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Second times might hurt, Ren

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Nijisanji (Virtual Streamers), Virtual Streamer Animated Characters
Relationship: Kaneko Kyo/Ren Zotto
Character: Kaneko Kyo, Ren Zotto, Aster Arcadia
Additional Tags: Dom/sub Undertones, Top Kyo, Bottom Ren, Biting, Oral Sex, Anal Sex,
Multiple Orgasms, Light Spanking, Pain, Light BDSM, Dorks, they have
no idea what they're doing, and me neither, mention of alien form, Dirty
Talk, Kyoster but it's light, Kissing, Teasing, Horns teasing, a lot of
feelings, and a lot of denial still
Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Renkyotto's first times
Stats: Published: 2022-11-04 Words: 15,618 Chapters: 1/1

Second times might hurt, Ren

by DataConsumed


Truth was, Kyo wanted to fuck Ren again, he was obssessed by this idea, and that was
exactly why he couldn't afford to let himself have this.
If he gave in, it was over for his grades, for his body, for his new, fresh life.

He still had so much to experience and try, with so many other people, now that he could.
Right ?

Second part of "First times don't hurt, Kyo", but it can be read separately.


Hello, I'm back !

I have no idea what to say...

None of these characters belong to me, and this is written about the fictional characters... I
think thats it !
Oh and this was originally a thread posted on ly twitter, @/Dataconsumed !
Enjoy !
Kyo couldn't sleep.

Outside of his window, shining bright and mocking him, full and beautiful, was the Moon, the one
who brought him here.

Everything was silent, except for a gentle wind blowing outside.

Kyo sighed and turned around, facing away from his window.

Since Ren and him ended up sleeping together, he couldn't sleep.

He kept dreaming about Ren on top of him, about Ren's weight, about his scent, about the way he
kept trembling. Sometimes his dreams were sweet, sometimes they were hot, and sometimes they
were fucking unhinged.

Sometimes, he dreamt that he kept pushing Ren more and more, provoking up 'till his breaking
point, and in these dreams, Ren would turn into this massive alien that would fuck him into
oblivion. Those were the dreams that left him panting and uncomfortable in his night shorts.

But no matter the dream he had, it never felt as good as he did when they actually fucked.

And that was why Kyo couldn't sleep. Because everytime he would wake up, he'd feel so, fucking,
horny, to the point where he couldn't focus in class anymore, or when the others talked to him.

It was even worse when Ren was around.

Kyo couldn't help but let his gaze wander on him, his eyes glued to his mouth, transfixed by the
way his sharp fangs always peaked out, by the movement of his lips, by how red they were, as if
Ren had been biting them a lot, lately.

Sometimes it was his neck which would take up all of his attention, sometimes his hands,
sometimes the lower half of his body, sometimes his deep, deep blue eyes, eyes that would catch
him like a deer in a car's light, every, fucking, time.

As if Ren was looking at him all that time, too.

Not that it mattered.

It didn't, for real, it didn't change anything.

That was a one time thing, right ? Even though Kyo had mentioned a next time, it had only been
because he was still under Ren' stupid alien drug…

And if he wasn't, well, he was still under the influence of something back then. After fuck brain
was a stupid brain.


Truth was, Kyo wanted to fuck Ren again, he was obssessed by this idea, and that was exactly why
he couldn't afford to let himself have this.

If he gave in, it was over for his grades, for his body, for his new, fresh life.

He still had so much to experience and try, with so many other people, now that he could. Right ?


Kyo sat up, panting, as a sudden nausea twisted his guts. He looked around, alarmed. The nausea
went away as fast as it came, and Kyo frowned.

What was that ?

He rubbed the back of his hand against his forehead and felt a cold sweat beading on his skin there.

Well, he hoped he wasn't coming down with something.

Kyo laid back down and laid on his stomach, closing his eyes.

He was tired, and if he was gonna think about fucking Ren even awake, then there was no point in
avoiding the inevitable.


"We had to categorize weapons, so, you can guess I got the best grade today." Maria said, sipping
her tea, pride clear in her voice. "I heard we could get in contact with senpais in second year, I can't
wait to work with Luca senpai !"

"Don't be so pressed on jumping years, I miss first year so much already." Aia answered and Aster
nodded rapidly, grabbing the last cupcake on the plate on Ren's bed.

Today, Kyo was sitting at Ren's desk, while Ren was slumped on his pouffe - the same pouffe he
ate Kyo's ass on weeks ago.

Kyo was staring at Ren, while nibbling on his pinky's nail. Ren was probably not aware, but
slouched like that, his shirt was revealing the smooth skin of his stomach, making it really hard to
focus on anything else for Kyo.

He could see the light trail of hair leading down to the hem of his pants, it was making his fingers
tingle and his mouth water - he hated it.

He hated these reactions, what was he, an animal ?!

Something bumped his foot, and Kyo looked down to see Ren's slightly pressed against his.

Kyo could hear the others talking but the conversation, once again, faded in the background, as all
he could think about was how Ren' skin felt against his, about how heavy he was, about how his
breath hit his face, his kisses, his tongue, his fangs plunging deep in his shoulder…

He raised a hand and rubbed the place where Ren bit him that night, absentmindedly, and Ren's
toes moved to brush against his, so Kyo looked up and Ren was looking at him with such a
burning gaze, Kyo shivered and looked away, frowning.

He didn't move his foot away, though, and he could feel Ren caress it with his, gently.

His heart was starting to beat fast, faster, so fast Kyo felt like he was about to pass out.

He couldn't do this, he couldn't stay around Ren, so close yet so far, his fingers were aching from
the need to touch him, his mouth was dry from the need to kiss him, to taste him, and his eyes
couldn't stop looking back to this ocean blue.

So he stood up and said, "Sorry, just remembered I had homeworks to finish for tomorrow."
He walked away, going towards the door. "D'you need any help ?" Ren asked immediately, and
Kyo answered just as immediately, "No."

He knew, when he exited the room, that the atmosphere was probably weird and tensed now, but
he absolutely needed to run away from this alien and his seducing pheromones - no matter how
many times Ren would repeat he wasn't using them, Kyo was sure he actually was, even if he
wasn't aware of it.

Ren wanted Kyo to like him so badly… Who knew how it could affect his alien brain ?? Not them,
that was for sure. They knew nothing about Ren after all.

Like, his real alien form.

Kyo shivered and almost fell on the ground, a small moan passing his lips against his will.

Yeah, he really needed to do something about that.


A soft knock on his door caught his attention.

Kyo sat up on his bed, and he stared at his door with a squint.

"Yeah ?"

"Kyo ? It's your favorite star~"

Kyo sighed but relaxed instantly, letting himself fall back against the headboard of his bed.

"Yeah, come in."

And Aster did - he knew he would have even if he didn't answer anyway.

The starboy was already in his pajamas, some kind of fluffy onesie that made Kyo die of heat just
by looking at him.
"What's up ?" He asked as he watched Aster beeline for his bed, and his whole body tensed when
Aster all but crawled on it and right against him. "What the fuck, bro ?"

It was already too late, Aster was wrapped around him like a very clingy octopus.

"I think you need a big hug, you've been in a very bad mood lately and I want to get our grumpy
funny cheery Kyo back."

Kyo didn't relax, but he didn't push him away either.

Aster wasn't wrong, though he was probably far from imagining what was going on inside Kyo.

"You should talk about it, you know ? Doesn't have to be me… But I'm a very good listener. And
I'm cyute ! Right ?"

Aster leaned in and rubbed his cheek against Kyo's, making the smaller one bristle, but once again,
he didn't push him away. "Riiight ? Tell me I'm cyute, Kyo." Aster purred almost menacingly.

Kyo groaned and decided it was enough, so he pressed his hands against Aster's face and chest to
try and push him away, in vain. "Oh hell no, don't try your weird yandere act on me, keep it for
your alien boyfriend–"

He choked on his last words, and Aster tightened his grip around him. It almost hurt, Aster was
way stronger than he let it appear, but Kyo would lie if he said that wasn't exactly what he needed
right now.

"So that's it, hn ? It's about Renren."

Kyo gave up the idea of pushing Aster off of himself, so he hid his face in the crook of Aster's
neck instead, and let himself be crushed by his arms.

"Whatever. I don't wanna talk about it. Especially not to you…"

Aster hummed and rubbed his face against Kyo's hair. "You should though, maybe I can help,
since I know you both so well."

Kyo snorted, closing his eyes. Aster smelled good, familiar, even though he smelled something
he'd never smelled before. He couldn't describe it, but he liked it.
He liked how everyone smelled, it wasn't special or anything.

"Sure you do. What do you even want me to tell you, bro… I know you know, so it's not like it's a
secret or something."

"Oh, you mean I know that Ren took your first time and that it was amaaazing ? Hmhm, sure I do

"Okay, shut the fuck up Aster, and fuck you !" Kyo groaned and tried to push Aster away again but
the star boy was immovable. If anything, the more Kyo pushed him away, the tighter Aster's
embrace became.

And his hands were starting to rub Kyo's back, in a gentle, soothing way, which… Okay, maybe it

A lot.

"Come ooon Kyooo, you don't have to be shy with me. I thought we would all share everything
together, especially between us boys, and here I am, being the only one who didn't get to have

"Whaaat ?" Kyo said, offended, "Hold on, pause, you're not saying what I think you're saying !
Hell no. I don't wanna know if you wanna get in Ren's pants, just do it man ! Don't tell me 'bout it

Aster chuckled and his fingers slipped under Kyo' shirt so his nails could graze the skin of his
back. Kyo shivered and he arched against Aster to try and find his gaze, suddenly lost.

What was he doing ?

Aster looked back at him, smiling cheekily. "What if I want to get in your pants too ?"

Kyo frowned and used all of his meager strength to sit up. Aster let go of him, lying down on the
bed like he belonged here.

Kyo couldn't help but find him absolutely stunning - but how could he not ? Aster was a star, after

He was lost, all of a sudden.

"Why ? I'm not sexy."

Aster cocked his eyebrows. "No ?"

"And I'm not even tall and strong and mysterious."

Aster raised a hand and slid fingers in Kyo's hair, pushing a pink strand behind his ear.

"And you think that's what it takes for someone to want you ? That's cute. No wonder you fell for
that giant goofball of an alien."

"Shut up ! I didn't !" Kyo hit Aster's hand to push it away. "Whatever. You're just making fun of
me. You just… You just want to jump on the bandwagon."

Aster pouted, and he was, he really was cute, but Kyo was too panicked and too unsure to
comment on that or to even feel worried that he'd find Aster cute.

"What if I do ? It seemed so fun. Don't you wanna try it with someone else ? Have even more fun
?" Aster slid his manicured finger down Kyo's leg.

And okay, Aster had literally put his finger right on the spot.

Kyo shivered and looked away, making Aster's eyes lit up. "You do !!" And he laughed, he
laughed and laughed and Kyo couldn't take it anymore so he pushed him over the edge of the bed
to make him fall on the ground.

Aster yelped and whined, but didn't try to come back up.

Silence took place between them, and after a while, Kyo felt compelled to talk. Not seeing Aster
helped, he guessed.

"Maybe you right. Maybe I should try with other people. Not just Ren."
Aster didn't answer. So Kyo continued.

"I just, I don't know. Maybe I don't feel like it. Maybe I don't want to. But if I don't, I'll waste what
second chance I've been given. Or something like that. Yeah."

"If you don't want to, you don't have to."

Aster sat up, and looked at Kyo with his pretty odd eyes. "Why d'you think it would be a waste ?
To stay with one person ? That's like… The dream right ? To find the one good person."

"Tssk." Kyo leaned forward on his elbows, getting closer to Aster. "I don't believe in this romantic

His golden eye was shining in a strange way, like actual stars were burning bright in it. It made
Kyo think about the way Ren's horns were glowing in the dark.

"You don't ?" Aster leaned in. "Then you don't mind actually trying with someone else ?"

Before Kyo could answer, Aster rose up on his knees and pressed a kiss on Kyo's lips.

And Kyo had no idea what to do.

His mind went blank, his body froze, even though it was soft, and gentle, and new.

Aster' scent was all Kyo could think about, in the split second the kiss lasted.

Because Aster pulled back and chuckled, softly.

"Well, how did it feel ?" He asked, clearly not delusional about Kyo's incoming answer, if his
disappointed expression was anything to go by.

For a moment, Kyo thought that he was that bad of a kisser.

"Sorry." He said, "It didn't feel like anything. I mean, it was nice and all. Like kissing my homie

Aster giggled and stood up, grabbing Kyo's face again, taking him by surprise when he kissed him
again, with more strength this time. Kyo fell on his back and groaned against Aster's lips, but when
he felt his tongue brush past his lips, Kyo's lids fluttered and he felt a faint sensation in his guts,
some butterflies moving around.
So he kissed back, like he knew how to - messy, disorganized, but Aster was so slow and soft when
he kissed that Kyo found himself taking the lead, and he ended up biting Aster's tongue playfully.
Aster whined and finally let go of him, half sitting on the bed, a mask of betrayal on his face.

"Why did you do that !" He whined, lips a cute pout, eyes watery.

Kyo hadn't bit that hard, but Ren had loved it so much he'd thought–

"Fuck me." Kyo whispered as he sat up.

"Really ?" Aster asked, visibly taken aback.

"No !" Kyo cried, glaring at the star boy. "Fuck me as in I'm fucked !"

"Oh…" Aster said, dubious, before it hit him. "Oh." A small smile played on his lips, " Oh… I
see." He giggled and before he could add anything else, Kyo pressed a hand on his mouth, still

"Yeah yeah yeah. It's late now, you should go, or I'll kick your ass."

Aster pouted again, Kyo could feel his plump lips against his palm, and once again he found it cute
- but that was Aster for you.

"Listen, thanks for coming, and uh, I guess… Showing me stuff." Kyo said, letting his hand fall
slowly. "I just… Need time, okay ? If Ren sent you or something, you can just tell him that."

Aster stared at him for a few seconds, one eyebrow cocked. "Renren didn't send me. Actually, he's
not talking much to any of us since you guys did the do."

Kyo rolled his eyes up, before what Aster said caught up to him. "Really ? I thought you guys
would have… Talked about it all the time or something."

Aster shrugged. "Me too, but no. Ren is very secretive about it. I tried to kiss him, too, you know ?
He didn't want to."

Kyo looked away, frowning.

The faint noise of rain starting to pour outside was the only thing they could hear for a moment.

After a while, Aster stood up and leaned in, sliding his fingers in Kyo's hair gently.

"I'll leave you to your realization, but you better tell me how it goes this time."

Kyo didn't answer, he wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of knowing he was absolutely


Another night, another insomnia.

Rain was falling hard outside, hitting the glass persistently. Wind was blowing, and from time to
time, a blinding light would cross the sky and thunder would make the world tremble.

Kyo was sitting on his bed, touching his lips absentmindedly.

It was 3 am, and Aster had left him upset. Kyo was definitely having realizations, but it didn't
mean he wanted to have them.

Because what could it mean ?

That he was in love with Ren Zotto ?



Kyo Kaneko didn't do love.

That wasn't him.

Wasn't his kind of shit.

Plus, who would fall for Ren .

Well, everyone apparently, except for Kyo, and that probably was why Ren liked him.

Right ?

Because there was no reason for Ren to like him this much. To want his attention this much.

To want him so much he wanted to fuck him.

But if that was true, Ren would be in his bedroom right now. Begging for him to do it again.

He would be all over him everyday, touching him and trying to get his attention like before.

So why was he so distant ? Why wouldn't he push past Kyo's own distance ? He told him, right ?
He told him how he was, so why was Ren giving him space again ?

It used to be such a well oiled machine, Ren begging for his love and Kyo giving him just enough
of what he wanted to keep him interested.

And now… Now Ren had what he wanted.

So, everything was fucked.

Except for Kyo.

He frowned and brought a hand to his forehead. Ren was rubbing off on him.

A particularly bright lightning struck outside, the loud rumble of thunder echoing right after. Kyo
inhaled deeply.

He needed to see Ren.

He needed… To talk to him.

To make sure of how he felt.

And to touch him.

To do something.

Or he could stay here. And stay far from him.

Try and focus on his school work.

Even if he kept failing, miserably.

So he guessed he had no choice.

Maybe he could just ask the tall dumb alien to touch him just a bit so he could stop thinking about
his big hands.


Yeah, maybe he could do that.

Or, even better.

Maybe he could just kiss and touch Ren without allowing him to kiss and touch him back, so that
way he'd get what he need and not risk wanting more afterwards.

Yeah. Yeah !

That was a good strat.

He stood up, determined, and quite excited with his idea, forgetting it was 3 in the morning. He
walked up to his door and opened it wide, but someone was there, in the frame of it, standing tall in
their plain pajamas.

"R-ren ?" Kyo gaped.

"Oh, hi, hi Kyo."

Ren was standing there, looking around with a worried expression. Kyo frowned.

He wasn't going to knock, so Kyo wondered what he was doing there.

Well, he wondered for the few seconds his body let him think straight, because after his eyes took
Ren in, he felt his body become hotter, and butterflies fly violently in his stomach.
He blushed, and he saw Ren blush too, his horns glowing vibrantly in the obscurity of the

They looked like two dumbasses, right now, and it sobered Kyo up just enough. He hated this, they
were ridiculous.

"Okay, what are you doing here ? Have you been standing there ?? Like a creep ? Weirdo." Kyo
stepped back, giving Ren the opportunity to get in.

Ren took it immediately, babbling. "Mmmaybe, but hey ! I'm not a weirdo ! I just didn't know if
you were sleeping. I didn't want to disturb."

Kyo closed behind him and pressed his back against his door. His heart was beating so, so fast.
"Why are you here then ?" He asked, voice lower, calmer, to try and hide how expectant he was.

"You… Don't want me there ?" Ren turned around and looked at him, arms dangling by his side.
He stared at Kyo, his pupils clearly wide, the black of it swallowing almost all of the deep, deep
blue. "I think you do, Kyo. I can hear it."

"Yeah ? You think you can tell what I think, motherfucker ?" Kyo whispered between his teeth,
feeling his whole body tense as Ren walked closer slowly. His shoulders were hunched, like he was
about to jump on him - like Kyo was his fucking prey. "What are you doing…" Kyo's breath
caught in his throat, as Ren took the last step forward and raised his hands to press them on each
side of Kyo's head on the door.

Kyo could hear how fast his breath was, mimicking his own, and it was making him feel… So
many things.

He couldn't remember ever being so excited, so turned on, as Ren leaned in, his nose brushing his

Kyo's palms were pressed against the door too, but more to brace himself, because he felt like he
was about to fall any second now. He gave a slight jolt of his head, his nose bumping gently
against Ren's.

He could smell him, could feel his warmth, his whole body was so close yet so far, and Kyo felt
like he was losing it by the second.
"Kyo…" Ren whispered, his voice was completely hoarse. "I'm sorry… But I missed you too
much… I can't, I can't keep away from you."

Kyo could feel his lips tingle with need, his fingers itch with want, his body burn with desire. "Kiss
me then." He groaned, feeling bold, but Ren kept rubbing his nose everywhere around his mouth,
against his lips, until he let out a strange growl that was nothing near human.

It made Kyo' skin cover in goosebumps, his hair standing on end.

"Why do you smell like Aster ?"

Kyo tensed and felt a few different emotions overwhelm him.

Fear, that Ren would hate him and go away because of this, regrets, even though it had been eye
opening, and a bit of arousal because Ren sounded hot when he was jealous.

"Don't know what you're talking abo–"

Ren hit the door with both hands, making Kyo jump out of his skin.

"Don't— Don't lie to me Kyo." He was still dangerously close to him, and Kyo could feel his fast
breath intertwine with Ren's. "Why… Did you kiss him ? What for ?"

Even though Kyo found it incredibly arousing, Kyo was still Kyo at the end of the day. So he
frowned and raised his hands to push Ren away, enough to look him in the eyes.

"Okay, pause. How is that any of your business ?"

"Wha- I thought… Wait, did it mean nothing to you ? What we did ? I thought you and I… You…"

Ren took a step back and walked away, and he looked so… Hurt, at this moment, vulnerable,
fragile… Human.

He brought a hand to his head and ran fingers through his hair.
"You seemed so happy the next day. And… After that you became distant again but Scarle told me
you needed time to process your feelings, so I gave you time, but I never thought-"

"Scarle ? Why are you talking about this to everyone, oh my god Ren, how much attention do you
crave ??"

Ren stilled and frowned. "That's unfair. I was just trying to do good by you."

Kyo stood up too and walked up to Ren, "By talking to others ?!" He jabbed a finger against his
chest. "Why couldn't you just come to me, huh ? This thing is about us right ? What do you need
the others for ? Stupid alien !"

"How should I know !?" Ren raised his voice. "You humans are so complicated !"

"You just had to ask you dumbass !" Kyo yelled back, hitting his chest with his finger still. "And
I'm literally the only human here !!"

"Exactly !" Ren cried. "No matter how hard I try, I can't get you !" He grabbed Kyo's hand and
brought it to his face. "But I won't stop. I don't want to stop. Because…" he looked up at Kyo, his
blue eyes were back to being very blue. "Well, you know how I feel." He said as he pressed Kyo's
palm against his face. He rubbed his cheek against it, eyes closing, and it did so many things to

Awakening something new.

His words, especially.

Kyo just loved the confirmation, he loved being reassured, and he had no idea how much he
needed it. He would never admit it, though.

He was terrified by that new realization, of him being somewhat of a needy… lover.

He winced, thinking about himself as a lover, but Ren took it wrong, and he frowned, letting go of
Kyo's hand.

"Do I truly disgust you ?"

He turned away once more, walking around Kyo's bed to sit on the other side, facing the window.
"Do you regret what we did ? Have I done something wrong ?"

The more Ren talked, the more Kyo was forced to face his own insecurities, thrown at him in the
most painful way.

Kyo hated seeing Ren so doubtful, but it echoed his own doubts, and he hated even more how
stupid it made him feel. Because this was stupid. They both had the same doubts, the same need to
be reassured, and it was stupid.

"Okay, stop, that's enough of that bullshit."

Kyo crawled on the bed at the same time as a bright lightning streaked the sky outside. "Stop
getting all emo on me." He deflected, and he knelt behind Ren, his hands hovering over his back
for a few seconds, before he touched him, fingers slipping on his shoulders.

Thunder resonated, a bit farther, making the walls tremble.

Ren let out a soft chuckle when it died down, and Kyo's hands ran up and down his back, until they
grabbed his shoulders to massage them tentatively. Ren hummed and leaned back against him. "I'm
sorry. I just… Don't understand why you would kiss someone else."

Ren was putting his whole weight on Kyo.

It was hard to keep massaging up, or to just keep straight. And honestly, Kyo's body was just
having a hard time not reacting to their proximity.

To Ren's warmth. His smell. His weight.

The exposed skin of his neck as Ren let his head fall on the side. "Did you want to try with
someone else ?" He asked, his voice but a whisper, that made Kyo shiver.

"Fine. I did. There, happy ?" Kyo groaned. His hands slid on Ren's chest, and instead of touching
him, he hugged him from behind. Pressed his face against his hair.

The rain outside got quieter for a bit, before the storm raged on.

"Not really…" Ren hummed, eyes closed. "I don't want to kiss anyone but you. Is it weird ?"
Kyo stared at the wind blowing hard on the trees outside his window, while he rubbed his palm on
Ren's chest, trying to be some kind of comforting presence, but his mind was running hard and fast,
registering only the curve of Ren's chest, the bumps of his abs, and those of his nipples.

And if his fingers kept running over them especially, well, it's not like he was doing it on purpose.

"I don't actually think it's weird. I mean, if anything I'm the weird one, right ?" Kyo mumbled,
trying to focus on something else than Ren's body leaning against him.

"Don't say that about yourself." Ren said, but it sounded automatic. Like he was so used to Kyo
dissing himself. It made Kyo smirk against his hair.

He looked up at Ren's horns, and he raised his chin up to press his lips against one, very gently.

Ren's reaction was immediate, and the noise he let out was the sweetest thing Kyo had ever heard.
So he kissed it again, and Ren shivered against him.

"Kyo…" Ren warned weakly.

"To be fair, I did want to kiss someone else, but it was out of curiosity, and, because, I don't know."
He whispered quickly, "I kinda got scared. I've never been in this situation and I got scared and this
asshole came with his heart eyes and he seduced me into kissing him to try and prove a point."

This seemed to make Ren laugh. "You know what, that definitely sounds like Aster, all right…"

No matter how much Kyo mocked Ren's laugh, he loved it. Not that he'd ever admit that out loud.

"You still mad ?" Kyo asked in a mumble. His hand stopped on Ren's chest, over where his heart
was. His fingers digged slightly, and Ren's breath caught in his throat.

"I wasn't… mad. I'm just lost I guess. But now that you told me how you felt… I think I
understand you a bit more." Ren whispered. He arched slightly against Kyo, his weight starting to
strain on him, but he was chasing the feeling of Kyo's hand, so Kyo slipped his hand down his
chest to slide his fingers under Ren' shirt, so he could caress his skin, his stomach, his chest.

He leaned in and pressed his face against Ren' shoulder, rubbing his nose and mouth there slowly
until his lips found the warm skin of his neck.
"Kyo…" Ren whispered, voice cracking. "Please."

Kyo frowned and closed his eyes as he pressed a kiss on Ren's neck, his other hand slipping under
his shirt too, to join the first one and grab his chest. He honestly had no idea what he was doing,
but he felt bold, guided by a very particular instinct, a need to be the one possessing Ren tonight.

His thumbs brushed Ren's nipples, tentatively, and Ren hummed, so Kyo kept doing it, peppering
small kisses on his neck.

Ren was so pliant… It was making Kyo's instinct swell and growl in his belly, new needs blooming
under his skin.

Needs to hear him make more noise. Needs to see him come undone under his touch, under his
kisses, needs to be the only thing in Ren's mind right now.

"How can you beg so easily…" Kyo whispered, his little fangs grazing his skin gently. He
remembered the way Ren just bit in his neck, unhinged, like Kyo was all his, like it didn't matter,
and Kyo wanted to do just that.

"I want you, I told you… I want all of you." Ren said, and again, it sounded so easy to say when he
said it… Why was it so hard for Kyo to even admit it ?

He opened his mouth to answer when a bright lightening streaked the sky, rapidly followed by a
big BOOM and the feeling of Earth trembling.

They both jumped out of their skin, and Ren sat up, looking outside with wide eyes.

As Kyo crawled out of his bed, panicked, the loud fire alarm of the institute started ringing, and the
both looked at each other, dumbfounded.

"Well, fuck. I've never been cockblocked by nature before." Kyo said, and Ren laughed, with that
stupid laugh Kyo loved so much.


Sick today. - KK
I'll stop by for lunch. Need anything ? - RZ

Think they got my meds delivered at the nurse's office. But I can go later. - KK

Let me get them for you. I want to see you. - RZ

You simp. - KK

Hey !! I just want to take care of you, isn't it what friends do ? - RZ

Friends. - KK

More than friends ? :D - RZ

You did not just use that emoji. - KK

:D - RZ

I'm gonna block you. - KK


Kyo ? - RZ

Kyo - RZ

Kyo - RZ


But I miss you - RZ

Well come quickly when you can then. - KK

:D - RZ

Nevermind. - KK



Let me kiss you - RZ

???? - KK

When I come see you. - RZ

What, you think you gonna heal me with a kiss or some shit ? - KK

You can try, good luck, I hope you get sick too. - KK
If I could inject you with a cure I'd do it asap. - RZ

You did not just say that. - KK

What ?? What did I say ?? - RZ

You know damn well what you said, you perverted pasta dish. - KK

Listen listen listen I didn't do it on purpose… But I would ! - RZ

You're a mad man. I can't do anything right now. - KK

Even if I wanted to. - KK

!!! - RZ

Shut up. - KK

Actually - KK

Have you ever - KK

Nevermind - KK

What ? You can ask me anything Kyo ! - RZ

Ugh you're so annoying you know that ? - KK

You had sex with lot of people right ? You ever… - KK

Fuck that's lame. You ever took it ? Like, what you did to me - KK

Oh - RZ

We don't really do it that way with my people. But yeah I've been receiving sometimes. - RZ

As a prince I had to answer to some stupid standard but I didn't really care. - RZ

Why d'you ask ? - RZ

I wanna fuck you Ren. - KK

I mean, I loved what we did and I wanna do it again, but I've been thinking about this so much
lately. - KK

Shut up. - KK

But I didn't say anything yet ! - RZ

Kyo I want it too - RZ

Really ? - KK

I told you Kyo. I want all of you… And I got your first time, it's only fair you take mine. - RZ

Shit, what if I hurt you - KK

I don't mind - RZ

You fucking masochist, that's crazy Rizotto… - KK

I wanna feel what you feel - RZ

Shut up - KK

Stop being romantic - KK

It's disgusting - KK

See you later - KK

Come quick - KK


A full week later, Kyo was sitting on his desk in his bedroom, staring at his computer screen.

He had been searching for days now, searching about sex, about anal sex, oral sex, especially gay
sex, hoping the Institute wasn't spying on his researches…

And now he had even more questions.

Because… This all seemed very difficult and terrifyingly hurtful.

How did Ren make it so, so good ?

It was written everywhere that anal sex required a looot of preparation, yet Kyo could remember
how Ren didn't use his fingers once… Just his tongue.
Thinking about it was making him feel hot all over, but that wasn't the point. He was way more
interested in making Ren do these noises and, and watch him be the one lose consciousness out of
pure pleasure.


He was gonna do that.


Yeah, him, Kyo Kaneko.

He was gonna fuck Ren and make him lose his mind.

The more he thought about it, the scarier it sounded.

Maybe he was looking too much into it, but Kyo liked to be prepared.

The only time he did something on a whim was… Was his first time with Ren.

And it had been incredible.

So okay, maybe he didn't need to be that prepared. He had the basis down now, he even had lube
already. He also had borrowed condoms from the nurse's office, because he knew that anyone of
his group would have never let him live that down if he ever asked them so…


All he had to do was get Ren in his bed and… And take control. Be in charge.

He bit his lower lip and grabbed his phone, sending a text to Ren, asking him if he was free

Before he could hit send, someone knocked at his door, and Kyo got startled.

"Shit…" He put his phone down and turned his computer' screen off, before he turned around and
called, "It's open !"

He was surprised to see Ren come in, it was still very early in the evening - and he was about to
text him.
It wasn't the first time they were connected like this.

"Hey, I…" Ren closed the door behind him and pressed his back against it, his hand reaching
blindly for the lock.

The sound it made when Ren engaged it echoed in the whole room, and it rang through Kyo like a
fucking promise.

Triggered a whole pavlovian response in his body, and Kyo was already feeling the blood rush
down between his legs.

"Okay." Kyo breathed, and he stood up, even if his legs were suddenly wobbly, his whole body
catching on fire as he walked up to Ren in wide strides. Ren's breath caught in his throat when he
saw him approach.

This was the kind of reaction Kyo wanted, and he was going to need more. Way more.

He reached Ren, and he pinned him against the door with his body, hands grabbing his collar to
pull him down.

As their lips clashed into a brutal kiss, Kyo pressed himself harder against Ren, to feel him better,
to feel him more, and Ren was clearly chasing the same sensation, because his hands went
grabbing Kyo's ass to bring him even closer.

Kyo let out a moan, a low, broken moan, that Ren swallowed whole, his tongue already chasing
Kyo's, but Kyo needed to take control, he needed to be the one in charge, he couldn't let himself
submit to this alien drug he was gonna feel for days again.

So he grabbed Ren's wrists and pinned them against the door, not up like people used to do,
because he was shorter, but down, and it locked Ren in place all the same, leaving him no choice
but to keep kissing Kyo.

And it seemed to please him, especially when Kyo used all his strength to keep his wrists pinned
down, because Ren let out desperate little noises that Kyo chased with his lips.

"Yeah. You're mine, tonight." Kyo groaned.

Ren groaned back, his teeth nipping at Kyo's lower lip. "Yes, yes, anything you want…"
Kyo hummed and copied Ren, nibbling at his lower lip, before he bit down, hard enough to hurt -
and just like in his memories, Ren let out a strangled moan.

He'd been thinking about that reaction a lot, and he'd wanted to provoke it again, and again.

"Ren, do you like pain ?" He asked against Ren's lips, before he pushed back just enough to look
him in the eyes.

"No !!" Ren cried, offended, but his horns were vibrant and his cheeks were becoming pink.

Kyo's expression changed to become an irritated one.

"Ren. If we're gonna do this, I'm gonna need you to be honest. I did it, remember ? So stop that."
He let go of his hands and grabbed Ren's face to press another messy kiss on his lips, and Ren
chased it, but Kyo pulled back and stopped him from kissing him again.

Ren opened his eyes and sighed.

"Fine. Maybe I do. I mean, I don't, except when it comes… From you. Hah, that's embarrassing."
Ren laughed and Kyo had to bite the inside of his cheek. "I don't know why. When you hurt me it
feels very good."

"You're a freak, Rizotto."

"Hey ! You promised you wouldn't laugh !"

Kyo took a few steps back, and he smirked. "Did I ? I don't think I did."

He walked backward until the back of his knees hit his bed, so he sat on it.

He leaned backward on his hands, staring at Ren.

"It's okay. I'm feeling generous enough to give you what you need."

Ren pushed himself off of the door, eyes bright. Once again, his pupils were swallowing the blue
of his eyes.

"You will ?"

Kyo stopped himself from relying on his mean comebacks, because Ren was approaching carefully
- he looked like a deer, about to run away any second now.

He couldn't help but squint, but he held a hand towards the alien, impelling him to keep moving.
What he didn't expect was for Ren to just sit on his lap after he took his hand.

He was so much taller than him, so Kyo had to completely look up to be able to see his face.

"What the fuck are you doiiiin' bro ?" He grunted, his voice cracking, but his arms wrapped around
Ren's waist without thinking, as if to not let him fall.

Ren chuckled, his fangs poking out of his lips, and he wrapped his arms around Kyo' shoulders. "I
wanted to try this. But it's not very comfortable. We're gonna have to find ways if we want to make
this work." He said, quite wisely.

"Yeah. Lay down." Kyo said with a low voice.

Ren's eyes widened, but he didn't wait to obey, almost throwing himself on Kyo's bed, laying on
his back and looking at him with an expectant gaze.

It threw Kyo off a bit, how much Ren acted like a puppy dog right now, so earnest and wanting.
How could he be so excited, when Kyo was the one in front of him ? Wasn't Ren just a bit…
Apprehensive ? Worried ? Scared that Kyo was going to hurt him ?

"Do you… Do you want me to… Get naked ?" Ren asked, half sitting up.

Kyo had to shake himself out of his anxious daze, feeling self conscious that he couldn't make it
sexy when Ren had made it so easily exciting last time.

He hauled himself up on the bed and shook his head, "Let me do it."

He crawled up to Ren, and made his way between his legs, grabbing them and pushing them apart.
"Fuck, Kyo…" Ren's voice trembled as he whimpered Kyo's name, and Kyo looked up to find Ren

Kyo's hands on his thighs slowly crept up, and Kyo could feel his muscles tense up under his

That was… An incredible sensation.

And when his hands reached Ren's crotch, he pressed his thumbs on the inside of Ren's thighs,
watching him shiver. His own heart was about to burst out of his chest…

Kyo bit his lower lip and rubbed his thumb between Ren's legs, feeling up the bump of his balls
and the hollow of his perineum.

"Kyo… Please touch me." Ren whispered, spreading his legs on himself, and Kyo's brain fried on
the spot. All he could do was give Ren exactly what he wanted, and he pressed his palm against his
cock, over his pants.

Until Ren asked for more, in his broken, pleading voice, and Kyo's brain rebooted.

"Oh baby you're so needy." He said in a falsely annoyed tone. Kyo took his hand away and Ren
whimpered again, his hips thrusting up in the air to chase contact. Kyo grabbed his hips to pin
them back down on the mattress, a little smirk on the lips.

Ren's reaction was so intoxicating then, his brows furrowed and lips open, eyes dark with honest
desire. He was trying to talk but was stuttering, unable to express himself. Ren.

An alien.

An alien prince .

Kyo wasn't sure what had made him like this but he was more than willing to try and find out.

"Please, please…" Ren whimpered, and Kyo surged forward, pressing both of his hands against his
mouth, ignoring how his fangs grazed his palms.

"I'm gonna shut you up Ren, and you'll get what I'm gonna give you. Yes ?" Kyo said, voice
trembling. He was winging this, and he hoped Ren wouldn't hate it.
Ren was blinking at him, dumbfounded, eyes glazed, so Kyo gulped and whispered, "Nod if you

The alien immediately nodded, and Kyo was the one to whimper this time.

Ren was so… obedient, it was feeding a new, stranger beast inside him.

"I'm gonna let go and… And tie you up. Yeah. I'm gonna tie you up and gag you." He said, and
tried moving his hips to slot them against Ren's groin, making himself shiver of pleasure when
their cocks rubbed together through their clothes. "You- you okay with that ?"

Ren moaned, eyes fluttering, and he nodded again, enthusiastically.

"Fuck…" Kyo groaned and pressed his hips down, Ren thrusting up in response. "You want this
that bad uh ? Just… Before I do gag you, you need to find a way to tell me when to stop or

Kyo sat up and looked around, as Ren immediately sat up too and wrapped his arms around Kyo to
hug him tight. "Kyo… I know you don't want me to say it but I feel so many things for you…"

Taken aback, Kyo let himself hug Ren back for a few seconds, revealing in the feeling of his quick
heartbeat against his own chest.

When the dizziness Ren's words provoked in him eased, Kyo pushed Ren back, and looked at him
with a very serious expression.

"Not now, I'm trying not to lose my mind right now. How will you tell me if I need to stop with a
gag in your mouth ? I need to know."

Ren wouldn't look away, and he wouldn't let go of Kyo. His hands ran up to grab his face and
squish his cheeks.

Kyo's expression became murderous.

"You have two seconds before I bite your head off."

Ren chuckled and let go of him, letting himself fall back on his back, shivering from excitement.
"Don't worry about that, if I need you to stop, no human bonds can restrain me."

Kyo pouted. "Well, that just fucked over half of the fun." He looked at Ren's body, still clothed but
offered to him. He still couldn't believe Ren wanted him, and he couldn't believe he wanted Ren
back, so, fucking, much. He couldn't believe how Ren was making him feel - new sensations, each
one stronger than the later.

So just because he could, he pressed a palm against the bulge in Ren's pants again, and he felt his
cock up, looking at him close his pretty blue eyes and open his mouth to whimper.


"Okay, okay, I'm…" his eyes fell to Ren's tie, and he knew exactly what he had to do. "Give me
your hands."

He leaned in and grabbed Ren's tie to undo it in a quick movement, sliding it off from around the
alien's neck.

Ren brought his hands together and offered them to Kyo without the slightest hesitation, and it
made the weird beast inside him growl and rise. It was in his chest, and made him want to do so
many things without thinking - but he couldn't. Not when Ren was trusting him so much.

And no matter how much Kyo joked about wanting to send him back into space, maul him and cut
his horn off to sell them, Kyo didn't actually want to hurt Ren for real.


Unless it was what Ren wanted.

Then, yes. He wanted to hurt him, hurt him good. Watch him react and cry and moan because Kyo
was the one hurting him good .

As he was tying Ren in a very clumsy way, he froze and looked at him with a blank face. "Wait,
pause. Is this… Is this BDSM ?"

Ren's eyes were jumping from his face to his tied hands. "I… Guess ? I don't know. I only know
the basics of humans' sexuality."
Kyo pulled on the tie and the knot crumpled on itself. He pouted, but wasn't going to give up now.

Strange, he was the type of guy who usually gave up, he was used to not being able to do shit.

Ren was really working him up.

"Wait a second, I'm gonna…" he slipped off of the bed and almost fell, but he managed to catch
himself up on his desk and grabbed his phone before he came back, snuggling between Ren's legs
like he fitted perfectly, right there.

He turned his phone on and opened google. "How to tie a solid knot even aliens can't undo." He
said out loud.

Ren chuckled.

Kyo smirked at him, then scrolled down on his phone screen. "Huh. Constrictor knot. Let's try

"Constrictor ? Sounds like a snake. I like it." Ren said, holding his hands for Kyo again, and it did
something to Kyo' stomach again.

"You would. Is there anything you don't like ?" Kyo asked, innocently, but he hoped Ren would
take the bait and tell him his turns off.

Ren was looking at Kyo's hands very intently, clearly interested. "Bullies ?" He said, and Kyo had
a flashback of their very first conversations.

"You slept with your biggest bully." Kyo pointed out.

Ren frowned. "That's not the same. From day one I could tell this was your way of being friendly. I
never met a bully who felt bad so fast the moment I whined."

Kyo tightened the knot in a swift movement, and Ren panted, immediately testing it out. It didn't
budge. In fact, it even got tighter the more he moved.
Kyo grabbed his hands and brought them to his lips. He pressed a gentle kiss on Ren's knuckles,
before he pushed his tied hands up and pinned them over Ren's head.

Ren panted again and raised his head just slightly to reach Kyo, kissing him from the tip of his

Kyo allowed him, because he needed reassurance. He leaned in and kissed him back, a bit too
brusque, but a bit more confident. He rubbed his lips against Ren, felt him shudder under him, and
his legs wrap around his hips.

Ren had long legs, Kyo felt so small between them, but he also felt powerful. He tried rolling his
hips, and Ren groaned against his lips - it was enough to make him want more.

He broke the kiss, and sat back on his calves. "Ren, please, if there's anything you don't want me to
do, tell me now man." Kyo asked in a husky voice, undoing his own tie easily. He never knew how
to tie his tie correctly, Maria always was the one doing it for him.

Ren smiled fondly, his arms were twitching and Kyo could see he was restraining himself… again.
This time it flooded Kyo with the need to test Ren's limits, and he was so, so excited for this.

"If it's you, there's nothing I don't want." Ren whispered. His voice too was hoarse, it sounded so,
so sexy and Kyo almost regretted gagging him.


Cause this shit was hot.

Him, simple human Kyo, gagging Alien prince Ren, was way, too, fucking, hot.

"Stop acting all romantic and shit. I'm serious !" He lightly whipped Ren's thigh with his tie, and
Ren whimpered. Kyo bit his lower lip but he fought his urges and rolled his eyes up instead. "Such
a masochist. Come on. Just, tell me. Give me something."

Ren raised his hands and just brushed Kyo's cheek with his knuckle.

"I would, but I told you. You're my first human Kyo. We're gonna have to learn together. And…
Huh, I guess, trust each other we'll be honest."
Often Ren sounded desperate, sometimes he sounded nostalgic, and in rare times, he sounded too
wise for Kyo's ego not to be bruised.

He wished he would be the one reassuring Ren right now. He wanted to be in charge, and instead,
he kept stuttering and being messy.

Kyo sighed. "You right. I hate when you're right. Ready ?" He asked, stretching his tie and making
it clack.

Ren nodded so enthusiastically Kyo chuckled.

He leaned in and Ren opened his mouth enough for Kyo to press the tie against it, his fangs
grazing the thick and shiny fabric. He wrapped it around Ren's head, pushing his body forward as
much as possible, his cock rubbing right against Ren's ass.

And his face was right against Ren's horns.

So Kyo did what he'd wanted to do for a long time now.

At first, he kissed the longer one, tightening his constrictor knot gently as Ren panted, and when he
was done, he hauled himself up with his hands against the headboard.

He leaned in, his body tensed with the awkward position, and he bit at the tip of Ren's horn,
nibbling gently, testing.

Ren's breath hitched and became erratic.

His horn was glowing intensely, and Kyo wanted to know if it could glow more.

He pressed his tongue against it, flat, and licked from the base to the top of it.

Ren's legs around his waist tightened impossibly hard and Kyo was the one to whine, his hips
stuttering forward.

He pushed back, sitting down, grabbing Ren's legs to pinch his thigh gently.

"Fuck, was this too much ?"

Ren's mouth was half open around the gag, and the fabric was already dripping wet with saliva.

He shook his head no, and Kyo noticed that his blue eyes were wet with unspilled tears.
It felt like a punch in the gut.


So, Ren's horns were that sensitive.

It was the path to take if he ever wanted to, maybe… Overstimulate him.


Not that Kyo trusted himself to be able to do that, for now, he had too many things to think about,


With Ren laying down like this in front of him, Kyo's mind was going blank more and more often.

He leaned in and undid Ren' shirt quickly, ignoring the way his breath was so quick he was getting

Losing his patience, he just ripped the shirt open when three buttons were left, making them fly

"Fuck, sorry I guess, but I hate that shirt."

Ren laughed through his gag, but his laugh turned into small noises of what Kyo assumed was
pleasure when his palms started roaming on Ren's chest.

His fingers dug in the meat of it, and he dragged them down, slowly scratching Ren' skin. He was
leaving angry red grazes behind, and Ren arched under it, eyes closed and cheeks flushed.

"Ren…" Kyo groaned without thinking. He was about to cry because what he was feeling was too
overwhelming. Ren had no idea how good it felt for Kyo to see him like this.

Or maybe he did.

Maybe that's why he looked the way he did when they… Got close the first time.

Ren opened his eyes, brows furrowed, but he nodded, like he wanted Kyo to know he had liked it.

An approval for him to keep it up.

"Okay, I gotchu…" Kyo whispered and looked down again, devouring Ren with his gaze. He tried
to focus on his next step and had to think hard before his hands finally got to Ren's belt buckle.

He undid it, but his hands were trembling so much he had to distract himself, so he leaned in and
started pressing kisses on Ren' stomach. He closed his eyes, tried to focus on the feeling of his skin
against his lips, as he kissed his way down Ren's hips.

Could he really do whatever he wanted to him ? Would it be okay if he…

As his fingers popped open the buttons of Ren's pants, Kyo pressed his tongue flat against Ren's
abdomen, and Ren let out a long moan when Kyo decided to lick his way back up.

Ren lowered his arms to raise himself up on an elbow, the knot around his wrists tightening up
enough to hurt.

He was panting, eyes almost completely black. He tried to talk around his gag, but he only ended
up drooling more, saliva glistening on his chin.

Kyo looked up as he tried peppering kisses on Ren's chest, his hands trying to pull his pants and
underwear down.

At this point, he couldn't do both, but when he bit on Ren's breast, Ren groaned, and Kyo told
himself he could forget about clothes for a bit.

He could feel how his own face was growing hot, hotter, too hot actually - he was probably coming
down with a fever, but nothing could stop him, not when he could grab Ren's breast and play with
his nipples and actually see them and, and kiss, and lick, and nibble…

And Ren was just giving him the sexiest noises, grunts, whimpers, choked pleas.

His little fangs were leaving marks everywhere, some redder than the others, and he wondered if
they would bruise.

When Ren was trembling under his fingers, Kyo pushed himself up and straddled Ren's hips so he
could hover over him. He could feel how hard Ren was against his ass, and it made flashes of what
they did last time come back to him - fuck.

Kyo grabbed Ren's face and made him look up to him.

He could feel confidence grow inside him, seeing how hard Ren was trembling - how hard he was
obviously restraining himself.
"Listen to me, Ren." He said, and was surprised to hear his voice way deeper than usual. He
sounded like he had just woken up. "Do you want me to keep t-touching you ?"

He blushed, but held on tight on the feeling of power that was making his whole body tingle. Ren
nodded, desperately, blinking rapidly. So Kyo kept going, "Yeah ? I wanna give you what you
want but… You seem to be struggling here buddy…"

Blinded by how turned on he was, he leaned in and kissed Ren' spit-shining lips, nipping them
gently. He loved it, loved how powerless Ren was, couldn't kiss him back, even if he clearly
wanted to.

"C-can you… Can you promise me you'll hold on ? Can you do that for me ?"

Oh, the rush of power kept coming, as Ren nodded, his eyes shining with need and adoration.

Kyo had no idea what they were both doing, but he loved it.

He knew what was awaiting for him when the high and pleasure would wash down - shame, and
more shame, followed by a hot wave of even more shame, but for now, all he could think about
was how Ren was whining for more, the tie around his hands creaking dangerously.

He let go of Ren's face and pushed his hair back, freeing his face from black, sweaty strands. "Be
good." Kyo groaned, and he crawled back between Ren's legs, grabbing the hem of his pants and

He remembered the way Ren just got him naked in the blink of an eye, and went to town, eating
him out like a starving man.

The sole memory of it made him shiver from head to toes, but he didn't let it distract him, not when
he could see the V of Ren's hips appear in front of his eyes.

Kyo kept pulling his clothes down, didn't look away when Ren sprang free in front of him, but he
didn't stop until he had thrown his pants and underwear on the floor.

"Can I ask you something ? You just have to nod yes or no. Am I… Is your saliva doing something
to me right now ? I'm not saying it does or anything…" His heart skipped a few beats as his hands
slid up Ren's legs in feathery caresses, and he tried to fight his own mind trying to go blank and
stupid with need.
Ren slowly nodded yes, and Kyo groaned. "Fuck. That explains a lot. Okay, another question…"
he said, his voice lower, almost a whisper, as he leaned in and wrapped both hands around Ren's
cock. He could barely join fingers, how did it even fit inside him ?

Ren let out a moan, and as he started stroking him tentatively, Kyo looked up to see that Ren had
fallen back on the mattress, his eyes tightly closed.

Kyo smirked.

Ren was fighting so hard right now - he really wanted him to break.

"Does your sperm act like your saliva ?" He asked casually, even if his voice cracked a bit. Ren
panted, and nodded no, which, good, but Kyo felt a bit disappointed.

"Okay then. Does your saliva work on yourself ?"

Ren denied again, and Kyo bit his lower lip.

His gaze fell down on Ren's cock, and curiosity swole up inside him.

He wondered how Ren tasted here. He wondered if he, too, could use his mouth to prep him down

He'd read that fingers were better, especially for a first time, but he wanted to try.

He was surprised not to be repulsed by that idea.

He was surprised by how much he wanted everything from Ren, by the violence of how badly he
wanted every inch of his body under his hands, in his mouth, around his cock.


"You know, it might hurt, then. But you already know that." Kyo said, moving his hand up and
down Ren's cock, jerking him off slowly. Very slowly.

Ren's noises were intoxicating. He clearly wanted more, no matter what, and Kyo was starting to
reach his own breaking point.

He was so hard, all he wanted was to take his cock out and fuck Ren senseless until he just came
inside him, gave him everything he got.


He needed to hurry.

But first…
He leaned in and brought Ren's cock to his lips, giving his tip a small kitten lick.

Kyo pulled a face but he couldn't help doing it again, and again, because Ren's hips were trembling
with how hard he was trying not to thrust up, and Kyo absolutely loooved the idea of how much
Ren was suffering right now.

It made him even harder - that rush of power…

He got accustomed to Ren's taste pretty quickly, and it was adductive - Ren had lied, he was sure,
his fluids down here were drugs too, they had to be, otherwise… Why would Kyo want to swallow
Ren's whole cock in one go ?

He tried, pushing himself further down, but his fangs grazed Ren' skin and the alien jumped,
hissing in pain. Kyo pulled back, and frowned, "Can't you take a little pain ?" He groaned, but
really tried to understand why he hurt Ren in the process. People were doing that everyday right ?
It couldn't be that hard…

"Fowwy…" Ren whimpered around the gag, trying to look at Kyo.

He was smiling.

Around the gag.

His eyes were cloudy, glassy with excitement, and his horns were projecting a very intense glow on
his face.

"You liked that ! God damn you're a freak."

Ren whined, and Kyo pressed a few kisses on his cock. "Yeah yeah." He licked his tip again, why
did he taste so good ? "I wouldn't want you any other way." He groaned and sat up, letting go fo
Ren's cock.

He looked at his hands, they were covered in sticky precome. "Oh. You're really making a mess."
Kyo whispered, blushing himself. He was very much certain that this wasn't a human reaction.

He rubbed his hands on his sheets to clean them, his gaze looking up and down Ren's body, to end
up staring him the eyes.

"I'm going to use my fingers now, so, you'll have to let me know if you don't like it okay ?"

He waited for Ren to nod, and he hummed, hoping the trembling in his fingers would stop as he
leaned over his bound alien to grab the lube he had prepared just for the occasion.
When his body pressed against Ren's, Ren thrusted upward, rubbing himself against Kyo, his eyes
searching Kyo's.

Kyo got distracted, losing himself in the pleading blue gaze that Ren was throwing him. Kyo
panted, and grabbed Ren's face instead, pressing kisses against his open lips. God he wanted to kiss
him deep so bad, but this gag was in the w–

"Hey." Kyo pulled back. He frowned and raised a hand to pinch Ren's horn. Ren groaned, blinking
fast, surprised. "What do you think you're doing ? I thought you said you'd be good for me."

Ren's eyes widened, and Kyo smirked as he started rubbing his fingers against Ren's horn. Ren
inhaled sharply, but he didn't look away, clearly fighting to stop moving and be a good boy . Fuck,
Kyo had never been so turned on in his life. He wanted to keep on torturing Ren, push his limits.

He kept rubbing his horn, and leaned in to kiss his forehead, his cheek, while he slid his leg
between Ren's ones, rubbing his knee right against his cock.

Ren closed his eyes and tried to throw his head back, heavy panting breaching his gag.

The fabric of Kyo's pants couldn't feel comfortable, not against Ren's hard, exposed cock, but it
was part of the punishment.

Ren opened his eyes back, and panic was written all over them, as a rumble started to vibrate in his
chest. It was clear that it was getting too much for him, and Kyo had to remind himself that he was
the one in charge and that he needed to be reasonable.

So he stopped, after a few more, excruciating seconds where he got to watch Ren's eyes fill with
tears - oh he loved that too, fuck.

He leaned in and kissed the corner of Ren's eyes, remembering how sweet, gentle and caring Ren
had been with him. Kyo had so, so much to learn, but he couldn't bring himself to ever ask Ren to
teach him. Plus, Ren had told him he had never done it with a human. So he was gonna search on
his own, and try things with Ren.

He kissed his cheek, then his upper lip, and he sat back, grabbing the lube. "Good boy."

He popped open the bottle but lube squirted everywhere on his hands and on his shirt. "What the,
man !" Kyo groaned, and he scooped some of the lube on his shirt in his hand, rubbing his fingers
When he looked up, Ren was staring at him, holding his breath. Kyo felt the power rush through
him again - fuck.

He tried to smile, as he brought his fingers under Ren's balls, but his lips were trembling. In fact,
his fingers were trembling so much, he had to stop himself for a few seconds.

He took a deep breath to try and calm himself, but Ren decided to take the initiative to help him
out. He raised his legs up, bringing his knees close to his chest, exposing himself completely.

Offering himself up completely.

To Kyo.


He trusted him that much.

Kyo panted, and he crawled closer, pressing his pelvis to Ren's ass, slipping his knees under him to
help him stay up this way.

"Okay, you look…" he forced himself to look down, and had to bite the inside of his cheek when
his eyes fell on Ren's hole.

A hole was a hole, but for some reason right now it was the sexiest thing Kyo had ever seen. He
pressed a thumb against it, biting his lower lip, hearing himself breathe fast, too fast, but he
couldn't care less, even if he was getting dizzy.

He'd never done anything like this, not to anyone, not to himself, so when he breached past the ring
of Ren's entrance, and that he heard him groan, Kyo stilled and looked up. "Okay ?" He had to ask,
because he needed to be sure he wasn't doing anything wrong.

Even after reading about it… He could never be completely sure. Kyo wasn't used to be so

Ren nodded, still staring at him, barely breathing.

"Hey now, I don't know if you actually need to breathe, but it would reassure me to hear you do so,
ye ?" Kyo asked, his free hand caressing Ren's thigh gently - and smearing lube there without

Ren nodded again, and he took a deep breath, before letting out a long moan when Kyo decided to
take his thumb out and to push his middle finger inside him in one go.
"Ren." Kyo whispered, lips trembling even more, "You…" he was losing his voice with how much
he wanted to fuck him right now. "Fuck you for being so hot, you're making me lose my mind."

Kyo's voice cracked. He started moving his fingers in a steady back and forth movement, trying
real hard to remember what he read.

Was it even accurate for Ren ?

Did Aliens even have a prostate ??

He bit his lower lip again. He kept moving his finger, faster, blushing at the soft, wet noises, but
when he bent his finger slightly, Ren hummed, encouragingly.

"Yeah ? You like that ?" Kyo asked, feeling how much Ren was tightening up when he was talking
to him. "Think you can take more ?" He asked, and before Ren could even nod, he pushed a second
finger inside, but even with lube, it got difficult, and Ren tensed, letting out an uncomfortable sob
that went straight to Kyo's dick.

"Wait, fuck, sorry, okay, more lube."

Ren used his leg to stop Kyo from getting the bottle, and he shook his head, pleading gaze asking
for him to keep going. Kyo had to fight a moan of his own, when he asked "Are you sure ?", voice

Ren nodded, pupils blown. Okay.


He was sure.

Kyo nodded back, and he pushed his second finger in, moving slowly but surely, and he whispered,
"Look at you, taking it so good already, you really want me huh ?"

He blushed at his own words but Ren's body reactions were intoxicating. His cock was spurting
precome like madness, twitching, and he was twitching inside too, tightening almost unbearably.

He took his time to feel Ren relax around him, pushing his fingers as deep as he possibly could,
and when he could finally move them faster, he leaned in and started kissing Ren's thighs, the
inside of it, because the need to have him in his mouth was almost as overwhelming as having him
around his cock. He nipped at the soft skin inside Ren's thigh, while bending his fingers again, in a
harsh movement.

Ren tensed under him, delicious, desperate moans spilling out of his open mouth. Kyo looked at
him, and couldn't help but push himself up to press kisses against Ren' shiny lips. He was drooling
so much…

"For real Ren you're so messy…" He whispered against his lips, before licking them.

He would have been disgusted by himself normally, but everything about Ren was turning him on
right now.

And… He could understand now, when Scarle had talked about inexperienced people wanting to
rush in everything. Because he wasn't sure he could hold on anymore.

"Ren… I wantchu." He whispered, feeling pathetic for asking permission, when he had wanted to
offer Ren the whole dominant experience, but he really was tightly wound up.

And he hated how easily Ren gave in too, even if he seemed so eager for it, even if he was
trembling too, legs strained from the position, body covered in sweat.

Ren never sweat.

Except when they… had sex for the first time.

"Weaje…" Ren whimpered around the gag, and Kyo understood the plea, so he nodded, and kissed
him one last time on his lower lip, before he sat up, and slowly took his fingers out of Ren.

"Okay, you know what, I kinda dig that, might do it again." He groaned, and looked up to see Ren
nod furiously. It made him laugh, "Yeah yeah, I got it, anything coming from me, right. You're a
simp, Ren." He said, as he undid his belt, not bothering to take it off.

He plunged his hand under his pants and underwear, pulling them down just enough to draw his
cock out. And just because he could, and because it was all he could think about, he jerked himself
off once, twice, relief washing over him, and he brought the tip of his cock right against Ren's

He rubbed it here, smearing lube and precome around, and Ren hummed in approbation, breath
completely erratic.

Fuck, he needed to fuck him now.

He grabbed the bottle of lube firmly, and poured a generous amount of it on his palm, before
rubbing it to warm it up, and spreading it on his cock.

God dammit.
He was never gonna last long… He hoped Ren wasn't either.

When he was done, he rubbed some more on Ren's puckering hole, biting his lips.

"Okay." He whispered, his voice a bit higher than usual, "I'm…"

He looked up and could see Ren still trembling. "Oh yeah. Look, I want to, hum, get you on all
four. Turn around."

Kyo pushed Ren's legs on the side, but Ren shook his head, teeth breaking the gag so easily Kyo
was even more impressed by how much restraint it must have taken to keep it on all this time.
"Wait…" Ren whined, his voice all high too, "I wanna see your face. Like this is okay, right ?"

And he raised a leg to prove his point.

Okay, fuck, Kyo thought, this was way hotter than what he had seen during his researches - doggy
style was hot but was also easier on the receiver, but Ren seemed so earnestly eager…

And he was still bound.

Kyo couldn't resist.

He crawled closer again, wrapped an arm around Ren's leg to guide it up, until he was nice and
open again. "All right, you've asked for it. So you'll have it, but just this time. And…"

Kyo felt his heart skip a few beats as he raised his hand, but Ren's ass was so tempting in this
position, so he suddenly slapped his cheek, hard enough for it to echo in the whole room, and to
leave a slightly pink handprint on Ren' skin.

Ren moaned loudly, his voice breaking at the end, voice no longer muffled by the thick gag of his
tie. "... That's for breaking the gag. Fuck, you liked that ?" Kyo groaned, his cock begging for
attention with how excited he was.

Ren tried to bury his face against the pillow, hiding behind his bound hands. "God dammit Kyo,
you're driving me crazy, please… Please !"

Kyo opened his mouth, but the way Ren sounded was taking his breath away, so he just nodded
and grabbed his cock with the hand that had just spanked Ren. "Fine then, since you're begging for
it, now, I-I'm gonna fuck you."

"Yeah, yes." Ren whispered, looking at him between his fingers. "Sorry for the… Gag." He
laughed, and when he was out of breath like this, his laugh was hot .

He raised his arms on top of his head, pressing his bound hands against the headboard to push
himself against Kyo, and it took everything for Kyo not to just push back.

It made his chest prop up and Kyo wanted to bite down hard on his nipples.


Kyo could truly only take so much, after all. He wasn't God' strongest soldier, and Ren was so
sexy, laying on his side, his whole body naked offered to him, so Kyo pushed back, pressing his
cock against Ren's hole, and sinking deep inside him in one go.

He closed his eyes and let out a long, high pitched moan, pleasure overwhelming him.

The feeling was… Insane.

Kyo had never felt anything like it. Ren was very tight, and so, so warm. Kyo's fingers were
digging deep in the meat of Ren's thigh, and he was trying so hard to push down the fast coming
orgasm threatening to ruin everything.

This is all Kyo could think about.




But his hips were trembling with the effort made not to thrust inside Ren and fuck him, fuck him
until his own brain blew up–

"Kyo ?" Ren's voice brought him back on Earth, and everything felt a little bit less intense.
"Breathe baby… Breathe…"

Kyo opened his eyes and looked at him, trying to breathe in deeply.
Ren was staring at Kyo with glazed eyes, mouth open and saliva still glistening everywhere on his
chin, dripping on his chest. Small bite marks were peppered all over his chest - Kyo didn't even
remember leaving those, but he made a mental note to leave even more after he was done.

"Fuuuck…" Kyo whined, "Man, don't call me baby !" He croaked, hoping on the opportunity to
distract himself and not admit out loud how beautiful Ren was when Kyo had messed him up like
that. "Don't…" he panted, his speech slurring. Ah fuck, Ren was having quite the effect on him.

Ren opened his mouth, but he smiled, and licked his lips, his tongue playing with his fang. "You
know you called me exactly that earlier right ?"

Kyo's face fell into that upset glower he often threw at Ren. "You probably misheard that, wouldn't
be the first time you take your fantasy for a reality."

Ren laughed, "You're balls deep inside me, how can you say that ?"

Kyo blushed, felt the heat spread to his ears and down his chest. He clicked his tongue, "Listen,
shut up or I'll spank you again."

"Jokes on you…" Ren chuckled.

"Don't you dare finish that one."

"Or what ?"

Kyo's brows rose up slowly. "Oh you're asking for it now, I see how it is." He raised his hand, and
saw Ren's eyes follow the movement, cheeks flushing in anticipation. This bitch…

Kyo smirked, his own heart pounding in his chest as he leaned in and took a big bite of the inside
of Ren's thigh, planting his small fangs in his smooth skin.

Not expecting this, Ren moaned in pain, and blushed even more, his horns brighter than ever.

Kyo groaned in arousal, and as distracted as Ren had managed to make him, now every feeling was
coming back.
Especially when Ren was tightening like madness around him.

"Fuck, Ren, I…"

Kyo thrusted in, and Ren grunted, hissing, but he whispered, "Yeah, come on Kyo…" so Kyo
started fucking him in earnest, pressing his cheek against Ren's knee, trying to keep his eyes open
as pleasure was drowning his mind.

It took only a few seconds for Kyo's hips to stutter, and he tried stopping his movements, but his
hips kept moving anyway. "Oh…" He whimpered, "Ren, hah… I'm sorry…" his voice broke, his
breath becoming erratic.

Ren hummed, and lowered his arms to hold his hands up to Kyo, and Kyo grabbed one, the other
still keeping Ren's leg up, resting on his shoulder. "Come for me… I wanna feel you inside."

It was more than enough to make Kyo tip over the edge, and he came hard, hard enough to punch
the air out of his chest, a silent cry of pleasure passing his lips.

"Kyo…" Ren groaned, and Kyo felt himself fall forward. The tie around Ren's wrists broke easily,
and the alien all but wrapped his arms around Kyo to hug him tight when Kyo landed on top of
him, spent.

Kyo groaned, tired, but feeling empty - and Ren still felt way too good around him - way, way too
good. Unbearably good even. He was so fucking tight.

Ren was petting his hair, gently, and Kyo felt in heaven, but he needed to pull out, so he did, and
Ren grunted in discomfort.

Kyo felt a kick of shame inside him, and he hid his face against Ren's chest.

"It… It was bad, wasn't it ?"

Ren stayed silent for a few, long seconds. Kyo looked up, setting his chin on Ren's chest, frowning
and pouting. "You can say it !"

Ren was looking down at him with a tender smile, and his eyes were still very shiny with arousal.

"Well, it wasn't mind breaking, and it hurt, but it hurt good. I… Kinda liked it. We should do it
Kyo's tiredness was nothing next to the way he passed out last time they fucked, so he decided to
battle through it, and he propped himself up on the mattress.

He was still frowning, but he wasn't pouting anymore.

"You did ? You want to ? Pause… Why ? It sounds like it was awful."

Ren propped himself on his elbows. "At the risk of repeating myself, I want everything from you.
And I'm huh…" He leaned in and kissed Kyo's lips. "... Still horny. Wanna go again ?"

Kyo looked at him, eyes fluttering, before he leaned in to kiss him back, and again, wrapping his
arms around Ren' shoulders.

Ren groaned and flipped them over as he deepened the kiss, his tongue rubbing against Kyo's,
pushing deep in his throat.

Kyo moaned and clawed at Ren's back, his lack of gag reflex coming in handy again.

It brought tears to his eyes, but he didn't push Ren away, because Ren was rolling his hips against
his, and his hard cock felt so good against his sensitive one, filling it with blood again.

Ren was the one breaking the kiss, and he sat up, his face completely changed from the tender,
foggy expression he had earlier.

Now he looked… Hungry.

His eyes were shining with a strange light, and when he licked his lips, his alien tongue showed,
very longue, and Kyo's breath got caught in his throat.

And he still couldn't breathe when Ren sat on his hips, rubbing his ass on Kyo's cock slowly.
"Don't hold back." Ren growled, were his fangs longer ?

Kyo felt arousal crush him again, and he raised his hands to grab Ren's hips, nodding quickly. He
had little to no control over the situation, but it felt incredible already, and Kyo wanted more, he
wanted to feel Ren again.

"Don't either. But don't break me, please…" Kyo whispered.

Ren smiled, a wicked smile that shot straight to Kyo's dick, which he grabbed with one hand,
raising himself up on his knees enough to lead it to his hole.
"Can't promise you anything, I want you so badly." Ren growled, his voice sounded way, way

He slowly but surely sank on Kyo's cock, groaning in obvious discomfort, but he didn't wait to
bottom out before he started moving, and Kyo moaned loudly. "Fuck ! Fucking simp– Hah…"

He searched for Ren's hands, and Ren grabbed them, intertwining their fingers together. "Yeah,
yes…" Ren panted, and moved faster, fast enough for Kyo to feel pleasure swell up inside him

"Ren… Fuck… Slow down, I'm gonna… Again…" Kyo pleaded, but Ren just brought Kyo's
hands to his cock and led them up and down, jerking himself off using Kyo's hands.

That was… So hot, Kyo tried to participate, but at this point, he was just as useless as he was
during their first time - and he liked it just as much as overpowering Ren.

When Ren started moving even faster, not bothering to raise his hips up anymore, Kyo had to bite
down on his lower lip to try and keep some stamina on, because he was going to come
embarrassingly fast, once again.

When he felt the familiar sensation in his balls building up impossibly, Kyo cried, "Ren…
Please…" his voice breaking, but Ren didn't stop, and Kyo came again, deep inside him, moaning
too loud.

And then, Ren kept moving, and pleasure became unbearable, and his body was screaming for it to
stop, but Ren was panting faster and faster and Kyo wanted it to be good, he wanted it to be perfect,
so he let it hurt, hurt good, until he got dizzy and tightened his hands around Ren's cock painfully.

Ren moaned and stilled, eyes focusing on Kyo finally, and he let out a small noise that Kyo would
have found very cute if he wasn't busy suffering like hell.

His cock was going to fall off for sure - and the worst was, he was hard again, but he wasn't sure he
had anything left to shoot.

His heartbeat was thumping like madness against his temple, so Kyo realized he wasn't breathing
anymore, and his head was going to explode anytime soon. Fuck.

"Kyo… Breathe ? I'll just…"

Ren raised himself up on his knees and Kyo's cock pulled out completely, angry red now.

"Wait…" Kyo wheezed, "No, no no no, keep going, you were almost there… I want to see you
come too !" Kyo whimpered, honest. "I don't care if it hurts, please, I want it."

And he really did. A new wave of desire crashed over him, so he sat up and started caressing Ren
again, looking up into his eyes with determination and anticipation. "Come on, don't chicken out on
me now, Ren."

Ren let out another cute noise, and he leaned in to kiss Kyo, sitting back on him, slowly. And he
moved slowly, after that, his whole body trembling so much that Kyo could feel the vibrations in
his core - until he noticed he was trembling too.

It hurt, but it felt so good too, and Kyo wanted to feel Ren close, closer, so he wrapped an arm
around him, his other hand still caressing him.

Ren was kissing him, moving his hips in small circles, and time seemed to stop, only for a

Pleasure was taking over the pain, easing it until all that hurt was the need to have more of Ren.

"Kyo…" Ren whispered against his lips.

"I love you." Kyo blurted out without thinking, and Ren stilled, making him regret instantly. He
opened his mouth, but Ren kissed him again, before he cried "I love you too Kyo."

And he kissed him some more, drowned him in kisses, shutting the shame in Kyo up effectively.

It didn't take long for Kyo to come again, a painful orgasm that tire through him and made him
moan loudly against Ren's lips, who came not long after, loads and loads of hot semen pouring
over his cock and Kyo' stomach.

If Kyo could think, he would have found it hot, and weird, again, but he couldn't think - in fact, he
couldn't stay conscious anymore.

And this time he didn't fight through it, letting the comforting relief of abandonment and obscurity
wash over him.

When he woke up, Kyo felt like death.

His whole body was aching, his head was killing him, his throat was parched, and his every joint
felt like rust.

He opened his eyes and immediately regretted it, bright like assaulting his cornea.

He groaned, his voice completely hoarse, and fuck, he regretted that even more.

Strong arms tightened around him, and Kyo sighed, the feeling of being held tight relieving some
of his pain, especially in his back.

It took him a while to process that he was being held, which…

He opened his eyes again and fought the burning to look around.

He was in his own bed, but his sheets weren't those he had yesterday, and he was wearing his
pajamas, when he… Didn't remember changing into them at all.

The more time passed, the more he was remembering everything, but it hurt his head even more.

Though… The images were sweet as fuck.

"Ren." He groaned, and tried to move around, in vain.

"'m right here Kyo…" Ren whispered against his hair, and Kyo shivered.

"I feel like shit…" Kyo mumbled. "Need to pee."

"Oh, yeah. I prepared your meds, and huh, water, and there's breakfast… You want me to take you
to the bathroom ?"

Kyo pushed through the pain to turn around in Ren's arms.

"What the fuck, Risotto ?"

Ren looked at him with a surprised gaze. He was naked.

Very naked.

Kyo blushed, pulling his hands that he had pressed against Ren's chest back to himself.

"What am I ? Your grandpa ? I can pee by myself." His eyes dropped down. "Ren."

"Yeah ?"

"Why are you still naked ?"

"Why wouldn't I be ?"

Kyo sat up, wincing and groaning in the process.

He grabbed his own shirt. "You dressed me. Why are you naked ?" Kyo frowned and smelled
himself. "Wait, pause ! Did you wash me ?? What the hell Ren !" He cried, hitting the alien's

Ren let out a small noise, and he propped himself up on his elbow. "Wh- but I just wanted to help
you ! Because I knew you would feel awful today."

Kyo sighed and looked away. He couldn't deny that it was a relief to be clean and comfortable,
with the day he was going to have.

"Okay, well… Thanks. I guess. But I'll go pee alone. And you might wanna go, I won't be nice

Ren sat up and ran a hand through his hair, messing them up even more.

His horns were glowing slightly.

"Can't I stay ? I can help make it easier…"

Kyo's head was pounding and all he wanted was to go back to sleep. He grunted and rubbed his
face, and when he opened his eyes, Ren was holding a small bottle of water out for him.
Kyo grabbed it, opened it and drank a few, long mouthfuls of fresh water.

It eased his parched throat, and helped with all of the rest.

"Fine. You can stay, but I told you, don't expect anything from me. All I'll do is sleep." He looked
up and pointed at Ren's horns. "Stop being horny."

Ren laughed, and raised a hand to caress Kyo's face gently. Kyo blushed but didn't run away from
it. It felt good. Ren's palm was agreeably cold. "I'm not, I promise."

"Suuuure. Hold on to that thought, I'll be back." Kyo said, before he slipped out of the bed,
groaning and grunting.

Fuck, Ren had legit broken him in two last night… Here he was, thinking he would get the upper
hand for once.

Kyo did what he had to do, washed his hands, his teeth, before he went back to bed, limping.

"Can't believe I'm still the one limping." He groaned, and grunted some more when he laid back in
his bed, next to Ren, who covered him with the blanket, and wrapped him back in his arms.

And okay, maybe it was better with Ren around.

Just a bit.

"Why are your horns like this if you're nor horny ?" He asked in a slurring voice.

Ren chuckled, "They don't glow because I'm horny. Do you want me to massage you ? I read about
it tonight."

Kyo frowned. His body screamed yes, but his mind was still shy around this whole situation.

"You're just gonna break me more." He mumbled, but Ren started moving his hands up and down
his arm, slowly but surely massaging him.

And it felt… Awfully good.

"Fine. Do it."

Ren gasped excitedly, and he sat up, letting Kyo fall pathetically on the bed limply. "Ow, you
fucking golden retriever !" Kyo croaked, but Ren didn't stop there, he manhandled him to pin him
face first against the mattress.

Even though, he did it so gently that Kyo didn't hurt, and when he started massaging him, even
though that hurt a bit, it quickly felt very good.

"Just relax. Let me help." Ren whispered and leaned in to press a kiss on Kyo's exposed nape.

Kyo hummed, as Ren gently took care of him.

He could feel how his cheeks were burning, but he was trying very hard not to just push Ren away
and clam up. It had given them quite the hard time before they… Did what they did last time.

And Kyo didn't want that anymore.

If all it took for this to work was to let Ren take care of him, then… He could do that.


He guessed.

"You can sleep, if you want to." Ren whispered, still working knots and cold joints in his body.
Yeah, Kyo was getting sleepy, and he was more than happy to yield to slumber again, but Ren still
hadn't answered him.

"Why are your horns glowing ?" He whispered in a very deep voice.

"It's an alien thing. They're the only thing I never could conceal from my true form, because they're
like… Emotional antenna. It's just hard to control them."

Kyo cracked open an eye.

"Oh yeah. Your true… Alien form."

He felt awake suddenly. Kyo had always been curious about it. Especially since… Ren had had
these weird moments during their huh… Experimentations. "So… How does that work ?"

"Hm ? What do you mean ?" Ren asked, distractedly.

"Well, I mean, you've clearly been fighting it, right ? When we're… Doing the nasty."

Ren laughed, making Kyo's body shake.

"Doing the nasty ? Kyo…"

"Why are you avoiding the subject ?" Kyo asked a bit louder, voice still too deep. "Are you hiding
something ?"

Ren sighed. "It's just… I don't wanna scare you. I've shown it to Aia and she couldn't sleep for days
after that."

Kyo fell silent. He could imagine that it was a life changing experience, but he was getting more
and more curious about it. And a sick part of him even… Wanted to see it. Wanted Ren to let go of
this tight grip over that part of him that wanted to take over sometimes.

"But when… Is that what… Is that what I hear sometimes… The growl and all that ?"

"... Yeah. I guess it is."

Kyo couldn't help the terrible pang of arousal that shot between his legs.

Oh hell no.

Him who loved to trash everyone for being absolute weirdo, there was no way !

Ren's hands stilled on the small of his back.

"... Kyo ?"

"Forget about it." Kyo whispered and hid his face in his pillow. "G'night."

"Kyo…" Ren leaned in, and kissed Kyo' shoulder over his shirt. "I just… I can't control myself
very well when I'm in my true form. I don't wanna hurt you."

Kyo gulped loudly, pressing his thighs together, but he nodded, closing his eyes hard to try and will
the excitement away.

"I get it, don't worry." He said, voice muffled by the pillow.

Ren hummed and kissed the back of his head, before he sat back up and resumed his massages.

After a few seconds, when Kyo's mortified blush started to fade away, Ren whispered :

"But who knows. Maybe someday you'll get to meet this guy." with a low rumble in his voice.

Oh fuck .

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