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Importance of reading

• Strengthening the family relationship:

• Reading at home strengthens the bond between parents
and children. Adults can amaze children with books and
discover a surprising world1.
• Creating lifelong habits: Encouraging reading from an
early age helps develop habits that can last a lifetime.
Children learn mainly by imitating their parents, so example
is essential2.
• Stimulation of imagination and understanding: Books
expand the child's experiences, allowing them to learn
about the world and define their reading tastes. In addition,
they develop their own criteria about what they want to
In summary, reading not only enriches vocabulary and
linguistic skills, but also contributes to the comprehensive
development of children3.
One of the most important elements that characterize
reading in children is the strengthening of their relationship
with adults, and specifically with their parents. It should be
at home where the child has his first contact with reading,
which should be promoted by fathers and mothers. They
are the main promoters of reading habits in children, and
those responsible for providing children with all the
materials necessary for their learning process. In this sense,
buying books to learn to read is a fundamental task that
should not be overlooked due to the valuable methods.

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