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• Name of the training program : Financial consumer advice.
• Training program code : 13330051
• Competence : 210301089 - Advise financial consumers in accordance with regulations and technical
• Learning outcomes:
o 210301089-01 - Prepare the client advisory process, according to their needs, with economic and
financial criteria.
o 210301089-02 - Apply the service and communication protocol to obtain information according to the
o 210301089–03 - Confirm the composition of the financial statements for decision making.
o 210301089–04 - Restructure the portfolio of products and services according to customer needs.
• Guide duration : 48 hours.


Dear apprentice, in this learning guide you will acquire skills and abilities in the communication and sale of
financial products, which will allow you to satisfy the needs and collection of information of consumers, so that
you develop basic accounting concepts and thus analyze financial information, at your own discretion. At the
same time, the calculation of indicators and consultation in risk centers is carried out, which will allow a
commercial proposal to be advanced taking into account the consumer's risks, based on the didactic learning
strategy based on case studies that configures a series of events to analysis, interpretation and proposed
solutions based on the realities and use of the concepts studied.

It is vitally important that each of the proposed activities is developed autonomously with collaborative support
from the instructor and classmates, which will allow the development of the learning guide in a systematic and
organized way.


The proposed activities will allow the trainee the correct process of attention to the financial consumer, using
sales and communication techniques, and a correct formation of the portfolio of financial products and services,
in which the basic principles of accounting and the risks inherent to the consumer.

For the development of learning activities, it is necessary to review the training components as support for your
training process. The instructor will provide support on the virtual platform to guide and guide some specific
situations that must be taken into account for the development of each of the evidence.

Before developing the evidence proposed in this learning guide, you must carry out the following initial activities:

• Update personal data.

• Review the program information , this will allow you to understand the objectives, activities and
methodology to be developed during the course.
• Keep in mind that it is essential to understand the learning results to have a greater understanding of the
• Review the schedule that will allow you to know the planning designed to sequentially achieve the
learning results.
• Participate in communication spaces, such as forums and others.

The delivery of the evidence will be carried out during the four (4) weeks planned for this guide. The following
table shows the competence to be developed, the moment and the evidence to be delivered according to the
learning activities associated with each learning outcome.

Competence Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4


Financial client needs

questionnaire based on
Financial consumer Client financial report. AA3-
institutional policy. AA4-
Mind map preparation advisory and service EV01
of the financial protocol workshop.
consumer advisory AA2-EV01
and service process.


Product portfolio and Video support on reports

protocol workshop on the types of risk in the
according to the financial system based on
policy regulations. AA4-EV02
institutional. AA1-

Hours 12 hours 12 hours 12 hours 12 hours

The development of the activities will allow the role of the advisor to the financial consumer to be addressed in
the different processes, in which he will apply concepts developed in the training component, which he will be
able to articulate in everyday cases in the business environment.

• Activities for Initial Reflection:

Some of the everyday situations make possible the articulation of the concepts to be developed, which is why to
begin reading the following news item “The four most frequent customer service complaints among
Colombians” published will be taken as a starting point. in the magazine “Semana” at the link:
Then you must make a contribution to the social forum based on the answer to the following questions:

• What are the complaints that you as a customer can present regarding the service offered by different

• What is the cause of these complaints and why would you believe the situation is recurring?

This is a non-summative training activity, which is why it has no qualification. It is an invitation to reflect before
beginning the development of the competition.

3.2. Technical competence learning activity: Advise financial consumer in accordance with regulations
and technical guide (210301089)

The process of advice and service to the financial consumer allows companies that offer financial products and
services to get closer to their consumers, both active and potential; Therefore, the advisor must use correct
communication techniques.

3.2.1 Learning activity AA1- Relate the process of advice and service to the financial consumer through
institutional policies.

In the construction and presentation of learning evidence for the activity, we seek to recognize the process of
care and service provided to the client, where portfolios of products and services are selected according to the
client's needs and institutional policies, which that allows establishing protocols as alternatives, actions and
effective solutions for the service of the financial consumer.

Duration: 12 hours.

Training materials: for the development of this activity, the study and analysis of the training component “
Advice and customer service in the financial market ” is important.

The actions and corresponding evidence that make up the learning activity are described below.

• Evidence AA1-EV01: Mind map preparation of the financial consumer advisory and service process

In this evidence, the learning activity will be implemented through a mental map, which allows structuring and
developing the contents addressed in the thematic unit. It should reflect the process of

advice and service to the financial consumer, where it integrates the type of financial consumer, its
characteristics, the customer service and attention process, product and service alternatives, and communication
techniques. For more information see “ Annex_Mind_Map ”

General guidelines for the delivery of evidence:

• Products to deliver: Mind Map preparation of the financial consumer advisory and service process.
• Extension: Free.
• Format: Word, Point or JPG.
• To send the evidence, go to the corresponding activity area and access the space: Mind Map
preparation of the advisory process and service to the financial consumer. AA1-EV01

• Evidence AA1-EV02: Product portfolio and protocol workshop in accordance with institutional policy

In the development of evidence, the capacity for analysis and interpretation is required, where the guidance
provided by the instructor is also kept in mind. To develop it, follow the steps described below:

1. Read the case or problem situation:

The company Soluciones Financieras SA has been in the financial sector for three years; which began 10 years
ago as an employee fund, later transformed into a savings and credit cooperative, however, it has presented
problems in its operation because it has not identified its active clients and possible potential clients, and it has a
small portfolio of financial products.

The company Soluciones Financieras SA has as active clients its members and non-members, who are
employees of the public sector, and receive the same treatment regarding rates; As information in the database it
only has information on income, age and where you work; which has also presented inconveniences in its
communication channels.

In the last year it has been seen that the members of the former cooperative have withdrawn as active clients,
and non-affiliated clients remain active due to the rate offered by this financial institution. Within the portfolio of
financial products it has:

1. Income from contributions from associates.

2. Free investment loans.

The previous month, the company Soluciones Financieras SA, carried out a market study, which produced the
following data:



No. 1,500 members No. 800 No. 3.500

Age: 25-55 years Age: 30-45 years Age: 25- 60 years

Gender: 800 male Gender: 300 Male Gender: 1,500 Male
700 female 500 female 2,000 female
Income: $3,500,000 to Income: $3,800,000 to Income: $2,500,000 to
$6.000.000 $5.000.000 $4.500.000
Location: Urban Location: Urban Location: Urban
Public sector Public sector Sector: Public and Private

Children: 2 to 3 children Children: 2 to 3 children Children: 2 to 3 children
Type of housing: 500 own 1,000 Type of housing: 200 own 600 Type of housing: 900 own 2,600
rent rent rent

Media: Media: Media:

Cell phone Cell phone Cell phone
E-mail E-mail E-mail
Social networks Social networks Social networks

This study also identified that the company communicated with its clients through physical correspondence,
which in most cases is returned; as well as that the reason for the withdrawal of its associates is the lack of
preferential treatment compared to other consumers and the product portfolio is not broad.

2. Carry out the analysis using the following instructions:

The manager and associates of the company Financial Solutions SA, requires a financial Commercial Advisor
who, based on the information provided, helps to solve the problem presented, as follows:

• According to the data collected, segment financial consumers into active and potential clients,
highlighting information that should have been collected and is not provided.

• Establish minimum data collection criteria specifically when the financial product advisor is in contact
with the consumer and that these are relevant to the construction of the financial product portfolio.

• Taking into account that many of your associates have retired, you must structure your sales
techniques for the associate, the active consumer, and the potential consumer.

• What means of technology and information should the company Soluciones Financieras SA
implement to manage its databases and create more effective communication channels with

• Taking into account the characteristics of each consumer, create a portfolio of products and services,
and the preferential treatment that should be given to each one, because the company only offers two.

3. Finally, in the word document, place the answers that are suggested to be addressed, where
elements are considered regarding the process of selling financial products, the construction and
structuring of the financial product, using the usefulness of the technological means of information
and communication.

General guidelines for the delivery of evidence:

• Products to deliver: Product portfolio and protocol workshop in accordance with the institutional policy,
in which the indications proposed for its development must be taken into account.
• Extension: Free.
• Format: Word or PDF
• To send the evidence, go to the corresponding activity area and access the space: Product portfolio
and protocol workshop in accordance with institutional policy. AA1-EV02.

3.2.2 Learning activity AA2- Use financial consumer advisory and service protocols in accordance with
current regulations.

For the process of advice and service to the financial consumer, it is essential to establish a protocol that allows
companies to offer their portfolio of financial products and services, for which the implementation of information
and communication technologies and correct techniques is required. of sales.

Duration: 12 hours.

Training materials: for the development of this activity, the study and analysis of the training component “
Advice and customer service in the financial market ” is important.

The actions and corresponding evidence that make up the learning activity are described below.

• Evidence AA2-EV01: Financial consumer advice and service protocol workshop

In this activity, a workshop will be implemented that will allow the trainee to develop the contents addressed in
the financial consumer advisory and service protocol. To solve this process you must follow the steps listed

1. Read the case proposed above and take into account the new elements:

Continuing, the manager and associates of the company Financial Solutions SA, requires a financial Commercial
Advisor who, based on the information provided, establishes the protocol for advice and service to the financial
consumer, for which he must resolve:

1. Classify the company's consumers taking into account internal and external clients; with each of its
2. Design the communication process for the internal and external client of the company Soluciones
financial SA

3. Based on the needs and/or characteristics of the clients, explain the portfolio of products and services
that would apply to each one.
4. Investigate companies in the financial sector, what documents are required for a mortgage loan and
relate them to the company Soluciones Financieras SA

General guidelines for the delivery of evidence:

• Products to deliver: Financial consumer advice and service protocol workshop, in which the checklist
presented by the instructor must be previously reviewed.
• Extension: Free.
• Format: Word or PDF.
• To send the evidence, go to the corresponding activity area and access the space: Financial
consumer advice and service protocol workshop. AA2-EV01.

3.2.3. Learning activity AA3- Classify client financial information based on organizational procedures.

In the process of advice and service to the financial consumer, it is essential to carry out a correct analysis of the
accounting information of the entity and the consumers, the financial statements and indicators, as well as the
level of risk of each one.

Duration: 12 hours.

Training materials: for the development of this activity, the study and analysis of the training component “
Financial analysis and risk assessment ” is important.

The actions and corresponding evidence that make up the learning activity are described below.

• Evidence AA3-EV01: Client financial report

This evidence will be implemented through a workshop, which allows structuring the financial statements and
carrying out a correct analysis of the indicators and the information provided by the risk centers.

Below, the case is shared for analysis and development of the workshop.

Client financial report

The company Andina Financiera SA has been in the financial sector for 30 years, granting microcredits to
entrepreneurs in the region. Credit studies are in charge of business advisors; Therefore, today you are assigned
three credit studies that have the following information:

ITEM Max Constructions

Antioquian Rice Rop Textiles
Sector Agricultural sector Construction Sector Textile sector
Founded 5 years 20 years 13 years

Risk center Positive Positive Negative
Credit Score Data 850 850 450
The three companies present the following accounting information:

ACCOUNT Max Constructions

Antioquian Rice Rop Textiles
Cash and $550.000.000 $ $830.000.000
equivalents in
Accounts $30.000.000 $1.500.000.000 $500.000.000

documents by
Inventories $50.000.000 $900.000.000 $150.000.000
Land $0 $2.500.000.000 $0
Buildings $0 $850.000.000 $0
Furniture and office $450.000.000 $120.000.000 $80.000.000
Accounts $20.000.000 $350.000.000 $15.000.000

Short-term bank $80.000.000 $450.000.000 $80.000.000

Dividends payable $0 $250.000.000 $0

$0 $350.000.000 $0
Long-term bank
Social capital $ 809.950.000 $ $ 1.453.000.000
Profits from the previous $15.000.000 $238.000.000 $12.000.000
Income of $350.000.000 $ $50.000.000
ordinary activities
Sales cost $120.000.000 $630.000.000 $15.000.000
Bills of $5.500.000 $7.800.000 $2.500.000
Sales expenses $3.000.000 $35.000.000 $2.000.000
Taxes 30% Profit before tax 30% Profit before tax 30% Profit before tax

The company Andina Financieras SA establishes the following credit study protocols:

1. Taking into account the information from the clients, investigate, through secondary sources, the economic
situation of the sector in which each one is located; which must be qualified as follows:

Growth: 10 points.

Decrease 3 points.

Financial status information must be presented in the client's need report.

2. Present the financial statements of the three businessmen according to the information provided, taking into
account the following equation:

Assets: Liabilities + Equity

Therefore, the utility of the current exercise must be estimated.

3. Carry out the analysis of the financial indicators of each client.

4. Register customer information in a database that relates financial indicators and risk according to the risk
5. According to the information studied, the sector, the risk level and the risk analysis; Indicate who is granted
credit and who is not.

General guidelines for the delivery of evidence:

• Products to deliver: Client's financial report, in which the planned indications for its
development must be taken into account and it is suggested to previously review the checklist.
• Extension: Free.
• Format: Word and Excel
• To send the evidence, go to the corresponding activity area and access the space: Client
financial report. AA3-EV01.

3.2.4 Learning activity AA4- Interpret the product portfolio adapted to the client's needs through current

According to the client's needs, the commercial advisor will be able to structure the product portfolio based on
the client's needs, and the financial and risk analysis carried out in the study of the financial product request, on
his part.

Duration: 12 hours.

Training materials: for the development of this activity, the study and analysis of the training component “
Financial analysis and risk assessment ” is important.


The actions and corresponding evidence that make up the learning activity are described below.

• Evidence AA4-EV01: Financial client needs questionnaire based on institutional policy.

Based on this evidence, you will develop a questionnaire in which you will apply the knowledge and concepts
addressed in the training component through real-life cases, which will have multiple response options, in which
you must choose the correct option.

General guidelines for the delivery of evidence:

• To develop the evidence, refer to the corresponding activity area and access the space: Financial
client needs questionnaire based on institutional policy. AA4-EV01.

• Evidence AA4-EV02: Video support on reports on the types of risk in the financial system based on

The commercial advisor will be able to structure a report on the types of risks in the financial system. To do so,
they must select a related case and analyze the type of risks that arise from the regulations.

In this activity, the development of an educational video will be implemented in which the “ Expository Video
Guide Annex ” must be taken into account, in which it will capture the types of risks of the financial system.

General guidelines for the delivery of evidence:

• Products to deliver: Educational video, in which the instructions given for its development must be
taken into account and it is suggested to previously review the checklist proposed by the instructor.
• Format: Mp4, URL.
• To send the evidence, go to the corresponding activity area and access the space: Video support on
reports on the types of risk in the financial system based on regulations. AA4-EV02.


Evidence of Learning Evaluation criteria Techniques and
Evidence of knowledge:

Mind map preparation of the Recognizes the customer service and attention Checklist IE-AA1-
financial consumer advisory and process based on specific needs. EV01
service process.

Select from the portfolio of products and services
Product evidence: that apply to the prospect according to institutional
Product portfolio and protocol policy. Checklist IE-AA1-
workshop in accordance with EV02
Prepares the procedure that describes the
institutional policy. AA1-EV02.
alternative to propose to the client according to
established protocol.
Carry out the organizational communication
process with internal and external clients based
on current regulations.

Product evidence: Guides the client according to the portfolio of

Financial consumer advisory and financial products and services. Checklist IE-AA2-
service protocol workshop. AA2- EV01
EV01. Explains the portfolio of financial products
according to established procedure.

Requests from the client the documents and

information required according to institutional
Employs client information collection techniques
in accordance with institutional policy.

Compare the client's data with the report

generated by the headquarters in accordance with
existing regulations.

Presents the financial report in accordance with

Product evidence: accounting principles and organizational Checklist IE-AA3-
Client financial report. procedures. EV01
Presents the result of the information with
financial indicators, taking into account the
organizational procedure.

Registers customer information according to the

databases and risk centers described in the

Evidence of knowledge: Appropriates the commercial proposal according

Financial client needs to the needs of the financial client and based on
questionnaire based on institutional policy. Questionnaire
institutional policy. AA4-EV01. IE-AA4-EV01

Evidence of performance: Video Write reports with the different types of risk in the IE AA4-EV02
support on reports of the types of financial system based on regulations. checklist.
risk in the financial system based
on regulations. AA4-EV02.


Financial analysis: detailed study carried out on the accounting information of an organization, from which
some indicators are determined, which indicate the reality of the organization.
Risk centers: monitor and report information regarding the credit behavior of people or organizations.
ISIC Code: ISIC codes describe the economic activities of natural persons or legal entities.
Accounting: it is the part of finance that studies the different items that reflect the economic and financial
movements of a company or entity (Gil, 2015).
Ecommerce: is electronic commerce or internet commerce.
Survey: instrument for collecting data to later be analyzed.
Financial statements: reflect the daily operations or transactions that a company demonstrates in its activities,
being summarized in the structure displayed as a financial statement. The financial statements are fed by the
information provided by the accounting books (Elizalde, 2019).
Financial indicators: a financial analysis or study is based on the calculation of financial indicators, which are
expressed by the efficiency, solvency, performance, liquidity, indebtedness, and profitability that the entity has
(Marcillo Cedeño, Aguilar Guijarro, & Gutiérrez Jaramillo, 2021).
Marketing: creation of strategies aimed at the consumer, through which we want to stimulate the purchase of a
good or service.
Neuromarketing: marketing strategy based on science and psychology.
Market niche: portion or segmentation of the market that has similar characteristics.
Risk: the possibility of an unwanted event.


CESA. (2020). The 4 banking clients that give value to the brand .

Design Thinking Spain. (sf). The mind map.


Elizalde, L. (2019). Chimborazo Polytechnic Higher School. Financial statements and accounting policies.

Gil, S. (2015). Accounting .

ISO. (2015). Law 1328 of 2009. By which regulations are issued on financial matters, insurance, the securities
market and other provisions. July 15, 2009. DO. No. 47.411.

Marcillo Cedeño, C., Aguilar Guijarro, C., & Gutiérrez Jaramillo, N. (2021). Digital Publisher CEIT. Financial
analysis: a key tool for management decision making.

Palomo Martínez, M. (2014). Customer Support. Paraninfo SA

Sánchez Galán, J. (2016). Service .

Sánchez Galán, J. (2018). Advisory .

Name Post Dependence Date
Maria Alejandra Tovar Expert Regional Tolima- Center of Industry March 2022
and Construction
Leydy Jhuliana Instructional Capital District Regional - Industrial March 2022
Jaramillo Mejía designer Management Center

Silvia Milena Advisor Capital District Regional - Design March 2022

Author(s) Sequeda Cardenas Methodological and Metrology Center.
Pedagogical Regional Santander - Industrial March 2022
Rafael Neftali advisor Center of Design and
Lizcano Reyes
John Jairo Style corrector Capital District Regional - Design
Rodriguez Perez and Metrology Center. April 2022


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