurement. Theme: Explains the characteristics of various a) Construction and assembly of figures
figures and bodies. Content: anticipation and geometric bodies (number of faces, b) Identification of faces, edges, etc. in a
verification of geometric configurations that allow edges, etc.), uses formal language. previously assembled geometric body
the construction of a geometric body
natural 3 244-245 Competencies: understanding of natural Compares the formation of images in a) Identification of types of mirrors and lenses
Sciences phenomena and processes from a scientific mirrors and lenses, and relates them b) Utility of mirrors and lenses
perspective • understanding of the scope and to the operation of some optical c) Making a kaleidoscope
limitations of science and technological devices.
development in various contexts
Geography 2 290-291 Axis: economical components. Competition: Compare the production and a) Identification of characteristics of consumer
reflection of socioeconomic differences marketing of products in different societies
countries around the world. b) Reflection on advertising
c) Reflection on responsible consumption
History 3 340-341 Competency: understanding of historical time and Identifies the economic and political a) Spatial and temporal location of the Byzantine
space. Areas: political • economic characteristics of the Byzantine Empire
Empire and its importance for the b) Identification of its characteristics
diffusion of culture between East and c) Investigation of their cultural contributions
West • distinguishes the importance
of the Crusades for the development
of trade and cultural exchange
between Europe and Asia.
FCyÉ 2 387-388 Competencies: adherence to legality and sense of Argues about the consequences of a) Definition of the concept of democracy
justice • understanding and appreciation for non-compliance with norms and laws b) Discussion on the consequences derived from
democracy that regulate coexistence, promoting breaking the law
Scope: classroom their compliance. c) Reflection on the importance of laws

English 2 426-427 Social practice: carrying out certain transactions.

Functions: describing means of transportation. Giving and following directions.
Week from ____ of ____________________________ to ____ of ____________________________ Teacher's signature _______________ Director's signature ______________

Yes TO Lesson P. TO. YO. Program organization Expected learning Didactic guidelines
26 Spanish 6 90-91 Topic for reflection: characteristics Communicate ideas, feelings, and events a) Identification of the data that must be recorded on the
and function of personal letters to others through letters. envelope of a letter
Scope: social participation b) Ordering the paragraphs of a letter
7 92-93 Topic for reflection: characteristics of Completes data forms efficiently to a) Identification of a form
the forms for opening an email obtain service. b) Preparation of a form
account Scope: social participation
Math 6 176-177 Axis: shape, space and measurement Explains the characteristics of various a) Assembling figures
Topic: figures and bodies Content: geometric bodies (number of faces, b) Identification of faces, edges, etc., in a previously
anticipation and verification of edges, etc.), uses formal language. assembled geometric body
geometric configurations that allow
the construction of a geometric body
natural 4 246-247 Competence: understanding the Describes various manifestations of a) Reflection on energy transformation and its uses
Sciences scope and limitations of science and energy: movement, light, sound, heat and b) Identification of types of energy and importance for
technology in various contexts electricity, and their transformations in daily life
the environment • argues the
implications of the use of alternative
sources of energy in human activities, and
their importance for caring for the
Geography 3 292-293 Axis: economical components Distinguish differences between a) Understanding the concept of globalization
Competition: reflection of responsible consumption and b) Case analysis
socioeconomic differences consumerism in different countries c) Research on globalization
around the world.
History 3 340-341 Competency: understanding Identifies the economic and political a) Spatial and temporal location of the Byzantine Empire
historical time and space characteristics of the Byzantine Empire b) Identification of its characteristics
Areas: political • economic and its importance for the diffusion of c) Investigation of their cultural contributions
culture between East and West •
distinguishes the importance of the
Crusades for the development of trade
and cultural exchange between Europe
and Asia.
FCyÉ 3 389-390 Competencies: adherence to legality Appreciate the strengths of a democratic a) Identification of the powers of the Nation and their
and sense of justice • understanding government. function
and appreciation for democracy b) Discussion about the importance of the Mexican State
Scope: classroom being governed by three powers

English 2 426-427 Social practice: carrying out certain transactions.
Functions: describing means of transportation. Giving and following directions

Week from ____ of ____________________________ to ____ of ____________________________ Teacher's signature _______________ Director's signature ______________

Y TO Lesson P. TO. YO. Program organization Expected learning Didactic guidelines

2 Spanish 8 94-95 Topic for reflection: indexicals (here, Identify words and expressions that a) Inference of the meaning of deictic s from its context
7 there, here, there, etc.) express time and space in personal b) Sorting by grammatical category
Scope: social participation letters: here, there, in that place, c) Use of deictics in texts
yesterday, next week, etc.
Math 8 180-181 Axis: shape, space and measurement Solve problems in which it is necessary a) Calculation of the volume of rectangular prisms
Topic: measurement to calculate any of the variables of the b) Resolution of problems related to the volume of prisms
Content: calculation of the volume of formulas to obtain the volume of
prisms by counting units cubes, prisms and pyramids. Establish
variation relationships between these
natural 5 248-249 Competencies: understanding of the It describes the basic components of a) Knowledge of the elements of the Universe and some of its
Sciences scope and limitations of science and the Universe and argues the characteristics
technology in various contexts • importance of the contributions of b) Knowledge of the stars of the Solar System
understanding of the scope and technical development in its c) Model development
limitations of science and knowledge.
technological development in various
Geography 3 292-293 Axis: economical components Distinguish differences between a) Understanding the concept of globalization
Competition: reflection of responsible consumption and b) Case analysis
socioeconomic differences consumerism in different countries c) Research on globalization
around the world.
History 4 342-343 Competencies: understanding of It indicates the origin, characteristics a) Geographic location of the territories where Islam expanded
historical time and space • and expansion of Islamic civilization.
management of historical
Scope: cultural
FCyÉ 4 391-392 Competencies: adherence to legality Explains the mechanisms of citizen a) Reflection on the importance of modifying the laws of a
and sense of justice • understanding participation that strengthen society
and appreciation for democracy democratic life. b) Legal mechanisms to participate in changing the laws of
Scope: transversal society
English 3 428-429 Social practice: carrying out certain transactions.
Functions: asking for and giving directions. Describing location.

Week from ____ of ____________________________ to ____ of ____________________________ Teacher's signature _______________ Director's signature ______________

Y TO Lesson P. TO. YO. Program organization Expected learning Didactic guidelines

2 Spanish 9 96-97 Topic for reflection: way of expressing time and Identify words and expressions that a) Arrangement of spatial and time indexicals
8 space in cards express time and space in personal by their grammatical category
Scope: social participation letters: here, there, in that place, b) Use of deictics that indicate time and space
yesterday, next week.
Math 9 182-183 Axis: information management Topic: Solve problems that involve comparing a) Approach to everyday situations in which
proportionality and functions Content: comparison two or more ratios. two ratios are compared
of ratios of the type “for each n , m ”, through b) Identification of procedures to solve
various procedures and, in simple cases, expression problems that involve the comparison of
of the value of the ratio through a number of times, ratios
a fraction or a percentage
10 184-185 Axis: information management Topic: Solve problems that involve comparing a) Problem solving
proportionality and functions Content: comparison two or more ratios. b) Identification of procedures to solve
of ratios of the type “for each n , m ”, through problems that involve the comparison of
various procedures and, in simple cases, expression ratios
of the value of the ratio through a number of times,
a fraction or a percentage
natural 6 250-251 Competencies: understanding of the scope and Applies skills, attitudes and values of a) Search for information and use of reliable
Sciences limitations of science and technology in various basic scientific training during the sources
contexts • understanding of the scope and planning, development, b) Presentation of results
limitations of science and technological communication and evaluation of a c) Obtaining conclusions from the modules
development in various contexts project of interest in which the worked
contents of the block are integrated.
Geography 4 294-295 Axis: economical components Recognizes socioeconomic differences a) Understanding GDP and quality of life indices
Competition: reflection of socioeconomic in the world, based on the Gross b) Identification of countries with a greater or
differences Domestic Product per inhabitant, lesser degree of development
employment, schooling and health.
History 5 344 Competence: formation of a historical Identify some features of the cultures a) General overview of the situation in India,
consciousness for coexistence of Asia from the 5th to the 15th China and Japan during the Middle Ages
Scope: political • cultural century and their contributions to the b) Valuation of the legacy of Asian cultures
FCyÉ 5 393 Competencies: adherence to legality and sense of Explains the mechanisms of citizen a) Reflection on the importance of modifying
justice • understanding and appreciation for participation that strengthen the laws of a society
democracy democratic life. b) Legal mechanisms to participate in changing
Scope: school environment and daily life the laws of society
English 3 428-429 Social practice: carrying out certain transactions.
Functions: asking for and giving directions. Describing location.


Week from ____ of ____________________________ to ____ of ____________________________ Teacher's signature _______________ Director's signature ______________

Block 5
Yes TO Lesson P. TO. YO. Program organization Expected learning Didactic guidelines
29 Spanish 1 98-99 Reflection topic: graphic organization Interpret figurative language when a) Understanding poems
(verse and prose) and topics that address reading poems. b) Comparison of a poem and a literary text
different types of poems c) Writing a poem
Scope: literature
Math 1 186-187 Axis: number sense and algebraic Solve problems using the greatest a) Understanding the concepts common divisor and common
thinking common divisor and the least multiple
Topic: numbers and number systems common multiple. b) Search for divisors and common multiples of several
Contents: determination of divisors or numbers
multiples common to several numbers •
identification, in simple cases, of the least
common multiple and the greatest
common divisor
natural 1 252-253 Competencies: understanding of natural Applies skills, attitudes and values a) Selection of the topic
Sciences phenomena and processes from a of basic scientific training during b) Identification of questions
scientific perspective • making informed the planning, development, c) Search for information and reliable sources
decisions to care for the environment and communication and evaluation of
promote health oriented to the culture of a project of interest in which it
prevention integrates course contents.
Geography 1 296-297 Thematic axis: quality of life, Recognizes factors that affect the a) Recognition of the conditions inherent to a good quality of
environment and disaster prevention quality of life of the population in life
Competence: participation in the space the world. b) Analysis of the components of an adequate quality of life
where one lives c) Discussion of proposals to improve the quality of life
History 1 345 Competencies: understanding of Describe the causes that favored a) Assessment of the impact of commerce on the resurgence
historical time and space • handling of the growth of cities. of urban life
historical information b) Identification of the conditions that favor trade
Areas: economic • social • cultural
FCyÉ 1 394-395 Competencies: conflict management and Participates in conflict resolution, a) Identification of causes and consequences of conflicts
resolution • social and political taking into consideration the b) Analysis and proposals for conflict resolution
participation opinions of others and using
Scope: classroom negotiation and mediation
English 1 430-431 Social practice: establishing and maintaining social contacts.
Function: expressing opinions and making predictions.

Week from ____ of ____________________________ to ____ of ____________________________ Teacher's signature _______________ Director's signature ______________

Y TO Lesson P. TO. YO. Program organization Expected learning Didactic guidelines

30 Spanish 1 98-99 Reflection topic: graphic organization (verse and prose) Interpret figurative language when reading a) Understanding poems
and topics that address different types of poems. Scope: poems. b) Comparison of a poem and a literary text
literature c) Writing a poem
Math 2 188-189 Axis: number sense and algebraic thinking Solve problems using the greatest common a) Problem solving
Topic: numbers and number systems divisor and the least common multiple. b) Search for divisors and common multiples of
Contents: determination of divisors or multiples common several numbers
to several numbers • identification, in simple cases, of the
least common multiple and the greatest common divisor
3 190-191 Axis: number sense and algebraic thinking Solve problems that involve identifying the a) Solving problems with arithmetic or geometric
Topic: numbers and number systems regularity of sequences with arithmetic, progression
Content: identification and application of the regularity of geometric or special progression. b) Identification of geometric or arithmetic
sequences with figures, which have arithmetic or regularities
geometric progression, as well as special sequences
natural 2 254-255 Competencies: understanding of natural phenomena and Applies skills, attitudes and values of basic a) Selection of the topic
Sciences processes from a scientific perspective • making informed scientific training during the planning, b) Identification of questions
decisions to care for the environment and promote health development, communication and c) Search for information and reliable sources
oriented to the culture of prevention evaluation of a project of interest in which it
integrates course contents.
Geography 1 296-297 Thematic axis: quality of life, environment and disaster Recognizes factors that affect the quality of a) Recognition of the conditions inherent to a good
prevention. Competition: participation in the space where life of the population in the world. quality of life
one lives b) Analysis of the components of an adequate quality
of life
c) Discussion of proposals to improve the quality of
History 1 345 Competencies: understanding of historical time and space Describe the causes that favored the growth a) Assessment of the impact of commerce on the
• management of historical information. Areas: economic of cities. resurgence of urban life
• social • cultural b) Identification of the conditions that favor trade
FCyÉ 1 394-395 Competencies: conflict management and resolution • Participates in conflict resolution, taking a) Identification of causes and consequences of
social and political participation. into consideration the opinions of others conflicts
Scope: classroom and using negotiation and mediation b) Analysis and proposals for conflict resolution
English 1 430-431 Social practice: establishing and maintaining social contacts
Function: expressing opinion and predictions

Week from ____ of ____________________________ to ____ of ____________________________ Teacher's signature _______________ Director's signature ______________

Y TO Lesson P. TO. YO. Program organization Expected learning Didactic guidelines

31 Spanish 2 100-101 Topic for reflection: types of verses: Use literary devices to express feelings a) Identification of rhyme types
rhymed and free when writing poems. b) Writing free verses and rhymed verses
Scope: literature
Math 4 192-193 Axis: number sense and algebraic thinking Solve problems that involve identifying the a) Solving problems with arithmetic or geometric progression
Topic: numbers and number systems regularity of sequences with arithmetic, b) Identification of geometric or arithmetic regularities
Content: identification and application of geometric or special progression.
the regularity of sequences with figures,
which have arithmetic or geometric
progression, as well as special sequences
natural 2 254-255 Competencies: understanding of natural Applies skills, attitudes and values of basic a) Selection of the topic
Sciences phenomena and processes from a scientific training during the planning, b) Identification of questions
scientific perspective • making informed development, communication and c) Search for information and reliable sources
decisions to care for the environment and evaluation of a project of interest in which
promote health oriented to the culture of it integrates course contents.
Geography 1 296-297 Thematic axis: quality of life, environment Recognizes factors that affect the quality of a) Recognition of the conditions inherent to a good quality of life
and disaster prevention Competence: life of the population in the world. b) Analysis of the components of an adequate quality of life
participation in the space where one lives c) Discussion of proposals to improve the quality of life
History 2 346-347 Competency: understanding historical Identify the causes of the formation of a) Location of European monarchies
time and space European monarchies. b) Identification of the living conditions of European monarchies unlike
Areas: economic • social • cultural other groups
FCyÉ 2 396-397 Competencies: conflict management and It argues about the importance of individual a) Identification of levels of government: municipal, state and federal
resolution • social and political and collective participation in conjunction b) Identification of some functions and tasks of municipal, state and
participation with authorities, to address issues of federal agencies
Scope: classroom common benefit.
English 1 430-431 Social practice: establishing and maintaining social contacts.
Function: expressing opinions and making predictions.

Week from ____ of ____________________________ to ____ of ____________________________ Teacher's signature _______________ Director's signature ______________

Y TO Lesson P. TO. YO. Program organization Expected learning Didactic guidelines

3 Spanish 2 100-101 Topic for reflection: types of verses: Use literary devices to express feelings a) Identification of rhyme types
2 rhymed and free when writing poems. b) Writing free verses and rhymed verses
Scope: literature
Math 5 194-195 Axis: number sense and algebraic Solve problems that involve a) Resolution of partition or distribution type problems
thinking multiplying or dividing fractional or b) Exploring some paths before handling the conventional
Topic: multiplicative problems decimal numbers with natural algorithm to find decimal quotients
Content: resolution of problems that numbers.
involve dividing a fractional or
decimal number by a natural number
natural 3 256-257 Competencies: understanding of Applies skills, attitudes and values of a) Preparation of action plan
Sciences natural phenomena and processes basic scientific training during the b) Calendaring
from a scientific perspective • making planning, development, c) Consultation of sources
informed decisions to care for the communication and evaluation of a d) Preparation of report
environment and promote health project of interest in which it
oriented to the culture of prevention integrates course contents.
Geography 2 298-299 Thematic axis: quality of life, Appreciate the world's challenges to a) Preparation of an essay on global warming
environment and disaster prevention improve the environment. b) Image analysis
Competition: participation in the c) Proposals to solve environmental problems
space where one lives
History 3 348-349 Competencies: understanding of Explain the economic consequences of a) Identification of events that preceded the fall of
historical time and space • the fall of Constantinople Constantinople
management of historical b) Discussion about why the fall of Constantinople marked the
information end of the Middle Ages
Areas: political • economic
FCyÉ 2 396-397 Competencies: conflict management It argues about the importance of a) Identification of levels of government: municipal, state and
and resolution • social and political individual and collective participation federal
participation in conjunction with authorities, to b) Identification of some functions and tasks of municipal,
Scope: classroom address issues of common benefit. state and federal agencies
English 2 432-433 Social practice: establishing and maintaining social contacts.
Function: making predictions about the future.

Week from ____ of ____________________________ to ____ of ____________________________ Teacher's signature _______________ Director's signature ______________

Y TO Lesson P. TO. YO. Program organization Expected learning Didactic guidelines

3 Spanish 3 102-103 Reflection topic: synthesis of Hierarchizes information in a text a) Identification of the parts of a text
3 information without losing the based on established criteria. b) Classification of the parts of a text by their importance
original meaning
Scope: social participation
Math 6 196-197 Axis: number sense and algebraic Solve problems that involve a) Resolution of partition or distribution type problems
thinking multiplying or dividing fractional or b) Exploring some paths before handling the conventional
Topic: multiplicative problems decimal numbers with natural algorithm to find decimal quotients
Content: resolution of problems that numbers.
involve dividing a fractional or
decimal number by a natural number
natural 4 258-259 Competencies: understanding of Applies skills, attitudes and values of a) Preparation of action plan
Sciences natural phenomena and processes basic scientific training during the b) Calendaring
from a scientific perspective • making planning, development, c) Consultation of sources
informed decisions to care for the communication and evaluation of a d) Preparation of report
environment and promote health project of interest in which it
oriented to the culture of prevention integrates course contents.
Geography 2 298-299 Thematic axis: quality of life, Appreciate the world's challenges to a) Preparation of an essay on global warming
environment and disaster prevention improve the environment. b) Image analysis
Competition: participation in the c) Proposals to solve environmental problems
space where one lives
History 4 350 Competencies: understanding of Describes the characteristics of art, a) Image analysis
historical time and space • culture, science and the influence of b) Identification of the characteristics of the Renaissance
management of historical humanism during the early Modern c) Research of biographies and preparation of summary
information Age.
Areas: political • economic
FCyÉ 3 398-399 Competencies: conflict management Compare the information from various a) Identification of various sources of government
and resolution • social and political sources about the government's b) Recovery of own experiences
participation actions in response to citizen demands.
Scope: classroom
English 2 432-433 Social practice: establishing and maintaining social contacts.
Function: making predictions about the future.

Week from ____ of ____________________________ to ____ of ____________________________ Teacher's signature _______________ Director's signature ______________

Y TO Lesson P. TO. YO. Program organization Expected learning Didactic guidelines

3 Spanish 3 102-103 Reflection topic: synthesis of Hierarchizes information in a text a) Identification of the parts of a text
4 information without losing the based on established criteria. b) Classification of the parts of a text by their importance
original meaning
Scope: social participation
Math 7 198-199 Axis: shape, space and measurement Solve problems that involve calculating a) Identification of geometric figures
Topic: measurement any of the variables in the formulas to b) Comparison in tables of the perimeter and area of polygons
Contents: assembly and disassembly calculate the perimeter and area of
of figures into different ones • regular triangles, quadrilaterals, and
analysis and comparison of the area polygons. Explain the relationship that
and perimeter of the original figure exists between the perimeter and area
and the one obtained of figures.
natural 4 258-259 Competencies: understanding of Applies skills, attitudes and values of a) Preparation of action plan
Sciences natural phenomena and processes basic scientific training during the b) Calendaring
from a scientific perspective • making planning, development, c) Consultation of sources
informed decisions to care for the communication and evaluation of a d) Preparation of report
environment and promote health project of interest in which it
oriented to the culture of prevention integrates course contents.
Geography 2 298-299 Thematic axis: quality of life, Appreciate the world's challenges to a) Preparation of an essay on global warming
environment and disaster prevention improve the environment. b) Image analysis
Competition: participation in the c) Proposals to solve environmental problems
space where one lives
History 5 351-353 Competencies: understanding of Compare the different conceptions of a) Observation of exploration routes on a map
historical time and space • the universe and the world to explain b) Spatial and temporal location
management of historical the way in which scientific and c) Documentary research. Resources: atlas, SEP History book,
information • formation of historical technological advances favored school library books, internet
awareness for coexistence voyages of exploration.
Areas: political • economic
FCyÉ 3 398-399 Competencies: conflict management Compare the information from various a) Identification of diverse sources of government
and resolution • social and political sources about the government's b) Recovery of own experiences
participation actions in response to citizen demands.
Scope: classroom
English 2 432-433 Social practice: establishing and maintaining social contacts.
Function: making predictions about the future.

Week from ____ of ____________________________ to ____ of ____________________________ Teacher's signature _______________ Director's signature ______________

Y TO Lesson P. TO. YO. Program organization Expected learning Didactic guidelines

3 Spanish 4 104-105 Reflection topic: structure and Organize a text by thematic sections. a) Description of experiences in writing
5 function of albums (sections, b) Text comprehension
chapters, sections) c) Narration of anecdotes
Scope: social participation d) Planning the structure of the album
Math 8 200-201 Axis: shape, space and measurement Solve problems that involve calculating a) Identification of geometric figures
Topic: measurement any of the variables in the formulas to b) Observation of the variation of the perimeter and area of
Contents: assembly and disassembly calculate the perimeter and area of polygons when changing the length of their sides
of figures into different ones • regular triangles, quadrilaterals, and
analysis and comparison of the area polygons. Explain the relationship that
and perimeter of the original figure exists between the perimeter and area
and the one obtained of figures.
natural 5 260-261 Competencies: understanding of Applies skills, attitudes and values of a) Project planning
Sciences natural phenomena and processes basic scientific training during the b) Search for information and use of reliable sources
from a scientific perspective • making planning, development, c) Presentation of results
informed decisions to care for the communication and evaluation of a
environment and promote health project of interest in which it
oriented to the culture of prevention integrates course contents.
Geography 3 300-301 Thematic axis: quality of life, Recognizes social and economic a) Identification of risk types
environment and disaster prevention differences that affect the mitigation of b) Analysis of actions in the event of disasters
Competition: participation in the disasters in the world. c) Identification of risks in the locality
space where one lives d) Preparation of risk map
History 5 351-353 Competencies: understanding of Compare the different conceptions of a) Observation of exploration routes on a map
historical time and space • the Universe and the world to explain b) Spatial and temporal location
management of historical the way in which scientific and c) Documentary research. Resources: atlas, SEP History book,
information • formation of historical technological advances favored school library books, internet
awareness for coexistence voyages of exploration.
Areas: political • economic
FCyÉ 4 400-401 Competencies: conflict management It proposes organization and a) Investigation of social organization strategies
and resolution • social and political participation strategies in the face of b) Identification of strategies to avoid conflicts
participation unfavorable social conditions or c) Understanding the concepts of dialogue and empathy
Scope: transversal situations that put personal and
collective integrity at risk.
English 3 434-435 Social practice: establishing and maintaining social contacts.
Function: exchanging information about future events.

Week from ____ of ____________________________ to ____ of ____________________________ Teacher's signature _______________ Director's signature ______________

Y TO Lesson P. TO. YO. Program organization Expected learning Didactic guidelines

3 Spanish 4 104-105 Reflection topic: structure and Organize a text by thematic sections. a) Description of experiences in writing
6 function of albums (sections, b) Text comprehension
chapters, sections) c) Narration of anecdotes
Scope: social participation d) Planning the structure of the album
Math 9 202-203 Axis: information management Solve problems that involve comparing a) Approach to everyday situations in which two reasons are
Topic: proportionality and functions two or more ratios. compared
Content: resolution of ratio b) Identification of procedures to solve problems that involve
comparison problems, based on the comparison of ratios
equivalence c) Problem solving
natural 9 202-203 Axis: information management Solve problems that involve comparing a) Approach to everyday situations in which two reasons are
Sciences Topic: proportionality and functions two or more ratios. compared
Content: resolution of ratio b) Identification of procedures to solve problems that involve
comparison problems, based on the comparison of ratios
equivalence c) Problem solving
Geography 3 300-301 Thematic axis: quality of life, Recognizes social and economic a) Identification of risk types
environment and disaster prevention differences that affect the mitigation of b) Analysis of actions in the event of disasters
Competition: participation in the disasters in the world. c) Identification of risks in the locality
space where one lives d) Preparation of risk map
History 6 354-355 Competencies: understanding of It recognizes the significance of the a) Activation of prior knowledge
historical time and space • meeting of America and Europe, as b) Analysis of an image
management of historical well as its consequences. c) Reflection on the causes and consequences of the discovery
information of America
Areas: political • economic e) Research and preparation of summary
FCyÉ 5 402-403 Competencies: conflict management Participates in conflict resolution, takes a) Identification of causes and consequences of conflicts
and resolution • social and political into consideration the opinions of b) Analysis and proposals for conflict resolution
participation others and uses negotiation and
Scope: school environment and daily mediation mechanisms.
English 3 434-435 Social practice: establishing and maintaining social contacts.
Function: exchanging information about future events.


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