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Early childhood education , preschool education or initial education is the name given to the
training cycle prior to compulsory primary education established in many parts of the Latin
American world. In some places, it is part of the formal education system and in others it is a day
care center or kindergarten and covers the age of 0 to 6 years. It generally begins at age 3,
although now in some parts of the world it has launched a cycle of education called "initial
education" which consists of educating the child from the moment he is in his mother's womb,
since it is said that from the development within his mother he begins a learning process, in which
he is gives greater priority from birth.

The term "preschool" is currently out of use, since it is not an education that prepares for the
school stage, but rather it is an educational level with its own characteristics, teachings that
prepare the child for life, and not a preparatory one for primary school. That is why many
institutions decide to call it initial education. [ citation needed ]

This institution has and has had other various ways of being called depending on the country, the
current educational system or the specific age of the child, such as initial education, kindergarten
education, early childhood education, nursery school, daycare, kindergarten, kindergarten. ,
nursery school, kindergarten, kindergarten, kindergarten, kindergarten, etc.; This depends on how
it is established in each country.

The first years of life in the human being are fundamental for the future development of the
required skills, that is why the childhood stage must and requires to be stimulated in every way,
creating and generating learning that in future life will be basic for life. This stage is very important
for the child's development, where knowledge is acquired prior to its training in the following
cycles, but despite being so important, many consider it a waste of time and do not give it enough
value; with this affecting the child, since they block better development for him. This education
has main objectives that, when achieved, will bring great changes in the new generations, as they
will have greater preparation in their training.

Initial Education is a right of children; It is the right to receive education, and when dealing with
young children, the aspect of parenting appears related, a quality parenting that, providing a
pedagogical perspective, will help not only the child, but also his family, to understand the physical
and psychological of the infant. We must not forget that the commitment of the teaching and
support staff to fulfill the purposes that have been planned is very similar to that of the family, but
it does not replace it but rather complements it.

Initial education is intended to guarantee harmonious development for the child, and for this
reason there is a pedagogical program and its operation is the responsibility of all adults who
relate to and exert an influence on minors, they may be their relatives or personnel specialized in
education. It is provided in two modalities: schooled and non-schooled.

The age of the children is between 0 and 6 years old. These ages are divided into two cycles: first
cycle, between 0 and 3 years; and a second cycle, which goes from 3 to 6 years of age. They learn
how to communicate, play and interact with others appropriately. A teacher offers them various
materials to manipulate and carry out activities that motivate them to learn the language and its
vocabulary , Mathematics , science , foreign languages and IT , as well as Art and Music . In this
process, children can achieve a fairly high level of knowledge that will help in their development
throughout their lives.

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