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Minimum Standard Test Report

Minimum Standard Numeracy

Flynn Poppleton
sat the Minimum Standard Numeracy test on 23/06/2022 and demonstrated achievement at

Level 4
Individuals performing at this level typically:
select appropriate strategies from a range of mathematical processes and apply them in a
range of contexts
extract, interpret and comprehend mathematical information in written material, tables,
diagrams, charts and spreadsheets
use fractions, decimals and percentages, and apply ratio, rates and proportion
interpret and use routine formulae and algebraic representations
calculate using positive and negative numbers, and use numbers expressed as roots and
use averages and simple measures of spread, and interpret information from maps including
scales, travel distances, speeds and times
calculate and interpret dimensions, quantities and costs, and convert quantities to metric and
non-metric units
understand and use 2 and 3 dimensional (2D and 3D) shapes and objects, including compound
use knowledge about chance and probability to estimate and interpret the outcomes of
common chance events

Level 3 is the minimum standard required for a student to be eligible for the NSW Higher School Certificate
Student Number: 37562157
Issued by NSW Education Standards Authority without alteration or erasure on 23/06/2022
at Sydney, NSW, Australia
Minimum Standard Numeracy Test Report
Flynn Poppleton
sat the Minimum Standard Numeracy test on 23/06/2022 and demonstrated achievement at

Level 4

Level 4
Individuals performing at this level typically select appropriate strategies from a range of mathematical processes
and apply them in a range of contexts. They extract, interpret and comprehend mathematical information in written
material, tables, diagrams, charts and spreadsheets. They use fractions, decimals and percentages, and apply ratio,
rates and proportion. They interpret and use routine formulae and algebraic representations. They calculate using
positive and negative numbers, and use numbers expressed as roots and powers. They use averages and simple
measures of spread, and interpret information from maps including scales, travel distances, speeds and times.
They calculate and interpret dimensions, quantities and costs, and convert quantities to metric and non-metric
units. They understand and use 2 and 3 dimensional (2D and 3D) shapes and objects, including compound shapes.
They use knowledge about chance and probability to estimate and interpret the outcomes of common chance

Level 3 (Minimum standard)

Individuals performing at this level typically select appropriate strategies from a variety of everyday mathematical
processes in familiar and some less familiar contexts. They interpret and comprehend mathematical information in
written material, diagrams, charts and tables. They use large whole numbers in words and figures, and understand
and convert routine fractions, decimals and percentages, and apply rates. They use and apply order of arithmetical
operations to solve multi-step calculations. They describe, compare and interpret the likelihood of everyday chance
events. They interpret and comprehend dates and time, including 24 hour time. They identify and estimate common
angles, and understand and calculate familiar metric measurements for length, mass, volume, temperature and
simple area. They use scales and keys to read everyday maps and plans. They understand and use common 2 and 3
dimensional (2D and 3D) shapes and objects.

Level 2
Individuals performing at this level typically select appropriate methods with one or two familiar mathematical
steps to solve problems. They identify and interpret simple mathematical information in written material, diagrams,
charts and tables. They use whole numbers into the 1000s and simple everyday fractions, decimals and
percentages. They perform simple calculations to add, subtract, multiply and divide. They identify and interpret
analog and digital times and dates. They identify and interpret simple measures of length, mass, volume and
temperature, and use simple measuring devices. They use knowledge of direction and simple coordinates to read
simple maps and plans. They recognise and use common 2 dimensional (2D) shapes and some common 3
dimensional (3D) shapes and objects.

Level 1
Individuals performing at this level typically locate and recognise mathematical information in simple written
material. They understand place value and recognise and compare whole number amounts into the 100s. They add
and subtract simple whole number amounts and familiar monetary amounts in real-life contexts. They compare
information and data in highly familiar simple texts, lists, tables, charts, diagrams and graphs. They recognise
analog and digital times. They recognise familiar 2 dimensional (2D) shapes and objects. They identify and use
basic measurement tools appropriately. They compare basic metric measurements and quantities such as length
and time. They give and follow simple directions.

For further information on the HSC minimum standard, including resources for developing literacy and numeracy skills,
go to the NSW Education Standards Authority website
Minimum Standard Numeracy Feedback
This feedback provides information about the performance of Flynn Poppleton on this test. The feedback is
representative of overall performance; information is not provided for every question attempted. Below is information
about questions answered correctly and incorrectly by level and focus area.
The performance of Flynn Poppleton on this test was in the lower range of Level 4
Answered correctly
Level Focus Area Description
4 Algebra Explains any simple relationship or pattern
4 Algebra Interprets and uses simple formulae that describe relationships between variables
4 Data Identifies and compares information and data in diagrams
4 Data Identifies and compares information and data in graphs - column graph
4 Data Interprets tables
4 Measurement Calculates quantities, including areas and volumes, using relevant routine formulae
4 Number Interprets and flexibly uses fractions
4 Number Interprets and uses familiar decimals
4 Number Interprets and uses familiar percentages
4 Number Interprets and uses familiar percentages - expresses one amount as percentage of
4 Number Interprets and uses familiar percentages - percentage loss
4 Number Interprets and uses familiar percentages - percentage of amount
4 Number Performs a range of calculations to multiply and divide
4 Number Performs a range of calculations to subtract and multiply
4 Number Uses and applies order of arithmetical operations to solve multi-step calculations
3 Number Interprets and uses familiar fractions - calculates fraction of amount
3 Number Performs a range of calculations to add, subtract, multiply and divide

Answered incorrectly
Level Focus Area Description
4 Algebra Explains any simple relationship or pattern
4 Data Identifies and compares information and data in graphs - sector graph
4 Data Interprets simple charts - sector graph
4 Data Understands sampling in data collection
4 Measurement Calculates elapsed time
4 Measurement Calculates quantities, including areas and volumes, using relevant routine formulae
4 Number Interprets and flexibly uses fractions and decimals including their equivalent values
4 Number Interprets and uses numbers given in index notation
4 Number Selects appropriate methods of solution from a range of mathematical processes
4 Number Uses and applies ratio
4 Space Describes common 2D shapes in terms of angle properties, symmetry and similarity

Student number: 37562157 Date: 23/06/2022

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