G8 Practice Worksheet Term End Exam 2023-24 RR

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Grade – 8 Subject - English

Practice Worksheet – 1

Topics: Active & Passive Voice, Figures of Speech

Change the voice of the following sentences:

1. The teacher praised the students for their hard work.

2. The cake was baked by my sister for my birthday.
3. The scientist discovered a groundbreaking cure for the disease.
4. The famous play "Hamlet" was written by Shakespeare.
5. The team executed the plan flawlessly during the crucial match.
6. A unanimous decision to implement the new policy was made by the committee.
7. The teacher gave the students a challenging assignment.
8. Attractive bonuses were offered to the employees by the company.
9. The government granted the citizens special privileges.
10. An innovative research technique was shown to the team by the scientist.

Identify the figure of speech used in each sentence:

1. The stars danced in the night sky.

2. Her smile was a ray of sunshine on a gloomy day.
3. Time is a thief that steals precious moments.
4. The thunderous applause echoed through the auditorium.
5. The news hit him like a ton of bricks.
6. The thunder growled its displeasure.
7. Her eyes were as bright as the morning sun.
8. The old house creaked and groaned in the wind.
9. The flowers nodded their heads in the gentle breeze.
10. Time is a relentless thief, stealing moments from our lives.
Practice Worksheet – 2

Topics: Direct and Indirect Speech, Order of Adjectives

Convert the following sentences from direct to indirect speech & vice versa:

1. She said, "I will finish the project by tomorrow."

2. She said that she might come to the party if she finished her work.
3. "Stop making so much noise!" the teacher exclaimed.
4. "Could you please pass me the salt?" he asked.
5. "Finish your homework before going out," her mother advised.
6. "How beautiful the sunset is!" exclaimed John.
7. "Close the door behind you," the teacher ordered.
8. Mary exclaimed that it was a fascinating story.
9. She requested to lend her the notes.
10. He asked if they had enjoyed the concert.

Put the adjectives in the correct order:

1. She bought a ________________ French beautiful dress.

2. The detective examined the ________________ mysterious ancient artifact.
3. We live in a ________________ old large house.
4. We visited a ________________ fascinating historic medieval castle.
5. I need to buy a ________________ rectangular wooden table.
6. She received a ________________ beautiful silver handmade necklace.
7. The children found a ________________ red balloon in the park.
8. The scientist presented a ________________ groundbreaking new quantum theory.
9. They adopted a ________________ little black kitten.
10. The team uncovered a ________________ rare archaeological prehistoric artifact.
Practice Worksheet – 3

Topics: Restrictive and nonrestrictive clauses, Idioms.

Identify whether the following clauses are restrictive or non-restrictive:

1. The book that I borrowed from the library is due tomorrow.

2. My brother, who is an architect, designed our new house.
3. The student who won the science fair received a special prize.
4. The concert, which was held in the park, was a huge success.
5. The car that is parked in front of the house is mine.
6. The dog that is barking loudly belongs to the neighbor.
7. The professor, who has published several books, teaches at the university.
8. The movie that we watched last night was a thriller.
9. My sister, who lives in Paris, is a fashion designer.
10. The tree that shades the backyard is very old.

Fill in the blanks with the correct idioms:

1. After her success in the competition, she was on ______________.

2. He wanted to join the team, but they told him it was a ______________ in the rough.
3. When the teacher announced the surprise test, the students were caught ______________.
4. The new student felt like a ______________ in a strange land.
5. After the storm, the streets were as quiet as a ______________.
6. When the teacher caught him cheating, he was caught ______________.
7. The magician's disappearance act left the audience in ______________.
8. Don't judge a book by its ______________; it might surprise you.
9. The new student was like a ______________ in a china shop during the school assembly.
10. After studying for hours, her brain felt like it was in a ______________.
Practice Worksheet – 4

Topics: If conditionals, error correction

Determine the type of if conditional in each sentence:

1. If I go to the store, I will buy some milk.

2. If you eat too much, you will feel sick.
3. If she had studied harder, she would have passed the exam.
4. If they had invited us, we would have attended the party.
5. If it rains tomorrow, we will stay at home.
6. If I had a million dollars, I would buy a mansion.
7. If she had listened to the advice, she wouldn't have faced these problems.
8. If I were a bird, I would fly to faraway places.
9. If they win the match, they will advance to the finals.
10. If you had asked me, I would have helped you.

Identify and correct the errors in the following sentences:

1. If she would have studied harder, she could have passed the exam.
2. The teacher asked that the students not to talk during the test.
3. Neither of the books are interesting to me.
4. My sister is more taller than me.
5. If I were you, I would not to go there alone.
6. If I will finish my homework early, I can go to the park.
7. The dog and cat doesn't get along well.
8. My brother is more taller than his friend.
9. Neither the teacher nor the students is happy with the decision.
10. The team are playing very well today.
Practice Worksheet – 5

Topics: Paragraph writing

A. Paragraph Writing

1. Write a paragraph on the given topic based on the following value points: Importance of
Environmental Conservation

Value Points: Briefly discuss the critical state of the environment globally - Deforestation and Wildlife:
Explain the impact of deforestation on biodiversity - Discuss the various forms of pollution affecting air,
water, and soil - Introduce sustainable practices to mitigate environmental issues - Emphasize the
importance of individuals taking responsibility for their ecological footprint - Summarize the significance
of environmental conservation for a healthier planet.

2. Write a paragraph on the given topic based on the following value points: Benefits of Reading Books

Value Points: Highlight the role of books in intellectual and personal development - Discuss how reading
broadens knowledge and understanding - Explain how reading improves language skills and vocabulary -
Describe the calming effect of reading on the mind - Explore how reading stimulates imagination and
creativity - Emphasize the lifelong benefits of cultivating a reading habit.

4. Write a paragraph on the given topic based on the following value points: Impact of Social Media on

Value Points: Discuss the prevalence and influence of social media in modern society - Examine how
social media has revolutionized communication - Highlight the challenges and concerns related to online
privacy - Analyze the role of social media in disseminating information, both positive and negative -
Discuss the impact of social media on mental well-being - Emphasize the need for responsible usage and
awareness about the consequences of social media.

5. Write a paragraph on the given topic based on the following value points: Challenges Faced by
Students During Online Learning

Value Points: Acknowledge the shift to online learning due to external circumstances - Discuss
challenges related to internet connectivity and access to devices - Highlight the importance of face-to-
face interaction in the learning process - Explore difficulties in staying motivated and focused without
traditional classroom settings - Discuss the struggle with time management and balancing online
learning with other responsibilities - Emphasize the need for adaptability and effective strategies to
overcome challenges in the virtual learning environment
6. Write a paragraph on the given topic based on the following value points: The Impact of Social Media
Influencers on Youth

Value Points: Define social media influencers and their role in contemporary culture - Discuss how
influencers shape trends and influence lifestyle choices - Explore the impact of influencers on consumer
behavior and materialistic values - Examine the connection between influencers, body image issues, and
mental health - Discuss the ethical responsibility of influencers in promoting positive values - Call for
critical thinking and media literacy among the youth to navigate influencer culture responsibly.

7. Write a paragraph on the given topic based on the following value points: The Importance of
Extracurricular Activities in School

Value Points: Emphasize the holistic development of students beyond academic achievements - Discuss
how extracurricular activities contribute to the development of various skills - Explore the role of
activities in fostering teamwork and leadership qualities - Discuss the impact of extracurriculars on
building confidence and self-esteem - Highlight the importance of balancing academics and
extracurricular commitments - Stress the significance of a well-rounded education that includes both
academic and extracurricular pursuits

8. Write a paragraph on the given topic based on the following value points: Describe a bustling market
scene and capture the vibrant atmosphere.

Value Points: Set the scene by introducing the market and its location - Provide vivid details about the
sights, sounds, and smells - Describe the various activities happening in the market - Introduce the
diverse array of people present, such as vendors and shoppers - Convey the overall atmosphere and
energy of the market - Summarize the essence of the bustling market scene

9. Write a paragraph on the given topic based on the following value points: Narrate a personal
experience that taught you an important life lesson.

Value Points: Introduce the experience and its context - Narrate the sequence of events and actions
involved - Introduce any individuals who played a significant role in the experience - Describe any
challenges faced and the lessons learned - Reflect on how the experience impacted your life - Wrap up
the narrative with a key takeaway

10. Write a paragraph on the given topic based on the following value points: Compare and contrast
living in a rural area versus living in a urban area.

Value Points: Introduce the topic of living in rural and urban areas - Highlight similarities between the
two living environments - Explore key differences in terms of lifestyle, amenities, and community -
Discuss the pros and cons of each living arrangement - Share personal opinions on which lifestyle is
preferred and why - Summarize the comparisons and contrasts, leaving room for reflection

Topic: Reading Comprehension (poem & passage)

A. Read the following passages and answer the questions that follow:

I. The Enchanted Forest

Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom, there was a mysterious enchanted forest. Legends spoke of
magical creatures that roamed its depths, and those who ventured in often emerged with tales of
wonder and amazement. The dense foliage hid secrets untold, and the air was filled with an
otherworldly energy that made the heart race with excitement.

Among the most captivating creatures in the enchanted forest were the luminescent fireflies that lit up
the night sky. Their tiny bodies emitted a soft glow, creating an ethereal dance of light among the trees.
Many believed that these fireflies held the key to unlocking the magic of the forest.

As the legend goes, a brave adventurer named Elara set out to explore the enchanted forest. Armed
with a lantern and a heart full of curiosity, Elara ventured into the depths of the woodland. The air was
thick with the scent of moss and the distant hum of unseen creatures.

As Elara delved deeper, the path became less defined, and the trees seemed to whisper ancient secrets.
Suddenly, the forest came alive with the flickering lights of the fireflies. Elara marveled at the
enchanting display, feeling a connection to the mystical energy that surrounded her.

Contextual Multiple-Choice Questions:

1. What is the enchanted forest known for?

a) Dangerous creatures b) Mysterious secrets c) Bright sunlight d) Dense fog

2. What made Elara's heart race with excitement?

a) Dense foliage b) Soft glow of fireflies c) Ancient secrets d) Ethereal dance of light

3. What was Elara armed with on her adventure?

a) Sword and shield b) Bow and arrows c) Lantern and curiosity d) Magical spells

Vocabulary Multiple-Choice Questions:

4. In the context of the passage, what does "ethereal" mean?

a) Earthly b) Otherworldly c) Enchanting d) Ordinary

5. What does "delved" mean in the passage?

a) Climbed b) Dived c) Explored d) Flew

6. Which word best describes the scent in the enchanted forest?

a) Floral b) Mossy c) Citrusy d) Sweet

II. The Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution, which began in the late 18th century, marked a significant shift in human
history. It was a period of rapid industrialization, transforming traditional agrarian societies into modern
industrial ones. The revolution introduced new technologies, manufacturing processes, and social
changes that had profound and lasting impacts.

One key aspect of the Industrial Revolution was the mechanization of production. Steam engines,
powered by coal, replaced human and animal labor, leading to the establishment of factories. This shift
increased efficiency, allowing for the mass production of goods and the growth of urban centers.

The revolution also brought about changes in transportation, with the invention of the steam
locomotive and the expansion of railways. This not only facilitated the movement of goods but also
reshaped migration patterns as people could now travel more easily between cities.

Despite the economic growth and technological advancements, the Industrial Revolution also led to
social challenges. Poor working conditions, child labor, and unequal distribution of wealth became
prominent issues, sparking social reform movements.

Contextual Multiple-Choice Questions:

1. What marked a significant shift in human history during the late 18th century?

a) Agricultural Revolution b) Renaissance c) Industrial Revolution d) Scientific Revolution

2. What powered the steam engines during the Industrial Revolution?

a) Electricity b) Water c) Coal d) Wind

3. How did the Industrial Revolution impact migration patterns?

a) It reduced migration. b) It had no effect on migration.

c) It increased migration between cities. d) It led to migration from rural to urban areas.

Vocabulary Multiple-Choice Questions:

4. In the context of the passage, what does "mechanization" mean?

a) Manual labor b) Use of machines c) Agricultural practices d) Artistic expression

5. What is another term for the mass production of goods?

a) Artisanal production b) Handicraft production c) Industrial production d) Custom production

6. Which word best describes the working conditions during the Industrial Revolution?

a) Comfortable b) Harsh c) Luxurious d) Extravagant

III. The Great Barrier Reef

The Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest coral reef system, stretching over 2,300 kilometers off the
coast of Queensland, Australia. This natural wonder is a complex ecosystem, home to a dazzling array of
marine life, including various species of fish, coral, and mollusks.

The reef is composed of over 2,900 individual reefs and 900 islands, forming a vibrant underwater
landscape. Coral reefs play a crucial role in supporting marine biodiversity, providing habitats for
countless species. The intricate coral formations, with their stunning colors, create a mesmerizing
underwater world.

The Great Barrier Reef faces numerous threats, including climate change, coral bleaching, and pollution.
Rising sea temperatures, primarily due to climate change, can cause coral bleaching, a phenomenon
where corals lose their vibrant colors and become more susceptible to disease. Conservation efforts are
underway to protect this natural wonder and its diverse marine life.

Contextual Multiple-Choice Questions:

1. Where is the Great Barrier Reef located?

a) Off the coast of California b) Off the coast of Queensland, Australia

c) In the Mediterranean Sea d) Along the shores of Africa

2. What is the primary role of coral reefs in marine ecosystems?

a) Providing habitats for marine life b) Enhancing water clarity

c) Preventing climate change d) Producing oxygen for marine organisms

3. What can rising sea temperatures lead to in coral reefs?

a) Increased coral colors b) Coral bleaching

c) Faster coral growth d) Enhanced marine biodiversity

Vocabulary Multiple-Choice Questions:

4. In the context of the passage, what does "dazzling" mean?

a) Dull b) Attractive and impressive c) Ordinary d) Uninteresting

5. What does the term "biodiversity" refer to in the passage?

a) Limited variety of species b) Variety of life in an ecosystem

c) High temperatures d) Rapid growth of plants

6. Which word best describes the efforts to protect the Great Barrier Reef?

a) Negligible b) Ineffectual c) Ongoing d) Discontinued

7. What is the main threat mentioned in the passage?

a) Overfishing b) Climate change c) Soil erosion d) Deforestation

8. What is coral bleaching?

a) Enhancing coral colors b) Increased coral growth

c) Loss of vibrant colors in corals d) Disease-resistant corals

9. How long is the Great Barrier Reef approximately?

a) 1,500 kilometers b) 2,300 kilometers c) 3,000 kilometers d) 500 kilometers

10. What are the individual components that make up the Great Barrier Reef?

a) 1,000 individual reefs and 200 islands b) 2,300 individual reefs and 900 islands

c) 1,500 individual reefs and 500 islands d) 3,000 individual reefs and 1,000 islands

IV. The Urban Gardening Movement

In recent years, an urban gardening movement has gained momentum as city dwellers seek sustainable
and green alternatives in urban landscapes. Balconies, rooftops, and small plots of land are transformed
into vibrant gardens, cultivating not only flowers but also herbs and vegetables. This movement
promotes a connection to nature, local food production, and environmental sustainability.

Contextual Multiple-Choice Questions:

1. What has gained momentum in recent years, according to the passage?

a) Urbanization b) Industrialization c) The urban gardening movement d) Deforestation

2. What spaces are mentioned as being transformed into gardens in urban areas?

a) Subways b) Highways c) Balconies, rooftops, and small plots of land d) Shopping malls

3. What does the urban gardening movement promote?

a) Deforestation b) Connection to nature, local food production, and environmental sustainability

c) Industrialization d) Urbanization

Vocabulary Multiple-Choice Questions:

4. In the context of the passage, what does "sustainable" mean?

a) Temporary b) Harmful c) Long-lasting and environmentally friendly d) Rapid and aggressive

5. What is the primary focus of the urban gardening movement?

a) Maximizing industrial output b) Minimizing green spaces

c) Connection to nature, local food production, and environmental sustainability

d) Expanding urbanization

6. How do city dwellers contribute to the movement?

a) By avoiding green spaces b) By transforming urban areas into industrial zones

c) By cultivating vibrant gardens in small spaces d) By promoting deforestation

7. What is cultivated in the vibrant gardens mentioned in the passage?

a) Only flowers b) Only herbs c) Flowers, herbs, and vegetables d) Only vegetables

8. What does the urban gardening movement seek to establish in urban areas?

a) Industrial zones b) Deserted landscapes c) Vibrant gardens d) Overcrowded spaces

9. Why do city dwellers embrace the urban gardening movement?

a) To avoid sustainable practices b) To disconnect from nature

c) To promote deforestation d) To seek sustainable and green alternatives

10. What is the opposite of "environmental sustainability" as used in the passage?

a) Green alternatives b) Harmful practices c) Connection to nature d) Urbanization

V. The Celestial Tapestry

High above the world, where the veil of the night sky twinkles with countless stars, lies the Celestial
Tapestry. This ethereal masterpiece, woven by cosmic hands, tells tales of ancient constellations that
have adorned the heavens since time immemorial. One fateful night, a curious astronomer named Elena
embarked on a journey to decipher the celestial patterns and unlock the secrets of the cosmic loom.

As Elena gazed through her telescope, the vastness of the night sky unfolded before her. Each
constellation seemed like a brushstroke on the canvas of the universe, creating a breathtaking
panorama. The Orion constellation, with its distinctive belt of three bright stars, spoke of a legendary
hunter in Greek mythology. In the tapestry's silent language, it whispered stories of heroism and

As the night deepened, Elena's attention turned to the Pleiades, a cluster of seven luminous stars.
Legends from various cultures intertwined in the Celestial Tapestry, revealing tales of sisters
transformed into stars and shining eternally in the night sky. The Pleiades, a celestial sorority, danced
gracefully across the cosmic loom, their stories echoing through the eons.

Contextual Multiple-Choice Questions:

1. What is the Celestial Tapestry?

a) A woven carpet in space b) An ethereal masterpiece of the night sky

c) A legendary hunter in Greek mythology d) A cluster of seven luminous stars

2. Who embarked on a journey to decipher the celestial patterns?

a) Orion b) Cosmic hands c) Elena, the astronomer d) The Pleiades

3. What is distinctive about the Orion constellation?

a) It whispers stories of heroism and adventure b) It has a belt of three bright stars

c) It is a celestial sorority d) It dances gracefully across the cosmic loom

Vocabulary Multiple-Choice Questions:

4. In the context of the passage, what does "ethereal" mean?

a) Earthly and grounded b) Mysterious and otherworldly c) Nocturnal and dark d) Colorful and vibrant

5. What does the term "cosmic loom" symbolize in the passage?

a) A telescope used by astronomers b) The vastness of the night sky

c) The process of weaving celestial patterns d) A legendary hunter in Greek mythology

6. How does the Orion constellation communicate in the passage?

a) Through spoken words b) In the tapestry's silent language

c) By dancing across the cosmic loom d) Through a series of constellations

7. What does the Pleiades cluster represent in the Celestial Tapestry?

a) Heroism and adventure b) Ancient constellations

c) A celestial sorority d) The vastness of the night sky

8. What is the atmosphere described in the passage?

a) Noisy and chaotic b) Silent and mysterious c) Busy and vibrant d) Isolated and quiet

9. What role does the cosmic loom play in the passage?

a) Weaving tales of ancient constellations b) Transforming sisters into stars

c) Creating a breathtaking panorama d) Speaking stories of heroism

10. How does Elena interact with the Celestial Tapestry?

a) By dancing across the cosmic loom b) By weaving her own constellation

c) By gazing through her telescope d) By transforming into a star

B. Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow:

I. The Symphony of Nature

In the meadows where wildflowers bloom,

Nature orchestrates a splendid tune.

With the sun as the conductor, bright and bold,

Each element joins in, young and old.

The wind takes the lead, a gentle flute,

Whispering secrets, soft and acute.

The rustling leaves, a percussion band,

Joining the symphony, hand in hand.

The river adds its melody sweet,

A babbling brook, a rhythm discrete.

Mountains stand tall, majestic and grand,

Their echoes resonate across the land.

Birds join in with a chorus of song,

Feathers and wings creating a throng.

As the day unfolds, the symphony swells,

Nature's concert, where harmony dwells.

Comprehension Questions:

1. Who is the conductor in the symphony of nature?

a. The wind b. The sun c. The river d. The mountains

2. What instrument does the wind play in the poem?

a. Flute b. Percussion c. Violin d. Trumpet
3. What is the river's contribution to the symphony?
a. Percussion b. Melody c. Chorus d. Echo
4. What is the primary setting of the poem?
a. City streets b. Meadows c. Desert d. Ocean
5. Which word best describes the mountains in the poem?
a. Small b. Loud c. Majestic d. Quiet
6. What does the word "orchestrates" mean in the poem?
a. Composes b. Destroys c. Silences d. Dissects
7. Which word is a synonym for "acute" as used in the poem?

a. Dull b. Keen c. Vague d. Blunt

8. What does the term "resonate" mean in the context of the poem?

a. To clash b. To echo c. To hide d. To scatter

9. Choose the antonym for "discrete" as used in the poem.

a. Separate b. Distinct c. Continuous d. Isolated

10. What is the meaning of "throng" as used in the poem?

a. A crowd b. A melody c. A silence d. A whisper

II. The Enchanted Garden

In the heart of the enchanted garden fair,
Flowers sway with the soft summer air.
Butterflies dance with colors bright,
In the golden warmth of the sunlight.
The roses whisper tales untold,
Their petals a history to unfold.
Bees hum a tune as they work with glee,
Collecting nectar from bloom to tree.
A fountain in the center, crystal clear,
Its melody soothing to every ear.
Fairies flit in a magical ballet,
As the day turns to night, and stars hold sway.
The moon, a guardian in the velvet sky,
Watches over as dreams draw nigh.
In this garden, where magic is real,
Every moment is a treasure to feel.

Comprehension Questions:
1. What dances with the soft summer air in the enchanted garden?
a. Fairies b. Flowers c. Butterflies d. Roses
2. What do the bees collect from bloom to tree?
a. Sunshine b. Nectar c. Petals d. Dewdrops
3. What is the fountain's melody described as?
a. Loud and jarring b. Soft and soothing c. Chaotic d. Silent
4. Who watches over the enchanted garden in the night?
a. Roses b. Fairies c. Moon d. Butterflies
5. What is described as a guardian in the velvet sky?
a. Roses b. Moon c. Fairies d. Butterflies
6. What does the term "flit" mean in the context of the poem?

a. To dance b. To fly lightly c. To sleep d. To sing loudly

7. Which word is a synonym for "soothing" as used in the poem?

a. Disturbing b. Comforting c. Harsh d. Unsettling

8. What does the word "nigh" mean in the context of the poem?

a. Far b. Near c. Silent d. Nocturnal

9. Choose the antonym for "jarring" as used in the poem.

a. Harmonious b. Loud c. Dissonant d. Unpleasant

10. What is the meaning of "velvet" as used in the poem?

a. Smooth fabric b. Harsh texture c. Transparent d. Luminous

III. The Great Cookie Caper

In the land of giggles and chocolate swirls,

Lived a sneaky gang of mischievous squirrels.

Their leader, Sir Nutty McFluff,

Declared a mission, bold and tough.

They plotted in their treehouse high,

To steal cookies that made bakers sigh.

The Great Cookie Caper was their quest,

A hilarious heist, surely the best.

Down they came with acrobatic flips,

Wearing tiny masks upon their snips.

The bakers, unsuspecting and carefree,

Whistled and danced, full of glee.

Sneaky Squeaky, the smallest of the lot,

Did a cartwheel, quite a daring plot.

While Gobble Giggles, the chubby chief,

Stuffed cookies in his cheek with disbelief.

The cookies vanished in a blink,

Leaving the bakers to ponder and think.

Sir Nutty McFluff, with a triumphant grin,

Declared the caper a big win.

The squirrels retreated to their tree,

Full of cookies and victory glee.

As the moon laughed at the tasty uproar,

The Great Cookie Caper was no more.

Comprehension Questions (Contextual):

1. What was the mission declared by Sir Nutty McFluff?

a. The Great Nutty Adventure b. The Chocolate Swirl Heist

c. The Cookie Caper d. The Giggles and Chocolate Quest

2. What did the mischievous squirrels wear during their heist?

a. Feathered hats b. Tiny masks c. Superhero capes d. Sunglasses

3. Which squirrel did a cartwheel during the heist?

a. Sir Nutty McFluff b. Gobble Giggles c. Sneaky Squeaky d. The chubby chief

4. What did Gobble Giggles do during the heist?

a. Danced b. Ate cookies c. Whistled d. Stole the bakers' hats

5. What did the bakers do while the squirrels were stealing cookies?

a. Sang a sad song b. Whistled and danced c. Slept in hammocks d. Went for a walk

Vocabulary MCQs:

1. What does "uproar" mean in the context of the poem?

a. Silence b. Chaos and noise c. Harmony d. Celebration

2. Choose the synonym for "triumphant" as used in the poem.

a. Defeated b. Victorious c. Gloomy d. Shy

3. What does the word "heist" mean in the context of the poem?

a. A loud noise b. A surprise attack c. A daring robbery d. A peaceful event

4. Select the antonym for "sneaky" as used in the poem.

a. Mysterious b. Clever c. Open d. Shy

5. What is the primary setting of the poem?

a. A quiet library b. A bustling city c. A land of giggles and chocolate swirls d. A dark cave

IV. Echoes of Time

In the quiet hush of twilight's grace,

Where shadows linger in a soft embrace,

I ponder the echoes of time gone by,

A journey of moments, reaching the sky.

The sun dips low, a golden farewell,

Casting memories, like a secret spell.

Whispers of yesteryears gently unfold,

As the tale of my life begins to be told.

Through the maze of laughter and tears,

I navigate, confronting my fears.

Each step, a dance with destiny's rhyme,

Guided by the echoes of forgotten time.

In the garden of dreams, where hopes reside,

I plant seeds of aspirations far and wide.

The moon, a witness to my silent plea,

Bathes the night in its silver decree.

Reflections in the stillness of a tranquil lake,

Stir the depths, my soul awake.

Faces, places, and moments unfurl,

In the vast tapestry of my own world.

Questions linger, like stars in the night,

A celestial inquiry, seeking the light.

What stories do the echoes narrate?

In the corridors of time, I contemplate.

The present, a gift wrapped in today,

Unfolding chapters in a mysterious way.

As the sun rises on the morrow's chime,

I embrace the echoes of this fleeting time.

Contextual Comprehension Questions:

1. What is the primary setting of the poem?

a. A bustling city b. A tranquil lake c. The garden of dreams d. The corridors of time

2. What is the sun's role in the poem?

a. Casting memories b. Witnessing dreams c. Guiding destiny d. Setting in the twilight

3. What does the moon bathe the night in?

a. Gold b. Silver c. Darkness d. Colors

4. What is described as a witness to the silent plea in the poem?

a. The sun b. The moon c. The stars d. The lake

5. Where do reflections stir the depths in the poem?

a. A bustling city b. The garden of dreams c. A tranquil lake d. Corridors of time

Vocabulary MCQs:

1. What does "unfold" mean in the context of the poem?

a. To hide b. To open up c. To sleep d. To close

2. Choose the synonym for "tranquil" as used in the poem.

a. Chaotic b. Calm c. Noisy d. Busy

3. What does the word "contemplate" mean in the context of the poem?

a. To ignore b. To think deeply c. To run away d. To laugh loudly

4. Select the antonym for "fleeting" as used in the poem.

a. Short-lived b. Eternal c. Temporary d. Momentary

5. What is the mood of the poem?

a. Sad b. Joyful c. Angry d. Confused

V. The Quest for Knowledge

In the quiet corridors of the ancient school,

A quest for knowledge, the ultimate rule.

Books lined up like silent mentors wise,

Whispering secrets that the curious eyes prize.

1. What is the primary setting of the poem?

a. A bustling marketplace b. A modern library c. The corridors of an ancient school d. A peaceful garden

2. What is the quest mentioned in the poem?

a. A quest for adventure b. A quest for knowledge c. A quest for treasure d. A quest for friendship

3. How are books described in the poem?

a. Like noisy companions b. Like silent mentors c. Like colorful decorations d. Like heavy burdens

4. What do the books whisper according to the poem?

a. Jokes b. Secrets c. Greetings d. Commands

5. Choose the synonym for "corridors" as used in the poem.

a. Roads b. Gardens c. Rivers d. Mountains

6. What is the mood of the poem?

a. Sad b. Exciting c. Quiet d. Happy

7. What does the phrase "ultimate rule" suggest in the poem?

a. A temporary guideline b. A strict law c. A crucial principle d. A funny tradition

8. What does the word "prize" mean in the context of the poem?

a. A reward b. A punishment c. A surprise d. A challenge

9. Choose the antonym for "curious" as used in the poem.

a. Inquisitive b. Uninterested c. Eager d. Anxious

10. What is the significance of the adjective "ancient" in the poem?

a. New and modern b. Old and historical c. Temporary and fleeting d. Unimportant and ignored

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