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Indian 6.

The East India

Presidencies Bengal, Bombay, andterritories into three ended with the Company' s monopoly over trade in India
4 Each Presidency was ruled
by a
Madras. 7. Charter Acts of 1813 and
administration was Governor.
looked after by a The entire The
administrative set-up under the British1833.
the Civil Service, the judiciary, the army, andcomprised
Governor-General. the
Exercises (As
1. The
recommended in NEP 2020)
was passed in 1773.
(a) Pitt's India Act (b) Charter Act
Io the judicial
2. system set-up by Lord Warren Regulating Act (d) Policy of
(a) Diwani Adalats
bfaujdari Adalats Hastings, the criminal courts were
called: Paramountcy
3. The Act was passed to (c) Sadr Diwani
(a) Charter Act of 1813 renmove
(b}Pitt's India Act the defects of the Regulating Act. (d) Mufti Adalats
4. Under the Regulating Act, the (c) Doctrine of Lapse
governor of Bengal was made the (d) All of the above
(a) Diwan (b) Ruler of India.
5. The Regqulating Act divided the Governor-General
territories under the East India (d) Minister
(a) States
(b) Towns
Company' s control into:
6. The Regulating Act
(Presidencies (d) Cities
prevented the Company officials from indulging in:
(a) foreign trade (b) corruption
7. The Company's
(c) private trade (oYall of these
monopoly over trade of tea ended with:
(a) Pitt's India Act (b) Charter Act of 1813
8. From (charter Act of 1833 (d) None of these
(a) 1853
,appointments to the Civil Service began to be made through a
competitive examination.
(b) 1774 (c) 1813 (d 858
1. The Sadr Diwani and the Sadr Nizamat Adalats were
2. Civil courts were presided by
abolished in 865
the Collector/qazi. Select the correct option.
3. Europeans were tried in civil courts. True or false?
4. Appeals from lower civil courts and registrar's courts were taken to
distct Couts

3. Lord Macauay presided over the Law Commision Tue or fase?

6. PitsInda Aiwas pased in
7 UeGoreTor-Genea was gven the ahoriy to oeTie his councn reST NU
8. The
9 sepoy army was trained acoráng to Cunpeqn miitary stancars
Wm te introducion of the Ruie of Law. tiak erane less expensie. D you ge
10. The passing ofte Regulating Ad marked the ast tine that the rtish govenat e e e
ativities of the Company in India. Is t tue? No,
GDOlshed the provindal ourts of ov annes and the prvnca ous f orut
Kord williaH butinck
ue tolowng quesions two statements are given- one labelled Assertion (A) and the other abeled Reasn (R. Sek
Correct answer to these questions from the hoices (a), (b),(c) and (d) asgìen
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) 0s the bebn
coTect expanation of (A).
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) 0S not the
coret explanation of (A
(c) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(d) (A) is false, but (R) 0s true.
1. Assertion:
Indians were appointed only at lower Reason: The Charter Act o 1813oen e r
posts in Indian Cvil Service. all British dùens to trade with
Reason: The British did not trust the ability Ans
and loyalty of the Indians. 4, Assertion: Lord Corwallis ineased the alary of Me
2. Assertion: The British government decided to
employees of the Coeny
Reason: Lord Corwallis nsurd that peope ee
regulate the activities of the
recruited on mertt
Company in India. Ans
Reason: The British government found the 5. Assertion: It was very difficut for ndins to et
Company's policies against the selected for the i l Servies,
Ans Reason: Afew Indians coud afford to trave t
3. Assertion: The Charter Act of 1813 ended the Britain to appear for the Cvil sevies
Company's monopoly over trade with Ans


Read the given source and answer the questions that
Indian sepoys (derived from sipahi in Hindi, meaning
`soldier), who mostly belonged to
of the East India Company's army.
Initially the army was small, but it grew with British the peNIsant class, fomed the ul
claimed the largest share of the Company's expenditure in territorial Npnslon, The any
the empire against internal threats, and India. The army not only conquered teritories, it also protvtat
handled peasants' rebellions against high revenues, The
for collecting revenue. army was also respnsible
(a) The army claimed the share of the Company's expenditure in India.
rargest (l) Moderate (lii) Small
(b) Most of the sepoys belonged to which out of the following class? (iv) Big
() Traders WPeasants () Tribals
(c) Which out of the following is NOT true for the army? (v) Artisans
() Conquered territories
(ilii) Handled peasants' rebelion against high ()
Protected the empire against intenal thieatN
revenue (uNot responsible for collecting revenue
(d) Who out of the following formed the bulk of
East India Company's army?
() Generals (1) Chowkidars
()Moldlers (iv) Kotwals
Chapter 3: The British Administration 33

(e) When did the East India Company's army grow in size?
.With British territorial expansion (ii) With British trade expansion
(iii) When British took over administration of some territories (iv) When British needed to tackle social issues
oThe Chartr Act of 1913
1. HohCharter
may Acts were passed by the British government aAd in
2. whieh-yearsu) / i8S3
Whydid the British government pass The Pitt's India Act?
3. What did the administrative set-up of the British comprise of?
4. Why did the British recruit Indians only at the lower posts of civil
5. What is referred to as the 'steel framework' of British Raj in India?
1. List the main provisions and drawbacks of the Regulating Act.
2. Draw and explain the hierarchy of civil and criminal courts during the time of Lord Cornwallis.
3 Write a short note on the Pitt's India Act.
4. What did the three Charter Acts achieve?
5. Write short notes on: (a) Indian Civil Service (b) Police


Why do you think the British parliament passed the Charter Acts to check the growing power of East India Company?
2. How is the present administration of India different from the British administration during the Colonial period?
clearly WS and regulations and
defined and this did nottallow
allow it to decisions for the whole of India. Thetake financial
function properly. British Parliament over India was control of the
32 THE PITT'S INDIA ACT, 1784 further by the Charter Act of 1853. strengthened
((As the Regulating Act
proved to be ineffective, INTEXT QUESTION^
the British government administative
Q.1 Presidencies were units. The British

passed another Act in 1784 established presidencies in Bengal Aombay

and adras
to monitor the activities of
Q.2 Governors were the heads ofpeSldeies while the
the East India Company)8 Governor-General was the headofBsh admi
The Pitt's India Act in 713
Q.3 The Regulating Act was passed
established a Board of a Board of Control for
Q.4HkTndigAct established
Company's activities.
Control in Britain for William Pitt keeping an eye on the
the Company's monopoly over trade in
keeping an eye on Q.5 The East India false?
activities in India. The board was to India ended with the
Pitt's India Act. True or
Company's were to be
which two
comprise six members, of
3.4 ADMINISTRATIVE SET-UP O Although Lord Cornwalls va5
a benevolent administrator, he
UNDER THE BRITISH consldered Indlans les6 able
The administrative set-up under the British co and low on integity, He was
of the opinlon that all Indians
comprised the: were corrupt, And 90, he
1. Civil Service - For reserved all the higher posts
general administration. in the ClvlI Services for the
2. Judiciary - For
providing justice.
3. Army - For protecting British-held Europcans.
4. Police - For maintaining law and territories.
Satyendranath Tagore, the
elder brother of Rabindranath
order.) s.3 Tagore, wasthe first Indian to
join the Civil Services, He
THE CIVIL SERVICE passed the exarns in 1863. Lord Cornwallís
Zhe Indian Civil Service is often referred to as the
'steel framework' hat sustained British children TII 1853, all appointments to the Ciyil
administration in India [tsofficials were responsible Service weremade by the East Indía Cormpany. With
for running the entire the passing of the Charter Act of 1853, all
administration of the country.
The Civil Service in India was founded by
Lord appointmentsto the CivilService began to bemade
Cornwallis, the Governor-General from 1786 to through a competitive examination. Still, it was
1792. When he came to office, difficult for Indians to get selected for the cvil
corruption was
rampant among the officials of the Company. As services, This was due to a number of reasons. The
they were paid poorly, they indulged in private trade examination was conducted in Britain and few
and even resorted to take bribes. In an effort to Indians could afford to travel there and appear for
reduce corruption, Lord Cornwallis increased the the exams. Also, the age limit for appearing for the
salary of the employees of the Company and exams was very low.
ensured people were recruited on merit.
The British divided their territories into THEJUDICIARY
districts. As their
Each district was administered by a Collector, who administrative
the British felt the needresponsibilíties expanded,
exercised vast powers. He collected revenues and for a judicial system to
taxes. He was also responsible for maintaining law dispense justice. At first, Company officials
and order in his district. The courts and police helped continued to apply the laws that had prevailed
him in this task. Initially, the offices of the Collector, undor the Mughals when judging cases. Later, a new
judicial system was established under Covernor
Magistrate, and Judge were held by a single person. General Warren Hastings. Criminal and civil courts
So the District Collector not only collected revenue
were set up in each district. The cívil courts were
and looked after the administration, but also called DiwaniAdalats while criminal
dispensed justice. Lord Cornwallis changed this and courts were
called Faujdari Adalat.
started the practice of appointing European judges to
civil courts so that Collectors were free to concentrate The civil courts were presided over by the
on administration and revenue collection. Thus, he They also had Maulvis and Hindu pandits Collector.
managed to separate the executive from the interpreted Indian laws for the European Collectors.
judiciary. The criminal courts were under
qazis. They also had jurists from thejudges like
>iThe British, including Lord Cornwallis, did not trust Muslim
the ability and loyalty of the Indians and so they community, called muftis, to explain the law
were recruited only at lower posts.Another reason administered by the gazi. However, the Collector
for this was that the influential classes in Britain oversaw the proceedings of the criminal courts.
Hastings also set up two central courts of appeal the
were keen on preserving the monopoly of lucrative Sadr Diwani Adalat (civil court of appeal) and the
appointments in the Indian Civil Service for their Sadr Nizamat Adalat (criminal court of appeal).

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