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1. You have been given a job as a monitoring and evaluation expert in your county
government XYZ. You have decided to use the 100 days to lay ground for this key
department in the county government. A quick observation into departmental operations
reveal ineffective M&E programs at the County Government. There is grapevine that M&E
at the county Government, since election of the new Governor, has for more than five
occasions used for Political witch-hunting. To be specific, it is stated that in the las two
years, four different staff have been fired based on M&E feedback on their ineffectiveness.
Then there is the second rumours that M&E data, on previous occasions, have been
manipulated to portray a positive picture of a number of county projects, whilst the reality
was opposite. Such a move, so is the rumour, has been intended to keep donor funding
coming into the benefactor’s pockets. Now, with a clear information on past experience,
you are very much determined to deliver on your mandate and shift the populace perception
as M&E is concerned.

a) Outline the steps to be followed when setting up a monitoring and evaluation system at
XYZ county (10 marks)
b) Discuss the main concerns of monitoring and evaluation department at XYZ county
(10 marks)
c) Enumerate factors that will make the monitoring and evaluation department to work
efficiently and effectively (8 marks)

2. a) Describe the characteristics of monitoring control and evaluation in project management.

(10 marks)
b) Outline the process of audience analysis in project communication. (8 marks)

3. a) Identify four monitoring guides used when managing projects in organizations

(8 marks)
b) Outline steps followed when setting up an efficient and effective project control process
in a project (10 marks)

4. a) Critically analyze the bottlenecks of project success (12 marks)

b) Highlight six contemporary issues in Project Management. (6 marks)

5. a) Identify and explain the three main types of Audits (6 marks)

b) Examine the motives behind performing an audit in a project (12 marks)

6. a) Explain ways of terminating a project (8 marks)

1 DPM632/DPM234/J12D5A
b) Examine the main challenges in monitoring and evaluation stage of project management
(10 marks)

2 DPM632/DPM234/J12D5A

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