Dessert Markets Inv SURVEY

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We are students of the research and development university, of the industrial engineering
program, we are carrying out market research for the creation of a personalized dessert
company, through which we want to know your opinion. This survey is voluntary and by
completing it you do not incur any commitment.

I. TO continuation will find questions of selection with only

1) Please indicate your gender:
a) F
b) M

2) Which of the following categories does your current age fall into?
a) 18 to 25 years
b) 26 to 35 years
c) 36 to 45 years
d) More than 46

3) Please indicate your occupation:

a) Student
b) independent
c) Businessman
d) Employee

4) Please indicate your place of residence:

a) Bucaramanga
b) Floridablanca
c) Giron
d) Foothills

5) Do you eat desserts?

a) Yeah
b) No

6) Would you like to be able to combine your favorite desserts into one?
a) Yeah
b) No

If your answer was negative, please go to question number 13.

7) How often do you eat desserts?
a) Daily
b) Weekly
c) Fortnightly
d) Monthly
II. Below you will find multiple choice selection questions.
8) Indicate your preferred flavors. Mark maximum 3.
a) Lemon e) Berries
b) Passion fruit f) Soursop
g) Mango
c) Chocolate h) Three milks_____
d) Strawberry

9) Of the following alternatives, indicate which one you would add to your dessert of
a) Chocolate chips f) Chopped fruit
g) Cereal
b) Grated cheese h) Nuts
c) Lecherita
d) Coconut
e) Blackberry sauce

III. Selection questions with only one answer.

10) Currently, how much do you pay for your favorite dessert?
a) Less than 5000
b) 6000 to 8000
c) 9000 to 12000
d) 12000 to 15000
e) More than 15,000

11)How much do you consume desserts?

a) Personal portion ____

b) More than two servings ____
c) Dessert for 5 people ____
d) Dessert for 8 people _____

12)Of the following establishments, where do you consume desserts?

a) neighborhood stores e) Malls
b) Coffee shops f) Bakeries
c) Chain stores g) Greengrocers
h) Pastries ___
d) Supermarkets
13)Why wouldn't you try personalized desserts
a) He doesn't like desserts
b) He doesn't like sweets
c) For health (allergies or other diseases)
d) For the price
e) I'm not attracted to the idea

14)On a scale of 1 to 7, rate how interesting the product seems to you.

Nothing Very
Interesting 1 23 4 5 6 7 Interesting

Your answers and opinions are very important for the development of the

Thank you for your time and collaboration.

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