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Holidays homework
Class-12th commerce
A~Write ~hese questions In your notebook
Q.1 Explain functions of central bank.
2 economy?
Q~ How commercial bank helps to create credit in the
3 What are the quantitative and qualitative measures to control credit by central bank?
:4 What are the objectives of government budget? d· ?
Q: 5 Explain the struc ture of government budget. nt of In ia.
through policies of infrastructure devel opme
Q: 6 What objectives did the British intend to achieve
Q: 7 What do you under stand by the drain of Indian
wealth during colonial period?
. 1
Q:8 Were there any positive contr ibutio ns made by the British in India? Discuss .
e contr adicti on in the light of empl oyme nt gener ation
Q:9 Does modernisation as a planning objective creat
Explain. tiv_e~
Q: lO Why was it neces sary for a developing count
ry like India to follow self reliance as a plann ing ~bj_ec
d and how did it benefi~ the farme rs? Expla in in brie •
Q: 11 What is green revolution? Why was it implemente
Q: 12 Explain how impo rt subst itutio n can prote
ct domestic industry. te
Q: 13 Explain reform s of liberalisation. ed by the gove rnme nt to prom o
state the meas ures adopt
Q:14 What is mean t by globalisation of the economy?
high grow th of the servic e secto r?
Q: 15 What are the majo r factors responsible for the
B) Revise All ncert questions from back exerc ises
C) Do prop er revis ion for Term 1

Revise partn ershi p accou nt for terminal exam eg. Form ulas, forma ts, flow chart s of treat ment
chapt er on your note books (for
Prepa re short notes of every
goodwill etc.)


Comp lete pract ical file
Revise unit no 1 to 4. For first term exam.

SUBJECT; ENGLISH t to follow in maki ng proje ct.

Do both proje cts by following below ment ioned layou
SHEET 1- Cover Page with title, school detail s, detai ls of stude nts
SHEET 2-Sta temen t of purpo se/ Objec tive/ Goal
nce of the teach er.
SHEET 3- Certificate of Completion unde r the guida
SHEET 4-Action Plan
* 3-4 lines abou t the proje ct.
* Resea rch Tools and Methodology.
* Supp orting Material-AV Aids / PPT
SHEET 5- Intro ducti on of the Project.
SHEET 6- Body of the Proje ct
* Supp orting Mate rial * Ques tionn aire
* Case Study * Assig nmen ts
* Surve y Repo rt * Tran scrip ts
* Articles * Inter view
SHEET 7-REPORT: 800-1 000 word essay /scri pt/re port
and learn ing outcomes
100-1 50 word s parag raph abou t the expe rienc e
2.Ac know ledge ment
1. Index 4.Ob jectiv es
3 . Certi ficate of Comp letion
5 .Abo ut the Poete ss (with photo ) 6.Poe tess' Perso nal
Experience • Comm on paradox or Human
Rela tions hips
7 •• Portrayal or Sensat' IS ter
8. Plight or Old A p iona epantion Between a Mother and a Daugh )
9.Reasons 8 h .•dgeh eople : Ugly Truth About Old Age (with photos
e in t e Need or Old Age Homes
IO.Respect ror Elderly Parents
11. S~r~ss-Free and Secured Life or Aged People
12. V1s1t to an dOld Age Home ( photos or some aged people living In such homes)
13 • Pos1·t·1ve an Negativ opinion
. e • · s or Aged People Living In Old Age Homes
14 How to Strike a Balance Between Duties and Responsibilities or Children and Society

15.Data Regarding Miserable State or Old Age People
16.Role Of to Improve the Plight or Aged People
17.Bibliography or References st
11 • Co nd uct an Interview with an old- aged person. Prepare a Questionnaire consisting 15 que io~, write
pages with picture s) You can take ideas
answe rs a nd th en prepar e a report in about 800 words ( maximum 7-8
from the following links:
l.hllps ://slate .com/h uman- in tere!>112018/01/inleniew-"ith-an-oldpe
fa 1Js-idaho.html
2.hllps:// an-wh o-hves -old-age-
3 .btlps://
home- " 'rite-se t-8-10 -
l_S 1308#z=HwkdilQ,,
4}Uestionsinlcrview-you-may-take-belp-follo,-i ng-pointswritingskll


1. Index
2 . Ackno wledg ement
3 Certificate of Completion
5. Definition of Child Labou r st
th:eY are emplo yed Diamo nd Indu ry
6. Child labour : Causes and Consequences 7.Different indust ries" 'here
acturing ,etc.
Bangle makin g Indust ry Firewo rk or crackers Carpel weaving Slik manuf
they suffer from
8. Hazardous Worki ng condit ions and. kind of injuries and diseases
9.Initiative agains t child labour by Indian govern ment Various NGOs
10. Intern ationa l Labou r Organisation
11.SOS Children's Village in India
12.The Child Labou r Prohibition And Regulation Act ,1986
13.Statistics showi ng child labour in India
14. Ways to elimin ate child labour
Labour in India. Prepa re a Quest ionnai re
II. Conduct an interv iew with any social activist workin g to stop Child
about 800 words ( maxim um 7-8 pages with
consisting 15 questions, write answe rs and then prepar e a report in
picture s) I.bit ps://w ww .resear cbgate .net/to pic/Ch ild-La bor


establi sh is as an Art
Ql. What is meant by Management? Explain its any three feature s that
Q2. What is meant by coordi nator? State its any four featur es
Q3.Explain the principles of Henry fayol
Q4. Explain the dim~nsions of busine ss enviro nment
QS. What do mean by planni ng and explain its proces s
Q6.Explain organising and it's impor tance

Revision first term exam

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