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(…./…./2024), BY AND BETWEEN:

Sri.Prasad, Aged about ________, S/o __________, residing at

[Address], (hereinafter referred to as the “LAND OWNER”.

which term shall wherever the context so admits, shall mean and
include himself, his heirs, executors, successors, administrators
legal representatives and assignees) of the ONE PART.


1. Sri.Pampapati, Aged about ________, S/o __________, residing

at [Address],

2. Sri.Ravi. K.N, Aged about ________, S/o __________, residing

at [Address],

3. Sri.Prabhu Yalagi, Aged about ________, S/o __________,

residing at [Address],

(Hereinafter referred to as the “SERVICE PROVIDERS”.

which term shall wherever the context so admits, shall mean and
include their heirs, executors, successors, administrators legal
representatives and assignees) of the OTHER PART.


WHEREAS, the First Party owns agricultural property suitable for

farming and livestock rearing, located at [Property Address],
hereinafter referred to as the Schedule Property.

WHEREAS, the Second Party has the expertise and resources to

cultivate fruits and vegetables, rear livestock and to provide ailed
services connected thereto;

WHEREAS, the First Party desires to engage the services of the

Second Party to grow specific crops, rear livestock and to provide
ailed services thereto on the Schedule Property;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants

and promises herein contained, the parties hereto agree as

1. Scope of Services:

The Second Party agrees to perform the services of Crop Design,

Crop Profiling, Crop feasibility, produce realization, lay out design,
sourcing, Drip installer, Hydroponic Turn key project suppliers, Crop
management, Food management and Pre-harvest and post harvest
technology ,on the Schedule Property of the First Party, for the
below mentioned activities:

1.1 Cultivation of Fruits and Vegetables

Hydroponic Tomatoes: Cultivate hydroponic tomatoes on 1 Acre.
Seedless Lemons: Cultivate seedless lemons on 15 Acres.
Date Palms: Cultivate date palms on 10 Acres.

Japanese Red Seedless Guava: Cultivate Japanese red seedless
guavas on 5 Acres.
Charippuram Jackfruit: Cultivate Charippuram jackfruit on 10 Acres.

1.2 Livestock Rearing

Goat Project: Rearing of 520 goats.

2. Term:

This Agreement shall commence on the date first written above and
shall continue for a period of three years, unless terminated earlier
in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, further the scope
of services can be expanded or altered as per the mutual consent of
the parties herein.

3. Compensation:

The First Party agrees to pay the Second Party for the services
rendered as follows:

Cultivation Services: On each crop production and realization of

the yield for the same maintenance fees payable to the second
party will be ............ %.

The party of the First Part shall pay a monthly net amount of Rs
2,10,000/- (Rupees Two Lakhs Ten Thousand Only) to the
party of the second part as an advance and it will be deducted from
the charges payable by the party of the First Part to the party of the
Second Part on the production of each crop and the realization of
such produce.

On the realization of the net produce of each crop an amount not
exceeding 5% of the same shall be paid as working capital
expenses/charges to the party of the Second Part.

Whereas the travelling expenses from time to time incurred by the

Party of the second part shall be reimbursed by the party of the first

There is a condition on annual turn over to be maintain minimum

by the party of the first part .

The project charges will be applicable up till crop remains in the

field .

Livestock Rearing Services: On each livestock production and

realization for the same maintenance fees payable to the second
party will be ............ %.

The party of the First Part shall pay a monthly net amount of Rs
2,10,000/- (Rupees Two Lakh Ten Thousand Only) to the party of
the second part as an advance and it will be deducted from the
charges payable by the party of the First Part to the party of the
Second Part on the production of each livestock lot being
_________and the realizationof the same.

On the retaliation of the net produce of each livestock lot being

_________ an amount not exceeding 5% of the same shall be paid
as working capital expenses/charges to the party of the Second

Whereas the travelling expenses from time to time incurred by the
Party of the second part shall be reimbursed by the party of the first

Whereas, it is agreed between the parties that all the

capital/working capital investments made by the party of the
Second Part shall on the investment being made be deemed to be
the property of the party of the First Part.

4. Obligations of the First Party:

The First Party shall:

Provide access to the Property and necessary infrastructure for

cultivation and livestock rearing.
Ensure timely payment as per the agreed-upon schedules.
Supply necessary resources such as water, electricity, and any
additional agreed-upon support for the cultivation and rearing

5. Obligations of the Second Party:

The Second Party shall:

Undertake the cultivation and livestock rearing activities in a

professional and efficient manner.
Adhere to the best agricultural and livestock rearing practices.
Maintain detailed records of all activities and report progress to the
First Party on a monthly basis.
Ensure compliance with all relevant laws and regulations.

6. Termination:

This Agreement may be terminated by either party under the
following conditions:

For Cause: Either party may terminate this Agreement upon

written notice to the other party if the other party breaches any
material term of this Agreement and fails to cure such breach within
thirty (30) days of receipt of notice of such breach.
Without Cause: Either party may terminate this Agreement
without cause upon ninety (90) days written notice to the other

7. Indemnification:

Each party agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the other party,
its affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, employees, and
agents, from and against any and all claims, liabilities, losses,
damages, costs, and expenses (including reasonable attorney's
fees) arising out of or relating to any breach of this Agreement or
any negligent or wrongful act or omission of the indemnifying party.

8. Confidentiality:

The Second Party agrees to maintain the confidentiality of any

proprietary information or trade secrets of the First Party and not to
disclose such information to any third party without the prior
written consent of the First Party.

9. Governing Law:

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance

with the laws of the state of [State].

10. Dispute Resolution:

Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement
shall be resolved through good faith negotiation between the
parties. If the dispute cannot be resolved through negotiation, it
shall be submitted to mediation. If mediation fails, the dispute shall
be resolved by binding arbitration in accordance with the rules of
the [Arbitration Association].

11. Entire Agreement:

This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the

parties and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous
understandings, agreements, negotiations, and discussions,
whether oral or written, of the parties.

12. Amendments:

No amendment or modification of this Agreement shall be valid

unless it is in writing and signed by both parties.

13. Severability:
If any provision of this Agreement is found to be invalid or
unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall continue in full force
and effect.

14. Notices:
All notices required or permitted under this Agreement shall be in
writing and shall be deemed delivered when delivered in person or
deposited in the mail, postage prepaid, addressed as follows:

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed
this Service Provider Agreement as of the day and year first
above written.


1. Prasad


2. Ravi. K.N

Prabhu Yalagi
(Second Party)

Drafted by:

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