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Special Crime Investigation with Legal Medicine (CDI2)

Asynchronous Task No. 1


Year and Section: CRIM 3-A

Alhendi and Salame (2022) study states that Forensic Medicine is vital and plays a
necessary role in The Criminal Investigation. The relationship of Forensic Medicine to crimes and
justice as the law needs medicine because it is important in establishing evidence in investigations
to provide supporting elements in the legal proceeding of criminal investigation. In searching for
crimes or evidence using forensic medicine the role of the examiners or experts plays an important
role in identifying the victims.

The study of Aparna and Iyer in 2020 titled “Tears and Eyewear in Forensic Investigation”
states that analyzing bodily fluids has been playing a vital role for criminal investigations due to
aiding the reconstructions of events and determining various attributes that may help the crime
investigation. Tears and eyewear provide a DNA profile that is a part of legal medicine to do
profiling and helps criminal investigation to ascertain mental and physical disturbance that is done
during the crime involving crying due to violence or other related factors.

Rockowitz (2024) stated in his study that In East Africa, Sexual Violence is a huge problem.
The lack of legal medicine knowledge, facilities, experts and tools caused problems to the
prosecution and proceeding which is why legal medicine is important or necessary to the
investigation of police officer to support the proceedings, providing supporting evidence for the
survivors of sexual violence. As per Rockowitz the improving initiatives of criminal justice is a
must that is why such facilities, equipment, tools and personnel for legal medicines and many more
should be improved or developed to achieve the goal of sustaining weak and lacking evidence.
As per Rao (2024) study states that scientific evidence which is Legal medicine plays a vital
role for legal proceedings, providing evidence and great help for speeding up investigations.
Forensic Science provides scientific evidence, identifies perpetrators, provides justice, arriving at
logical conclusions, and prevents wrongful accusations which not only helps the investigation of
the police officer but helps to prove the innocence of a person by providing evidence necessary and
giving justice to the victims. Forensic Medicine gives or provides scientific evidence for the legal
proceedings that is helpful in court. That is why Forensic science is important in investigations and
aids police officers in speeding up the process.

Weston (2023) stated in his study that when it comes to investigations regarding death there
is a field that helps to resolve crimes, this is forensic pathology. The people who are in the field of
forensic pathology are called forensic pathologists, their work is to find out the cause and manner
of death, to find out evidence for crimes investigations or civil litigation, and work with the law
enforcement agencies to help solve crimes. The field of forensic pathology continues to improve
their work. This will continue to be the vital part of the administration of justice and the safety and
protection of the society.

According To Halim (2022) study titled “The Role of Forensic Science in Criminal Acts of
Murder Cases in Indonesia.” Forensic Science plays a huge role in crime due to the fact that the
legal proceedings and investigating is important which they collect, analyze, protect and present
the information they collected in the scene which will help to establish the guilt and innocence of
a person. Forensic Medicine is a part of Forensic Science that is why it is very important in the
investigation by establishing facts and speeding up investigation of the police officers.

According to the study of Heriyanto (2020) states that Criminal case investigation has more
than one stage and when it comes to the development of criminology science the forensic laboratory
has a crucial role. This research shows the important role of forensic laboratories in Indonesia when
it comes to criminal investigations, specifically in the drug abuse in their country. The results prove
that this role is theoretically related to the constitutional duties which are given by the law regarding
police duties, by doing systematic review analysis. In police duties, the crucial role of a forensic
laboratory is more likely connected with the Scientific Crime Investigation (SCI). Specifically,
when it comes to the role of drug case investigation, results focus on the scientific point of view of
the forensic laboratory and Scientific Crime Investigation
(SCI) and represent the procedures and tasks of the forensic laboratory in criminal crimes
investigation in the country of Indonesia.

Gupta (2024) stated in his study that one of the important aspects of criminal investigation
is forensic science, it allows the authorities to point out the suspect of the crime and to know how
and when the crime was enacted. The word “forensic science” is from the word “about law” and
this word is associated with using scientific methods when it comes to legal and crime
investigations. Forensic science helps to prove strong evidence in law regarding the guilt of the

Forensic science is widespread because this includes DNA analysis, fingerprints, autopsy,
pathology, toxicology and many other things that can help to recognize the cause of death and
involve people in the crime. Furthermore, forensic science has a crucial help because this is subject
in accordance with the provisions of the Indian law. The objective of forensic science is to guide
the criminal investigators and provide well aimed information to the judges so that they can have
an accurate and full understanding of making decisions about the crimes and conflicts. In recent
years, forensic science has had the highest performance between the branches of the science
because this has been used in criminal and civil investigations. These are all the popular scientific
methods in forensic science such as Fingerprint analysis, DNA analysis, bombs and explosives,
firearms, etc.

As stated by Lau (2024) At present, forensic science is evolving because of the role that it
has in the criminal justice system. It must align with the principles importantly with regard to the
accuracy, transparency and accountability of the information. With our experiences we learnt a lot
from the mistakes in the past. By supporting technological inventions and fostering collaboration,
forensic medicine can come up to be a fair and just legal system that minimizes the occurrence of
wrongful judgements.

In line with the study of Park (2024) entitled “Exploring the realms of forensic medicine in
crime scene investigations.” states that Forensic medicine is an important tool of investigation that
is primarily focusing on biological samples like body fluid which helps in identifying the
perpetrators and the cause of death of a person as it will aid in the investigation work of police
officers. This study emphasizes the importance of Forensic Medicine and other applications
of forensic and the challenges it meets such as limitations and contamination of evidence.

As per Soria (2023) study entitled “The improvements in forensic toxicology and its role in
the forensic process” that the Forensic toxicology which is a part of Legal Medicine is reliable for
providing or establishing evidence in criminal investigation as it's role is crucial and important
because if there are deficiencies in the process it will greatly affect the result of the process.
Development is necessary for reliable results of the process due to the fact that it will speed up the
investigation work of Police officers.

According to Kothari (2023) study the "Exploring the role of forensic science in indian
criminal justice system” he stated that the Forensic science applications such as Forensic
Toxicology, Dna analysis, Medical Jurisprudence and etc. helps in investigation in the crime scene,
collection of the evidence, analyzing the evidence and presentation in court which is important to
the investigative work of the police officers and the Criminal Justice System in India by applying
Forensic Science. But due to the lack of knowledge, equipment, experts procedures of Forensic
Science and other factors, mistakes and errors are made. Which is why the application of Forensic
Science like Forensic medicine is crucial in the investigation of Police officers.

Verma (2022) study states that humans have a lot of inventions in the world and one of the
most important inventions is forensic science. Imagine if there is no forensic science and if some
people don't have knowledge about it, it will result in negative consequences on society as well as
the judicial system. In today's world forensic science is important at the same time it is helpful
because this helps people to solve the crime problem. It determines better opportunities for the
judicial system for finding out the criminal and solving the crime. DNA Profiling, Brain-
Fingerprinting, Narco-Analysis, Polygraph, DNA Fingerprinting, forensic DNA, these are the
modes of techniques of the judicial system of India and India finds this very important in proving
and solving the crime problem. Today's court uses these techniques in consideration during
delivering judgments.
Gadhi (2023) stated that the Medical Jurisprudence or Legal Medicine is an important part
of various criminal investigations and will help to provide or establish evidence by using
Toxicology for determining the presence of poisons, alcohol or drugs. Forensic pathology for
identifying the cause of death of a person or identifying injuries inflicted during sexual assaults
using examinations like autopsies and other identifying examinations as this will aid greatly in the
investigative work of police officers and will speed up legal proceedings.

Yaremchuk (2019) study titled “ The use of medical knowledge in the crime investigation”
states that the use of medical knowledge in the crime investigation for different crim plays a huge
role in identifying a person by the work of a physician recreating a face of a person by genes or
DNA is extremely helpful for the police officers investigative work because It will speed up the
process of identifying the suspect or the victim. This will establish sufficient evidence and will
identify the person by the help of a legal medicine expert.

As stated by Abrol (2024) Forensic science has many sub branches that are indeed crucial
for the investigation and providing facts to the legal proceedings. It is important for the
investigation of police officers in obtaining clues or information of what transpired in the scene.
The cause of death of an individual is important to know which the legal medicine or the forensic
medicine will come in, this will help the investigation work of the Police Officers due to the fact
that this will speed up the process. There are a lot of tools and equipment that are utilized which is
why knowledge of legal medicine is important in investigations.

Abrol, V. (2024). Forensic science: Revealing the clues. IntechOpen.

Aparna, R., & Shanti Iyer, R. (2020). Tears and eyewear in forensic investigation-a review.
Forensic Science International, 306, 110055.

Gadhi, R. (2023, July 15). Medical Jurisprudence in Criminal Investigations: How Do They
Work? Medindia.

Halim, A., Indarti, E., & Santoso, B. (2022). The Role of Forensic Science in Criminal Acts of
Murder Cases in Indonesia. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 10(A),


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Issa, N., Muamar, amp;, & Salameh, H. (2022). The Role of Forensic Medicine in the Criminal
Investigation. Pakistan Journal of Criminology, 14(1), 57–70.

Khyati Rao, Rajiv Ratan Singh, Pradeep Kumar Yadav, & Sachin Kumar Tripathi. (2023). Role
of scientific evidence in the judiciary system: A Systematic Review. Indian Journal of
Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 17(4), 79–83.

Kothari, P. (2023). Exploring the role of forensic science in indian criminal justice system
(SSRN Scholarly Paper 4565177).

Kumar Gupta, N., & Bhadauria, S. (2024). School of Law. IJFMR240215569, 6(2).

Lau, L. (2024). The impact of forensic medicine on wrongful convictions and exonerations.

Park, K. (2024). Exploring the realms of forensic medicine in crime scene investigations.
Rockowitz, S., Wagner, K., Cooper, R., Stevens, L., Davies, K., Woodhams, J., Kanja, W., &
Flowe, H. D. (2024). A systematic review of criminal justice initiatives to strengthen the
criminal investigation and prosecution of sexual violence in east africa. Trauma, Violence,
& Abuse, 25(1), 813–827.

Soria, M. L. (2023). The improvements in forensic toxicology and its role in the forensic
process (I). Spanish Journal of Legal Medicine, 49(3), 107–117.

Verma, S., Parvez, A., & Ashutosh, K. (2022). Forensic science application: An effective tool of
criminal investigations. IP International Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicological
Sciences, 7(2), 60–65.

Wescott, A. (2023). Forensic pathology: Its role in legal systems and death investigations.
Journal of Medical & Surgical Pathology, 8(2), 1–2.

Yaremchuk, V. O. (2019). The use of medical knowledge in the crime investigation.

Wiadomosci Lekarskie (Warsaw, Poland: 1960), 72(1), 103–106.

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