001 - Leaving The Shipwreck

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Topic No.

001: Leaving the Shipwreck Date: November 21, 2005

BIBLE PASSAGE : Acts 27:39-44

When it was day, they did not recognize the land, but they saw an
inlet that had a beach, in which they agreed to beach the ship, if
they could.40 So cutting off the anchors, they left them in the sea,
also loosening the ropes from the rudder; and hoisting the headsail
to the wind, they headed towards the beach. 41 But hitting a place
with two waters, they ran the ship aground; and the bow, stuck,
remained motionless, and the stern opened with the violence of the
sea.42 Then the soldiers agreed to kill the prisoners, so that none
would escape by swimming.43 But the centurion, wanting to save
Paul, prevented them from this attempt, and ordered those who
could swim to lie down first and go ashore; 44 and the rest, part in
tables, part in things of the ship. And so it came to pass that they
were all saved by going ashore.

Our life is in a continuous navigation through this world towards eternity, but to
reach our long-awaited destination we have to go through many difficulties in our
Christian journey. The Word of God teaches us this: “We must enter the kingdom
of God through many tribulations” (Acts 16:22b). The Lord Jesus also warned this
by saying: “in the world you will have trouble”; but despite all this He Himself
assures us of victory saying: “but take heart, I have overcome the world.” (John
16:31). Surely you have gone through moments of anguish, trial, illness, economic
scarcity, etc., but the Lord has delivered you from all of them and although these
difficult situations will surely come to your life again, the same one who delivered
you and helped you before He will continue to do so because He is the same
yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8).
How can we prepare for the future when difficult times come? What attitude are we
going to have? Let us look through this study at the example of Paul's shipwreck
and contemplate the events that occurred in this exciting story to give it spiritual
application to our own lives.

THE JOURNEY (Acts 27:1-12)

Paul was traveling to Italy, as a prisoner for the Gospel of Jesus Christ; He was
accompanied by other prisoners, possibly including Luke the writer of Acts, since
he uses the first person plural. The trip was by sea in a boat where there were 276
people (v. 37).

Application: We are on a boat, the boat of the Gospel; The typical sea of the
world makes us understand that although we are in the boat we are still in this
world and there are many obstacles that we still have to overcome; Furthermore,
we are not going alone, our family is with us. We cannot reach the kingdom of God
alone, our family must go with us, “I and my house will serve the Lord” (Joshua
24:15). Your children need to know about God, your husband needs to be free,
your wife, your parents; the promise is still valid: “Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ
and you and your house will be saved” (Acts 16:31). The chains will be broken, the
prison bars will open, prayer will shake the lives of our family, Hallelujah!


After sailing for a while and the weather was not favorable, arriving at the island of
Crete, Paul advised the centurion who was guarding them not to set sail yet
because they would suffer loss of the ship and their own lives, but the centurion
gave more credit to the pilot. than to Paul.

Application: When God speaks to you through a counselor or pastor and tells you
not to do this or that, not to continue down that path, not to make that decision,

Luis Fernando Hernandez

Topic No. 001: Leaving the Shipwreck Date: November 21, 2005

listen to God's voice or then you will have to suffer the consequences of your

THE STORM (v.27:13)

It is necessary that problems come because they are what make us depend on
Our situation should not influence our relationship with God: “I know how to live in
abundance, I know how to live in scarcity,” Paul said.
What to do when the storm comes to our life and wants to sink our boat? There are
several things we see in this passage:

1) A hurricane called Euroclidon comes against the ship . (v.14) Your

problem may have a very terrible name, but it does not matter what the name
of your problem is, of your illness, because Jesus Christ is the Name above
every name that is named. , not only in this century but in the one to come. Efe
yes ios 1:21 .

2) “They lowered their sails and were left adrift” (v.17). Let us not fight with
our own strength, it is time to lower the sails and let the Lord take us wherever
He wants to take us, because wherever He takes us we will be safe.

Illustration: Did you know that an eagle knows when a storm is approaching
long before it starts? The eagle will fly to a high place to wait for the winds to
come. When the storm hits, he places his wings so that the wind can grab them
and carry him above the storm. While the storm is raging below, the eagle flies
above it. The eagle does not escape from the storm. Simply uses the storm to
rise higher. He gets up in the winds that bring the storm.

When the storms of life come upon us – and all of us will go through it – we can
rise above it by turning our minds and our faith toward God. The storms do not
have to pass over us. We can let the power of God lift us above them. God
allows us to go with the wind of the storm that brings illness, tragedy, and
other things into our lives. We can fly above the storm. Remember, it is not the
weights of life that carry us down, but how we handle them.

The Bible says, Isaiah 40:31 – "But those who wait for the Lord will renew their
strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles; they will run and will not
be weary; they will walk and will not be weary."

3. v. 18. They threw the loads from the boat to lighten the ship: It is
necessary to leave the loads to the Lord, to strip us of all weight and of the sin
that besieges us (Heb. 12:1). “Casting all your anxiety on him, because he
cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7.

4. And with neither sun nor stars appearing for many days, and harassed
by no small storm, we had already lost all hope of being saved. (v.20):
Sometimes it seems that everything becomes darker and that the more we
pray things become more difficult. But that is where God is to extend his hand
even if the water is up to the neck as happened to Peter.

5. (v.22-25). God assures us victory over trials, because while some faint others
are praying like Paul, to whom the angel of the Lord confirmed the survival of
all those who were in the ship. This is where prayer plays an important role,
because your family will not be lost if you are praying for them, because they
are in your boat and God has given them to you for salvation.

Luis Fernando Hernandez

Topic No. 001: Leaving the Shipwreck Date: November 21, 2005

6. (vv30-31). There are many who in the midst of difficulties want to flee and get
away from the boat, but as Paul said: “If these do not remain in the ship you
cannot be saved”, likewise, if we do not remain inside the ship of salvation we
cannot be saved. It is necessary that we not go back because the world is going
to drown us.

7. (v.33) Paul exhorted everyone to eat, because they had fasted for 14 days. Oh
brother, it is necessary to feed ourselves on the Word of God, it is what
produces faith in those moments of trial to have good spirits and learn to trust
in the Lord.

8. Finally it seems that everything is being resolved, when dawn breaks they can
see solid land, hope returns; But when everything seems better, the boat falls
into a two-sided place and begins to break up. This reminds me of the cross of
Calvary, when the followers of Jesus had placed their hope in Him and now they
saw how the hope of salvation was dying on a cross. They saw how that boat
was broken, whipped by Roman whips, nailed hand and foot, buried in a tomb
with guards guarding him; but when everything was supposedly lost, the good
news arrives: He has risen! He rose from the dead in victory.

The devil wanted to destroy him, and thus destroy all those who trusted him;
but just as the passengers of the boat held on to boards and parts of the ship,
hold on to the hand of the Lord, take the shield of faith, the word of God, take
hold of eternal life, swim in the river of God and He will guide you to a safe
place where you can be safe.

Luis Fernando Hernandez

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