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Didactic Sequence

Course: 4th ´´A´´

Timing: From 07-01 to 07-31
Area: Social Sciences
Block: Societies over time
Topic: ´´The native American peoples in the 15th century´´
 Mayans, Aztecs and Incas and their ways of transforming nature to produce
 Similarities and differences in relation to taxes, jobs, workers, tools and
techniques used.
 Characteristics of social stratification, distribution of tasks and functions
among peasants, slaves and nobles.
 Cultural diversity of indigenous peoples in the past and present.

This proposal is aimed at 4th year students, in which the life of the native peoples
of America will be worked on, since it is of utmost importance that children can
learn about the diversity of customs, cultures, economies, etc., of which Today they
are still valid, and there are many things that we have adopted into our culture.

 Promote situations where children can observe maps where they can locate
the societies worked, making links between human actions and the
transformation of nature.
 Provide images considering the social stratification identified in the towns
studied so that they can be classified.
 Propose situations where children can analyze images that allow them to
recognize signs of what the way of life and food production of the native
American people were like.

 Describe the ways of producing goods in the societies studied. Point out
similarities and differences.
 Recognize different social groups, their tasks and functions, their
agreements and conflicts.
 Explain some transformations of nature that the societies studied produced.

Teaching situations:

Class 1: 07-07
The class will begin by presenting images of the native American peoples:
After looking at the images you will wonder: Who are these native peoples? Where
were they located?
Based on the children's answers, a map will be shown which shows where the
Mayans, Aztecs and Incas were.
Now that we know where they were located, we can go into each town to learn a
little more about them. Let's start with…

The Mayans
Which lived in the area of current Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras and El
They stood out in the creation of a writing system and in the study of astronomy,
mathematics and architecture. It was made up of a group of different peoples who
shared the language, religion and calendar. Each town had its own city that
dominated the others.
Now let's see what their society was like...

We will also learn about its economy…

And to finish about this town, we will see what their culture, religion, calendar and
writing were like.

Now that we know a lot about the Mayan people, we can do the following activity:
1) Underline the corresponding answer:
a) What was the government of the Mayans like?
 Each city had its own government.
 There was a single government for all people.
b) What was the most important thing in the Mayan economy?
 Hunting and gathering.
 Agriculture and commerce.
c) What was the social division like in the Mayan culture?
 There were differences between the nobility and the people.
 They were all the same and there were no differences.
d) What was the barter?
 In exchanging a product for money.
 In exchanging a product for another merchandise of equal value.

Class 2: 14-07
The class will begin by presenting a painting of the mural painted by Diego Rivera
which shows the life of the Aztecs in Tenochtitlán:
We will observe the image and listen to what Diego Rivera tells us about it:

The Aztecs:
They were a people settled in the Valley of Mexico and dominated an extensive
territory due to their warrior skills. At first they were a nomadic people, but then
according to a prediction they had from a God they were going to be a very
powerful civilization and for that they had to settle in the place where they saw the
eagle eating a snake on a bush similar to a cactus. Later they baptized this city

Now that we know a little about the history of the Aztecs, we can do an activity:
1) Create a question for these answers according to the text provided above:
a) _________________________________________
b) _________________________________________
Because they saw an eagle on a bush eating a snake.
c) _________________________________________
Now we will learn a little about the society of the Aztecs:

We will also see what their agricultural economy was like and how they traded it…

We will also be interested in the Aztec culture...

Finally, we will answer some questions to reaffirm what we read and the
explanation that I will provide via zoom.
1) Respond in your folders.
a) How was Aztec society divided and what role did each person play?
b) What was the Aztec economy based on?
c) What were chinampas?
d) What does it mean that the Aztecs were polytheists?

Class 3: 07-21
The class will begin by presenting a map showing the extent of the Inca Empire:
Now that you were able to know the extent of the Inca Empire, it would be good for
us to know a little more about the civilization:

The Incas:
This civilization inhabited the Andean area of South America. His dominion began
in Cuzco, present-day Peru.
The Inca Empire was called Tahuantinsuyo, which in Quechua means ´´The four
parts´´. Those regions or suyus were: antisuyo, collasuyo, chinchaysuyo and
To learn a little more, first we will see the video of Zamba and the pre-Columbian
After watching the video, we will be able to learn a little more about the society of
the Incas.
Then we will read a little about agricultural economics:

And finally we will read about the culture and expansion of the Incas
To finish with all the information and be able to summarize the most important
things, we will carry out the following activity.
1) Complete these sentences in the folder:
a) The Incas called their empire ____________, which in Quechua means
'the four parts'.
b) The Inca economy was based on ___________.
c) Members of the nobility dedicated themselves to _________________.
2) Answer the questions:
a) What was an ayllu?
b) What did the State do with what was obtained from production?
c) What were the main gods that the Incas worshiped?
d) What was the calendar for?
e) What was the purpose of the quipu?

Class 4 : 27-07
Practical work:
1) Complete the acrostic:
2) Indicate whether these statements are T or F. Correct the false answers in
your folders:
a) The most powerful groups in American civilizations were made up of
rulers and priests. _____
b) The chinampas were created by the Mayans to be able to cultivate over
water. ____
c) Bartering involves exchanging a product for money. ____
d) The Inca civilization organized its empire by dividing the territory into two
suyus. ____
e) The tribute was a tax that was paid with products or by doing some work.
f) The Tehuelches were a sedentary people who excelled in agriculture.

3) Look at the image and solve the instructions.

a) What did the Aztecs base their calendar on? What were they using it for?
b) What differences do you find between the ancient calendars created on the
American continent and the one we use today?


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