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Genuine Student Statement Guidelines:

Your Genuine Student Statement (GSS) should be completed in the template below. You are required to respond to BOTH the ‘yes/no’
questions in Section 1 AND the written questions in Section 2. Your written responses are limited to 1000 characters, including
punctuation and spaces. Guidelines have been provided to assist you to write your responses in Table 1.
Your responses must be typed, not handwritten.


• be within the character limit. Each written response is limited to 1000 characters (including punctuation and spaces).
• be specific and to the point. Do not waste words on irrelevant information.
• be accompanied by supporting documents that provide evidence for ALL claims made in your responses.
• label and list all supporting documentation in order of reference Section 3. You can add lines to the table for additional
Nest steps

When you have completed writing all sections of the form, including the financial matrix, scan or combine the documentation with
your GSS and financial matrix on top and your supporting documents in the order they are listed and upload it as a single document.
By uploading your document, you are declaring that you agree with all terms listed in Section 4.

Section 1: General responses.

Answer each of these questions by ticking the appropriate checkbox:
# Question Yes No
1 Have you previously studied in Australia?
2 If you answered ‘yes’ to question 1, did you complete your previous course?
3 If you answer ‘no’ to question 2, explain why you did not complete. (Write ‘NA’ if this does not apply)

4 Do you currently hold an Australian visa, or have you held an Australian visa in the past?
5 If you answered ‘yes’ to question 4, please list the type and class of visa you hold and the date it expires

6 Have you ever had a visa refusal or visa cancellation for Australia or any other country?
7 If you answered ‘yes’ to question 6, please provide details about the visa refusal or cancellation. (Write ‘NA’ if you have
never had a visa refusal or cancellation).

8 Do you understand the conditions attached to the Australian Student Visa (500 class) and agree to comply
with each of these if you are granted a student visa?
9 Do you have relatives in Australia?
10 If you answered ‘yes’ to question 9, give details.
You should tell us what relationship they are to you and whether they are a visa holder or Australia citizen/PR. (Write ‘NA’
if you do not have relatives in Australia).

11 Are you married?

12 Do you have dependent children?

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# Question Yes No
13 If you answered ‘yes’ to question 11 and/or 12, do you intend for your spouse/children to accompany you to
14 Do you have military service commitments in your home country or any other country you have an obligation
15 Is your proposed course related to your previous study or employment?
16 Will completing this degree at Southern Cross University enhance your employment opportunities in your
home country (i.e. increased salary, higher level position?)
17 Do you understand the total cost of your tuition fees, accommodation and living expenses for the duration of
your study in Australia?
18 Do you have sufficient funds available to cover the expenses listed in question 17, without reliance on paid
employment in Australia or financial support
19 Do you have any gaps in study that exceed 6 months (for offshore students) or 2 months (for onshore
20 If you answered ‘yes’ to question 19, please explain the reason for the gap and what you were doing during the gap. (Write
‘NA’ if you do not have study gaps).

For applicants under 18 years of age (go to Section 2 if this does not apply)

Question Yes No
21 Are you under 18 years of age (at the time of application)?
22 If you are granted a student visa, will you be under the age of 18 years when you commence your study (the
start date on your CoE?)
23 If you answered yes to question 22, please explain your planned living arrangements, i.e. you will be accompanied by a
parent/legal guardian on a Student Guardian visa who will manage your welfare and accommodation; or you be
unaccompanied and your parent/legal guardian will request Southern Cross University to manage your accommodation and
welfare arrangements.

Section 2: Genuine Student responses.

Instructions for Section 2.

- The first 5 questions are EXACTLY what you will be asked to respond to in your Student Visa application. When we assess
your responses, we will be considering them from both a University AND visa perspective. It is essential that both the
responses AND documentation you provide to us are exactly the same as the responses and documentation you provide in
your application for a student visa.

- You must respond to ALL questions. If you have NOT previously studied in Australia, please write “Not applicable” as the
response to question 5.

- DO NOT leave question 4 blank. This is your chance to provide additional supporting information about your circumstances,
background and plans that are NOT covered in the other questions. As with the other questions, your MUST back up ALL
claims made with supporting documentation.

- All responses MUST be accompanied by supporting documentation. The supporting documentation should be clearly and
logically labelled AND listed in the supporting documents checklist.
- Claims made that are NOT backed up by supporting documentation will NOT be given significant weight when assessing your
eligibility under the Genuine Student Test.
- If you are under 18 years of age, the responses must reflect the intentions of your parent/legal guardian

- Your responses are limited to 1000 characters, including punctuation and spaces.

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- Use the table below as a guide to the type of information you should consider in your responses.

Table 1: Guidance for responses

Ques Focus What you must talk about

1 Your current You MUST comment on and provide evidence of your family, social, cultural, religious, and
circumstances financial/economic ties to your home country. You MUST support your stated ties with
documentary evidence and the evidence MUST clearly demonstrate significant incentives for
you to return to your home country upon completion of your degree.
*Attach supporting evidence for each claim
2 Why you chose Australia You MUST show that you have a good understanding of Australia and SCU and the course you
and Southern Cross will study. Talk about your course structure and any specific units that are of particular interest
University and that will benefit your future. Tell us about your campus and why you chose it.
*Attach supporting evidence for each claim
3 Benefits of this course to How is your proposed course relevant to your future employment? Show that your proposed
your future course is in demand in your home country. Demonstrate a strong career plan and how this
course will help achieve career goals. Include information and evidence of your return on
investment (ROI) and the economic benefits this course will provide you when you complete.
*Attach supporting evidence for each claim
4 Other relevant Do not leave this section blank. This is your opportunity to provide further relevant information
information to support your application. You should concentrate on demonstrating how you are a genuine
student and show us how much you know about your intended course and its impact in your
future. *Attach supporting evidence for each claim
5 Australian study history Give specific details about ALL study you have previously undertaken in Australia, including
when you completed your course on time, whether you completed all assessment, whether
you changed courses and /or providers at any time (and explain why).
*Attach supporting evidence for each claim
6 Compare your You MUST compare your prospective salary in your home country with your prospective
prospective salary in earnings in Australia and clearly state why you have strong incentives to return to your home
your home country with country even though your prospective earnings may be higher in Australia.
Australia. *Attach supporting evidence for each claim
7 Proposed living Explain your proposed living arrangements in Australia and show evidence of research.
arrangements *Attach supporting evidence for each claim

Write your Genuine Student response to each question in the space provided below.

Remember: You MUST evidence ALL claims made with supporting documentation, which should be clearly labelled, listed in the
supporting document table below, and attached with this document.

1: Give details of your current circumstances, including ties to family, community, employment and economic circumstances.

(Max: 1000 characters). *Attach supporting evidence for each claim.

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2: Explain why you wish to study this course in Australia with Southern Cross University, including your clear understanding of the
requirements of the intended course and studying and living in Australia. (Max: 1000 characters).
*Attach supporting evidence for each claim.

3: Explain how completing this course will be of benefit to you. (Max: 1000 characters).
*Attach supporting evidence for each claim.

4: Give any other relevant details that you’d like to include. (Max: 1000 characters).
*Attach supporting evidence for each claim.

5: If you have previously studied in Australia, provide a detailed history of your study record in Australia from the first date of
arrival. (Max: 1000 characters). Note: if you have previously not studied in Australia, write “Not applicable” in the text box.
*Attach supporting evidence for each claim.

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6: Compare your prospective salary in your home country with your prospective earnings in Australia and clearly state why you
have strong incentives to return to your home country even though your prospective earnings may be higher in Australia.
*Attach supporting evidence for each claim.

7: Explain your proposed living arrangements in Australia and show evidence of research.
*Attach supporting evidence for each claim

Section 3. Supporting document checklist.

Please clearly label your documents (e.g. ‘Computer Society membership’, ‘Australian salary comparison’, ‘Evidence of tax rate in
home country’, etc.

Question Document name:

Example #2 Evidence to support return on investment (ROI) claims.
Example #3 Evidence to demonstrate that cybersecurity is in demand.
8 Additional evidence for any other claims made.

In uploading this document, I declare that I am a Genuine Student and that my intention to travel to Australia is for the purpose of
study only. I declare that the information provided in this statement and all documentation provided by me to Southern Cross
University is true and correct. I understand that my application to Southern Cross University may be denied if the University is not
satisfied that I am a Genuine Student. I understand that this statement will be considered in conjunction with other documents
provided by me, including evidence of my English Language proficiency. I understand that my application for a student visa may be
denied by the Department of Home Affairs if any of the documentation or information I have provided is fraudulent or incorrect or if
I fail the Genuine Student requirement. I understand that I am required to abide by the conditions of my student visa and that my
student visa may be cancelled by the Department of Home Affairs if I fail to abide by the conditions of my student visa.
If you are under the age of 18 years, your parent/guardian must declare the above on your behalf.

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Financial Matrix
You should indicate the source of your funds in the table below. You will be required to provide evidence of your financial
capacity in the form of bank statements, bank letters, loan disbursement letters or other acceptable documentation. All such
documentation must be certified. Please enter all amount below in Australian dollars.

Please note: Students from Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Vietnam must provide funds from
an approved bank. A list of approved banks can be found at:
institutions/ If requested, you must provide evidence of funds as follows:

Scholarship details
A Enter the amount of scholarship you have been granted for your first year $5000 or $
(if applicable). $8000
Expenses in Australia
Expenses Required funds (AUD) Total funds
B Funds required for 12 months’ tuition. First 12 months’ fees $
Funds required for the first 12 months MINUS the scholarship you have minus row A (scholarship)
been granted.
C Funds required for 12 months’ living expenses $29,710 $29,710
D Travel costs $4,000 $4,000
Add for accompanying dependents. Spouse or partner Please add $10,394 $
E (Enter 0 if none)
Per child Please add $4,449 / child $
(Enter 0 if none)
Schooling costs. Please indicate total amount for
all school aged dependents
F Where school aged children are included in your student visa
accompanying you
application, schooling costs of AUD13,502 per year for each child must be
(Enter 0 if none)
added to the amount of funds required.
Total of rows B to F TOTAL (AUD) $

Additional information
H Do you have siblings studying in Australia or overseas? Yes or No
I How many siblings do you have living at home? Exclude married siblings
J Total monthly expenses of sponsors TOTAL (local currency)

Source of funds.
Name of Sponsor Relationship to you Fund type Bank Amount
(Education Loan / Fixed Term (local currency)
Deposit / Personal Savings)

Sponsor income
Sponsor 1
Income source Amount (local currency)
Ongoing salary
Business income

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House rental income
Land rental income
Vehicle rental income
Sponsor 2
Income source Amount (local currency)
Ongoing salary
Business income
House rental income
Land rental income
Vehicle rental income

TOTAL INCOME (combined if more than 1 sponsor)

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