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1- Read and complete the text with the words in the box.

Chameleons are amazing. They are ……………………… for being able to
change the color of their skin. They are the same color as the
…………………where eyes
they are. They have amazing …………………………
and they can see all around. Most chameleons ……………………… in trees.

Last weekend, we went to Alexandria. We ……………………... in the sea which
was blue. We saw lots of fish and an ………………………... My dad caught a big
fish. My mom made the fish into a lovely …………………. We ate the meal and
had a ………………………… desert.

Sham El-Nessim is Egypt’s oldest festival. Sham El-Nessim is ……………………
by the Egyptians. It’s a festival that celebrates the start of ……………………….
dried fish
We eat …………………………. and green onions during Sham El-Nessim. We go
to the parks with our ………………………... to have picnics.

Life in the city is different from life in the country. In the city, the smoke from
the cars …………………………. noise
the stars. The ……………………... is incredibly
loud. The city is ……………………..., country
but it’s too scary. The ………………………
life is quieter and cleaner than the city.
More than half of Egyptians are under the age of 30. Egyptians are full of

………………………… They are helpful to each other. They are very friendly to

visitors hospitable
………………………… and guests. They are very ……………………… people.
………………………… people are wonderful.

Last week, I had some homework about chameleons. I ……………………….

logged into

a library website and created a password. I found information. I worked with

my ……………………... message
Yara. I sent her a ………………………. about the

information. We had a chat to plan the presentation. She did research on her

cell phone
…………………………... because she can’t use a tablet.

You should keep your password secret. You shouldn’t …………………………...

everyone your phone number. You should accept to be ………………………...

only with people you know. You should use a strong ………………………… You

should …………………………. safe online.
2- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.
1. After the accident, the ……………………. moved the man to the hospital.

a- ship b- ambulance c- bike d- skateboard

2. …………………… buses don’t make pollution.

a- Gas b- Water c- Liquid d- Electric

3. The Nile has …………………………… branches in Egypt.

a- three b- two c- six d- one

4. The Nile is home ……………………………. different kinds of fish.

a- to b- for c- in d- on

5. I like to fly ………………………..

a- kites b- books c- cheese d- balls

6. Crocodiles are the planet’s largest …………………………..

a- birds b- reptiles c- insects d- fish

7. My grandfather……………………… us last Friday.

a- smallest b- shortest c- visits d- visited

8. We ……………………. to our village last holiday.

a- go b- went c- goes d- gone

9. He fell off his bike, so he was ……………………… in mud.

a- colored b- served c- covered d- booked

10. Many years ago, my dad ……………………. a metal box in the ground.

a- buried b- crossed c- built d- walked

11. You should be careful when you ………………………… the road.

a- wash b- cross c- read d- draw

12. Mice live in …………………………. in the ground.

a- walls b- malls c- balls d- holes

13. Siwa is an amazing ………………………... in Egypt.

a- lake b- river c- forest d- oasis

14. I can’t ………………………... well because of air pollution.

a- breath e b- share c- buy d- burn

15. In some games, children need to ……………………… problems.

a- contact b- visit c- solve d- plan

16. “You look a bit green.” Means you are …………………………

a- mad b- happy c- sick d- hungry

17. Social media has pros and …………………………...

a- bags b- cons c- cartons d- reasons

18. I ate a slice of …………………………… two hours ago.

a- milk b- coffee c- pasta d- pizza

19. My mom needs a packet …………………… cookies from the supermarket.

a- on b- of c- at d- to

20. Smoking isn’t good for our health. It’s very ………………………….

a- healthy b- unhealthy c- kind d- good

21. It’s ……………………. that people can bully you online.

a- good b- scary c- nice d- interesting

22. My mom …………………………… the present to show it to me.

a- wrapped b- unwrapped c- locked d- closed

23. I love to play computer ……………………… in my free time.

a- books b- films c- games d- songs

24. Ali and Asser went to the party ……………………

a- gather b- same c- lonely d- together

25. Try to be ……………………... and think about new ideas.

a- nervous b- angry c- stupid d- creative

26. What’s the ………………………? – I have a problem.

a- date b- address c- matter d- name

27. Which is your favorite ……………………………? – A train.

a- game b- transportation c- food d- subject

28. Boats and ships are ……………………… transportation.

a- air b- water c- land d- sky

29. When I travel by bus, I’m on the ………………………….

a- road b- rail c- water d- air

30. Trains move on a / an ………………………….

a- road b- water c- rail d- air

3- Read and write the correct form of the words between brackets.
1. What ……………………………… (do) you do yesterday?
2. They …………………………… (are) eight when they traveled to Alex.
3. We …………………………… (live) here three years ago.
4. Monda ………………………… (paint) her room last year.

5. Our village ……………………. (be) very quiet in the past.
6. Were you in the class? – Yes, I ………………………… (be)

7. Was the film good? – Yes, it ……………………………

was (were)

8. There ……………………… (be) no cars in the past.

9. Did you …………………………. (goes) by plane?
10. My mother ……………………… (bakes) a cake last Sunday.

11. There are two ……………………………… (mouse) in the cage.

12. People walk on two …………………………. (foot).
13. We must brush our …………………………… (tooth).
14. They ……………………… (come) late last night.

15. The boy ate a ………………………

piece (carton) of cheese.
16. We need six …………………………. (packets) of milk.
17. Do you want a slice …………………………. (at) cake?

18. Mira had a …………………………. (bottle) of pizza.

19. He bought a ……………………. (carton) of chocolate.

20. Do you have a …………………………

bottle (bar) of water?

21. Mom ……………………………. (make) a delicious cake yesterday.
22. He ……………………………… (is) tired last week.

23. I ………………………………. (buy) a present for my friend yesterday.
24. They had ice-cream for ………………………………… (homework).

25. It was a day to ………………………… (sleep). It was a wonderful day.

26. They …………………………… (study) English with their father yesterday.

27. The cat ………………………… (eat) my fish last week.

28. Who …………………………….

won (win) the match yesterday?

29. The horse ……………………….

ran (run) fast and won the race yesterday.
30. We …………………………… (has) a party yesterday.

31. I ……………………………. (see) a plane last week.
32. She …………………………. (is) sad yesterday, but she’s happy now.
33. She …………………………. (were) a new dress last Sunday.
34. It’s a ………………………… (beauty) flower.

35. She has a ………………………. (color) dress.
36. The garden is a ………………………. (wonder) place to play in.
37. I like Hatem. He is a ………………………… (help) student.

38. Milk and cheese are very ………………………… (use) for your body.

39. You …………………………. (shouldn’t) listen to your teachers.
40. You should ………………………. (uses) a strong password.

41. You shouldn’t …………………………

talk (talks) to people you don’t know.

42. You ……………………………. (should) run at the classroom.
43. They ……………………(shouldn’t)
should keep their personal information secret.
4- Write a paragraph of 18 words about “Eid Al-Fitr”.




Any suitable answer.







5- Write a paragraph of 18 words about “The Nile River”.




Any suitable answer.






6. Read the text and answer the questions.
Last week, my mom asked me to go to the supermarket to bring her some
things that she needs in the kitchen. She wanted a bottle of oil, a bag of rice
and a packet of cookies. She also wanted to make a cake, so she needed a
carton of milk and 4 eggs. On my way back home, I fell down and dropped the
eggs. One of them broke and I had 3 eggs left.
A) Answer the following question:
1. What happened on his way home?
He fell down and dropped the eggs.
2. When did the mother asked him to go to the supermarket?
Last week
B) Write true or false:
1. His mother wanted a bottle of juice. ( F )
2. He broke one egg. ( T )
3. His mother wanted to make pizza. ( )
7. Read the text and answer the questions.
Ramadan is an Islamic festival. People fast during the day. They don’t eat or
drink till Azan Al-Maghrib. They try to do kind things and pray in mosques.
People always celebrate Ramadan by decorating the streets with bright lights
and big lanterns. Mothers always make delicious food for the Iftar.

A) Answer the following question:

1. What do the mothers always do for the Iftar?
Delicious food
2. How do people celebrate Ramadan?
By decorating the streetswith bright lights and big lanterns.
B) Write true or false:
1. Ramadan is a Coptic festival. ( F )
2. People fast during the day. ( T )
3. People try to do kind things. ( )
8- Punctuate the following sentences.
1. the water was very deep
2. do you like going to the beach
3. Last tuesday, was ali’s birthday
4. where is my pocket of cookies
5. do you like kahk
6. ramadan and shawal are Islamic months
7. Christmas is a coptic festival
8. Where do you go in sham el-nessim?
Sham El-Nessim
9. a chameleon can change its color
A _______________________________________.

10. what does it say


11. planes go through the air


12. which is mira’s favorite transportation?

Which ______ Mira's

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