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If when you do research on the Internet you are used to accessing all the pages of

interest in different windows and you spend too much time in each one, what
measure can you take to prevent technological stress?
User response:
Configure your cell phone notifications so that it only shows the necessary ones
You need to reinforce the topic: Savings culture
Question results
The colonization of technology in many aspects of our daily lives has generated
technological stress. Which of the following symptoms are indicators of some
degree of technological stress?
User response:
Anxiety when spending a long time without checking smartphone notifications
Turn off your cell phone to go to sleep and turn it on again when you wake up
Frustration with the implementation of new technologies for process
You need to reinforce the topic: Stress management
Question results
If you find yourself browsing the Internet in search of information to prepare a
report on education today, and you access a page with public statistics on the
subject, what type of risk can you run by accessing that page?
User response:
Theft of personal information
You need to reinforce the topic: Internet risk prevention
Question results
In addition to occupational gymnastics, there are some good practices that should
be followed to complement the exercises and enjoy good occupational health, for
User response:
Make sure the workspace is well lit so as not to tire your eyes.
Keep the monitor clean as a dirty screen is difficult to read
Question results
In order for you and your collaborators to have access to cloud storage, it is
necessary to have:
User response:
Access to a network with internet
Question results
If another collaborator in your area recommends an e-larning course to improve
performance at work, what factors will help you decide if it is a well-developed
User response:
That it has evaluations and audiovisual material since it stimulates learning with
other types of materials
You need to reinforce the topic: Digital resources
Question results
When browsing the Internet, it is common to find pages with promotions that
offer prizes or bonuses for subscribing to some kind of service or product,
through registration. A measure you should take to avoid risks in this case is:
User response:
Use content filters that allow you to block risky platforms
You need to reinforce the topic: Internet risk prevention
Question results
Sometimes you can go to discussion forums to consult opinions or advice from
other users. What precautions should be taken in these types of places to avoid
User response:
Use services that guarantee data security when carrying out transactions on the
You need to reinforce the topic: Internet risk prevention
Question results
Online shopping sites use users' bank details to carry out their transactions. When
using a site of this type that DOES NOT have security systems, there are risks of:
User response:
Theft of personal information
Question results
When browsing the Internet, it is common to find pages with promotions that
offer prizes or bonuses for subscribing to some kind of service or product,
through registration. What type of risks do these pages represent when browsing?
User response:
Incorrect or outdated information
You need to reinforce the topic: Internet risk prevention

If you find yourself browsing the Internet in search of information to prepare a

report on education today, and you access a page with public statistics on the
subject, what type of risk can you run by accessing that page?
User response:
Incorrect or outdated information
Question results
When browsing the Internet, it is common to find pages with promotions that
offer prizes or bonuses for subscribing to some kind of service or product,
through registration. A measure you should take to avoid risks in this case is:
User response:
Avoid sharing your personal information with unknown users and sites
Question results
When you carry out very specific research on the Internet, it is important that you
have the skills to search, select and interpret information to avoid risks of:
User response:
Inefficient or useless searches
Question results
If another collaborator in your area recommends an e-larning course to improve
performance at work, what factors will help you decide if it is a well-developed
User response:
That the academic program is organized by learning modules and has evaluations
and support material
Question results
Considering the most notable benefits of cloud storage, in which of the following
cases does its use NOT represent an advantage?
User response:
You need to reinforce the topic: Digital resources
Question results
Sometimes you can go to discussion forums to consult opinions or advice from
other users. What precautions should be taken in these types of places to avoid
User response:
Search information in databases and reliable sources with references to the
You need to reinforce the topic: Internet risk prevention
Question results
The colonization of technology in many aspects of our daily lives has generated
technological stress. Which of the following symptoms are indicators of some
degree of technological stress?
User response:
Anxiety when spending a long time without checking smartphone notifications
Have numerous browser windows open to perform multiple tasks simultaneously
You need to reinforce the topic: Stress management
Question results
If you detect an error while collaboratively editing a file, what tools will allow
you to detect the collaborator who made the change and add an indication to
request its correction?
User response:
Bug Check
You need to reinforce the topic: Digital resources
Question results
Which of the following benefits can encourage the implementation of work
gymnastics in an office or a group of collaborators?
User response:
Reduce the likelihood of physical injuries when exerting effort
Question results
If your organization contracts a cloud service, one of the most important
guarantees that collaborators have is:
User response:
The service will be available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
You need to reinforce the topic: Digital resources

Online shopping sites use users' bank details to carry out their transactions. When
using a site of this type that DOES NOT have security systems, there are risks of:
User response:
Theft of personal information
Question results
In addition to occupational gymnastics, there are some good practices that should
be followed to complement the exercises and enjoy good occupational health, for
User response:
Make sure the workspace is well lit so as not to tire your eyes.
You need to reinforce the topic: Savings culture
Question results
If you're editing a file with a group of collaborators, what do you need to do to
add editing permissions to one more user?
User response:
Click on the share button and enter the email of the new collaborator
Question results
If you are looking for tools that allow you to carry out an activity efficiently and
dynamically, which of the following digital resources will allow you to achieve
User response:
Digital cloud storage
Question results
If when you do research on the Internet you are used to accessing all the pages of
interest in different windows and you spend too much time in each one, what
measure can you take to prevent technological stress?
User response:
Focus on one task at a time by limiting connection time depending on the task
Question results
If you detect an error while collaboratively editing a file, what tools will allow
you to detect the collaborator who made the change and add an indication to
request its correction?
User response:
Bug Check
Margin comments
dynamic editing
You need to reinforce the topic: Digital resources
Question results
When you carry out very specific research on the Internet, it is important that you
have the skills to search, select and interpret information to avoid risks of:
User response:
Inefficient or useless searches
Question results
If another collaborator in your area recommends an e-larning course to improve
performance at work, what factors will help you decide if it is a well-developed
User response:
That the academic program is organized by learning modules and has evaluations
and support material
Question results
Correctly order the steps to perform labor gymnastics exercises for the hands.
User response:



Question results
If your organization contracts a cloud service, one of the most important
guarantees that collaborators have is:
User response:
No one will have access to your files except those you authorize

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