ER Assignment 4

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MGMT-6088 Employee Relations




Submitted By:

Jijoy Varghese
Sreehari Devakumar
Mathew Baby

Submitted to:
Prof. Carolina Andrade

Submission Date: 11/03/2023

MGMT-6088 Employee Relations

Question 1. Internal And External Communication.

Internal Communication:

1. Set clear expectations: Start by setting clear expectations about communication in the workplace.
Make sure your employees understand the importance of timely and effective communication, and
what is expected of them in terms of communicating with colleagues and managers.
2. Encourage open communication: Encourage your employees to share their thoughts and ideas
openly with each other. Create a culture of transparency where everyone feels comfortable
voicing their opinions and concerns.
3. Improve listening skills: Listening is a critical aspect of effective communication. Encourage
your employees to actively listen to each other and to ask questions to clarify any
4. Provide feedback: Provide your employees with regular feedback on their communication skills.
Identify areas where they can improve and provide support and training to help them develop
these skills.
External Communication:
1. Develop a clear communication plan: Develop a clear communication plan for your sales team,
including guidelines for how they should communicate with customers. Ensure that all team
members understand and follow the plan.
2. Understand your customers: Encourage your sales team to understand your customers' needs
and preferences. Teach them how to ask questions and actively listen to customers to build strong
3. Maintain a professional tone: Encourage your sales team to maintain a professional tone in all
their communications with customers. This includes being polite, respectful, and avoiding any
language that may be offensive.
4. Use technology effectively: Teach your sales team how to use technology effectively to
communicate with customers, such as email, social media, and other digital tools. Make sure they
understand the importance of responding promptly and courteously to customer inquiries.

Essentials Of Written And Verbal Communication

1. Clarity: Written communication should be clear and easy to understand. Avoid using complex
vocabulary or jargon, and be concise and to the point.

MGMT-6088 Employee Relations

2. Structure: Use a clear structure for your written communication. Organize your message with
an introduction, main points, and conclusion.
3. Tone: Choose the appropriate tone for your written communication. The tone should be
professional and respectful.
4. Grammar and spelling: Make sure to use correct grammar and spelling in your written
communication. Errors can detract from the message and make the communication difficult to
5. Formatting: Use appropriate formatting for your written communication, including headings,
bullet points, and white space. This will help to make the message more visually appealing and
easier to read.
Essentials of Verbal Communication:
 Clarity: Verbal communication should be clear and easy to understand. Speak clearly and at an
appropriate pace.
 Listening: Active listening is an important part of verbal communication. Pay attention to what
the other person is saying, and ask questions to clarify any misunderstandings.
 Nonverbal communication: Nonverbal cues, such as body language and tone of voice, can
convey as much meaning as the actual words being spoken. Be aware of your own nonverbal
communication and pay attention to the nonverbal cues of the person you are speaking with.
 Empathy: Show empathy in your verbal communication. Try to understand the other person's
point of view and be respectful of their feelings.
 Confidence: Speak with confidence in your verbal communication. Use a clear and strong tone
of voice, and avoid filler words or phrases.

Conflict Resolution Strategies:

 Competitive Style (Win/Lose) - This style involves a high degree of assertiveness and a low
degree of cooperation. The goal of the competitive style is to win the conflict at the expense of
the other party. This style is appropriate when the issue is time-sensitive, when there is a need
for a quick decision, or when the other party is unwilling to cooperate. (Palmer, C, 2022)
 Collaboration (Win/Win) - Collaboration is a conflict resolution strategy that emphasizes
cooperation and finding a mutually beneficial solution for all parties involved. Collaboration is
also known as the win/win strategy because it focuses on finding a solution that benefits
everyone. This style is appropriate when the relationship between the parties is important, when
MGMT-6088 Employee Relations

there is a need for ongoing cooperation, or when creative problem-solving is necessary.

(Palmer, C, 2022)
 Compromise (½ win, ½ lose) - Compromise is a conflict resolution strategy that involves both
parties in a dispute agreeing to give up some of their demands in order to reach a mutually
acceptable solution. In a compromise, both parties are willing to negotiate and find a middle
ground where they each get some of what they want, but neither party gets everything they
want. (Palmer, C, 2022)
 Accommodate (Lose/Win) - Accommodation is a conflict resolution strategy that involves one
party in a dispute giving in to the demands or preferences of the other party. In an
accommodation strategy, one party willingly sacrifices their own interests to meet the needs of
the other party. (Palmer, C, 2022)

Question 2.

Link to the Linkedln Account

 Jijoy Varghese -
 Sreehari Devakumar -
 Mathew Baby -

MGMT-6088 Employee Relations


Palmer, C. (2022, June 14). Human Resources for Operations Managers. Retrieved from


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