Objectives of Education

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Educational Objectives

Reflect and respond to the characteristics, needs and aspirations of a multicultural,

multilingual and multiethnic country, respecting, strengthening and enriching the
personal identity and that of its Peoples as a support for unity in diversity.

Promote solid technical, scientific and humanistic training as a fundamental basis

for personal fulfillment, performance in productive work, the development of each
People and national development.

Contribute to the systematization of the oral tradition of the nation's cultures as a

basis for endogenous strengthening, which favors one's own growth and the
achievement of positive and beneficial exogenous relationships.

Know, rescue, respect, promote, create and recreate the moral, spiritual, ethical
and aesthetic qualities of the Guatemalan Peoples.

Strengthen and develop values, attitudes of pluralism and respect for life, people
and Peoples with their individual, social, cultural, ideological, religious and political
differences, as well as promote and institute within the educational system the
mechanisms to it.

Instill respect and practice of Human Rights, solidarity, life in democracy and a
culture of peace, the responsible use of freedom and compliance with obligations,
surpassing individual interests in the search for the common good.

Form a critical, creative, proactive and socially sensitive attitude, so that each
person, aware of their past and present reality, participates in an active,
representative and responsible manner in the search and application of fair
solutions to national problems.

Build the capacity for critical and creative appropriation of knowledge of indigenous
and Western science and technology in favor of rescuing the preservation of the
environment and sustainable integral development.

Reflect and reproduce the country's multi-ethnicity in the structure of the

educational system, developing mechanisms for the participation of the four
Guatemalan Peoples at different educational levels.

Generate and implement new educational models that respond to the needs of
society and its development paradigm.
No. Axles Components Sub-Components

Gender and class

It guides towards the revaluation of
being a man and being a woman, in
relation to social class.

7 Education in values Personal

The purpose of values Personal values are the
education is to affirm and potentialities, qualities and
disseminate personal, social conceptions or ideas that give
and civic, ethical, spiritual, meaning to the life of each human
cultural and ecological values. being and that allow them to
This aims to lay the foundations develop the necessary capacities
for the development of forms of for their satisfactory development
thought, attitudes and behaviors and personal fulfillment.
aimed at harmonious
coexistence within the Social and civic
framework of sociocultural They are those who promote that
diversity, Human Rights, the students participate in the
culture of peace and construction of a just, progressive
sustainable development. and supportive society, in which
people find satisfaction for their
material and spiritual needs.

They allow students to respect the
life, property, rights and safety of
themselves and other people. They
promote respect for rules, the
exercise of freedom by acting
seriously and responsibly, honesty
and perseverance, the practice of
equity and the achievement of
goals without harming others.

They strengthen the structure of
society through the collective
knowledge and practice of the
cultural values of each of the
Peoples. They propose the search
for common objectives and goals
and a sense of Nation.

They allow us to strengthen respect
and love for nature in terms of
sustainable development
and promote the practice of
desirable attitudes for the
conservation and preservation of
natural resources based on a better
quality of life, respecting diverse

For the purposes of the new Curriculum, principles are understood as general
propositions that constitute fundamental norms or ideas that govern the entire
curricular structure, in accordance with the requirements that the country and the
world make of Guatemalan education. In correspondence with the fundamentals,
the principles of the curriculum are the following:

 Equity: Ensure respect at individual, social, cultural and ethnic

differences, and promote equal opportunities for all.

 Relevance: Assume the personal and sociocultural dimensions of the

human person and include them in their immediate environment (family and
local community) and mediate environment (town, country, world). In this way,
the curriculum assumes a multiethnic, multicultural and multilingual character.

 Sustainability: Promote development permanent knowledge, attitudes,

values and skills for the transformation of reality and thus achieve balance
between human beings, nature and society.

 Participation: and Social Commitment: Stimulate communication as an

action, a process of permanent dialogue between all curricular subjects to
promote participation, the exchange of ideas, aspirations and proposals and
mechanisms to face and solve problems. Along with participation, there is
social commitment; that is, the co-responsibility of the various educational and
social actors in the curriculum construction process. Both constitute basic
elements of democratic life.

 Pluralism: Facilitate the existence of a diverse plural situation. In this sense, it

must be understood as the set of positive values and attitudes towards
the different forms of thought and manifestations of cultures and societies.
 They are the guidelines that govern the different curricular development
processes, from the establishment of the foundations to the evaluation
according to each particular context of execution and at each level of
specification. The curriculum policies are as follows:

 Strengthening ofthe values of respect, responsibility, solidarity and honesty

among others, for democratic coexistence, the culture of peace and citizen
 Promotion of the development of each town and linguistic community,
privileging intercultural relations.

 Promotion of bilingualism and multilingualism in favor of intercultural dialogue.

 Promotion of equal opportunities for people and peoples.

 Emphasis on training for productivity and industriousness.

 Promotion of the development of science and technology.

 Emphasis on educational quality.

 Establishment of curricular decentralization.

 Attention to the population with special educational needs.

They are the final reasons, the great goals or purposes towards which the
Curricular Transformation process and the Educational Reform itself are oriented.
They operationally articulate the principles, characteristics and policies of the
curriculum. The purposes of the curriculum are the following:

 The improvement and integral development of the person and the Peoples
from the country.

 The knowledge, assessment and development of The cultures of the country

and of the world.

 Strengthening identity and of the self-esteem personal, ethnic, cultural and


 The promotion of peaceful coexistence between Towns with base in

inclusion, solidarity, respect, mutual enrichment and the elimination of

 Family recognition as primary genesis and fundamental of the

spiritual and moral values of society, as the first and permanent educational

 The formation for participation and exercise democratic, the culture of

peace, respect and defense of democracy, the rule of law and Human

 The transformation, resolution and problem prevention through the

critical analysis of reality and the development of scientific, technical and
technological knowledge.

 By internalizing values of respect, responsibility, solidarity and honesty

among others and the development of ethical attitudes and behaviors for
responsible interaction with the natural, social and cultural environment.

 The improvement of the quality of life and the dejection of the poverty

Characteristics of the new curriculum

Characteristics of the new curriculum are the qualities that define it and give it a
distinctive character compared to various curricular experiences that have been
had in the country. Such characteristics are the following:


The new curriculum is designed in such a way that it allows for a wide range of
adaptations and concretions, according to the different contexts where it applies.
Therefore, it can be enriched, expanded or modified, to make it manageable in
different situations and social and cultural contexts,


The new curriculum is susceptible to being perfected and improved. Consequently,

it can be corrected and even reformulated, according to the changing situations of
the country and the world, so that it permanently responds to the needs of the
person, of society, of the People and of the Nation.


The new curriculum creates spaces for the participation of different sectors
social groups and peoples of the country in decision-making at different levels.
Dialogue is the fundamental tool in these spaces, to promote personal and social
protagonism, purposeful leadership and the achievement of consensus.

It particularly allows the participation of students so that, based on their previous

knowledge and experiences, they develop skills to build new knowledge, thus
becoming the protagonists of their own learning.


Curricular integration occurs in three dimensions: the curricular areas, the teaching
process and the learning process. The various experiences have been organized
as a whole, taking the organization of the areas with the purpose of promoting the
intellectual, moral and emotional formation of the students. To do this, the areas
organize their particular contents taking as focal points the Framework
Competencies and the contextualizing elements provided by the Curriculum Axes.
The important thing in this case is to remember that the fundamental purpose is not
to teach content, but to form human beings through it.
On the other hand, the integration of teaching requires collaborative efforts and
teamwork within the same grade and between grades and levels on the part of

Joint planning of projects and activities allows them to make the educational
experience and knowledge presented in an integrated way and with greater
effectiveness and meaning.

Components of the Curriculum

The new curriculum is centered on the human being, organized into competencies,
axes and areas for the development of learning, it considers the type of society and
human being that is desired to be formed, it reflects and reorients many of the
teaching and research practices. , determines, based on the needs of the
sociocultural context and the interests of the students, the selection of the
competencies to develop and the activities to include in the teaching and learning


Directing education towards the development of skills becomes a strategy to train

people capable of exercising the civil and democratic rights of contemporary
citizens, as well as to participate in a world of work that increasingly requires
extensive knowledge.

In the curriculum model in question, competence is defined as “the capacity or

disposition that a person has developed to face and provide solutions to problems
of daily life and to generate new knowledge.” It is based on the interaction of three
contributing elements: the individual, the area of knowledge and the context. Being
competent, more than possessing knowledge, is knowing how to use it
appropriately and flexibly in new situations.

The curriculum establishes competencies for each of the levels of the structure of
the educational system: Framework Competencies, Axis Competencies, Area
Competencies and Grade or Stage Competencies. Furthermore, for each of the
grade or stage competencies, the contents (declarative, procedural and attitudinal)
and the respective achievement indicators are included. Each of the mentioned
categories is described below.

Framework Competencies: They constitute the great purposes of education and

the goals to be achieved in the training of Guatemalan men and women. They
content learning (declarative, procedural and attitudinal) linked to achievements or
performances that students must manifest and use in a relevant and flexible
manner in new and unknown situations, upon graduating from the Middle Level. In
its structure, both the sociocultural knowledge of the people of the country and
universal knowledge are taken into account.

Axis Competencies: point out the learning of conceptual, procedural and

attitudinal contents linked to achievements and performances that articulate the
curriculum with the major problems, expectations and social needs; thus
integrating school activities with the various dimensions of daily life. They
contribute to defining the relevance of learning.
Area Competencies: They include the capabilities, abilities, skills and attitudes
that students must achieve in the different areas of science, arts and technology at
the end of the level. They focus on the development of learning that is based on
declarative, attitudinal and procedural content, establishing a relationship between
the cognitive and the sociocultural.

Grade or stage competencies: they are achievements or performances in the

daily work of the classroom. They go beyond memorization or routine and focus on
the “Know-how” derived from meaningful learning.

The contents make up the set of scientific, technological and cultural knowledge,
which constitute means that promote the comprehensive development of students
and are organized into conceptual, procedural and attitudinal. Declarative content
refers to “knowing what” and refers to facts, data and concepts. The procedural
contents refer
to “knowing how” and “knowing how to do”, and the attitudinal contents refer to
“knowing how to be” and focus on values and attitudes.

If it is taken into account that the cultural heritage of humanity is contained in the
various cultures that have provided ways of conceiving reality and modifying it, the
sources of the contents must be sought in the different cultures, national and
universal and in their most recent advances. For this reason, it is necessary to
highlight the importance of starting from the activity and the context (situated
cognition), recognizing that learning is a process that leads students to become
part of a community or a culture.

Finally, it is up to the students to integrate the declarative, procedural and

attitudinal elements that allow them to develop their potential in all its dimensions
and project themselves into their natural and sociocultural environment in a
reflective, critical, purposeful and creative way. .

Achievement Indicators:

Achievement indicators refer to performance; that is, to the use of knowledge.

They are manifest behaviors, evidence, traits or set of observable traits of human
performance that, thanks to a well-founded theoretical argument, allow us to affirm
that what was planned has been achieved.

Framework Competencies

1. Promotes and practices values in general, democracy, the culture of peace and
respect for Universal Human Rights and those specific to the Guatemalan and
world peoples and social groups.

2. Act with assertiveness, security, confidence, freedom, responsibility,

industriousness and honesty.

3. Uses logical, reflective, critical, purposeful and creative thinking in the

construction of knowledge and solution of everyday problems.

4. Communicates in two or more national languages, one or more foreign

languages, and in other forms of language.

5. Apply knowledge, technology and knowledge of the arts and sciences, typical of
their culture and other cultures, focused on personal, family, community, social
and national development.

6. Critically uses knowledge of historical processes from the diversity of the

peoples of the country and the world, to understand the present and build the

7. Uses dialogue and various forms of communication and negotiation as means

of prevention, resolution and transformation of conflicts, respecting cultural and
opinion differences.

8. Respect, know and promote the culture and worldview of the Garifuna, Adino,
Maya and Xinka Peoples and other Peoples of the World.

9. It contributes to the sustainable development of nature, society and cultures of

the country and the world.

10. Respects and practices standards of individual and collective health, social and
environmental security, based on its own worldview and national and
international regulations.

11. Exercises and promotes democratic and participatory leadership, and free and
responsible decision-making.

1. Garífuna, Ladino Maya, Xinka and other peoples of the world

12. It manifests capabilities, attitudes, abilities, skills and habits for lifelong learning in
different areas of life.

13. Practice and encourage physical activity, recreation, and sports in their different
areas and use time appropriately.

14. Experience and promote unity in diversity and social organization with equity, as
the basis of plural development.

15. Values, practices, creates and promotes art and other cultural creations of the

Axes of the Educational Reform and their Relationship with the Axes of the

The axes are defined as: concepts, principles, values, skills and strong ideas that,
integrated, give direction and orientation to the reform of the educational system
and sector. There are four axes of the Educational Reform: life in democracy and
culture of peace, unity in diversity, sustainable development and science and
technology. ("Educational Reform Design": 1988,52).

The axes of the curriculum are central themes derived from the axes of the
Educational Reform.

They guide attention to the great intentions, needs and problems of society that
can be treated through education and, among others, they have the following
functions: a) make visible concern for social problems to acquire a critical social
perspective; b) establish a close relationship between school and daily life at local,
regional and national levels; c) generate learning content and experiences specific
to the school environment, projecting from it to the family, community, regional and
national environment” (General Framework
of Curricular Transformation”: 2003,54).

Board. No. 1:
Relationship between Axes of the Educational Reform and Axes of the Curriculum

Board. No. 1:
Relationship between Axes of the Educational Reform and Axes of the Curriculum
1. Multiculturalism and - Identity
Ethnic Staff and
Unit in the Interculturality
Diversity National cultural

- Equity and equality

1. Multiculturalism and - Gender and self-esteem
Interculturality - Sexual education: HIV – AIDS
- Employment equity
- Ethnic equity
- Social equity
- Gender and class

Life in - Personal
democracy 3. Education in
values - Social and civic
and culture of
- Ethical
- Cultural
- Ecological

4. Family life - Family organization and economy

- Duties and rights in the family
- Duties and rights of children and youth
- Education for health
- Prevention and eradication of domestic violence
- Intergenerational relationships: attention and respect for

5. Citizen Life - Population education

- Education in Human Rights, Democracy and Legal culture
peace culture Tax education
- Civic Training Vial education
Education for the

- Comprehensive human development

Integral 6. Development
development - Human-nature relationship
Sustainable - Preservation of Natural Resources
- Conservation of Cultural Heritage

7. Social security - Natural and social risks

and environmental - Disaster prevention
- Insecurity and vulnerability

Science and 8. Training in - Work and productivity

Technology job - Labor legislation and social security

9. Technological development - Relevant management of technology

- Information management

Board. No. 2:
Description of the Axes of the Curriculum, its Components and Subcomponents
No. Axles Components Sub-Components

1 Multiculturalism and Identity Personal: It is the affirmation of the

Interculturality It contemplates the different self with knowledge of its interests,
It seeks to promote the aspects that human beings values and physical, intellectual,
development of students as need to know about themselves spiritual, aesthetic and moral
people capable of participating and those in which they need to characteristics, becoming aware of
critically and responsibly in the identify and practice their right the changes that
use and conservation of the to belong to a family, a They occur in their personal
country's assets and in the community, a People and a development and the effects of their
construction of a pluralistic, nation, without discrimination. interaction with others in their
equitable and inclusive nation, family, in the community, in the
based on ethnic, social and country and in the world.
cultural diversity. and linguistics.
It takes into account, therefore, Ethnic and Cultural:
not only the differences Identification and evaluative
between people and groups but recognition of the set of practices
also the convergence of and cultural references by which a
interests between them, the person or a group defines
links that unite them, the themselves, expresses themselves
acceptance of shared values, and wishes to be recognized in daily
the legitimized and accepted life, which expands the positive
norms of coexistence, the perception of their self-
commonly used institutions. identification and self-esteem.

National: It is configured from

Education for unity, diversity and
of the legal-political bond that
coexistence Includes actions aimed
people have with respect to the
at accepting the particularity and
nation. Aims to
strengthening the different cultures
create awareness related to that link
present in the school and in the
that allows people to identify and
community and promoting their
participate in the construction of
differentiated development
national unity.

The intercultural educational

process takes shape with the use of
the region's own language in
parallel with the Spanish language
as instruments of communication
and for affective, cognitive and
social development.

People's Rights It is aimed at the

development of ways of thinking,
values, attitudes and behaviors of
respect and solidarity towards all
the peoples and cultures of the
country. Knowledge of the type of
relationships that have occurred
between them is promoted, paying
special attention to the causes and
effects of asymmetry.

No. Axles Components Sub-Components

Sociocultural and the search

of forms of solution with the
so that its potential
economic, political, social and
cultural can develop in all their

2 Gender equality, Equity and equality

No. Axles Components Sub-Components
Gender and class
Guides towards revaluation
of being a man and of being a woman, in
relationship with social class.

Education in values
3 The purpose of education Personal
in values is to affirm and spread Personal values are
personal, social values potentialities, qualities
and civic, ethical, spiritual, and conceptions or ideas
cultural and ecological. With that give meaning to life
This is intended to lay the foundations of every human being and
for the development of forms allow you to develop the
of thoughts, attitudes and capabilities necessary for your
targeted behaviors satisfactory development and
to a harmonious coexistence personal fulfillment.
within the framework of diversity
sociocultural, Rights
Humans, the culture of peace and Social and civic
sustainable development. They are the ones who promote that
and the students participate in the
building a society
fair, progressive and supportive, in
what people find
satisfaction to your needs
material and spiritual.

They allow students
respect life, property,
rights and self-security
themselves and that of others
people. They promote respect
to the rules, the exercise of
freedom acting seriously and
responsibility, honesty and
perseverance, the practice of
equity and the achievement of goals without
harm others.

They strengthen the structure of
society through knowledge and
collective of cultural values
of each of the Peoples.
They propose the search for
common objectives and goals and
sense of nation.
They allow us to strengthen respect
and love for nature in terms of
sustainable development and promote
the practice of desirable attitudes for
the conservation and reservation of
natural resources for a better quality of
No. Axles Components Sub-Components
Family life Organization and family economy
Considers related topics Focus on recognition and
4 to the components of the exercise of responsibilities,
family dynamics and promotes functions and communication
stability and positive coexistence effective for the purpose of
of its members generating strengthen family dynamics,
the stability of boys and girls harmonious coexistence and
as a fundamental part of the family stability. Of the same
family and the incorporation of way promotes attitudes and
mothers and fathers in behaviors aimed at
educational processes. For contribute responsibly to
guidelines are established the family economy.
that guide the process
Duties and rights in the family
educational, including review
Develop values, attitudes and
and adaptation of materials
behaviors to strengthen
educational based on the
the ethical meaning of life,
equity among members of
expression of solidarity,
family and awareness
the equitable distribution of
of the teaching, technical and
responsibilities and obligations
and the well-being and growth of the
families and their members.

Duties and rights of children and

They are conditions and guarantees
that allow providing care and
social protection for boys, girls and
young people from the fields of
life, education, health, security,
etc Stimulates interest in
respect for their rights,
respect for the rights of and
the others and for the fulfillment
of their responsibilities.

It must be considered that children,

girls and young people with some
disability, receive services
and special care according
to its particularity.

Education for health

Guide the processes
educational towards training
of knowledge, attitudes
and favorable practices
preservation of the health of the
people, families and
community in general. Includes
knowledge in relation to
ways of conservation
of health and prevention or
disease treatment
in accordance with the principles and
knowledge of the cultures of the
family and relationships
respect and appreciation, against the
domestic violence.

5 Citizen life Intergenerational relationships:

It is oriented towards the development of care and respect for the elderly
harmonious coexistence with Facilitates adequate knowledge
social and natural environment from of the aging process
understanding of reality Axles Components
as a physiological phenomenon Sub-Components
personal, family and social. normal and adult value
older in family and social life.
The value that the
older adults and their wisdom
have, as true guides in
family and community.

Its purpose is to strengthen Education in population

attitudes, values and knowledge Form a “consciousness”
permanent structures that allow population” in individuals,
person exercise their rights and families and in diverse groups,
assume their responsibilities in so that your decisions and
society, as well as establishing responsible behaviors
comprehensive and coherent relationships and self-determined contribute
between individual and social life. to the best quality of life
Furthermore, it forms people who citizens and development
participate actively, responsibly, sustainable of the country.
consciously and critically, in
building your own
personal identity, ethnic Human Rights Education,
cultural and national. Democracy and culture of peace Legal culture: Facilitates
Guides towards training knowledge of the rules
for recognition, respect legal regulations that regulate
and promotion of rights social relations in the country, as well
Humans, of the Peoples and like those regulations in force in
group specific. It their community and their culture.
develops and strengthens attitudes
of life oriented towards a
commitment to the exercise of
rights and compliance
the responsibilities.
family and relationships
respect and appreciation, against the
domestic violence.

Intergenerational relationships:
care and respect for the elderly
Facilitates adequate knowledge
of the aging process
as a physiological phenomenon
normal and adult value
older in family and social life.
The value that the
older adults and their wisdom
have, as true guides in
family and community.

5 Citizen life Education in population Legal culture: Facilitates

It is oriented towards the development of Form a “consciousness” knowledge of the rules
harmonious coexistence with population” in individuals, legal regulations that regulate
social and natural environment from families and in diverse groups, social relations in the country, as well
understanding of reality so that your decisions and like those regulations in force in
personal, family and social. responsible behaviors their community and their culture.
and self-determined contribute
to the best quality of life
citizens and development
sustainable of the country.

Its purpose is to strengthen Human Rights Education, Tax education: Facilitates

attitudes, values and knowledge Democracy and culture of peace knowledge development
permanent structures that allow Guides towards training and favorable attitudes
person exercise their rights and for recognition, respect fulfillment of duties
assume their responsibilities in Axles Components
and promotion of rights Sub-Components
citizens related to the
society, as well as establishing Humans, of the Peoples and fulfillment of obligations
comprehensive and coherent relationships group specific. It taxes and the good use of
between individual and social life. develops and strengthens attitudes public resources. In addition,
Furthermore, it forms people who of life oriented towards a focuses on the ability to
participate actively, responsibly, commitment to the exercise of promote participation
consciously and critically, in rights and compliance constructive community
building your own the responsibilities. the definition of requirements
personal identity, ethnic social, for public investment
cultural and national. and in the social audit.

Form civic action Tax education: Facilitates

Guides the formation of values knowledge development
citizens, through and favorable attitudes
knowledge, interpretation fulfillment of duties
and understanding the function citizens related to the
of the rules and laws that govern and fulfillment of obligations
determine social life. Generate taxes and the good use of
well-founded respect for your public resources. In addition,
homeland and for everything that focuses on the ability to
symbolizes your identity, as well as promote participation
strengthens their civic values. constructive community
the definition of requirements
social, for public investment
and in the social audit.
7 cultural
social security and
environmental Promotes the ability to
It is understood by security, appreciate the components and
the presence of conditions cultural manifestations of
generalities that allow town to which human beings
people feel protected belong and those of other peoples
facing the risks and of our Nation and the world.
potential threats to your Additionally, it encourages participation
environment, both natural and direct in protection,
sociocultural. These conditions conservation and development of
are possible, thanks to the cultural heritage of its people and
existence of standards, organizations of the country in general-
and institutions that ensure that
such risks and threats do not
alter people's lives and
do not affect the conservation of their

No. Axles Civic training Components Sub-Components

Guides the formation of values
citizens, through
knowledge, interpretation
and understanding the function
of the rules and laws that govern and
determine social life. Generate
well-founded respect for your
homeland and for everything that
symbolizes your identity, as well as
strengthens their civic values.
This axis seeks to form the Natural and social risks
social awareness of risk Promotes knowledge of
and the need to reduce natural, social and cultural environment
ecological vulnerability and of all those factors
and sociocultural. Train and elements that cause
the students for the alteration of the environment and
conservation and maintenance promote personal safety and
of the integrity of assets, citizen.
services and human lives and for
the development of behaviors
appropriate in cases of Disaster prevention
disasters, as well as It is oriented towards knowledge and
identify and promote action proper threat management,
of people and institutions of the actions to be executed in case
responsible for ensuring the disaster, organization
security of lives and property and social awareness, technology
materials, facing situations of to prevent them and the function of
vulnerability or threat. the Media in
this matter.
On-the-job training
Focus on a permanent process Insecurity and vulnerability
comprehensive training that allows Provides the knowledge and
people get involved in the the right strategies for
improvement of the quality of face different situations
life of your community. Bliss of insecurity and vulnerability
training takes into account existing in your community and in the
characteristics and needs of country in general.
people and communities and their
cultural perspectives.
Work and productivity
Labor and safety legislation
Facilitates the acquisition of Train students
knowledge and training to take on the job as
Guides towards the formation of
of habits, attitudes and values means of improvement and liberation
attitudes and habits so that
positive towards work personal, as a manifestation of
men and women meet
equality of women and men. solidarity and as a tool
their responsibilities and exercise
Likewise, it develops in the and To improve the quality of life
effectively their rights
students assessment family, community and national.
labor. They learn, for this,
of work as an activity how the system works
of improvement and as a basis Social Security and legislation
of the comprehensive development of national and international labor.
people and society.
Technological development Pertinent management of
Everything is called technology.
human creation useful for
Axles technology
Facilitates the development of
the realization of any adaptation capabilities
activity, goal or project, and creation of own technology,
9 from knowledge with criteria of relevance and
experiential9 or formal systematic. quality. To do this, develop
Technology can be material knowledge about the types of
like machines, tools own and foreign technology and its
and utensils, or intellectual as ways of application to the solution
the ways of doing things, of various everyday situations.
behave or relate
with the others.

It is aimed at strengthening the

curiosity, research
Information management
and the concern to find
Guides decision making
technological answers
based on the
relevant to the reality of
information you have.
environment and improve conditions
school, family, work life
and productive, valuing the
own creativity, resources
technological environment, as well
like those generated by the
humanity throughout its
Evaluation criteria

The evaluation criteria are statements whose main function is to guide teachers
towards the aspects that must be taken into account when determining the type
and level of learning achieved by the students at each moment of the educational
process according to the competencies established in the curriculum. From this
point of view, it can be said that they function as regulators of teaching strategies.

For this area of the curriculum, the following Evaluation Criteria are suggested.

1. Discriminate the basic elements of flat figures, identifying them in objects in the
environment, describing their characteristics on real objects and on images,
establishing similarities and differences

2. Identify various simple geometric figures, mentioning them by name, indicating

the number of sides that make them up, indicating their color, shape, size and
texture, drawing them

3. Express, correctly, the location of objects in space, indicating their position in

relation to themselves (a) indicating their position with respect to others,
associating objects by their use and belonging, ordering objects or figures
according to the sequence in that occur by establishing sequences according to
the size of the objects

4. Identify objects regardless of their location in space with respect to the person
observing (Constancy of Perception) naming the object when the observer is
above it naming the object when the observer is below it naming the object when
the observer is on one side or the other of him

5. Compares sounds in the environment by describing sounds heard grouping

objects and pictures whose names begin with the same sound identifying words
that have the same ending sound identifying similar sounds at the beginning,
middle, and end of basic vocabulary words perceiving the syllable that is
pronounced more intensely in basic vocabulary words

6. Find the solution to motor problems by recognizing the parts of your body,
identifying left and right on your body axis, executing eye movements from left to
right without moving your head.
7. Demonstrates eye – hand – finger coordination by carrying out work that
requires cutting, folding, braiding, among others, making sliding strokes with
pencils, thick crayons and markers, among others, making strokes for the
development of writing with “script” handwriting. )

8. Values individual and group work, demonstrating satisfaction with the work
done, school situation, issuing opinions on the quality of their work, expressing
positive comments about their own work and that of others, and making
suggestions to improve the work if necessary, sharing what they have learned. with
others inside and outside the
Evaluation criteria

The evaluation criteria are statements whose main function is to guide teachers
towards the aspects that must be taken into account when determining the type
and level of learning achieved by boys and girls at each moment of the educational
process. according to the competencies established in the curriculum. From this
point of view, it can be said that they function as regulators of teaching strategies.

For this area of the curriculum, the following Evaluation Criteria are suggested.

1. He efficiently uses each organ that makes up the Articulatory phono system,
correctly articulating the words of his language. Printing the appropriate
modulation to each message it emits, emitting the precise pronunciation for
each phoneme of the language

2. Express thoughts, emotions and opinions using oral language, relying on

gestural language to reinforce what you want to communicate, respecting
language regulations.

3. Demonstrates understanding of the message heard by responding through

gestures and body movements, executing the actions indicated, associating
images with their respective meanings. Identifying important details

4. Produces oral texts with different intentions using the logical order of words in
sentences, ensuring coherence in the presentation of their ideas using the
precise vocabulary, printing the tone of voice appropriate to the situation and
the audience.

5. Plays stories and works of literature individually and in groups spontaneously,

as recreation as a means of creative expression
Evaluation criteria

The evaluation criteria are statements whose main function is to guide teachers
towards the aspects that must be taken into account when determining the type
and level of learning achieved by boys and girls at each moment of the educational
process. according to the competencies established in the curriculum. From this
point of view, it can be said that they function as regulators of teaching strategies.

For this area of the curriculum, the following Evaluation Criteria are suggested.

1. Lives peacefully in the different social spheres: family, school and community,
demonstrating compliance with standards of conduct inside and outside the
educational establishment, sharing harmoniously with others, demonstrating
courtesy, respect and good treatment towards others. in your family, at school
and in the community

2. Complies with its obligations and shows respect for the rights of others,
demonstrating responsibility in the tasks it performs, completing its
responsibilities and the activities undertaken on time, demonstrating respect
and help to those who need it, demonstrating tolerance and acceptance for the
possibilities and limitations of himself and himself and those of the others

3. Demonstrates a happy state of mind and active participation in games,

demonstrating joy and respect in the activities in which he participates,
expressing acceptance and tolerance towards others, demonstrating interest in
the games in which he participates, valuing the tools or instruments used in
different situations. games

4. Demonstrates autonomy in school and personal care activities, respecting the

play and work that others do, respecting the turn that corresponds to them,
contributing the best in the activities in which they participate, helping the little
ones and those who need

5. Practices habits, attitudes and values that promote personal, ethnic and
cultural identity, greeting and saying goodbye when entering or leaving the
educational center, classroom and other place, giving thanks when receiving a
favor from others, spontaneously collaborating with others. others
demonstrating acceptance for their personal, technical and cultural identity and
that of others
6. Identify qualities and characteristics of the elements of the natural and
sociocultural environment by selecting elements of their culture and other
cultures in their department describing characteristics of their natural and
sociocultural environment comparing qualities of the elements of the natural
and sociocultural environment participating in promotion, care and protection of
the elements of its natural and sociocultural environment

7. Demonstrates understanding of the cause-effect relationship in natural and

sociocultural phenomena and facts, describing the causes and consequences
of the phenomena that occur in their environment, naming natural and
sociocultural facts or events that they observe in their family, school and
community environment, describing the benefits they obtain. of natural and
sociocultural phenomena and facts, in oneself and in others
Evaluation criteria

The evaluation criteria are statements whose main function is to guide teachers
towards the aspects that must be taken into account when determining the type
and level of learning achieved by boys and girls at each moment of the educational
process. according to the competencies established in the curriculum. From this
point of view, it can be said that they function as regulators of teaching strategies.

For this area of the curriculum, the following Evaluation Criteria are suggested.

1. Spontaneously participate in artistic expression activities, improvising vocal

expressions, resorting to creative movement, organizing representation games,
developing graphic-plastic expression materials.

2. Voluntarily applies various artistic languages in the individual and collective

expression of ideas and emotions, participating in school dramatizations,
participating in the organization of exhibitions.

2. It reflects in the expression of its creativity the management and appropriation

of new concepts of the different components, describing the sensations that
movement produces.

o appropriately using color, shape and texture in your works

o singing songs in their native language respecting rhythm, melody and

4. Apply the rules of the game in cooperative game situations (rounds, recitations,
choral poetry, among others).
• in board games (lottery, checkers, dominoes, among others).
• in improvisation games.
• In free and directed games

6. Manifestation of respect, appreciation and acceptance towards their

classmates, teachers in movement activities, use of space and materials
towards the productions of others.
Evaluation criteria

The evaluation criteria are statements whose function is, mainly, to guide teachers
towards the aspects that must be taken into account when determining the type
and level of learning achieved by boys and girls at each of the moments of the
educational process according to the competencies established in the curriculum.
From this point of view, it can be said that they function as regulators of teaching

For this area of the curriculum, the following evaluation criteria are suggested

Perform basic skill moves.

coordinating the different movements of the body when assuming different

positions differentiating between frequency of movement and pause when
performing motor activities coordinating the movement of the different body
segments when moving freely (crawling, walking, running) varying the direction of
movement (forward, backward ) executing movements following the trajectory on
different bases: straight line, circles, zig-zag coordinating eyes and hands when
throwing or bouncing objects calculating distances, pressure and directionality:
upwards, towards objects placed in front executing actions that indicate the notion
of position in space: down, forward, behind, to the side, inside, outside, among
others, executing actions that indicate the notion of order: first, last, together,
separated, among others, executing actions that indicate the notion of size: big,
small, medium, high, low, among others, properly using the workplace

Demonstrates balance when carrying out motor activities assuming the appropriate
body posture when carrying out daily activities: crawling, walking, running, jumping,
among others, varying the point of support when carrying out the activities: full foot,
tip of the feet, heels adopting different body postures when perform the activities:
standing, sitting, lying down, sideways, among others, performing body movements
that require four, three, two and one point of support, executing movements on
bases that vary in width, length and height
maintaining postural balance when rotating about the body axes

Demonstrates mastery of the notion of temporality in the execution of movement,

differentiating between slow and fast rhythm, developing the notion of speed: short
time, long time, marking strong and weak times by changing movements,
executing expected and unexpected rhythmic changes, manifesting the notion of
socialized succession. of time: night, morning, afternoon, yesterday, today,
tomorrow, days of the week, months of the year, identifying the seasons of the year
that are marked in the country and their relationship with the activities carried out
on a daily basis by executing movement sequences in following rhythmic beats or
percussions executing displacements according to the duration of
auditory stimuli.

Use the body as a means of expression and communication.

Using thoracic-abdominal breathing, executing muscle tension and relaxation

movements during motor activities, executing movements and movements based
on one's own space without invading that of others, interrelating body posture with
certain conventional expressions, adjusting one's body posture as one moves in
space according to rhythms, indications received, demonstrating initiative in
making decisions in actions at a personal and group level, investing the least effort
in carrying out activities in compliance with quality requirements

Demonstrates awareness of the relationships between people, between objects

and of people in relation to objects in the environment, expressing the notion of
size: large, small, open, closed, among others, moving objects in space, varying
the rhythm of movement, expressing respect for the differences of opinion when
participating in group activities by locating images, on the worksheets, in relation to
a certain point, completing complex patterns and diverse shapes presented
graphically, organizing specific elements in specific spaces according to
instructions received. Identifying actions from left to right in relation to others or to

Identifying the relationships between body and space in different directions: up –

down, near – far, left – right, among others, demonstrating a sense of orientation in
defined itineraries. Indicating the order of placement of objects in a given space,
developing codes that indicate the direction in which the movement should be
carried out, describing itineraries that the boy or girl himself or his classmates must
follow, representing a figure on paper following the itinerary. indicated by the
teacher determining distances between various objects

Responds to environmental stimuli by demonstrating camaraderie and respect for

others, identifying safety measures, observing accident prevention measures using
objects in the environment, organizing trajectories and figures, voluntarily using
appropriate clothing that allows comfort and body safety in motor activities.
assessing the practice of hygienic habits after motor activities.

Demonstrates mastery of the overall function of the body in its motor performance,
naming the parts that make it up, naming the segments of its body, describing the
functions of the parts and segments of its Body, Identifying the relationships that
exist between the different body segments, identifying right and left on your own
body executing movements that distend and contract the muscles of different parts
of the body balancing the body segments in the lateral and frontal plane executing
symmetrical movements with the arms according to oral instructions or imitating
Visual images executing alternating movements with arms or legs according to oral
instructions or imitating visual images coordinating, in motor activities, the upper
body segments with the lower ones executing jump combining the movement of
segments of the lower and upper extremities completing the human figure using
representing the human figure in relation to the body inventory in frontal position
and profile view coordinating actions of hands and feet reproducing visually
perceived movements

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