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Grade – 8 Subject - English

Practice Worksheet – 1

Topics: Active & Passive Voice, Figures of Speech

Change of Voice:

1. The students were praised by the teacher for their hard work.
2. My birthday cake was baked by my sister.
3. A groundbreaking cure for the disease was discovered by the scientist.
4. Shakespeare wrote the famous play "Hamlet."
5. The plan was flawlessly executed by the team during the crucial match.
6. The committee made a unanimous decision to implement the new policy.
7. The students were given a challenging assignment by the teacher.
8. The company offered attractive bonuses to the employees.
9. Special privileges were granted to the citizens by the government.
10. The scientist showed the team an innovative research technique.
Figure of Speech:

1. Personification - The stars danced in the night sky.

2. Simile - Her smile was a ray of sunshine on a gloomy day.
3. Metaphor - Time is a thief that steals precious moments.
4. Onomatopoeia - The thunderous applause echoed through the auditorium.
5. Simile - The news hit him like a ton of bricks.
6. Personification - The thunder growled its displeasure.
7. Simile - Her eyes were as bright as the morning sun.
8. Onomatopoeia - The old house creaked and groaned in the wind.
9. Personification - The flowers nodded their heads in the gentle breeze.
10. Metaphor - Time is a relentless thief, stealing moments from our lives.

Practice Worksheet – 2

Topics: Direct and Indirect Speech, Order of Adjectives

Correct Adjective Order:

1. She bought a beautiful French dress.

2. The detective examined the mysterious ancient artifact.
3. We live in a large old house.
4. We visited a historic medieval castle.
5. I need to buy a wooden rectangular table.
6. She received a handmade beautiful silver necklace.
7. The children found a red balloon in the park.
8. The scientist presented a groundbreaking new quantum theory.
9. They adopted a little black kitten.
10. The team uncovered a rare prehistoric archaeological artifact.

Practice Worksheet – 3

Topics: Restrictive and nonrestrictive clauses, Idioms.

Identifying the clauses:

• The book that I borrowed from the library is due tomorrow. (Restrictive)
• The clause "that I borrowed from the library" is essential to identify which book is being
• My brother, who is an architect, designed our new house. (Non-restrictive)
• The clause "who is an architect" adds extra information but is not necessary to identify
the subject (my brother).
• The student who won the science fair received a special prize. (Restrictive)
• The clause "who won the science fair" is crucial to specify which student is being
referred to.
• The concert, which was held in the park, was a huge success. (Non-restrictive)
• The clause "which was held in the park" provides additional information but is not
necessary to identify the concert.
• The car that is parked in front of the house is mine. (Restrictive)
• The clause "that is parked in front of the house" is necessary to specify which car is
being referred to.
• The dog that is barking loudly belongs to the neighbor. (Restrictive)
• The clause "that is barking loudly" is essential to identify which dog is being discussed.
• The professor, who has published several books, teaches at the university. (Non-restrictive)
• The clause "who has published several books" provides additional information about the
professor but is not essential to identify them.
• The movie that we watched last night was a thriller. (Restrictive)
• The clause "that we watched last night" is necessary to specify which movie is being
referred to.
• My sister, who lives in Paris, is a fashion designer. (Non-restrictive)
• The clause "who lives in Paris" adds extra information but is not necessary to identify
the subject (my sister).
• The tree that shades the backyard is very old. (Restrictive)
• The clause "that shades the backyard" is essential to specify which tree is being
Fill in the blanks with the correct idioms:

1. After her success in the competition, she was on cloud nine.

2. He wanted to join the team, but they told him it was a diamond in the rough.
3. When the teacher announced the surprise test, the students were caught off guard.
4. The new student felt like a fish out of water in a strange land.
5. After the storm, the streets were as quiet as a ghost town.
6. When the teacher caught him cheating, he was caught red-handed.
7. The magician's disappearance act left the audience in awe.
8. Don't judge a book by its cover; it might surprise you.
9. The new student was like a bull in a china shop during the school assembly.
10. After studying for hours, her brain felt like it was in a fog.

Practice Worksheet – 4

Topics: If conditionals, error correction

1. Type 1 (Real Present): If I go to the store, I will buy some milk.

2. Type 1 (Real Present): If you eat too much, you will feel sick.
3. Type 3 (Unreal Past): If she had studied harder, she would have passed the exam.
4. Type 3 (Unreal Past): If they had invited us, we would have attended the party.
5. Type 1 (Real Present): If it rains tomorrow, we will stay at home.
6. Type 2 (Unreal Present): If I had a million dollars, I would buy a mansion.
7. Type 3 (Unreal Past): If she had listened to the advice, she wouldn't have faced these
8. Type 2 (Unreal Present): If I were a bird, I would fly to faraway places.
9. Type 1 (Real Present): If they win the match, they will advance to the finals.
10. Type 3 (Unreal Past): If you had asked me, I would have helped you.

Identify and correct the errors in the following sentences:

• If she would have studied harder, she could have passed the exam.
▪ Correction: If she had studied harder, she could have passed the exam.
• The teacher asked that the students not to talk during the test.
▪ Correction: The teacher asked the students not to talk during the test.
• Neither of the books are interesting to me.
▪ Correction: Neither of the books is interesting to me.
• My sister is more taller than me.
▪ Correction: My sister is taller than I am.
• If I were you, I would not to go there alone.
▪ Correction: If I were you, I would not go there alone.
• If I will finish my homework early, I can go to the park.
▪ Correction: If I finish my homework early, I can go to the park.
• The dog and cat doesn't get along well.
▪ Correction: The dog and cat don't get along well.
• My brother is more taller than his friend.
▪ Correction: My brother is taller than his friend.
• Neither the teacher nor the students is happy with the decision.
▪ Correction: Neither the teacher nor the students are happy with the decision.
• The team are playing very well today.
▪ Correction: The team is playing very well today.

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